Douluo: I, the Holy Son of Poseidon Pavilion, am unparalleled in the world

Chapter 390 Su Qingfeng’s plan: Then just lock me up!

Chapter 390 Su Qingfeng’s plan: Then imprison me for ten years! (big chapter)
"Goddess of Nature, this is a matter between me and her. You'd better leave it alone and get out of here! I'm here on the orders of the God King."

"Guangming, you are so bold. Although you have endured the Nine Tribulations of God, you did not receive the Ninth Thunder. Therefore, you are punished to be imprisoned in the dungeon of God for ten years, facing the wall and thinking about your mistakes. Do you have any complaints?"

The God of Darkness glanced at the Goddess of Nature.

It is understandable that the Goddess of Light is disheveled, but what if the Goddess of Nature is blushing and her clothes are messy?
She is very hot. Does she have a fever?

"Why? Still have to be punished? Ten years in prison? This punishment is too severe!"

The goddess of nature immediately spoke out. Although the ten years of imprisonment seemed short, it was not short, especially the time in the God Realm. After ten years, the world of the God Realm would be completely new.

Moreover, the goddess of light has already suffered the nine calamities of God, so why should she be imprisoned for ten years?
After eating the taste of the young god from the Goddess of Light, the Goddess of Nature now has a good attitude and is quite protective of her best friends.

This is a sweet taste!
"If you have any objections, go tell them to the committee. What's the use of telling me?"

The God of Darkness was angry.

"What committee? I don't believe the committee will make such a decision. It's all your master Tang San's decision, right?"

The goddess of nature snorted.

The God of Darkness stared at him and said: "Isn't the decision of Tang Shenwang the decision of the committee?"

"Tch!" The goddess of nature was obviously unconvinced.

The goddess of light didn't look very good when she heard this.

Ten years, ten years, if you can't see the young god in ten years, that will be really painful!

The God of Darkness hesitated for a moment, then continued:

"Light...Light, the God King has given you a choice. As long as you are willing to give up your life in the God Realm, go back to live in seclusion on the Black Pluto Star, reflect on it, and stop interacting with the Young God, you will be confined in the dungeon for these ten years. no."

"Black Pluto? Isn't that the plane you're in charge of?"

The goddess of light sneered and said lightly:

"His main purpose is to cut off the connection between me and Young God, right?"

"That is, do you want to live a bright and hidden life, or do you want to live with you? I'm afraid there is some selfishness in this, right?" the goddess of nature said sarcastically.

The face of the God of Darkness became increasingly ugly:

"Guangming, we are a match made in heaven! You don't understand my feelings. Our relationship has always been very good before, but this time you actually did such a thing in the lower world!"

"But it doesn't matter. As long as you are willing to change your ways, I won't dislike you. After all, you are a young god. I can understand. I will take you to settle in Black Pluto Star, live a happy life, and stay away from such complicated things in the God Realm. Isn't it good? ?”

"The power of the Nine Tribulations of God is so great. I feel sorry for you. You used to be so holy and noble, but now you have fallen into the dust and become so embarrassed. You have to endure ten years of imprisonment. The Prison of God is specially designed to imprison gods. Building with a divine beast will suppress and devour your divine power and corrode your body. It will be unpleasant, so you should make a wise choice."

The God of Darkness became more and more excited as he spoke.

There are actually many couples in the God Realm. These couples may not have an actual husband-wife relationship, but they are generally considered compatible by the gods and have an ambiguous relationship with the gods. They will call each other by intimate nicknames. In this boring God Realm, Find a little love life.

However, since Su Qingfeng came to the God Realm, everything has changed.

Regardless of those who had a partner before or those who did not, they were all fascinated by the young god Su Qingfeng.

As a result, all the other male gods had taken orders. Naturally, they were very resentful, but they did not dare to do anything to Su Qingfeng blatantly. After all, the Goddess Alliance who protected the young god was not jealous.

Once they make any public remarks that endanger the reputation and safety of the Young God, they will face a crusade from the Goddess Alliance.

It is so sad that many male gods are suffering.

No, today is also the annual Couple's Day in the God Realm. In the past, people who had a partner or a crush would go out to the God Realm together and do shows, and have a lot of fun, but they can't do it this year.

Because he is totally single!
A group of male gods joined the male god newspaper group consisting of Dai Mubai, Oscar, Ma Hongjun and other gods to warm up, and carried out a heart-breaking activity, huddled together and cursed in private.

They also invited Tang San to participate.

But Tang San decisively refused, the reason being:
Although Xiao Wu is giving me the cold shoulder now, it's probably because I made her angry somewhere. I haven't been cheated on, I'm very good, I have a wife, a daughter, and rights. Why should I be sad? !
The God of Darkness doesn't want to participate in the Heartbreak Fate, so he still wants to retain the Goddess of Light.

But how can people who have eaten a gluttonous feast be willing to eat chaff?

The goddess of light shook her head:
"I will not go to Black Pluto Star, nor will I be with you. Just treat me as sorry for you, and we are over."

"Yes, Darkness, don't humiliate yourself. She will never live with you even if she is with me. What's more, you have never held a wedding and made yourself look so affectionate. You still have one on the Black Pluto Star. How many confidantes are there, do you think we don’t know?”

The goddess of nature stood beside the goddess of light and hummed:

"Master Shaoshen's food is so delicious, you? You are the only one who still wants to possess the light. You are more than wishful thinking. You don't even know how fierce and powerful Shaoshen is. I feel full of energy even when I eat indirect food. Little black worms are dancing on the tip of your tongue, don’t make yourself embarrassed!”

"Of course, you...why are you talking about this! Oops!"

Unexpectedly, the goddess of nature couldn't hold back her words. The goddess of light blushed extremely after hearing this. What explicit words she said!

Isn’t this all exposed?
Hearing this, the God of Darkness also felt a surge of blood in his heart, and he was very angry:
"He is so handsome. How strong and fierce can a young man who has just broken through to the divine realm be? You pissed me off!"

"I treated you with respect and respect your wishes before, but now I will exercise my husband's rights!"

"you dare!"

"Of course, just stand by and take a closer look. Who is stronger, me or him?"

The God of Darkness raised his hand, and a divine prison was formed, locking the goddess of nature inside.

Seeing this scene, the goddess of nature's elf-like face showed a panic expression:
"Tang San actually made an exception and handed over the control of the Divine Prison to you! Let me out quickly! How dare you!"


The God of Darkness opened the divine cage, and a look of madness appeared in his eyes. This holy body was now full of lightning scars, like a work of art, which made him love it even more.

The goddess of light’s eyes widened and she gritted her teeth and said:

"You should know the consequences of doing this."

"Consequences? What consequences can there be? Afterwards, I will lock all the divine power in your body and take you back to the Black Pluto Star. As for her, you can let her be your sister, or cooperate with the soul suppression effect of the divine prison, With my divine power, it shouldn't be difficult to seal a memory of hers.

I will report it to the committee. If you change your mind and come back with me voluntarily, everyone will be happy, and the gods will be happy to see such a situation. "

Deep in the dungeon, the God of Darkness's unbridled laughter could be heard.

In the deeper dark room, their faces and bodies could not be seen clearly in the dimness, but they seemed to hear the sinister laughter, as if recalling an existence that frightened and disgusted them, and they could not help but tremble and curse softly. One sentence:
"Dirty, shameful, despicable god!"

"But how long do I have to stay in this dark place? I have almost forgotten the outside world."

"I regret... I regret it. If I hadn't softened my heart and killed them decisively, why would I have done this!"

...But at this moment, at the end of the deep prison road, a fairy-like figure flashed over at an extremely fast speed.

At this moment, for the angry immortal!

The young man's figure appeared behind the God of Darkness in an instant. One hand grabbed the back of his neck and lifted him up.

That peerless handsome face was extremely solemn:
"Who gave you the right to do this?"

"Where I come from, deliberately forcing a woman to have sex is a serious crime!"

The God of Darkness was caught off guard, and was thrown behind him by the big hand. He rolled out for more than ten meters. The force was so strong that the God of Darkness' head was spinning.

The God of Darkness also has an angry look on his face. Who dares to ruin his good deeds? Be bold!

Just when I came back to my senses, I got up from the ground and saw that the figure was particularly familiar. Who could it be if it wasn't the young god Su Qingfeng?
"Young... Young God, why are you here?" The God of Darkness was stunned.

The goddess of nature grabbed the edge of the cage, but was knocked back by the electric current. She still said excitedly:

"Young God, it's Young God! Young God is actually here! As expected of Young God, he's so handsome! Young God has come to save us again. If I could marry someone like Young God, I don't know how happy I would be~ "

"Young God, are you okay? Didn't the ninth thunder hurt you?"

This majestic Juechen figure once again stood in front of him, with only joy on the face of the goddess of light.

Because Su Qingfeng seemed to be safe and sound, with no injuries on her body, which made her feel much better.

She had been worried that Su Qingfeng would be severely injured because he helped her block the ninth thunder, and she would be very sad and blame herself.

"I'm fine, don't worry."

Su Qingfeng gave the goddess of light a reassuring look.

The goddess of light felt the most heartwarming moment in her life. Originally, she took advantage of the matter with the young god, but now she still has trouble with the young god to help her and save her. She would be really ashamed.

Shaoshen is her younger brother, she should love and protect him!

However, that little boy has grown up now!

Well, it is indeed quite big. She has held it, pinched it and even eaten it~

Su Qingfeng turned around, looked at the God of Darkness, and said coldly: "I am the Young God of the God Realm and the God of Law Enforcement. Can't I come?"

"Yes, but the young god has a noble status. This dungeon is filthy and dirty, and I'm afraid it will dirty the young god's body. Those evil beasts are imprisoned here for tens of thousands of people, and there is no place to eat, drink or relieve themselves. They are extremely barbaric. I also stand for it." Shao Shen considers it.”

"Think about me? Haha."

Su Qingfeng gave him a cold look:
"If I remember correctly, the severe punishment of the gods, especially the determination of the number of years for the gods to be thrown into the dungeon, requires a vote by the committee members. I did not participate in the vote. What? Or even though I have a seat on the committee, I That vote doesn’t count?”

"Young God, you have just joined the committee and you don't know something. Before that, most matters of the committee were decided by King Tang Shen. He worked hard and diligently, and the decisions he made were always recognized by everyone. Young God Just go back and ask King Tang Shen."

The God of Darkness didn't look very good. The scandal was exposed and interrupted. He felt itchy and had nowhere to vent. If the young man in front of him was not Su Qingfeng, if it were other second- and third-level gods, I'm afraid he would take action directly. .

I thought that if Tang San was moved out, the young god in front of him would be scrupulous and change the story.

Unexpectedly, the young man dismissed it and said coldly:

"It turns out that the divine power of Tang Shenwang is so great. Since it is Tang Shenwang who wants to punish me, I can't reverse it. Who makes Tang Shenwang strong and powerful? Covering the sky with one hand, the entire God Realm is His garden."

"Since the goddess of light will be locked up here for ten years, then I will stay with her here for ten years."

There was a clang.

Su Qingfeng actually walked into the cage of the Goddess of Light, locked the door with his backhand, and sat cross-legged inside without going anywhere.

The God of Darkness' eyelids twitched, he was frightened, and he quickly raised his hands and said:

"Young God! How is this possible? You are the law enforcement god of the committee. King Tang Shen even regards you as the future leader of the God Realm. No one has the right to imprison you, let alone for ten years!"

The God of Darkness cursed secretly in his heart:
Grass! People haven't arrived yet, and now there's trouble!

This young god is really full and has nothing to do. So many goddesses like him, and he has no shortage of women. Why would he do this for a goddess of light?
Does he want to be the most affectionate person in the God Realm?
"Go away. By the way, let her go."

Su Qingfeng ignored the God of Darkness at all.

Instead, he pointed lightly at the goddess of nature, signaling the god of darkness to let her go.

The goddess of nature was flattered. Unexpectedly, Su Qingfeng noticed her, with a beautiful smile on her face, and waved to Su Qingfeng, Hi ~ Young God ~

"Ahem, yes, I have a warrant from the Goddess of Life to look after the light, but you dare to lock me up!"

"Of course, the goddess of nature did not violate the divine law. Just now...just now I was just afraid that she would do something impulsive, so I stopped her temporarily and let her go."

The bars of the cage opened, and the goddess of nature glanced at the god of darkness:
"I have looked down on you before. Although you are a first-level god, I think you are worse than those divine beasts. Hmph! Shameless!"

"Young Master please come out and don't embarrass me."

The God of Darkness' face was bruised and red, but he still said shamelessly.

How arrogant and condescending he was before, now he is so humble.

"If you don't go out, you go back and tell Tang San that I am willing to be tortured with the Goddess of Light. Just lock me up for ten years."

Su Qingfeng said calmly.

The God of Darkness is already panicking. If other gods find out that he dares to shut down Su Qingfeng, he will be doomed!
Just the spit of the Goddess Alliance can drown him.

Just as he was about to persuade her again, Su Qingfeng said: "Go away, don't let me despise you, just go if you are told."

The God of Darkness could only leave the Dungeon of God with his tail between his legs in dejection.

The goddess of nature pouted and hummed:
"It's easy for him, just let him go like this, the damn God of Darkness, at least we can clearly see his character today, bah, he is simply a beast."

The goddess of light was also worried and said: "Young God, you can't stay with me for ten years. You have just become a god. These ten years are crucial to you, not to mention the poor conditions in the god's prison. I can't bear for you to do this."

Su Qingfeng smiled faintly and looked outside the dungeon of the gods, everything was under control:

"Don't worry, we won't be locked up for ten years. Soon, many gods will come to see us."

"As for him, the God of Darkness, of course he will not be so easy on him. He will suffer a punishment worse than the Nine Tribulations of God."

"Goddess of Nature, now I want to trouble you. From the dungeon to the west of the Eight Hundred Gods, there is a golden court. When I came here, there were some goddesses discussing gossip. Go there and spread the news here. Just say I was suppressed by Tang San and imprisoned in the divine prison with the Goddess of Light."

Hearing this, the goddess of nature's eyes lit up:
Young God, so smart! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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