Douluo: I, the Holy Son of Poseidon Pavilion, am unparalleled in the world

Chapter 391 Hu Liena, a prisoner girl from Douluo Continent who lived thousands of years ago

Chapter 391 Hu Liena, a prisoner from Douluo Continent who lived thousands of years ago (big chapter)
"What? The young god is imprisoned in the dungeon of the gods?"

"What? King Tang Shen wants to imprison Shao Shen for ten years?"

"What??? Just because the young god blocked a ninth thunderbolt for the goddess of light, King Tang Shen is going to use the most severe torture in the divine world to punish the young god?"

"What? King Tang Shen wants to kill the young god?"

"Bold! Who dares to kill Young God! Even if he is Tang Shenwang, he can't be so arrogant!"

"It's time to die! This bastard Tang San is going to bully the young god!"

"Damn it, I don't believe it anymore, Tang San really wants to cover the sky with one hand!"

"Let's go to the Divine Prison together. We will all accompany the Young God to see if Tang San dares to attack the Young God!"

"Anyone who dares to harm Young God is our enemy!"

Flying out of the divine prison, the goddess of nature quickly found the goddesses of the Goddess Alliance, blended into the crowd, and quietly interjected a few words about Su Qingfeng and the goddess of light.

Leak out the fact that Su Qingfeng was imprisoned in the Prison of Gods by Tang San and the God of Darkness.

Unexpectedly, it instantly caused a violent reaction from the goddesses. In just a few minutes, the girls were furious!
Soon, the news reached the ears of other goddesses, and then spread radially to all parts of the God Realm.

In just a few hours, fifty goddesses reached an agreement and flew towards the dungeon of gods.

And behind them, several figures will appear from time to time, flying towards the same goal with them. In the end, hundreds of goddesses will surely gather together!
Shura God's Residence, this is a majestic dark building.

There is no trace of carvings or patterns in the entire building. The walls and floors are made of smooth black stones without any patterns. There are only cold surfaces and cold tones. Standing in it feels like you are in a deep pool.

The surface above the door was uneven and looked like it had been cut together with a sharp blade. The door itself is also the same dark black, without any other color matching. When the door slowly opened, a suffocating, dark and gloomy atmosphere was revealed inside, making people feel timid and fearful.

Once you step into the mansion, you will feel an unusual sense of darkness and murderous aura. The entire mansion is filled with deathly silence, except for the sound of creepy footsteps.

High above the divine residence, a black figure passed by and landed on the balcony.

Not long after, Tang San's surprised voice came from the balcony:
"What? Su Qingfeng also went to the dungeon of gods? He wants to accompany the goddess of light to jail? Why did you take this Buddha to the dungeon for?!"

"God King, I didn't want to get him there, he went there on his own. I'm still depressed."

"This kid, what on earth do you think? You don't enjoy a noble and luxurious life, but you have to go to jail for a bright future. I think you had too many opportunities in the first half of your life and received too much favor. There is no concept of misery.”

"Does only one person know about this? We must not publicize it and let Destruction know about it. That would be troublesome."

After hearing what happened to Su Qingfeng, Tang San felt completely bad and quickly gave instructions.

It’s just that the God of Darkness has an ugly face:
"God King, I'm afraid this matter cannot be hidden, the goddess of nature was also there at that time."

"What? Why is she here too?"

"It is said that the goddess of life asked her to take care of the light."

"The goddess of nature is here, so you're going to have a showdown with the goddess of light?"

"Yes...yes, what's wrong?"

"What the hell..."

Stupid, what an idiot!

"It's okay, it's okay. Now, go and watch the goddess of nature immediately, and then we can solve it slowly."

At this time, a strong wind blew outside Shura God's residence, and the Wind God came riding on the wind. Several other elemental gods - the God of Earth, the God of Fire, and the God of Water, also came.

Seeing the other gods coming, Tang San asked the God of Darkness to go back to the house to avoid being seen by others.

Fengshen came first and said:

"King God, I heard that you want to imprison the young god for ten years. Is this true?"

The figure wearing a hat like a mushroom umbrella emerged from the ground, blowing his beard and staring:
"I also heard that Tang San, you want to kill the Young God?! If you do this, you will become the enemy of the entire God Realm, do you know?!"

There was also an innocent woman with feet on the water, wearing sea blue and pink clothes, and with a head of pleasant blue hair. The water god looked at Tang San complicatedly:
"The people from the Goddess Alliance have gone to the dungeon of gods. I am here to inform King Tang Shen and ask him to come and give an explanation!"

Tang San and the God of Darkness were shocked when they heard this.

"How many people went?"

"There should be hundreds of them already."

Hearing this number, Tang San turned around and looked at the God of Darkness in the room, wishing he could kill him!
"so much!"

Tang San immediately said: "I'll go right away!"

When leaving, Tang San sent a message to the God of Darkness:
"Darkness, please go back to the mansion quickly. If this matter is not resolved, don't come out, so as not to cause disputes. I will protect you."


Just when there was a turmoil outside the dungeon of the gods, the news about Su Qingfeng being imprisoned spread throughout the god world.

In the dungeon of gods, Su Qingfeng was already wandering around.

Su Qingfeng had a rough feeling that there might be hundreds of powerful beasts in this dungeon.

Even if he is suppressed by God's seal and imprisoned by God, they can especially release violent winds and blow his hair.

Those goddesses were right. The environment in this dungeon of gods was harsh, and an elemental power would change every three hours, corroding the body and soul of the prisoners.

These mythical beasts have been imprisoned here for tens of thousands of years, even hundreds of thousands of years. Their bodies and souls have been tortured, and they hate the gods extremely.

When they see anyone approaching, they will insult and scold them.

Su Qingfeng didn't care, the clouds were calm and the wind was gentle.

Just seeing these mythical beasts, Su Qingfeng thought of a person. To be precise, it was a dragon. It was an existence that once made him want to live and die. He not only experienced the fairyland on earth, but also felt the feeling of weakness and death—— Silver Dragon King Gu Yuena.

She has been working hard to cultivate and grow stronger and counterattack the divine world. If the hundreds of divine beasts in this dungeon can be used by her, there may be a slight chance of success.

It's a pity that if that's really the case, there will be another loss of life.

Su Qingfeng shook his head and sighed:

"After rescuing the Goddess of Light, it's time to contact Gu Yuena, Sister Xiaotao and the others. Although my previous experience in Douluo Continent was very cruel to my body, I miss them a little now."

At this time, Su Qingfeng walked to the deepest part of the dungeon. It was so dark, damp and cold that Su Qingfeng needed to release some light elements to illuminate the environment and make it much warmer.

It was a dark stone wall with no door, no light, nothing.

Just when Su Qingfeng was about to turn around and go back to find the goddess of light, he suddenly heard faint voices:
"Is there anyone? Is there anyone outside?"

"help me."

"Oh oh oh, I really don't want to stay here anymore."

The sound was very weak, so weak that ordinary people couldn't hear these figures even if they were standing here. But Su Qingfeng was different. He was very sensitive to fluctuations in various elements and his hearing was unusual.

He could tell that it was a woman's cry for help.


"There are still people locked up here?"

Su Qingfeng found it incredible, and soon he found the stone wall closest to the sound.

He pushed, but the stone wall wouldn't budge.

Su Qingfeng felt carefully, trying to find some hidden switch on it, but there was no clue.

The soft female voice inside was full of despair. She seemed to be leaning on the wall, hugging her knees, and couldn't help sobbing:

"It's useless. No one will come to save me. It's been so long. How many days, months, and years have passed?"

"No one will care about me. No one will care about the fate of the loser. Teacher, I regret it, but what's the use of regret?"

"Ooooo, Tang San, I misjudged you, I really misjudged you!"

"Ahh! Divine punishment is coming again. If you can, chop me to death or burn me to death! Just let me live and die, just suffer. Tang San, you are a devil!"

In the dark room, there was a woman with a charming appearance, but her hands and feet were shackled, and her clothes were dirty and rotten, so rotten that even her private parts could not be completely covered, and she looked pitiful. .

Suddenly, thunder was generated in the room, raging in all directions. These thunder and lightning would paralyze her body, sweep through her whole body, and cause her endless pain.

However, she was already used to it.

Just when lightning was flying across the sky and about to hit her, she had already closed her eyes, preparing to endure the punishment that would come every two or three hours.

But a few seconds passed, and that painful and familiar feeling did not come over.

She couldn't help but slowly opened her eyes, feeling a little strange.

This time, it was obviously different from any other time.

What caught his eye was the back of a man.

She was startled subconsciously and couldn't help shouting:
"Tang San! Tang San, what else are you doing here? I'm going to kill you!"

The woman clenched her fists and hit the man on the back.

"I'm not Tang San, who are you?"

"You...are you Hu Liena? Are you still alive?"

Su Qingfeng looked back and wrapped his palm around the woman's fist.

After seeing the woman's appearance clearly, Su Qingfeng quickly recognized the woman's identity even though she looked embarrassed.

It's just that the woman in front of her has long orange hair instead of short hair.

"'re not Tang San? Who are you?"

Hu Liena was stunned for a moment. Her voice was a little awkward, maybe because she hadn't talked to anyone for a long time.

"Could it be that you were sent here by Tang San?"

"I was not sent here by Tang San. On the contrary, I was forced to be locked up here by his men."

Su Qingfeng replied, looking around Hu Liena in surprise:
"Why are you locked up here? And turned into like this? If I remember correctly, you will never become a god in your life, and you should have died long ago."

"Hmm... I understand. This should also be the work of the little Zha San. He quietly touched the evil hands and looked like he could do something."

Before Hu Liena answered, Su Qingfeng had already guessed the answer.

It's not difficult. Who else in the God Realm besides Tang San could attack Hu Liena, the little fox, one of the three beauties of Wuhun Palace?

"Little...little bastard? Are you talking about that thief Tang San? do you know these things?"

In the darkness, Hu Liena re-examined the man in front of her. Although he was wearing a mask, he exuded a fairy-like temperament that purified the darkness. She could vaguely tell that he should be a handsome guy.

I wonder what the real face hidden under the mask is like?

She was even more afraid, afraid that this man was sent by Tang San.

"Even you are imprisoned here, so Qian Renxue should not be able to escape? Bibi Dong should be dead, right?"

"Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you."

Su Qingfeng took out a set of clothes from the space and handed them to Hu Liena:
"Please accept this set of clothes. It may not be suitable for women to wear, but it is woven with divine silk. It is a proper artifact."

After staying in this dark and closed environment for so many years, Hu Liena's courtesy, justice and shame were almost gone. At this time, Su Qingfeng gave her a complete set of clothes, which gave her a little dignity again. Unknowingly, tears started to flow from her eyes. down.

He couldn't help but kneel in front of Su Qingfeng and choked up: "No... no matter who you are, I beg you, as long as you can save the teacher and the others, I will do anything."

"I am Hu Liena, a soul master from Douluo Continent. I can't tell how many years have passed. Maybe it has been a long time. It has been so long that no one remembers those years anymore, but I can never forget..."

"Tang San became a god and almost killed my teacher Bibi Dong. He also caused the angel goddess Qian Renxue to lose her divine status. That battle was called the Battle of the Four Gods. The Tiandou Royal Family and the Haotian Sect won. , I thought Sister Renxue and I would die as mortals.

But just after the battle between the Four Gods and all the dust settled, Tang San used a trick to arrest me, Sister Renxue and other people from Wuhun Hall, and also used divine magic to revive our teacher Bibi Dong, but he did not. It was not because he wanted to convince others with his virtue, but he secretly brought us here, imprisoned us, and made us endure endless punishment. "

"She froze my body with ice, burned my body with fire, and eroded my spirit with darkness... This was because I didn't do anything to offend him too much in the past, so I could still act a little bit, and he took my Teacher Bibi Dong and Sister Ren Xue were restrained on the torture platform. I can’t believe what kind of punishment they have experienced.”

"I don't want to go on like this anymore, save us, or kill me!"

"Tang San planted a taboo in our souls, making it impossible for us to have suicidal thoughts and actions, but you can."

Hu Liena looked at Su Qingfeng in pain and prayed to him.

Hearing this, Su Qingfeng was deeply shocked.

He still underestimated Tang San's insidiousness.

I thought he was just being selfish, putting a chastity lock on Tang Wutong, and treating Douluo Continent as his back garden, just to get more privileges.

Now it seems that he is simply hateful!
"I will save you. This little brat is getting more and more hateful."

"Do you know where your teacher and Qian Renxue are being held?"

"I know, they are also in this dungeon, but I can't find them. I have never seen the stone wall materials here that can block our soul power and voices. I remember that I was brought here from the , there is a sense of soaring, they should be right at our feet.”

Hu Liena looked at the ground.

"I'll take you to find them."

Su Qingfeng said in a deep voice.

(End of this chapter)

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