Douluo: I, the Holy Son of Poseidon Pavilion, am unparalleled in the world

Chapter 404 Qingfeng’s whereabouts reappear in the world, and the star messenger arrives

Chapter 404 Qingfeng’s whereabouts reappear in the world, and the star messenger arrives

"The Holy Son! That is the Holy Son!"

"I will never forget the makeup of the Holy Son!"

"Who are they? How come there is an imaginary image of the Holy Son?"

"Back then, the Holy Son and the three goddesses ascended to the fairy world and have not returned yet. Now that his virtual image appears in the world, something must have happened!"

In the teahouse, a beautiful woman wearing a fiery red skirt and ice blue clothes exclaimed and rushed over.

The passers-by around heard their exclamations and recognized their identities. Aren't they the twin phoenixes of ice and fire from Shrek Academy - Ma Xiaotao and Ling Luochen? !

Looking around, seeing the mysterious virtual image, some middle-aged and elderly people living in Shrek City rubbed their eyes, feeling that the virtual image was inexplicably familiar.

At the beginning, Shrek Academy adopted a live broadcast-like format for the Poseidon Fate Dating Conference. Many soul masters and residents were lucky enough to see Su Qingfeng. Coupled with his dashing figure and unique weird mask, they actually recognized him. Su Qingfeng is out!
Soon, crisp voices could be heard on the streets of Shrek City:
"Good news, great news!"

"The Holy Son of Poseidon Pavilion, the leader of Shrek Academy, the Poet Immortal and Literary Sage of Douluo Continent, Su Qingfeng with unparalleled appearance in the world has reappeared in the world!"

"The breeze is like a bright moon, illuminating the dark night. What kind of waves will he cause when he returns to Douluo Continent?"

"The prosperous age was brought to an end, the chaos was brought to an end, the literary world was opened, and the spiritual pagoda was opened. In the past, the heroic figures shone in the world, but they flew into the divine sky but disappeared, and the world lost its color from then on. Who knows where the stars will return to after falling to the mainland?"

"The situation is changing, Qingfeng is born, and the Douluo Continent, which has been peaceful for more than ten years, will once again usher in great changes?!"

There were several children who were selling newspapers and delivering goods. They delivered newspapers and periodicals that recorded anecdotes and major events on the mainland to various places in the city on time every day.

However, with the development of science and technology on the mainland, some soul guidance products for long-distance wireless communication have appeared, and the profession of newsboys is facing a serious test.

But this time, they didn't want to sell the newspaper. They just wanted to announce the news to the whole city and celebrate it.

On the Spirit Transferring Pagoda, a woman in silver clothes was looking up at the sky in boredom. Her ears were extremely sensitive, which was beyond human reach.

When he heard the strange movement in the streets and alleys, he originally sneered and didn't take it seriously.

But after hearing the sound of the breeze appearing, his whole person changed:

"Qingfeng? Su Qingfeng? Is he back?"

"Really? Back? He's back!!!"

For the first time in more than ten years, a smile bloomed on Gu Yuena's cold face, like a blooming silver neon flower.

However, she soon turned from joy to anger, and her figure instantly disappeared from the top of the Spirit Transferring Tower, heading towards the teahouse they were talking about:

Hum! Xiao Qingfeng, you'd better come back!
However, if you really come back, you will not have a good life!
He was not the first to come to Ben Long!
You won’t be able to get out of bed until I squeeze you for ten days and eight nights!
However, when Gu Yuena arrived at the teahouse, she was disappointed.

It happened to catch up with the moment when the virtual image disappeared.

I saw that a corner of the teahouse was already crowded with people.

There were five women sitting on the tea table, two of whom she knew.

Ma Xiaotao and Ling Luochen are now important members of the Poseidon Pavilion, and are among the twelve Star Guardians of the Poseidon Pavilion.

The Twelve Star Guardians of Poseidon Pavilion are the mainstay of Poseidon Pavilion today. They are the twelve most outstanding geniuses selected from the younger generation, which means the guardians of the pole stars.

The first of them is Zhang Lexuan, the former senior sister of the inner courtyard.

Next, there are Ma Xiaotao, Ling Luochen, Jiang Nannan, Xiao Xiao, Tang Ya, Beibei, Huo Yuhao and others.

More than ten or twenty years ago, they were still soul masters at levels 40, 560, and now, they have all been banned and have all reached level 98 or above.

To a certain extent, if they join forces, even ordinary priests may not be able to win.

However, the three gold boxes on the table looked unusual at first glance.

Gu Yuena's figure passed directly through the crowd, sat opposite Bibi Dong, and stared:
"Where did it come from? Quickly bring up Qingfeng's virtual image."

Bibi Dong, Qian Renxue, and Hu Liena were already confused. The three women opposite seemed to know their benefactors?
"We don't know how to adjust. Who are you?"

This gold box is a one-time message. Once used, it is gone.

It's just that the divine energy wrapped around the three Bibi Dong girls has not disappeared yet, waiting for them to store it and absorb it.

"I am Su Qingfeng's young nephew, Ma Xiaotao!"

"I am Qingfeng's wife, Ling Luochen!" "Ah? Why do you say that? Let me repeat, I am also Qingfeng's wife, Ma Xiaotao?"

"Bold, you are Qingfeng's wife, then who am I? You alone dare to compete with me?"

Gu Yuena's momentum actually suppressed two powerful men, Ma Xiaotao and Ling Luochen.

The three girls from Wuhun Hall were all stunned.


Two hours later.

Poseidon Pavilion, Star Pavilion.

The top of the pavilion is carved with a universe of stars like Su Qingfeng's pole star. There are stone tablets standing around it. The verses and lyrics engraved on them are exactly what Su Qingfeng sang back then.

In the pavilion.

The three Bibi Dong girls sat cross-legged and successfully absorbed the divine breath left by Su Qingfeng.

Under the blue Poseidon Lake, brilliant starlight bloomed on their bodies, and behind them there was a scene like the polar starry sky back then.

Their meridians were warmed and nourished, and they actually began to possess part of the power of the starry sky.

This is the Starry Sky God Envoy!
A group of powerful men from the Sea God Pavilion heard the news about Su Qingfeng. No matter what important matters they were handling, even if they were about to make a breakthrough, they were willing to put them aside and come to investigate the situation.

The leaders were naturally Mu En and Xuanzi.

In fact, today, Mu En and Xuanzi are already in a state of semi-retirement, just to take good care of their bodies and live a few more years. What if they live those extra years and meet Su Qingfeng's return?

The daily affairs of Shrek Academy and Poseidon Pavilion were also left to Yan Shaozhe and Xian Lin'er.

But after hearing the news about Su Qingfeng, they still cared about cultivating their mind and health. They didn't even have time to change their clothes, so they came out in lazy pajamas.

The three Bibi Dong girls did not expect that they would enter Shrek Academy in this way.

Along the way, they saw Su Qingfeng's poems and the Qingfeng concert played on the screen day and night, and they were more and more amazed by Su Qingfeng's appearance and talent.

From then on, I vowed to advance and retreat with my benefactor, and also to use my benefactor's spirit to bring out the best.


Seeing the starlight on the three girls, the elders, star guardians and other members of Poseidon Pavilion all surrounded the lakeside pavilion with a diameter of less than five meters!
Each of the titled experts stared at Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue with wide eyes, and finally most of them bowed in greeting:

"I've seen Lord Star Envoy!"

"We have already heard from Xiaotao and the others. It is said that you, Master Star Messenger, came down from the God Realm? Did you follow the orders of the Holy Son?"

“I wonder what the Holy Son’s instructions are?”

"Alas~ Qingfeng, this child, never knows how to take care of his body. I don't know if he is living well in the God Realm. Has he suffered?"

"Yes, we haven't heard from the Holy Son for several years. He won't encounter any danger in the God Realm, right? That's why we sent you down?"

"what is going on?"

The members of Poseidon Pavilion are all very enthusiastic. Knowing that Bibi Dong and the other two are Su Qingfeng's people, they are really in love with each other.

Even the scars on their arms were noticed. Moon and Xuanzi expressed concern:

"Star Envoy, why are there still wounds on your arms? It seems that they have just healed not long ago. Could it be that the one who didn't care about his life on the mainland attacked you?"

"Tell us who they are, and I will immediately send out an inspection team to hunt them down!"

"Don't talk nonsense, I only care about how Qingfeng is doing!"

Gu Yuena said coldly, gritting her teeth.

This little dragon husband must have hooked up with many people in the God Realm!

They actually sent three down as soon as they took action!
The three Bibi Dong girls looked at each other and then said:

"Actually, the thing is like this, we were harmed by Tang San thousands of years ago...and later..."

(End of this chapter)

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