Chapter 405 The Holy Son’s Heaven-reaching Means
Poseidon Island, lakeside pavilion.

Bibi Dong gave an overview of what happened in the God Realm,
The powerful men in the Poseidon Pavilion learned that the three Bibi Dong girls came down from the God Realm, and their identities were the pope and saint of Wuhun Temple ten thousand years ago. They were also imprisoned by their ancestor Tang San. Shrek's Everyone's eyes widened with expressions of disbelief, shame and anger.

I heard that it was Su Qingfeng who finally upheld justice, helped them escape from the clutches of the devil, and escaped their suffering, and even gave them the opportunity to become Star Messengers.

A look of pride and relief appeared on the faces of the elders such as Mu En, Xuanzi and others, and they all sighed:

"The Holy Son is indeed transcendent. He has a place even in the divine world!"

"In this way, I feel relieved. You don't know. When the Holy Son was just kidnapped to the God Realm, I tossed and turned and couldn't sleep. I was afraid that the Holy Son would be killed in the God Realm."

"I just didn't expect that Tang San's ancestor would act like this. He has already returned to the throne of the gods, and he still uses this invisible time to clean up and torture his predecessors. It's too despicable!"

"Let me see, maybe what the Holy Son said back then was right. Tang San's ancestors were not good people. No wonder the Holy Son was always cold towards several of his ancestors!"

"In this way, it is indeed true. There are records in some unofficial histories. In addition to the ancestors of Tang San, the ancestors of Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun also had dark histories.

I always thought it was a rumor, but now it seems that it might be true! "

"Still calling them ancestors? Alas, if they weren't the first outstanding college of the college, I would really like to kick them out of the college's historical list!"

"I didn't expect that these three people are the legends of Douluo Continent thousands of years ago, Pope Bibi Dong, Goddess Qian Renxue, and Saint Hu Liena. After all, you are also our seniors.

I, the former master of Poseidon Pavilion, Moon, apologize to you on behalf of Shrek Academy. "

Munn was the first to express his gratitude. Even at such an advanced age, he was still willing to lower his head and bow slightly to Bibi Dong and the others. This was really rare.

Hearing the name of the old man in front of them, the expressions of the three Bibi Dong girls changed, and they quickly stepped forward to help them and said:

"Please get up quickly. It turns out that you are Mr. Moon. How can we deserve your worship? Isn't this embarrassing for us?"

"We were ordered by our benefactor to give something to Mr. Mu. Since you are our benefactor's teacher, you are naturally our benefactor. It's up to us to pay homage to you."

Bibi Dong and others all thought about Munn and bowed.

Mu En and Xuanzi stroked their beards and looked full of smiles.

Qingfeng, this kid, really hasn’t forgotten them.

There is no harm without comparison.

It is said that after Tang San became a god, he never took care of his teacher Yu Xiaogang.

Unexpectedly, Su Qingfeng contacted the college from time to time and always came to send gifts.

"Qingfeng, benevolent and righteous!"

The elders sighed.

Zhang Lexuan, Jiang Nannan, Xiao Xiao and Ning Tian asked:
"What about us? Has the Son ever mentioned us?"

Ma Xiaotao curled her lips and muttered:

"My junior uncle didn't even mention me, how could he mention you guys? Humph!

Uncle Master is so hateful. He must have a new coin in the God Realm. Is it more comfortable than mine? Is it more enjoyable than me and this woman Ling Luochen combined? Smelly uncle, bad uncle! "

"No, no, no, my junior uncle must be good, and the bad ones are all those goddesses. Those goddesses must also covet my junior uncle's peerless beauty!"

"Yes, it must be the case. From the messages sent back by the young master through the golden saplings, we could vaguely detect that these goddesses must also be silver sluts!

They must have seduced my uncle a lot. These bad women, don’t let me find the opportunity to go to the God Realm! Kill you little sluts! "

"Well, let's take this ice slut Ling Luochen and fuck them together, as well as the senior sister. Even the senior sister cannot be cheap on those goddesses!"

Ma Xiaotao said viciously in secret. "Stop talking nonsense. What did my husband Long bring back? Take it out and let us see it!"

Gu Yuena had a dark look on her face and couldn't help but say.

If ordinary people dared to whet her appetite like this, they would have been slapped on the head.

As for Su Qingfeng's people, Gu Yuena was both jealous and reluctant to kill them.

Speaking of which, the three Bibi Dong girls were also a little wary of this woman in silver clothes. She was extremely beautiful, but her fierce aura was as powerful as the evil god back then.

At that moment, they could feel that this woman was probably in the divine realm!
But if she was a god, why did she still stay in Douluo Continent and not go to the God Realm?

"It's this black box, Mr. Mu."

Finally, Bibi Dong took out the dark box. Although it was only the size of a palm, it was extremely heavy.

Placing it on the table attracted everyone from Poseidon Pavilion to come and watch.

I don’t know what Su Qingfeng brought to the academy this time.

"It is my benefactor's will to bring this black box to Mr. Mu, and Mr. Mu will use it."

"Black box? Do you have such a thing? Hmm... I remember. In September last year, I did receive a message from Qingfeng from the golden sapling. He mentioned that he would send a black box to the academy, and also told Once I receive it, how do I open it? It turns out Qingfeng was brought by you, haha.”

Mr. Mu smiled.

One day in the divine world is one year in the mortal world. It has been more than a day since Bibi Dong and the others returned to Douluo Continent since Su Qingfeng handed them the black box. Naturally, more than a year has passed in Douluo Continent.

"If I remember correctly, it should be opened like this."

A white-gold dragon soul suddenly appeared on Mu En's fingertips. It was the power of the Bright Dragon Pill that had been successfully refined with the help of Su Qingfeng to create the pill!
Looking at the entire Douluo Continent, Mu En is the only one who possesses the ultimate power of the Bright Dragon Pill.

The dragon soul circled around the black box, and then hit the black box with a thud. The rich power of the Bright Dragon Pill was already integrated into the black box.

Immediately, a dazzling white light burst out from the top of the black box.

The white light shined through, and a world outside the world was created, pulling everyone present into it.

Inside that black box, there is a small world of its own!

Within a square inch, the area covered is dozens of miles wide.

What makes everyone in Poseidon Pavilion even more incredible is that the sky in this small world is actually a starry sky!
"What a familiar star? That seems to be the Holy Son's martial spirit, right?"

"That's not right. The Holy Son's Polar Star Martial Spirit already had twelve stars when he was kidnapped to the God Realm, but there are only eleven stars in the sky? How come there is one missing?"

"But look at the shining elements. Each star exudes the brilliance of different elemental powers. What is it if it's not a pole star?"

"If, I mean if, the land we step on is part of one of the pole stars, then naturally we can't see the last pole star, because it is right under our feet!"

Zhang Lexuan's words are astonishing.

At this moment, in the starry sky, a figure in white finally appeared slowly and landed in this space. The man took off his mask and faced everyone with the most sincere and perfect posture. , smiled slightly:
"Senior Sister is indeed extremely smart. Yes, the land you are stepping on is part of my fairy star - the Space Star."

"I cut dozens of miles of space from the Space Star and placed it in a black box. Although it is separated from the Space Star, it will not be disconnected. It is still a part of the Space Star. This makes you even though you are in the struggle. Luo Dalu, but he can also meet me. "

Hearing this, everyone was shocked: What kind of extraordinary method is this?

However, it was too late for them to marvel at this method. At this moment, they, they! They are all more concerned about the peerless figure appearing in the air!

(End of this chapter)

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