Chapter 13 Yu Xiaogang’s face
"It's them!"

Tang San saw Su Chen and his group and subconsciously looked for Xiao Wu.

But unfortunately, he didn't see Xiao Wu.

Yu Xiaogang's gaze was directed at the corpse of the Netherworld Tiger and the petite figure that absorbed the soul ring.


When he saw the soul ring that Zhu Zhuqing was absorbing, Yu Xiaogang became furious.

He did not expect that Su Chen and Zhu Zhuyun would choose to let Zhu Zhuqing absorb a soul ring that a child could not bear, and its lifespan reached 700 years!

It's just ridiculous!

Su Chen and Zhu Zhuyun looked at him at the same time and frowned in unison.

At this time, Zhu Zhuqing was absorbing the critical moment.

and showed no discomfort.

The whole process went extremely smoothly.

Yu Xiaogang's loud shout just now was like a bolt from the blue. If it disturbed Zhu Zhuqing's absorption of the soul ring, something would happen!

Zhu Zhuyun stopped in front of Yu Xiaogang, his eyes sharp, ready to fight with his martial spirit at any time.

When Tang San saw this, he didn't care about looking for Xiao Wu, and immediately protected Yu Xiaogang's side, the hidden weapon in his hand ready to go.

Yu Xiaogang laughed in anger, this girl actually thought that she would hurt her sister.

As everyone knows, only he can save the little girl in this place!

Yu Xiaogang's tone was slightly arrogant as he revealed his identity.

"You probably don't know my identity yet, right?"

"I am Yu Xiaogang, the author of "The Ten Core Competencies of Wuhun", and I am a famous master of Wuhun theory on the mainland!"

As he said that, he actually took out a book with the same name from 24 Bridges on a Moonlit Night and started rummaging through it.

Soon, he found the page and turned the book over to show Zhu Zhuyun.

"In my decades of research, I have discovered that the lifespan of the first soul ring can only reach 423 years at most. If it exceeds any limit, you may face the risk of exploding and dying!"

"And the soul ring your sister has absorbed has reached 700 years, which is far beyond the limit that she can bear at her age, so you are not helping her, but harming her!"

Tang San couldn't help but glance at the book in Yu Xiaogang's hand.

Because the two of them came here on foot.

So on the way, Yu Xiaogang didn't have time to give 24 Bridges of Bright Moon Night to Tang San.

The key is that this morning he helped Tang San advance the cost of Wang Sheng's treatment and the fifty gold soul coins as compensation.

Now penniless, 24 Bridges in the Moonlight Night is the only valuable thing on his body.

He no longer had the idea of ​​giving this thing to Tang San.

Tang San exclaimed when he saw the "Ten Core Competencies of Wuhun" in Yu Xiaogang's hand.

He didn't expect that the teacher would have such a thick book. It seemed that he was really an amazing theoretical master who could summarize so much knowledge!

Zhu Zhuyun just glanced at the contents of the book and sneered disdainfully.

Because the content in the book is very different from the content recorded by a big family like the Zhu family.

As early as when Yu Xiaogang's "Ten Core Competencies of Wuhun" was released, it had already been exposed by some people.

All the big forces knew that he copied the information from Wuhun Palace, re-integrated it, and then published it as his own.

The key to integration is integration.

He didn't integrate it completely. He copied a sentence here and a paragraph there. If it seemed to work, he thought the theory was feasible, but he had never put it into practice.

Over the years, many civilian soul masters have gone astray because they saw his ten core competencies.

It's just that the civilian soul master's voice was too quiet and didn't make waves.

Otherwise, this guy would have been notorious long ago!
Zhu Zhuyun's disdainful sneer made Yu Xiaogang feel offended.

Tang San stared at it as if he were looking at the enemy who killed his father. "Since you have this attitude, let's wait and see!"

"When your sister gets into trouble because she can't bear the violent power brought by the martial spirit, no one will come out to save her!"

Yu Xiaogang snorted coldly and stepped aside.

At this moment, he very much hoped that something would happen to Zhu Zhuqing.

Because in that case, Zhu Zhuyun would be panicked.

Among the people present, besides Yu Xiaogang, who else could save Zhu Zhuqing?
When the time comes, Zhu Zhuyun is so eager to save his sister that he will definitely come to beg him if he has no other choice.

At that time, he can set out conditions to accept the other party as his disciple, and let the other party be the test subject of his theory!
Yu Xiaogang smiled and stared at Zhu Zhuqing with his eyes, as if something would happen to him the next moment because he could not withstand the power of the martial spirit.

Su Chen paid attention to this.

"Is this guy expecting something to happen to Zhu Zhuqing?"


He sneered. If that's the case, then let's have fun with you master and disciple in the Soul Hunting Forest today!
Time passed by minute by minute.

Zhu Zhuqing, who was absorbing the soul ring, made a small sound. Yu Xiaogang was more excited than anyone else and stood up from the ground suddenly, with the word anticipation written all over his face.

However, Zhu Zhuqing was not as unable to withstand the violent power brought by the soul ring as he thought.

Instead, he successfully absorbed this power.

A yellow soul ring glowing with purple light appeared around her.

The aura on Zhu Zhuqing's body had become stronger, his body seemed to have grown taller, and his skin looked fairer and more delicate.

"Sister, I succeeded!"

She laughed happily.

Zhu Zhuyun cried with joy and quickly came to his sister to check the situation.

She found that there was nothing wrong with Zhu Zhuqing's body, and his current state was the best proof.

" is this possible!"

His understanding was broken, Yu Xiaogang's face turned pale and he stumbled back two steps.

He calls himself a master of theory, but he never thought that one day the limit of the first soul ring would be broken under his own eyes!

"How is this possible?"

Until Zhu Zhuqing had absorbed the soul ring, Yu Xiaogang still couldn't believe it.


Tang San frowned slightly, wondering why Zhu Zhuqing's situation was different from what the teacher said.

Isn't the limit that a soul master's first soul ring can withstand 423 years?

But why can the other party absorb a 700-year soul ring?
Yu Xiaogang stepped forward and asked in a low voice: "Can you let me see her condition?"

He wanted to observe Zhu Zhuqing's situation.

Wondering why.

Zhu Zhuyun said coldly: "This is my sister, I don't allow you to get close to her!"

Yu Xiaogang didn't expect that the other party would reject him so decisively.

He had no choice but to move out of his righteousness and stand on the moral high ground.

"This matter is related to the future of the soul master world. If you can tell me the secret of how to break through the limits of soul masters, it will completely change the pattern of the continent. You will become famous because of this, and people in the future will remember your names. !”

Zhu Zhuyun sneered: "Why should we tell you?"

"You think I don't know where your ten core competitivenesses in martial arts come from? Your reputation has long been stinking within the major families!"

"Do you want to realize this secret on your disciple after you get it, and then take this disciple of yours to travel all over the continent, preach your theory, and attribute everything to yourself? "

(End of this chapter)

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