Douluo: The star-filled goddess Yun Yun is signed in at the beginning

Chapter 14 The mandala snake attacks, Tang San despairs

Chapter 14 The mandala snake attacks, Tang San despairs

Yu Xiaogang was speechless.

He couldn't respond.

Because what Zhu Zhuyun said was exactly what he was thinking.

He just wanted to get this secret and help his disciple Tang San realize it in the Soul Hunting Forest.

His situation at Notting College was already very difficult, and he was eager to leave this remote village.

When his disciple Tang San absorbs a 700-year-old spirit ring, he can take his disciple away and visit all the major forces to let everyone know the news.

At that time, I am afraid that all the major forces will invite him as their guest. Not only can he go to a better place to eat and drink for free, but he can also become famous and become a theoretical master recognized by everyone!
He can turn around completely and make those who once looked down on him look at him with admiration!
And all of this depends on whether the children in front of him are willing to tell him the secret.

After all, he is an adult, isn't it easy to coax a few children?

"I, Yu Xiaogang, have a certain status in the soul master world. It is absolutely impossible for me to do what you just said!"

Seeing that he was still quibbling, Zhu Zhuyun became unkind.

"Yu Xiaogang, when he was young, he studied in Wuhun Palace. Later, he was expelled from Wuhun City for plagiarizing information from Wuhun Palace. He is prohibited from joining Wuhun Palace for the rest of his life and is not allowed to receive any subsidies from Wuhun Palace to soul masters!"

"After leaving Wuhun Hall, you had an affair with your cousin Liu Erlong, and even wanted to get married and have children. Fortunately, elder Yu Luomian appeared in time and stopped your beastly behavior!"

Yu Xiaogang's face was pale and his pupils were dilated. He did not expect that the girl in front of him would know everything about what happened to him.

"shut up!"

"I won't allow you to slander my teacher!"

"My teacher, Bingqing Yujie, would never do the things you said!"

Tang San was furious, his eyes extremely red.

His hidden weapon was ready, and he started to rush towards Zhu Zhuyun like a ghost.

In his eyes, Zhu Zhuyun already had a way to die.

So he didn't need to talk nonsense to the opponent, he just took action and dealt a thunderous blow.

However, in front of Zhu Zhuyun, his movements were as simple as a monkey's.

"You think I'm the concierge at the entrance to the college?"

Zhu Zhuyun saw through his ghostly presence.

Appearing at the place where Tang San was sitting in advance, he kicked him in the abdomen.

Tang San was shocked, but he didn't use Ghost Shadow to get close to Zhu Zhuyun.

But to better use the hidden weapons on his body and give the opponent a fatal blow!
Su Chen from behind saw through Tang San's thoughts and reminded loudly: "Zhuyun, use Netherworld Spring to fall!"

Zhu Zhuyun didn't think much and subconsciously listened to Su Chen's words.

Three soul rings appeared under her feet, and the third soul skill was unleashed.

This is a spiritual soul skill.

Tang San fell directly into the illusion, returning to the time when ghosts were worried.

He was not dead in the illusion.

Instead, he was dragged back by the Tang Sect elders.

What will greet him will be various cruel punishments from the Tang Sect, as well as the fate of being expelled.

Being removed from the list was what Tang San couldn't accept the most.

As a sect slave, everything about him is closely related to the Tang Sect.

Now that he has been expelled from the sect and is no longer a member of the Tang sect, it is simply more uncomfortable than killing him.

"No, I don't want to be removed!"

Tang San yelled, and the hidden weapon in his hand that was ready for use accidentally fell to the ground.

He was hit hard by Zhu Zhuyun in the abdomen and kicked out.

Tang San flew backwards and hit a tree hard, blood spurting out of his mouth uncontrollably.

"Mistress!" Yu Xiaogang hurriedly ran to his side.

He sniffed Tang San's breath and said angrily: "What a vicious little girl. She is so vicious at a young age, but she will get worse when she grows up!"

Zhu Zhuyun's tone was cold: "What? Aren't you, master and disciple, still going away? If you don't go away, I will kill you all!"

Yu Xiaogang was really afraid of her.

Because with his strength, he is no match for Zhu Zhuyun. Maybe the two of them, master and disciple, will really die here today.

He carried Tang San on his back and left here in a hurry without daring to say a word.

As he walked, he looked back to see if Zhu Zhuyun had followed.

If someone is killed in the soul-hunting forest, within half an hour, the body will be found by the soul beast and swallowed into its belly, leaving no bones left.

Yu Xiaogang suddenly realized that his apprentice was still vomiting blood.

He looked at the ground behind him.

The blood in Tang San's mouth was seen flowing all over his back, and the smell of blood was already spreading around.

The location they were currently in was deep in the Soul Hunting Forest, where century-old soul beasts could be seen everywhere.


Suddenly, a mandala snake appeared opposite Yu Xiaogang.

The cultivation time of the mandala snake can be judged by its body.

Before it evolves into a thousand-year soul beast, its body length will increase by one centimeter for every additional year of cultivation.

The body length of the mandala snake in front of me has reached five meters, and it is a 500-year-old soul beast.

Yu Xiaogang was so frightened that he quickly ran away with Tang San on his back, but he had walked all the way to Notting College to get here, and just now he had hurriedly escaped from where Su Chen and the others were, and his legs were already extremely sore.

Let him run away now, carrying Tang San weighing dozens of kilograms on his back, it would kill him.

"Farting is like thunder, banging the sky and breaking the earth!"

"Fart like smoke, hypnotize and sleep Luo Sanpao!"

Yu Xiaogang summoned his Luo Sanpao and farted crazily behind him.

But this fart is harmless to the Datura snake.

However, Tang San was awakened by the smoke.


He only felt that Yu Xiaogang's body smelled bad.

The strong stench made him want to vomit.

"Xiaosan, you finally woke up, come down and run with the teacher, we are in big trouble!"

"big trouble?"

Tang San still didn't know what happened.

Yu Xiaogang put him directly on the ground and ran away with all his strength.

Tang San glanced back and saw a five-meter-long giant snake rushing towards him.

He was immediately frightened out of his wits, holding his abdomen that was in severe pain, and began to run away.

He kept observing his surroundings, looking for opportunities to counterattack.

Because in his opinion, running away like this is definitely not possible, and he will be caught up sooner or later.

Finally, he found a good opportunity and planned to take out his hidden weapon and fight to the death with the mandala snake behind him.

However, Tang San suddenly realized that the hidden weapon on his body had fallen off, and his dear teacher, after putting him down, ran as fast as he could without even looking back.

Tang San was a little desperate. His abdomen was so painful that he almost couldn't run anymore...

(End of this chapter)

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