Douluo: The star-filled goddess Yun Yun is signed in at the beginning

Chapter 38 Tang San goes into the sewer, profiteer Flanders

Chapter 38 Tang San goes into the sewer, profiteer Flanders
In the morning, Dai Mubai felt that the room was extremely messy and the smell of men's sweat was everywhere.

It made him suspicious that he had come to the military training ground.

Also, he felt as if his body was falling apart, and there was no place that was not in pain.

Especially the wound from yesterday was so swollen that it made his chest swell, bigger than those of his ex-girlfriends!

"what is the problem?"

"Didn't I have a happy time with Xiao Cui, Xiao Hua and the others yesterday? Why is the room smelling of men's sweat!"


He couldn't stand the smell and ran out the door.

Outside the door, the hotel owner has been waiting for a long time.

Beside him were other guests in the hotel.

They didn't sleep all night last night.

All thanks to Tang San and Dai Mubai.

These two people were so noisy that they continued from night to morning without stopping for a moment. They must be taught a lesson and they should be angry!

Dai Mubai limped out of the room.

He wondered if too much chili pepper had been added to last night's meal, which caused a burning pain in his back and made it difficult to walk.

When he opened the door, the innkeeper took a stick and hit him on the head.

Dai Mubai was beaten until stars appeared in his eyes.

Before he could figure out the situation.

The hotel owner said, "Come together, I'll be responsible if anything happens!"

Hearing this, the other guests all picked up their dicks and went up to beat Dai Mubai.

The movement woke up Tang San and Old Man Jiao who were sleeping soundly next door.

When the two of them heard Dai Mubai's screams, they ran out to check the situation without even wearing much clothes.

Seeing Dai Mubai being beaten by so many people.

Tang San used his first soul skill.

"The first soul skill - toad body protection!"

Small bumps appeared on his skin that looked like a toad's back, and pus began to leak out. The slight toxin and disgusting fishy smell made many customers shy away.

"Damn it, what's going on with this kid!"

"Is this a skin disease? Everyone, spread out, be careful not to get infected by him!"

Seeing the crowd disperse, Tang San used a piece of bluesilver grass to drag out the already deformed Dai Mubai, let Old Man Jiao carry him, and started running out.

The hotel owner and guests wanted to chase, but Tang San stopped in front of them.

He squeezed out the fishy-smelling pimples on his body and rubbed them on his hands.


"If you dare to come close, I will smear these things on you!"

"When the time comes, you will become like me!"

This was the first time Tang San used his first soul skill.

Even when facing Xiao Wu before.

He hasn't used it either.

Because this soul skill is really rubbish.

Ten years of soul skills do not pose much of a threat at all and can only be used as a bluff.

In fact, being touched by the liquid flowing out of these pimples on his body will only make people's skin itchy for a period of time.

Rinse it with water and nothing will happen.

But the innkeeper didn't know this.

I thought it was a terrible skin disease and didn't dare to approach it at all.

Tang San smiled with a rather proud expression.

At this time, Yu Xiaogang also came out of the room.

When he saw his apprentice, he put on a pair of shorts, stood in the aisle, and confronted the hotel owner. He didn't know what happened.

"Teacher, it's too late to explain. Hurry up and fart to cover me. If they know that my number one soul skill is not a threat, they will stay!"


Yu Xiaogang summoned the martial spirit.

"Three cannons!"

A loud fart was heard, and a brownish smell filled the entire hotel.

The hotel owner was immediately furious. The smell of these farts was not very bad, but two pieces of the floor were broken. He had to make these two guys pay compensation!
The innkeeper is no longer afraid and will teach them a lesson no matter what he says today.

Upon seeing this, Tang San immediately took Yu Xiaogang away.

I don't know if he ran too fast, but Yu Xiaogang farted by himself.

The smell directly overshadowed what Luo Sanpao released.

The innkeeper who chased him fell straight to the ground and fainted.

The other guests behind also fainted.

Several guests were so frightened that they climbed through the windows and escaped.

What happened at the hotel made many people think that a battle had occurred here.

Except for specific places in Soto City, fighting is not allowed elsewhere.

So a group of officers and soldiers soon came and surrounded the place.

Several officers and soldiers carried the boss out.

The innkeeper, whose cheeks had turned the color of pig liver, breathed in the fresh air and finally opened his eyes.

He told the information about Tang San and his party.

After the officers and soldiers learned about the situation, they immediately posted a notice offering a reward for the capture of Tang San and his party.

On the other side, Tang San was hiding everywhere with Yu Xiaogang.

Now there are people everywhere looking for them.

Dai Mubai and Old Man Jiao didn't know where they went.

Just when they didn't know where to go.

Dai Mubai's irritable voice suddenly came from the abandoned yard next to him.

"I asked you, what's wrong with you, old man? Are you a pervert? You actually touched me!"

Tang San and Yu Xiaogang immediately entered the courtyard.

He found Dai Mubai's cheeks flushed and glaring at Old Man Jiao angrily.

Because when he opened the door in the morning, he hadn't had time to get dressed yet, so he was shirtless.

The same goes for Old Man Jiao.

Therefore, when he was leaving with Dai Mubai on his back, he thought carefully and started to take action.

Prepare to send Dai Mubai to a place to rectify the Fa on the spot!

But unfortunately, Dai Mubai woke up just as Old Man Jiao was about to take action.

He immediately became furious and asked.

Old Man Jiao was speechless.

Seeing Tang San coming, he seemed to have seen a savior.

"Sir, this kid is slandering me. I just want to see the injuries on his body. I have absolutely no other ideas!"

Tang San glared at Old Man Jiao.

Does he still know who the old man is?

When this guy saw Dai Mubai, he couldn't move his eyes away, and he must have had an idea in his mind.

He stepped on Old Man Jiao hard, looking angry like a jealous girl, and his sharp eyes seemed to be warning Old Man Jiao that he was not allowed to do this in the future.

Old Man Jiao scratched his head and smiled shamelessly.

Tang San snorted coldly and took the initiative to excuse Old Man Jiao:

"Brother Mubai, Old Man Jiao is not the kind of person you think. He must want to help you take a look at your injuries."

"Look, isn't your back bleeding?"

Tang San pointed behind Dai Mubai.

Dai Mubai was startled and touched his hot spot with his hand. "how come!"

"I wasn't injured at all yesterday, so why am I bleeding!"

It's really shameful to be injured in this kind of place.

As a result, Dai Mubai's face turned even redder.

"Mistress, I must get treatment as soon as possible!"

The injury in this place cannot be delayed.

Dai Mubai desperately wanted to be cured.

Tang San sighed and said: "Brother Mubai, there are notices everywhere in the city to arrest us, and the streets are full of patrols!"

"And over at the hospital, the hotel owner is receiving treatment. If we go there, wouldn't we be falling into a trap?"

Dai Mubai was quick to think and took a deep breath.

"I know a place out of the city, but you need to be patient if you take that road!"

Dai Mubai relied on his own experience and came to a place near the city wall that was dirty and smelly and smelled like a cesspool.

"It's here!"

"This is the place where sewage is discharged in the city. All sewage will be discharged from here, so the space is large enough for us to walk through. We only need to walk here to leave Soto City!"

"It just smells a bit unpleasant, so you need to endure it!"

Looking at the ink-like sewage in front of him and the garbage flowing inside, Tang San almost vomited out his dinner last night.

He didn't want to go here and planned to go explore first.

He began to run around the city, trying to see if he could take advantage of the chaos and slip out of the city.

But he looked around and found no opportunity.

"The people in front stop for me!"

While Tang San was observing, a group of patrolling officers and soldiers came behind.

They had just finished posting the notice to capture Tang San when they met him in person.

How could this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity be missed?
Several officers and soldiers all gave chase.

When Tang San saw this, he ran away.

He returned to the sewer area and explained the situation to Dai Mubai and the others.

"What, those officers and soldiers are chasing us!"

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's run!"

The most timid Yu Xiaogang immediately jumped into the sewage.

He used to be the famous Splatoon.

He even endured that period of time, so what if he swam in the sewage?

However, Yu Xiaogang forgot that he could not swim, jumped into the sewage, and immediately started struggling.

His body dived quickly, and a large amount of sewage mixed with garbage poured into his mouth like porridge.

He didn't know what he was eating.

All in all very disgusting.

Tang San was eager to save his master and jumped in.

Old Man Jiao no longer hesitated and entered the water.

Finally, Dai Mubai also jumped in.

A large number of bacteria grew in the sewage, and his wounds were soaked in the water.

Maybe you don’t feel anything about it yet.

But after infection, the situation is different.

When the officers and soldiers caught up, Tang San and the others could no longer be found.

"Hey, where did that kid go just now?"

"Did you get into the sewer?"

"It's impossible. There was a discharge of excrement in the city today, and it was discharged from here. No one can stand the smell. Let's look around!"


On the street, Su Chen and the others saw the notice to arrest Tang San, Dai Mubai and others.

Zhu Zhuyun said disdainfully: "This Dai Mubai has caused trouble again. If he is like this, it won't take long for him to commit suicide!"

Su Chen smiled and said nothing.

They did some shopping last night.

I plan to finish the rest of the tour today.

Then you can go out of the city to the countryside and look for Shrek Academy.

As he walked, he discovered a familiar shop.

Su Chen raised his eyebrows, opened the door and walked in.

There was only one person in the store, and there was no counter. There were some items hanging on the three walls, which looked very old and did not look like they were valuable at all.

The only person was sitting on a wooden recliner, shaking with the recliner with his eyes closed.

He looked to be in his fifties, and although he was not young, he was very muscular. The reclining chair, which seemed to be fairly solid, shook and rattled under his weight.

Seeing this man, Su Chen recognized his identity at a glance - Flanders.

His eyes stayed on Flanders for a moment, and then moved to the surrounding items.

These items all look like soul guides.

But if you look closely, you can find that these items are very ordinary, but their appearance is a bit old, and there is a trace of soul power fluctuations left on them, making them look like soul guides.

Su Chen wanted to pick up a tea cup and observe it carefully.

But his hand had not yet touched the teacup.

Flanders said lazily: "Wait a minute, don't touch that thing, you can't afford it!"

Su Chen smiled and asked playfully: "I can't afford it?"

There was a glimmer of cunning in Flanders' eyes.

"Oh, what do you know? This is a soul guide passed down from ancient times."

"On the outside, it's just an ordinary tea cup, but there's something special inside. I bought it from someone else for [-] gold soul coins!"

Flanders saw that the identities of Su Chen and his group were not simple.

They should all be young masters and ladies who come from big families to gain experience.

A customer like this is like a fat sheep delivered to your door!

"Ah, one hundred thousand gold soul coins!"

Su Chen seemed to be frightened, and then threw the teacup on the ground.

This tea cup was broken into pieces just like an ordinary ceramic cup.

Su Chen smiled and said, "I accidentally broke it, but your tea cup doesn't seem to be anything special."

Flanders was angry. He saw that Su Chen did it on purpose, and immediately understood that this kid came to stir up trouble.

"Boy, are you here to find fault?"

The soul power in his body surged, and his level 78 soul power was fully revealed.

The items in the shop all fell to the ground under the sweep of soul power, and even the doors and windows were shattered by the soul power storm generated by him.

The officers and soldiers patrolling around came here.

Originally, the officer and soldier squad leader ran over aggressively, wanting to see who was causing trouble.

Seeing that the person who took action was a strong man of the Soul Saint level, he immediately raised his hand and said: "Dear Soul Saint, I accidentally disturbed you. I am disrespectful. We will pretend that we didn't see anything. You continue!"

After saying that, the officers and soldiers fled in a hurry.

Flanders sneered and said proudly: "Did you see it? This is the benefit of strength. Even if I violate the laws of Soto City, who dares to sanction me?"

"But you are different. You have no strength, and you dare to take the initiative to cause trouble in my shop. Today, I will teach you a lesson on behalf of your elders!"

Facing an opponent at the Soul Saint level, Su Chen was not afraid at all, and the smile on his lips did not even shrink.

Yun Yun next to him took action directly.

A blue sword energy flashed across, and the sound of flesh and blood being cut was heard, and the aura on Flanders' body suddenly decreased.

Flender's pupils shrank and he slowly turned his head. His right arm, which was fine just now, had disappeared...

(End of this chapter)

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