Chapter 39 Flanders goes to jail, trash Shrek

Flanders never dreamed of it.

His own arm would be chopped off by the woman in front of him as easily as cutting off dirt.

He is a strong man at the Soul Saint level!
how come!
The next moment, Yun Yun struck him with a palm from the air.

Flanders had no power to fight back and received the slap so hard that his chest was sunken.

The patrolling officers and soldiers in Soto City have not gone far yet.

They looked at the scene in front of them in disbelief.

"That woman... is so strong!"

"Why are you still standing there? Hurry up and apologize, otherwise this gentleman will raze our Soto City to the ground!"

Thinking of what I just did.

Several officers and soldiers were so frightened that cold sweat ran down their backs.

They quickly stepped forward, came to Su Chen and the others, and apologized to them.

Su Chen said calmly: "You should have seen that it was this guy who made the move first. We were just forced to fight back. If you want to be held accountable, just go find that guy."

The officers and soldiers nodded repeatedly.

They dragged Flanders out of the pit. Seeing that he was still unconscious, they kicked him hard several times.

Immediately afterwards, they took out a chain from their bodies.

This chain is called the soul-binding chain, which can limit the soul master's use of soul power and is specially used to deal with groups of soul masters.

They tied the soul-binding chain around Flanders' neck and dragged him back to the prison in Soto City like a dead dog.

Su Chen found the hair crystal among the ruins of the shop.

This hair crystal will most likely fall into Tang San's hands in the future and become his hidden weapon.

In this case, you can't stay.

Immediately afterwards, he found three hundred gold soul coins in the drawer.

Su Chen took the money and took Yun Yun and the others to a restaurant in the city for a delicious meal.

After having enough wine and food, they took a carriage and headed to the countryside of Soto City.


At the same time, Tang San and his party had arrived in the countryside.

"Shrek Academy is not far ahead, we can take a good bath!"

Dai Mubai was walking at the front, his body covered with dark dirt.

Under the rays of the sun, the dirt gave off an extremely unpleasant smell.

Especially his blond hair, all stuck together and turned tawny, which was very disgusting.

Tang San and others looked up at the small village in front of them. What they saw was the arch made of wood at the entrance of the village, with a somewhat tattered-looking plaque hanging on it, engraved with five simple words, Shrek. College.

Under the arch, an old man in his 60s sat behind a table. There were many people gathered in front of him, most of them teenagers of similar age to him, most of whom were accompanied by their parents.

"This is Shrek Academy?"

Tang San was greatly disappointed. What Yu Xiaogang told him before was that Shrek Academy was a high-end academy that only accepted geniuses. Any student who came out of it could obtain the imperial title.

When he heard these descriptions, what came to his mind was an extremely luxurious academy.But the college in front of me doesn't even have a decent gate, and there are no playgrounds, libraries, teaching buildings and a series of standard buildings inside. It doesn't look like a college at all, but like a farmhouse!

"Teacher, is this really the advanced college you call?"

Yu Xiaogang's old face turned red. He thought that Flanders had become prosperous in recent years.

I didn’t expect that the academy opened was like a garbage recycling station.

Thinking of the Haikou he had praised before, Yu Xiaogang said shamelessly: "Yes, this is a high-end college, but don't just look at the surface, you will soon find out that it is special!"

Hearing this, Tang San nodded and focused his gaze on Shrek's door again.

At this moment, Li Yusong at the door seemed to have a conflict with a parent.

He looked at the parents in front of him with a cold expression.

"Your child does not meet the college's admission rules, you can take him away!"

The parent frowned and said, "I don't understand what you mean."

Li Yusong said: "We only accept monsters here, not ordinary people. Those who are over 13 years old, or whose soul power has not reached level 21 or above, there is no need to waste time here."

The parent said: "Your academy in the countryside has such high standards. Our children can still meet this standard. They can register for the advanced soul master academy in the city a long time ago. There is no need to come to your school." ?"

The next few parents couldn't stand it.

"That's right, can your school compare with the ones in the city? It doesn't matter what you want, but you actually set such a high standard!"

"Why didn't your school's students mention this before when they promoted it? I think you just want to defraud money. This is a naked fraud!"

"It is not easy for us rural people. We have finally collected the tuition fees and want our children to study in school. But you still come here. We are really disappointed!"

Li Yusong was angry. He was a strong man at the soul emperor level, and he was not from the same world as these common people.

In his eyes, these civilians were no different from reptiles.

He was already feeling angry because he failed to achieve his goals in Shrek Academy. Now these untouchables still dare to babble in front of him. They really don't know how to live or die!

Li Yusong suddenly released an extremely powerful aura, and a rich red light filled the air from his body.

A long stick with countless fine lines appeared in his right hand. The most terrifying thing was that a total of six soul rings rose from his feet, and the brilliant light suddenly became the focus of the audience.

"Why, are you not convinced?"

"If you are not convinced, then challenge me to a fight. If you can beat me, I will refund your tuition fees!"

In an instant, all the parents' expressions changed, they became silent and retreated with their children.

From a distance, Tang San saw Li Yusong's majestic appearance and couldn't help but praise: "This teacher is so domineering, it's like one man is in charge and no one can stop him!"

Beside him, Dai Mubai felt proud for a while.

"Hahaha, brother Tang San, have you seen the strength of our Shrek Academy now?"

"You may not think that our college is in tatters, but the strength of the teachers is not bad at all. The teacher at the door is called Li Yusong. He is the teacher with the weakest soul power in our college, so he is only qualified to watch the door!"

Tang San was shocked. The majestic Soul Emperor was only qualified to watch the gate?
Then this Shrek Academy is too terrifying, right?
"Tch, what a trash Soul Emperor, he only knows how to bully civilians, what a shameless bitch!"

A girl wearing a simple white dress with neat short hair said disdainfully.

Hearing her words, Dai Mubai glared angrily and said displeased: "What did you say!"

However, when he saw the girl's beautiful face clearly, the coldness in his eyes instantly turned into lust.

(End of this chapter)

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