Douluo: The star-filled goddess Yun Yun is signed in at the beginning

Chapter 40 The little witch Ning Rongrong, Shrek’s end

Chapter 40 The little witch Ning Rongrong, Shrek’s end

Ning Rongrong was very unhappy.

She originally thought she could find a college with a hidden location and a strong college.

In this way, she can avoid being found by her family.

In the academy, start a new life.

However, to her disappointment, the first impression this Shrek Academy gave her was very bad.

Especially Li Yusong's behavior made her want to stand up for these ordinary parents.

However, she is only a weak auxiliary soul master, and is no match for this old thing...

"What did you say!"

Dai Mubai's voice next to him attracted Ning Rongrong's attention.

She turned her head and looked over, and found a young man covered in dirt and smelly, yelling at her.

As if he saw her face clearly, the young man's eyes showed a very dirty look.

This made Ning Rongrong feel extremely disgusted.

"What are you yelling at, man at the bottom!"

Being insulted by such a beautiful woman, Dai Mubai instead of being angry showed a rogue-like smile.

He subconsciously smoothed his hair.

But when his hand touched the large pool of sticky stuff on his hair, he realized that there was still a lot of dirt on his body that had not been cleaned up.

There was no other way, Dai Mubai could only use the second move.

"Beauty, I am a student of Shrek Academy. My name is Dai Mubai. If you want to enter our Shrek Academy, just tell me and I can help you enter without any assessment."

The look of disgust in Ning Rongrong's eyes was even worse.

"It turns out that you are a student of this rubbish academy. In that case, please stay away from me. I don't want to have any interaction with the students of this rubbish school!"

Dai Mubai lost his patience.

He can be scolded.

But if anyone dared to scold Shrek Academy in front of him, he wouldn't be able to bear it anymore.

"I asked, is your mouth too unclean? You're trashing the school with every mouthful. Have we, Shrek, offended you?"

"I advise you to get out of here, otherwise I will take action and I won't be merciful!"

Ning Rongrong was used to being pampered, but this was the first time she was scolded like this.

Especially when she was scolded when she stood up for these ordinary people, she was very angry.

"Who do you think you are? How dare you tell me to go away? Do you know who I am? If you don't apologize to me today, I will close your Shrek Academy tomorrow!"

Dai Mubai didn't get used to it, and directly activated his soul power, releasing all three soul rings of two hundred years and one thousand years. The surging soul power produced invisible pressure in the air, and the cold light flashed in his evil eyes. , staring at Ning Rongrong.

"I've warned you, but you still don't get out, so don't blame me for being ruthless!"

At this time, the surrounding parents had already dispersed with their children.

They looked at Dai Mubai who was about to take action in fear. Some parents wanted to go up to help, but due to the huge gap in strength, they would only die in vain.

Li Yusong did not stop him. In his opinion, Shrek must show some means to scare the untouchables in the surrounding villages.

Otherwise, one day, these untouchables will collectively come to Shrek to cause trouble, which will be very troublesome!
Tang San also looked indifferently at Dai Mubai who was about to take action.

In his opinion, Ning Rongrong is just as annoying as Xiao Wu, they are both bitches!
A bitch like this who likes to cause trouble should be taught a lesson!
In the distance, Su Chen's carriage stopped at the corner.

Seeing Dai Mubai who was about to bully someone, Zhu Zhuyun wanted to help.

"Master, I want to kill him!"

Su Chen smiled and waved his hand, "Don't worry, we don't need to take action."

Zhu Zhuyun didn't understand what he meant.

But soon, she noticed two beautiful women in white robes appearing next to Ning Rongrong.

These two people are Ning Rongrong's protectors. They have always been by Ning Rongrong's side and secretly helped her settle everything.

Otherwise, with Ning Rongrong's character, let alone coming to the Balak Empire, he would be in a lot of trouble before leaving the Tiandou Empire. "Aunt Bai, Aunt Hua, why are you here!"

Ning Rongrong said in surprise.

Seeing her protector appear, the panic in her heart instantly dissipated.

The two beautiful women were helpless.

Aunt Bai said: "Miss, actually we have been following you all the time. The sect leader is very worried about your situation. After today, please come back to the sect with us."

Ning Rongrong pretended to be obedient and nodded.

"Okay, but Aunt Bai and Aunt Hua, you two must teach this boy a lesson, and this Shrek Academy cannot be let go!"

"This rubbish college specializes in deceiving people. It deceives the honest and honest country people with low incomes. We must not let them continue to harm people!"

The two beautiful women responded in agreement.

They watched the entire process in the dark.

It can only be said that they have the same idea as Ning Rongrong, and they must eradicate Shrek Academy.

Su Chen smiled. She was indeed the little witch Ning Rongrong.

Even if he didn't take action, Shrek Academy would be finished.

He could feel the soul power fluctuations in the two beautiful women.

These two people should be strong men at the Soul Saint level, or a pair of sisters, with a vague connection with each other...

Li Yusong at the gate couldn't sit still and came to Dai Mubai's side.

This time, his face no longer looked arrogant.

He bent down slightly, cupped his hands and said, "Student Dai Mubai has offended a few people. I am here to apologize to you on his behalf..."

Aunt Bai said coldly: "You were not like this just now!"

Li Yusong looked embarrassed, "The parents of those students just now were ignorant, so my attitude..."

Aunt Hua waved her hand and said impatiently: "Okay, you old thing, stop trying to defend yourself and just accept the move!"

A peach blossom sword appeared in Aunt Hua's hand. Her figure was as airy as a fairy, but full of chills.

Li Yusong was defeated in a few moves, leaving dense sword wounds on his body.

Lu Qibin, Shao Xin, and Zhao Wuji in Shrek Academy heard the noise and came outside.

Seeing two strong men wearing Qibao Glazed Sect costumes appearing outside Shrek Academy, the academy teacher Li Yusong fell in a pool of blood, Lu Qibin cupped his hands and said:

"May I ask why these two seniors hurt my teacher from Shrek Academy?"

Aunt Bai briefly explained what happened.

After hearing the ins and outs of the matter, Lu Qibin and Shao Xin looked at each other and made a decision.

The two of them were originally recruited by Flanders.

But that piece of shit Flanders has already owed them three years of wages.

Originally, Shao Xin would also be responsible for the college's meals.

But since he was owed wages, he stopped working and left the food issue to the villagers in the college.

The same goes for Lu Qibin next to him. He drinks tea and sleeps in school every day.

On which day he is paid, and on which day he goes to teach students.

Originally, they planned to stay here and wait for Flanders to pay them back wages.

But now, whether Shrek Academy can still exist is a question, let alone wages.

The two of them immediately submitted their resignations to Zhao Wuji.

Zhao Wuji was stunned. He originally planned to fight these two women, but the two teachers next to him actually quit!
"Don't you two have a very good relationship with Flanders?"

"Now that the college is in crisis, we need you two to stand up and support the situation!"

Upon hearing Flanders, Shao Xin and Lu Qibin shook their heads and said, "We are not familiar with Flanders."

(End of this chapter)

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