Chapter 43 Newborn Ma Hongjun

"Mistress, please lend a hand and help me carry Vice President Zhao Wuji to the college."

Dai Mubai had a sullen face and whispered to Tang San.

His tone didn't sound like he was asking for help, but more like he was ordering Tang San to do something.

Tang San felt a little unhappy, but he still helped him lift Zhao Wuji up.

At the same time, he glared at Old Man Jiao behind him and asked him to get Li Yusong in, who was on the ground like a dead dog.

Old man Jiao nodded, took Li Yusong's leg and dragged him inside.

Yu Xiaogang from behind saw Li Yusong's head being bumped up and down by the gravel on the ground. He couldn't help but cursed Old Man Jiao and stepped forward to help lift it together.

They entered Shrek Academy.

Before, Shrek Academy had several enemies who had paid their tuition fees and were waiting for the teacher to arrange assessments for them.

Oscar set his sights on these villains, prepared to take a huge sum of money from them, and began to promote his own big sausage.

As for outside matters, he doesn't care much. After all, so many teachers have gone out, and things can definitely be settled. If he doesn't make this money today, he won't make it tomorrow!
"Stop, where did you come from, this bug? Get out of our Shrek Academy!"

Oscar, who was still selling sausages, smelled a strong stench, just like the dry toilets in the village.

Those big bastards who originally wanted to buy his sausages all showed disgusted expressions.

This pissed him off so much.

He immediately cursed at the black bug walking towards him.

"Oscar, you stinky dog ​​wants to die!"

Hearing this familiar voice, Oscar was startled and his expression changed drastically.

"Boss Dai?"

"Boss Dai, why have you become like this?"

Oscar couldn't imagine that the person in front of him was the usually high-spirited Dai Mubai.

Dai Mubai snorted coldly, "I'll tell you later. Now go to the village to find a barefoot doctor and ask him to come over and treat the injuries of Vice President Wuji and Teacher Li Yusong!"

"I'm going to take a shower now, and then let the fat man go to the city to find the dean. Now the college must ask him to stand up!"

During the period when Dai Mubai went to take a bath.

Ning Rongrong wandered around the college.

Soon, a quarrel attracted her attention.

One of the two parties in the quarrel was a 14-year-old girl with ordinary appearance and simple clothes. She looked like she was a villager's child.

On the other hand, there was a short, fat man with dark skin, fat appearance, sinister eyebrows, and a very wretched look.

The girl looked at the short black fat man with a look of fear in her eyes, "Ma Hongjun, don't look for me again. I won't be with you anymore."

The short black fat man said in a weird voice: "Cuihua, am I not treating you well? Why do you want to break up with me?"

Cuihua's face suddenly turned red, "You are very kind to me, but I really can't stand you. We are not suitable, you should find someone else. Besides, I am several years older than you. Please, don't Look for me again."

The short black fat man Ma Hongjun said angrily: "What do you mean you can't stand it? I really don't understand what you girls are thinking. It's okay to break up. Come with me again and I will break up with you. Otherwise, no way!"

Hear the conversation between them.

Ning Rongrong behind was stunned.

She knows something about the relationship between men and women, and what boys and girls do when they are in love.

But the young man and woman in front of him are a bit too young, right?Especially the short, dark, fat man, who was as short as a third- or fourth-year elementary school student at the Junior Soul Master Academy.

And that little girl, because she is an ordinary person, and because of malnutrition, her body is not fully developed, and she is also thin and small.

At her current age and physical condition, doing that kind of thing would be very harmful to her body!
Cuihua over there has already started to run away, but how could she possibly outrun the soul master.

Ma Hongjun grabbed her hand and pulled her towards him!
"Come here for me!"

Cuihua begged bitterly: "No, no more, just let me go, please let me go..."

Seeing that Cuihua was so anxious that she almost cried, Ning Rongrong couldn't stand it anymore, "Stop!"

She shouted, stopped Ma Hongjun's behavior, and protected Cuihua, whose arm had been scratched with blood, behind her.

Cuihua was like a frightened little rabbit, hiding behind Ning Rongrong.

Ma Hongjun was furious. He was a little bully in the village. Normally, none of the untouchables dared to stop him. Unexpectedly, someone took the initiative to stand up and stop him today.

He wanted to see which dog was so brave!

When he saw the person in front of him clearly, his wretched eyes shone brightly, "What a beautiful girl, what, do you want to replace her as my girlfriend? Yes, no problem, I agree!"

After saying that, he wanted to step forward and take Ning Rongrong's hand.

"Dog offal!"

A cold voice sounded.

Aunt Bai from behind released a burst of soul power and directly cut off Ma Hongjun's palm.

Ma Junjie's rat eyes suddenly enlarged and he started to wail.


"My hand, my hand!"

He was lying on the ground rolling back and forth, blood pouring out from the wound.


Seeing this scene, Ning Rongrong snorted coldly, feeling relieved.

She looked at the frightened Cuihua behind her and asked with concern: "How are you? Have you been injured by this beast?"

Cuihua shook her head and said it was okay.

But Ning Rongrong still saw the blood stains on her hands.

She took out a box of ointment from the soul guide and helped Cuihua apply it.

While applying it, Ning Rongrong asked: "Why did you become this beast's girlfriend and have that kind of relationship with him? You should know that doing that kind of thing at your age is very harmful to your body. If you suffer from any disease in the future, who can you expect to treat it?"

Cuihua buried her head in silence for a while before telling her about the situation at home.

It turns out that Cuihua's parents are seriously ill and cannot work in the fields.

She became the breadwinner of the family.

But how could she, a 14-year-old girl, support a family of three?
Therefore, she had no choice but to become Ma Junjie's girlfriend, and she could get fifty silver soul coins from him every month...

"Originally, we had a relatively large field at home, but after Shrek and his group came, they occupied our field."

"At the beginning, they promised to give us five gold soul coins every year, but they only gave us one year. In the following years, they were all in arrears and didn't give us a cent."

"We only live on a small piece of land and can't fill our stomachs at all. Every year, we have to go to other villages to buy food. Many people can't survive and have moved away from the village. So as you can see, there are not many people in our village at all. Already..."

(End of this chapter)

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