Chapter 44 Tang Hao's Plan

After hearing this, Ning Rongrong felt angry.

She thought Shrek was already a beast, but she didn't expect that he was even more beastly behind his back!

"It seems that Shrek wants to use this method to force you all to leave the village and then occupy this land!"

"Their dean is really vicious, he must be a shameless profiteer!"

Ning Rongrong was so angry that she didn't know what to say.

She looked at Aunt Bai, "Aunt Bai, let's destroy this Shrek!"

"Let's kill all Shrek's gang!"

Although Aunt Bai was also very angry, she still maintained a trace of restraint.

She shook her head and said: "Miss, this is in the Kingdom of Balak. We kill people here. If the King of Balak finds out, it will bring trouble to the sect..."

Ning Rongrong sighed.

"Okay then, how about we put pressure on the Soto City Lord's Palace and let them deal with Shrek Academy and give justice to these villagers?"

Aunt Bai nodded, feeling that Ning Rongrong had grown a lot all of a sudden.

Ning Rongrong asked Cuihua to gather the villagers, gave them some gold soul coins, and asked them to follow him into the city to make Shrek's evil deeds public.

Not only could they get money, but they could also expose Shrek. Not to mention how happy these bullied and oppressed villagers were. Even if Ning Rongrong didn't give them money, they were still willing to go!

At this moment, Shrek, who was originally quiet, became completely silent.

Dai Mubai finally washed off the dirt on his body and prepared to go to a villager's house for dinner.

But they found that none of the villagers were at home, and all the food, money, etc. were taken away.

“Where have these untouchables gone?”

As he walked, he discovered a big black mouse lying on the ground.

"Fatty, what's wrong with you?"

Dai Mubai kicked Ma Hongjun and suddenly found that one of his hands was missing.

"Fat man, what's wrong with your hand!"

Continuous shaking made Ma Hongjun gradually wake up.

He felt the pain in his arm and cried out again.

When he saw the person in front of him clearly, he immediately hugged Dai Mubai's thigh and cried, "Boss Dai, you must avenge me!"

"Today, a girl in a white dress came to the college, and there was a strong woman beside her. They cut off my palm without saying a word, and they were very arrogant. Please tell Vice President Zhao Wuji this matter quickly and let him He helped me get revenge!"

Dai Mubai immediately knew that person was Ning Rongrong.

Thinking that the other party was a direct disciple of the Qibao Glazed Sect, he felt helpless.

Because now he has no way to keep up with the Qibao Glazed Sect, one of the three sects.

At this time, a black figure flew into Shrek Academy with a powerful aura.

Dai Mubai was startled and quickly picked up Ma Hongjun and led him to run in the direction where the black shadow fell.

The black shadow is none other than Tang Hao.

He returned to the waterfall where the Blue Silver Emperor was hidden and found that a large hole had been dug out where the Blue Silver Grass had been.

The Blue Silver Emperor soul bone in the wall mechanism also disappeared.

What's even more annoying is that there is a line of small words left on the ground that says "Beast Tang Hao"!
This made Tang Hao very angry.

He immediately cast suspicious eyes on Yun Yun.It was most likely that night six years ago, when he went around the hiding place of the Blue Silver Emperor for the last time and left some breath, which was captured by the woman.

Thus, the location of the Blue Silver Emperor was discovered, and the soul bone was successfully found!
The Blue Silver Emperor soul bone is what Tang Hao values ​​the most.

Now that his soul bone is lost, it feels even worse than losing his limbs!

He felt very regretful in his heart. He should have taken the risk and taken away the Blue Silver Emperor's soul bone in the first place!
Or he won't even look at it, and leaves Notting City directly without giving the other party the possibility of finding it!
But it's too late to say anything now. The other party has already taken away the soul bone, and maybe it has been fused into the body...

In the room, Yu Xiaogang and Tang San were sitting by the bed, watching the barefoot doctor treating Li Yusong and Zhao Wuji.

The barefoot doctor was about to vomit, and the room was filled with the smell of shit from Tang San, Yu Xiaogang, and Old Man Jiao.

Even Tang Hao, who pushed open the door and entered, almost rolled his eyes and fainted after smelling this smell.

"Why do you guys stink so much? Did you just get out of the cesspit?"

He just said this casually, but he never thought that Tang San and the others really got out of the cesspool.


"This is how the same thing?"

Immediately afterwards, Tang Hao looked at Zhao Wuji and Li Yusong on the bed and asked about the situation.

Yu Xiaogang carefully explained what happened just now.

Especially when he talked about Su Chen defeating Zhao Wuji, the expression on his face changed.

"You mean, when that little boy fought with Zhao Wuji, a pair of armor appeared on his hand?" Tang Hao asked quickly.

Yu Xiaogang nodded.

Tang Hao took a deep breath and said with great certainty: "That is not armor at all, but a piece of soul bone!"

Then, he told the story about the missing soul bone of the Blue Silver Emperor.

He put his hand on Tang San's head again, preparing to touch Tang San's head while telling the story of this soul bone.

But unexpectedly, he touched feces on his hand.

The sticky black substance on Tang San's hair was all feces that had accumulated in the sewers for several years.

Tang Hao resisted the urge to vomit and said to Tang San: "Xiao San, that is the soul bone your mother left for you, we must take him back!"

Tang San naturally wanted to take it back.

A 10-year-old soul bone was enough to close the gap between him, Xiao Wu and the others!

"But Dad, how should we get those soul bones back?"

"They are so powerful, and there is that woman beside them. It is impossible to obtain soul bones from them..."

Tang Hao smiled slightly and asked Tang San to show the Clear Sky Hammer.

"Xiao San, do you know what it means to be a person with this martial spirit?"

"It means that he is a disciple of the Haotian Sect, the number one sect in the world!"

"I was the young master of the Haotian Sect back then, but later on, for the sake of you and your mother, I gave up this title and gave up the position of sect leader to your uncle."

"Now your uncle has taken the Haotian Sect and hid in a top-secret place, but if I write to him and tell him the news about the soul bones, then he will still help us!"

"When the time comes, your uncle will lead the powerful men of the Haotian Sect to surround and suppress those people. The scene will be spectacular!"

Tang San's eyes lit up and he was filled with hope again.

Yu Xiaogang next to him wanted to kneel on the ground and look up at Tang Hao, feeling that this was the courage his idol should have!
Old man Jiao, on the other hand, seemed to have discovered some big secret, his eyes kept turning, not knowing what he was thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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