Chapter 47
Tang San came to Yu Xiaogang's side. Seeing the countless arrows that were densely packed behind Yu Xiaogang, he felt very distressed.

Of course, more anger.

He looked at the people in front of him and said word by word: "You all have a way to die!"

After Brooke and the others heard this, they all laughed.

The sky-wide laughter made Tang San very angry inside.

He vowed that he would make these people pay the price they deserve!
"Okay, I won't talk nonsense to you guys anymore!"

Brooke no longer paid attention to Tang San's master and apprentice.

"Dean Flender, now we are going to demolish your Shrek Academy, are you willing?"

Flanders was dazed and only heard the last few words.

An officer and soldier took a sharp pliers and pinched him hard.

Flanders was so painful that he couldn't stop shaking all over.

"I do, I do!"

In the past two days, he had been tortured to the point of going crazy, and he had not rested during the entire process.

Whips, iron brands, and pliers like before were all directed at him without stopping for a moment.

Later, he was thrown into a pile of prisoners.

The prisoners' methods were even more ruthless, making him worse than death, and he just wanted to be freed quickly.

After Flanders agreed, the prison van was opened, and the surrounding officers and soldiers dragged him outside, removed the shackles that sealed his body's soul power, and kicked him hard on the back.

"You are free, get out of here!"

Hearing the angry scoldings of the officers and soldiers, Flanders felt like he had regained a new lease of life. Instead of showing any displeasure on his face, he revealed a smile from the bottom of his heart.

He kowtowed respectfully to everyone around him, causing a burst of laughter.

When he came to Yu Xiaogang.

Instead of feeling the joy of seeing an old friend, Yu Xiaogang pointed at his nose and cursed: "Flender, you spineless thing, why did you let them tear down Shrek!"

"What, tear down Shrek!"

Flanders later realized what he had promised.

"Damn Flanders, you are such a bastard. Shrek is gone like this. You are so mad at me!"

Yu Xiaogang beat his chest, and his reaction surprised Flanders.

But what Flanders wants to do most now is to stop the demolition of the Soto City army.

He lowered his stance, cupped his hands and said, "Excuse me, why do you want to demolish my Shrek Academy?"

"Our Shrek Academy has been here for many years and has never done anything that violates the laws of the kingdom. Why should it be demolished?"

He didn't say it was okay, but when he did, the angry villagers all started yelling.

Especially Cuihua's parents were crying so hard.

The good-looking eldest daughter of my family was ruined by a stinky gopher like Ma Hongjun. How could she get married in the future?
"Where is Ma Hongjun?"

Ning Rongrong asked loudly.

Seeing no one answered, City Lord Bruce gave an order, and several strong men behind him immediately entered Shrek to arrest people.

After a while, Ma Hongjun was caught and smashed to the ground.

"Oh, my hand, didn't you see that my hand was injured?" "Actually, I am the victim. My hand was chopped off by the strong man next to that bitch woman. If you want to arrest her, then go and arrest that woman. ,Do not touch me!"

Ma Hongjun pointed at Ning Rongrong and cursed.

Hearing the words "dog woman", Ning Rongrong was so angry that she gritted her teeth and stared fiercely.

Bruce next to him also knew that the little princess of Qibao Glazed Sect was angry, "Slap me!"

The strong man from Soto City next to him didn't hold back. With two slaps, all of Ma Hongjun's teeth were knocked out. His face was swollen like a pig's head, and there was only a slit left for his eyes.

Seeing someone supporting her, Cuihua burst into tears and told everything about what Ma Hongjun had done to her before.

"He forces me every day. Not only does he make me do that kind of thing with him, he also makes me help him wash and cook, beat his back and knead his feet, and treat me like a slave!"

"As long as I have the slightest intention of refusing, he will set fire to my rice field and burn all the food that our family has worked so hard to grow!"

"Later, he threatened me even more. If I broke up with me again, he would burn down my house and burn my parents alive. Wuwuwu..."

After hearing what Cuihua said, everyone present became angry. Even Yu Xiaogang and Tang San felt that Ma Hongjun was a complete beast!

"This this……"

"My disciple does have a bad temper, but that's because of his physical condition. His martial soul mutated, which forced him to do that kind of thing..."

Flanders tried his best to defend his disciple.

"Hmph, if you attribute all this to Wuhun, I think he is a born bad guy!"

Ning Rongrong was so angry that these Cuihua didn't even tell her.

And now, she said all this in front of so many people, which is enough to show how wronged she has been!

"Isn't this what a girlfriend should do?"

"I... don't think... there's any problem."

Ma Hongjunzhu opened and closed his mouth and continued to defend himself.

The two strong men next to him couldn't stand it anymore and continued to punch and kick him, breaking most of his bones.

Ning Rongrong waved her hand to tell these powerful men to stop.

"On the way here, I saw a pig farmer castrating piglets. I heard that many animals undergo this step to keep them calm."

Brook, the Lord of Soto City, echoed: "Yes, this is indeed the case. Even the war horses we ride under us need to take this step, so that they will be more docile and not cause trouble!"

Ning Rongrong said: "In that case, let's castrate this little black pig to prevent him from continuing to harm people!"

"Without that thing, his martial soul problem should be solved, right?"

Hearing this, some soldiers couldn't help but clamp their legs.

Some soldiers also came forward, saying that they had worked as chefs and were good at knife skills, and they could change them into flower knives.

Flanders wanted to stop him, but after looking at the torture instruments in the hands of the soldiers, a chill ran down his spine. He could only let the soldiers drag Ma Hongjun into the woods.

After a while, Ma Hongjun's screams rang out in the grove. The sound gradually turned from rough at the beginning to high-pitched and weak. Everyone knew that the work of castrating the piglets was completed.

Immediately afterwards, Brooke's goal was to dismantle Shrek Academy.

However, before the demolition, Flanders made a request, that is, he still had some valuables hidden in the study that he had not taken out.

Brooke did not refuse, and Shrek would also compensate these villagers for their financial losses later. Flanders' valuables could just be used to pay off the debt.

But Yu Xiaogang next to him suddenly felt guilty.

(End of this chapter)

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