Douluo: The star-filled goddess Yun Yun is signed in at the beginning

Chapter 48: Brothers turn against each other, teachers become enemies

Chapter 48: Brothers turn against each other, teachers become enemies

" this my office?"

Flanders wondered if the academy had been robbed during the two days he was away. Why were all the cabinets opened and everything of value taken away...

"My calligraphy and painting!"

He looked at a calligraphy and painting on the ground worth two hundred gold soul coins, and immediately squatted down to pick it up.

I saw that there were wrinkles everywhere on the calligraphy and painting, and there was a big hole in the middle, and there seemed to be residual snot on it!
Flanders felt dizzy and almost fainted.

He is a soul saint who doesn't fall in love or get married, and he doesn't have any bad habits. In addition to running an academy and a small shop that makes money, he spends all the rest on buying calligraphy and paintings.

At this moment, more than a dozen calligraphy and paintings of various sizes in the room were all crumpled into a ball, like garbage, and casually discarded on the ground.

"Who, who came to my study and destroyed my calligraphy and painting!"

Flanders no longer cares about the gold soul coins in the safe. He just wants to find out who made his office look like this!
No one from within Shrek would enter his office.

Then it must have been done by outsiders!
Flanders was so angry that he vomited blood three times in a row. He looked at Yu Xiaogang who was following him and asked, "Xiao Gang, do you know who has entered my office?"

Yu Xiaogang was squeaking and couldn't say a word.


Dai Mubai, who had been hiding in the academy, came out.

"I know who came into your office!"

"who is it?"

Flanders asked quickly.

Dai Mubai pointed at Yu Xiaogang.

"It's him!"

"This idiot has been dominating our academy with the help of his disciple and his disciple's father!"

"Not only did I enter your office, but I also rummaged through everything in your office and took all the valuable items in exchange for food. The more than 30 kilograms of beef in the kitchen ice cellar is the best proof!"

What made Dai Mubai the most angry was that the bastard Yu Xiaogang didn't even let him eat a bite of beef!

All the meals he eats these days are bought in the next village!
They spent Shrek's money to buy beef, why not give it to him, an official student!
Dai Mubai was so angry that he gritted his teeth, and the wounds on his body were aching.

Flender was even more furious. He didn't expect that the person who made his office look like this was his good brother Yu Xiaogang, far away but right in front of him!

"Xiao Gang, I didn't expect it to be you who did this!"

Yu Xiaogang disagreed: "Isn't it just some calligraphy and painting? What does this mean?"

"I remember when you were down and out, I supported you so much and helped you rise to Soul Saint step by step without even saying a word!"

"Now I use a few of your gold soul coins to destroy a few of your broken calligraphy and paintings, and you yell at me. It really disappoints me!"

It's okay if I don't mention this, but Flanders gets angry when I mention it.

He sneered: "When you published "The Ten Core Competencies of Wuhun", no one knew about you Yu Xiaogang. It was you who took the initiative to find me and Erlong and asked us to form a golden iron triangle with you to help you. Make a name for yourself!”

"Everything you gave me was what you promised me, not what I asked for from you!"

At this time, Flanders thought of Liu Erlong again.

If the bastard Yu Xiaogang hadn't joined them, he and Liu Erlong would now be a couple with several children!

Flender became angrier and angrier as he thought about it, and he became even more unhappy when he saw Yu Xiaogang in front of him.

He punched Yu Xiaogang directly in the face.

Yu Xiaogang was punched and became angry.

The two immediately struggled together.

Brooke, Ning Rongrong and the others entered Shrek when they saw that Yu Xiaogang and Flender had not come out yet.

I saw the two people struggling downstairs.

Neither of them used their soul power, but kept hitting each other with their fists.

This feeling of punching the flesh is the most relieving feeling.

Next to them were Dai Mubai and Tang San.

Perhaps because the teacher couldn't fight anymore, the two disciples also struggled together.

"Hey, these people seem to be wanted criminals in the city!"

Finally, a patrolling soldier recognized Tang San, Dai Mubai, Old Man Jiao and Yu Xiaogang.

Recognized the identity of their wanted criminal.


Brooke was shocked. It seemed that all of Shrek's members were evil, and none of them were good!
It seems that this school must be demolished today!
"Where are those villains?"

A middle-aged man walked over from behind. He looked like he was in his 30s, with simple black hair and simple clothes. Only his eyes were particularly bright.

Behind him were a group of handsome men and beauties, making the middle-aged man at the front of the team seem a bit out of place.

This middle-aged man was Shrek's former student.

After graduation, he did not become a viscount of the empire. Instead, he relied on his extraordinary talent to serve as a leading teacher at the Tiandou Royal Academy.

That is the most strenuous job in Tiandou Royal Academy. It requires constantly taking students out for training and sleeping outdoors all year round. Not only is it very dangerous, but there is no time to rest. The income is no different from that of a lecturer.

This time, he was lucky enough to lead some of the best disciples from Tiandou Royal Academy to go out for training. Qin Ming thought of taking them to Soto City, the place where he once studied.

Especially the Great Soul Fighting Arena in Soto City.

Almost all of his talents were developed there.

As for Shrek in the countryside, he didn't want to take his disciples there to visit...

However, the reason why he came to Shrek this time was because when they arrived in Soto City, they heard someone say that the army from Soto City had just set off to the countryside to fight against the evil people.

It is said that among those evildoers, there are several Soul Emperors and even Soul Saint level experts.

Now, Yu Tianheng and the others couldn't sit still and clamored to go to the theater.

Qin Ming also felt that this was a rare opportunity, so he took his disciples there.

But he didn't expect that the place where Soto City's army was attacking would be the Shrek Academy where he once lived!
He couldn't believe that his teacher could be the evil person described by others, so he brought his disciples forward to inquire about the situation.

Qin Ming walked to the front and saw Yu Xiaogang who was struggling with Flender at a glance.

When he saw clearly the injuries on Flanders' body, he was immediately startled.

"Teacher, why are you injured like this!"

Qin Ming couldn't believe that his teacher Flanders was a strong man at the Soul Saint level.

But now there is no good piece of flesh on his body, and blood can't stop flowing from the wounds on his body, turning him into a bloody man.

What happened to make it look like this!
Qin Ming still valued the teachers like Flanders who had educated him very much. He did not hesitate and directly regarded Yu Xiaogang as the "evil man" that the Soto City army wanted to attack!
"Fire Wolf!"

"The number one soul skill - Sky Burning Flame!"

The Fiery Wolf Spirit behind Qin Ming let out bursts of wolf howls, accompanied by several flames appearing at the same time.

These flames instantly enveloped Yu Xiaogang.


The flames penetrated Yu Xiaogang's skin, causing him to jump up and down in pain.

"Stop!" Yu Tianheng recognized that this was his uncle.

Qin Ming was so busy thinking about revenge for Flender that he could not listen to what others said.

At this moment, Yu Tianheng, who was eager to save people, directly attacked Qin Ming and punched him in the back.

By the time Qin Ming reacted, it was already too late. He received such a solid punch on his back that he flew backwards.

The others in Tiandou Royal Academy were shocked.

"Yu Tianheng, what are you doing!"

"Yu Tianheng, how can you attack the teacher?"

Even Dugu Yan didn't know why Yu Tianheng suddenly attacked the teacher.

Seeing the girl he was pursuing looking at him strangely, Yu Tianheng could only explain: "He hit my uncle, why can't I hit him?"

After saying that, he didn't have time to explain any unnecessary things, so he ran to Yu Xiaogang's side and helped him put out the fire on his body.

During the process of extinguishing, Yu Tianheng's hand touched the burned skin on Yu Xiaogang's body, and a scream was heard again.

Yu Xiaogang fainted from the pain and urinated feces and urine.

Yu Tianheng felt distressed, but he respected this elder very much.

Now that he sees Yu Xiaogang like this, he is filled with hatred for Flanders and Qin Ming!
He first came to Flanders' body, specifically picking out the wounds, digging his nails into the flesh, and tearing hard to the sides.

Then, he came behind Qin Ming, who had just gotten up from the ground, and beat him severely with his martial spirit.

"The first soul skill - blue electric dragon claw!"

At this moment, a large piece of flesh and blood was removed from Qin Ming's back.

Qin Ming screamed. In pain, he no longer cared about Yu Tianheng's side. He turned around, kicked Yu Tianheng in the abdomen, and set fire to it.

At this time, the army in Soto City was having a great time watching it.

I thought that the scuffle between Yu Xiaogang and Flanders was exciting enough, but I didn't expect that it was just an appetizer. The fight between Yu Tianheng and Qin Ming was the real dish!

The people from Tiandou Royal Academy couldn't stand it anymore, so they pulled Qin Ming and Yu Tianheng away.

Ye Langling summoned Jiuxin Begonia. Her soul power was not very high, and she could barely cure Qin Ming and Yu Tianheng.

After Yu Tianheng recovered, he immediately grabbed Ye Lingling's arm and asked: "Lingling, can you treat my uncle? He is dying!"

After Ye Lingling treated Yu Tianheng and Qin Ming, he had exhausted his soul power and looked very pale.

She doesn't like contact with strangers, especially an emotionally unstable man like Yu Tianheng.

"My soul power has been exhausted, please don't hold me!"

However, Yu Tianheng turned a deaf ear and still held Ye Lingling's arm.

"Lingling, please help me!"

Dugu Yan slapped Yu Tianheng on the face. She protected Ye Lingling behind her and said angrily: "Yu Tianheng, didn't you expect that Lingling said that her soul power has been exhausted?"

Yu Tianheng said: "What should I do about my uncle? He is injured like this now. If he is not treated quickly, he will probably die!"

Dugu Yan said lightly: "What does that have to do with Lingling? Her soul power is exhausted now. You can't possibly let her use her soul power to treat your uncle!"

The cold tone made Yu Tianheng wonder if this was the Ye Lingling he recognized.

With no other choice, Yu Tianheng could only come to the Soto City army and ask for help.

City Lord Brooke sneered.

The people behind immediately understood what the city lord meant, and no one said a word.

At this time, a young man appeared with several women.

The person who came was none other than Su Chen.

He has actually been here a long time ago.

It's just that he didn't show up and kept watching the show in secret.

Seeing that this drama is about to end.

He couldn't sit still anymore, so he ran over to join in the fun.

With the appearance of Su Chen, the eyes of Ning Rongrong and Dugu Yan were all attracted by his appearance.

Aunt Bai couldn't help but take another look at him, and secretly thought that he was such a handsome young man.

The reaction of Aunt Hua next to her was very exaggerated. She subconsciously clamped the horse's belly tightly, her mature cheeks were stained with blush, and she began to recall the scenes that happened that night.

If it weren't for the well-trained war horse beneath him, he might have rushed out by now.

Even Ye Lingling, who had always disliked contact with men, looked at Su Chen for a long time and was reluctant to look away.

"I have a way to suppress the burns on your uncle's body!" Su Chen said.

Yu Tianheng was immediately attracted by his voice.

When he saw Su Chen, he was shocked and secretly wondered why this man was so handsome.

If even a man thinks you are handsome, then you are probably really handsome.

But Yu Tianheng quickly focused on what Su Chen said.

"Do you have a way to cure my uncle's burns?"

"What method? Tell me quickly!"

Su Chen made it clear: "It's not about curing it, it's about preventing the wound from getting worse. This is a traditional method I heard from a place called Curry Village. You only need to mix cow dung and horse urine and apply it on the burned area. It can prevent the wound from worsening!”

"As for the follow-up, treatment still needs to be carried out!"

Yu Tianheng suspected that his IQ had been insulted.

He said angrily: "Are you kidding me?"

Su Chen spread his hands: "I've told you the method, it's up to you to believe it or not."

Yu Tianheng looked back at Yu Xiaogang, gritted his teeth, and ran towards the village.

Soon, he got cow dung in the next village.

As for horse urine, there are so many war horses here, you can easily make a lot of hot urine.

He mixed these things together, and the smell was not to mention terrifying. The entire Shrek was wrapped in a strong stench, and some soldiers who couldn't bear it dismounted and retched.

"I'm sorry, uncle!"

Yu Tianheng first applied a little on Yu Xiaogang's hand.

"Uncle, how do your hands feel?"

Yu Xiaogang said in a daze: "It's warm and comfortable..."

Seeing this, Yu Tianheng gritted his teeth and smeared all the remaining mixture on Yu Xiaogang's body, leaving only his nostrils and ears.

Surprisingly, after applying the mixture, Yu Xiaogang fell asleep peacefully, as if the stench had no effect on him.

"Uncle is indeed an uncle. He can even bear this stench. It's really amazing!"

Yu Tianheng couldn't help but admire him, and admired Yu Xiaogang even more in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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