Chapter 69: Male Sword Douluo
Aunt Bai was very confused.

Ever since my sister went to follow Su Chen that day, she seemed to be a different person when she came back, like a young girl in love, who would often smile secretly by herself.

She couldn't figure out why.

So I have been observing my sister during this time.

However, she didn't notice anything unusual.

Because her sister was always with her and never left alone to do anything.

On the way back, Aunt Bai found that her sister had been staring at Su Chen, her eyes were as tender as water, as if she had been poisoned by love, and she wanted to eat that young Su Chen alive!
And now, my sister sneaked over to Su Chen in the middle of the night.

This made Aunt Bai even more convinced that something happened between her sister and Su Chen.

She looked inside through the window.

Suddenly she saw a scene that shocked her jaw.

Aunt Bai's face turned red instantly, and the blood in her body almost boiled. She took a deep breath and tried to calm her emotions.


"If that's the case, then let the two of them be like this..."

Thinking that my sister has never been in love in her life, and now she has finally found the person she likes.

Although the age difference between the two parties is a bit large, the age of the soul master is far older than that of ordinary people. You cannot see this from the perspective of ordinary people. Soul master partners who are more than 20 years old are quite common on the mainland.

Aunt Bai returned to the room. She covered herself with the quilt and wanted to sleep, but she couldn't fall asleep no matter what. Her mind was filled with Su Chen's proud and majestic appearance just now.

"What's going on? Could it be that I am like my sister..."

She stood up, feeling very hot.

At this time, the door knocked.

Aunt Bai was startled and asked, "Who is it?"

Who could knock on the door so rudely in the middle of the night?

"It's me, Chen Xin..."

Sword Douluo's voice sounded outside the door.

His voice was much weaker than before.

Aunt Bai was a little displeased and frowned slightly, but she still asked nicely: "Sword Douluo, it's so late, what's wrong?"

Sword Douluo said: "It's like this. I want to talk to Sister Hua. After all, I haven't seen her for a long time and I miss her a little. But when I went to her room just now, I found that she was not there, and there was no one in the room. There is no trace of her stay, where did she go after the banquet?"

Flower sister?
Aunt Bai secretly said shamelessly.

The two sisters are less than 40 years old.

And what about Sword Douluo?
He is now over 100 years old. Even if the soul master is much older than the average person, the age gap of more than 60 years is still enough to be their elder!

Now they are comparable to their brothers and sisters.

Really shameless!
How could Aunt Bai not see what Sword Douluo was thinking.

She just wants to eat young grass and seduce her sister.

In the past, she would have never said anything, but now her sister already has someone she likes!
And that day, the subject only defeated this shameless guy during the day!

Aunt Bai said calmly: "I don't know where she went. How about you go and look around in the sect."


Sword Douluo was a little disappointed when he didn't ask about Hua Rong's whereabouts.

He dragged his tired body and walked aimlessly in the sect.

Some patrolling disciples passed by him and greeted him, but he did not respond.

Unknowingly, he came to Ning Rongrong's yard.

Originally, he wanted to go into the house to take a look, but thinking that Ning Rongrong might be asleep, he didn't interrupt rashly.I just used my mental power to sense the surroundings, but I didn't sense Hua Rong's aura.

At this moment, a charming figure walked out of the yard next door.

It was none other than Aunt Hua, whom Sword Douluo had been looking for for a long time.

At this time, Aunt Hua's face was rosy and full of energy, as if she had taken a panacea, her whole face was radiant and even more beautiful.

"Sister Hua!"

Chen Xin was immediately attracted by Aunt Hua's appearance.

He found that the way Aunt Hua looked at this moment was the most beautiful of all the looks he had ever seen. She had all the advantages of a woman, which made his blood flow faster!

Hua Rong frowned, a little unhappy.

She had just finished her private meeting with the young couple.

I didn't expect to encounter this unlucky thing as soon as I went out!

"Sword Douluo."

Although she was not happy in her heart, Hua Rong still had to show off her skills and bowed to Jian Chen.

Sword Douluo quickly stepped forward to help Hua Rong up.

"Sister Hua, we are so close to each other. We don't need to follow these etiquettes. It's too out of place."

When Sword Douluo was about to touch Hua Rong, he suddenly took a breath of cold air and felt a sharp pain in his body.

Hua Rong also took a step back.

She pretended to be concerned: "Sword Douluo, are you okay?"

Sword Douluo pretended that he was about to die.

"I can't help anymore, Sister Hua, come and help me!"

However, Hua Rong did not step forward to help. Instead, she called out to the patrolling disciples around her.

When the disciples saw Sword Douluo like this, the four of them worked together to lift him up and carried him back to his residence.

"Hmph, this old and smelly man wants to take advantage of me. How shameless!"

She sighed and returned to her room with satisfaction.

The next day, Ning Fengzhi warmly entertained Su Chen and took him to visit the entire Qibao Glazed Sect and its properties.

Ning Rongrong accompanied him throughout the whole process.

During this period, Ning Fengzhi kept asking Ning Rongrong to take Su Chen to visit, creating as much space as possible for the two of them to be alone.

In front of Su Chen, there was a panel with various information about Ning Rongrong.

He discovered that Ning Rongrong's favorability towards him had reached 95, and she didn't even need him to guide her. This little girl was obsessed with him on her own.

Last night, when he completed the sign-in, he did not get an adaptive soul ring, but a special treasure, a treasure that could stop time!
However, the current treasure can only stop time within a radius of [-] meters, but not within a larger area.

"Okay, Sect Master Ning, let's just stop here today. There is no need to arrange a banquet for the evening, because I have to go to Tiandou Imperial City to do some urgent business, and it may take a few days for me to come back."

Ning Fengzhi nodded and said: "Okay, since it's urgent, then go ahead, but do you want to find someone to go with you? After all, it is your first time to come to Tiandou Imperial City, and you will be unfamiliar with the place, so you will have some trouble."

Su Chen nodded and said, "That's fine."

The escort arranged by Ning Fengzhi was naturally Ning Rongrong.

When she goes, Aunt Hua and Aunt Bai will naturally follow her.

After receiving the news, Sword Douluo leaned on two crutches and ran out of the sect, wanting to see Aunt Hua again.

However, when he came outside the sect, the disciples nearby had already told him that Aunt Hua had left. This made Sword Douluo even more sad and his injuries further aggravated.

(End of this chapter)

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