Douluo: The star-filled goddess Yun Yun is signed in at the beginning

Chapter 70 Join Yuexuan, Evil Soul Master Tang 3

Chapter 70 Joining Yuexuan, Evil Soul Master Tang San
Yuexuan is located in the most prosperous area in the center of Tiandou City.

Not many people come and go, but it can be seen that the people who come in and out are all richly dressed or have excellent temperament, both men and women.

At this time, Tang Yuehua, the owner of Yuexuan, was standing on the balcony of the top floor, looking into the distance with a sad face.

"I don't know how my brother is doing..."

She let out a sigh.

Some time ago, she got the news.

Tang Chen, the leader of the Haotian Sect, appeared alone in Soto City. This was the first time that the leader of the Haotian Sect had made a public appearance since the Haotian Sect closed the mountain.

For a time, there was turmoil in all directions, and all major forces sent people to Soto City to inquire about the news.

Tiandou City is far away from Soto City.

The news didn't spread that fast.

But Tang Yuehua calculated the time and there should be news today.

Early in the morning, she sent her maids to the city gate to inquire about the news, hoping it wouldn't be bad news...

Boom boom boom!

There was a knock on the door.

Tang Yuehua knew that it was his maid who had returned.

A maid walked into the room and revealed the information she had found.

"Madam, after Tang Xiao, the leader of the Haotian Sect, appeared in Soto City, the Wuhun Palace immediately launched an operation. Pope Bibi Dong led two titled Douluo and thousands of soul masters to control the entire Soto City. Tang Xiao launched an encirclement and suppression campaign, but Tang Xiao was defeated and fled during the battle with Bibi Dong!"

Tang Yuehua's heart was clenched. Her face was pale and she was breathing heavily.

Just now, when she heard that Bibi Dong had also gone to Soto City, her heart stopped and she almost fainted.

Fortunately, her eldest brother escaped. If the eldest brother was caught, it would be a fatal blow to the current Haotian Sect!
"Madam, this matter is not over yet."


Not finished yet?
Tang Yuehua signaled the maid to continue.

The maid said: "The reason why the leader of Haotian Sect appeared in Soto City is because of Haotian Douluo Tang Hao!"


Tang Yuehua almost shouted the word "second brother".

As a thorn in the side of Tiandou City planted by the Haotian Sect, Tang Yuehua hid himself very well.

The people around her were all recruited by her in Tiandou City, and their backgrounds were very clean. Even if she wanted to investigate, she couldn't find any useful information.

And she herself has never talked about anything about Haotian Sect.

If someone initiates a conversation with her, she will avoid the topic on the grounds that she is not interested.

Therefore, no one currently knows Tang Yuehua’s true identity.

But she was so excited just now that she almost exposed her relationship with Tang Hao.

"The two of them actually appeared in Soto City?"

"With the strength of the two of them, Bibi Dong shouldn't dare to take action, right? After all, Haotian Douluo killed Qian Xunji in front of several titled Douluo."

A mocking smile appeared on the maid's face.

"What Haotian Douluo? Now outsiders call him Haotian Dog!"

Tang Yuehua frowned slightly and said displeasedly: "How are you talking? Haotian Douluo has no grievances against us, why are you scolding him?"

The maid felt a little aggrieved: "I didn't call him that, it was someone outside who called him that. I just relayed it to you, madam..."

In fact, after the maid heard what Tang Xiao did in Soto City, she no longer hated the Haotian Sect in her heart. She felt that the two brothers Tang Xiao and Tang Hao deserved it.

Tang Yuehua said: "Explain to me what is going on!"

The maid said: "That day, after Tang Xiao was repulsed by the Pope, the Pope went to the hotel where he was staying to check and found Haotian Douluo Tang Hao inside."

"Then Tang Hao is no longer the Tang Hao he was back then. His arms have turned into chicken wings, his legs have turned into dog legs, and his soul power is only at the pitiful level fifty!"


Tang Yuehua exclaimed in surprise and couldn't believe it.

"Xiao Cui, although I don't know why you hate Haotian Douluo so much, you can't lie to me. Is there any way in this world that can turn a person's arms into chicken wings and turn a person's legs into dog legs? "

"Your joke has gone too far!"

The maid felt aggrieved: "Madam, what Xiaocui said is true. There is a soul guide in the city, which can project images of Haotian Douluo parading on the wall onto the wall. If madam doesn't believe it, you can go and see it now!"

"If one of Xiaocui's words is a lie, Madam can expel me from Yuexuan!"

Tang Yuehua's face turned ugly to the naked eye.

Xiaocui was the maid she raised.

Basically he won't lie to her.

But she really couldn't believe that her second brother would become like that!
She couldn't help but picture Tang Hao's arms turning into chicken wings and his legs turning into dog legs...

At this time, there was a noise downstairs.

"Come and take a look!"

"Do not miss passing through!"

"The famous Haotian Douluo's legs turned into dog legs, and his arms turned into chicken wings!"

A middle-aged man held a soul guide in his hand.

On the wall in front of him, there was a picture of Tang Hao parading through the streets.

On the screen, Tang Hao's neck was exposed from the prison car, and his body was imprisoned in it.

Through the bars of the prison van, you can see that his arms turned into short chicken wings and his legs turned into dog legs.

Because it was difficult to stand on dog legs, Tang Hao's two dog legs kept slipping.

It was all thanks to the neck that was stuck above that he wouldn't fall down.

Tang Yuehua stood on the balcony. From her angle, she could just see the projected picture.

She recognized the person in the prison car, it was her second brother Tang Hao!

Her eyes subconsciously looked into the prison car.

A pair of chicken wings and two dog legs caught her eye.


Xiaocui shouted from behind.

Tang Yuehua didn't know what happened. He only felt that his eyes were black and his body was extremely weak. He fell forward and fell from the sixth floor.

The people around who witnessed all this exclaimed.

Yuexuan's students even screamed.

Fortunately, a figure appeared across the sky, hugged the falling Tang Yuehua, and landed easily.

"Ma'am, are you alright?"

Su Chen said with concern.

Tang Yuehua looked at Su Chen with a weak look on his face, thinking to himself what a handsome young man he was.

Afterwards, she fainted and couldn't accept the fact that Tang Hao turned into a Haotian dog.

Yuexuan's students rushed out.

A group of students led by Xue Ke surrounded Su Chen.

Their eyes stayed on Su Chen for a few seconds, and then looked at Tang Yuehua in his arms.

"Master, thank you for saving me. Otherwise, with a teacher's body, something would definitely happen if he fell from such a height!"

Su Chen said: "It's just a little effort. I happen to know some medical skills. If you can trust me, I can help this lady wake up."

Now that they have said this, Xueke and the others have no reason to refuse.

The group sent Tang Yuehua to the room. "Okay, now I'm going to start the treatment. Please stay away. There shouldn't be too many people watching the treatment process."


For a moment, everyone looked at me and I looked at you, not knowing whether to leave or not.

After all, Su Chen is a man.

He was alone in a room with Tang Yuehua...

It was Xue Ke who stood up.

"You all go out."

"I will stay in the room with this young master."

Then, she looked at Su Chen.

Su Chen hesitated for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

Seeing this, the extra students stopped staying and went back to class downstairs, leaving Xue Ke alone in the room.

Xue Ke found a bench and sat down, quietly watching Su Chen treat Tang Yuehua.

"Girl, can you turn your back?"

Xue Ke hesitated for a moment and nodded.

When she turned around, there were some strange noises coming from behind, as if she was sucking something.

Xue Ke suppressed her curiosity and didn't look.

After a while, Su Chen let out a breath, and Tang Yuehua also let out a sigh.

Xue Ke had an expression of surprise on her face, turned around suddenly, and found that both Su Chen and Tang Yuehua's faces were a little red.

But she didn't care about this. As long as Tang Yuehua could wake up, nothing would happen.

Tang Yuehua woke up from a coma and touched her lips. It seemed like something was in contact with her lips just now.

When she looked at the bedside, she saw the young man who rescued her: "Master, thank you for saving me!"

With a charming smile on her face, Tang Yuehua wanted to get up and thank Su Chen.

But just as she was about to get up, Su Chen pushed her back again.

"Madam, you are weak, so you should rest well without getting up."

"Teacher, I will thank this young master for you. You should lie down and have a good rest first."

Tang Yuehua couldn't resist the two men's persuasion, and because her body was really weak, she had no strength at all, so she didn't get up.

She recalled the scene she had just seen, and felt uncomfortable in her heart. Her second brother, Haotian Douluo, had turned into that, and she didn't know who the bastard turned him into. It was so abominable!

"Xueke, please take this young master out first and thank him for me. Don't neglect me."

Xue Ke nodded in agreement and left the room with Su Chen.

Just now, Su Chen gave Tang Yuehua artificial respiration and completed signing in for Tang Yuehua in an instant.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully signing in with the nine-star goddess Tang Yuehua and obtaining 3 adaptive soul rings! 】

Three adaptive soul rings, this reward is not bad!
Immediately he can break through the realm of Titled Douluo.

At that time, my first martial soul, Holy Light Ancestral Dragon, will begin to add soul rings, which will require a large number of adaptive soul rings!

Su Chen and Xue Ke came downstairs.

Su Chen made his intention clear: "Actually, I didn't appear near Yuexuan by chance this time. I wanted to come to Yuexuan to learn etiquette and become a student here."

Xue Ke has great power in Yuexuan.

In Tang Yuehua's absence, she was basically taking care of the entire Yuexuan affairs.

Su Chen wanted to enroll in school, and Xue Ke naturally agreed.

How could she bear to refuse such a handsome young man who was brave enough to do justice?

In this way, Su Chen successfully entered Yuexuan and became a student here.


The border of the Star Luo Empire.

A blond boy was surrounded by a group of people.

The young man was none other than Dai Mubai, the third prince of the Star Luo Empire.

However, he is no longer the third prince. He has been deprived of his status as a prince and demoted to a commoner.

Because of Dai Mubai, the Star Luo Empire lost three important border towns.

For this reason, Emperor Xingluo could only impose excessive taxes and blame the losses on the people.

In just a few days, the Star Luo Empire had forced 50 corvees to build city defenses on the border. It wanted to reinforce the border cities behind and turn them into important military towns.

Therefore, the people in the border areas resented Dai Mubai, the culprit this time.

If it weren't for this guy, they wouldn't be so miserable!

Dai Mubai was surrounded by a group of people, who punched and kicked him. The soldiers around him ignored this and watched the scene in amusement.

When Dai Mubai was still breathing, a young general pulled him out.

"Okay, don't fight today, let him breathe, and wait until tomorrow to fight again!"

The young general pulled Dai Mubai's hair and led him into a small house that had just been built.

"What did you bring me here for?"

Dai Mubai was already scared. He had experienced a life like a nightmare these days. He was either abused or beaten to death every day, and there was not a single piece of good flesh on his body.

"Hehehe, of course I will turn you into a eunuch!"


Dai Mubai screamed in horror, turning him into a eunuch would definitely be a fatal blow to a lewd tiger like him!
He began to struggle, but how could his current strength be comparable to that of the young general.

The young general kicked Dai Mubai away, and then several big men rushed in and pinned him down on the small bed in the room.

Immediately afterwards, they tied up Dai Mubai.

After a burst of shrill screams, Dai Mubai turned into a little eunuch.

Suddenly, there was a strange sound outside the camp.

The black fog in the sky spread toward the location of the military camp, and an old man with a skeleton-like figure appeared outside the camp, his skin showing a strange blue-black color.

He looked at the frightened camp soldiers with a sneer on his lips. The third soul ring on his body shone brightly and he punched out several blasts of death energy.

In an instant, these camp soldiers fell to the ground one after another, and the flesh and blood on their bodies began to disappear, turning into skeletons.

"Evil Soul Master!"

I don't know who shouted, and the soldiers started to run away.

The overall combat power of their camp is not high.

The main task is to observe the changes in the Star Dou Forest and prevent the occurrence of beast tides.

If a fight breaks out, they will definitely be the first to be defeated!
This is indeed the case.

Without any resistance, the soldiers began to rout.

"Go on, kill them all!"

A boy's voice sounded.

Tang San walked out from behind the evil spirit master.

Standing next to him was old man Jiao with an evil look on his face.

Following Tang San's order, hundreds of evil spirit masters rushed out of the forest and pounced on the soldiers in the camp.

Soon, all the soldiers in this camp were wiped out, and no one survived.

Dai Mubai was still trembling in the small room, feeling sad and angry that he had lost his little brother, and wished he could die now!
Tang San opened the door and saw Dai Mubai in the room, with an evil smile on his lips: "Boss Dai, I'm here to save you!"

(End of this chapter)

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