Chapter 81 Tang San discovers Su Chen’s secret
"Boy in front, stop for me!"

When Su Chen and the others walked out of the venue.

A roar like a thunderbolt sounded.

Tai Tan took long strides, his old face was red and swollen with anger, and he walked towards Su Chen and the others in a very unkind manner.

This movement immediately attracted the attention of the surrounding people.

Tang San stood in the crowd and let out a gloating laugh: "Which big shot did these guys offend again?"

Next to him, one of his evil soul master subordinates said: "Master, the old man's name is Titan. He is one of the four single-attribute families and the leader of the Force Clan. His strength should be at the Contra level!"


Tang San fell into deep thought.

That day at the Princess Mansion, Old Man Jiao had the strength of Contra, but he didn't dare to fight against Su Chen.

So much so that he had no idea how powerful Su Chen was now.

Tang San desperately wanted to know Su Chen's strength.

Because it was about whether he could take down Su Chen and whether he could get the fairy grass from his hand!
On the opposite side, Titan had arrived in front of Su Chen.

He folded his arms and looked at Su Chen coldly.

"You were the one who injured my grandson and disabled his thing?"

Tai Lung swayed and followed.

He pointed at Su Chen and said angrily: "Grandpa, it was the little girl who did it, but the mastermind was this boy. He planned everything!"

As a licking dog, Tailong was not willing to let Xiao Wu get hurt even if his lower body was crippled.

So, he put all the responsibility on Su Chen.

In this way, his grandfather will defeat Su Chen, and he will also have the opportunity to get close to Xiao Wu and other young girls!
"Grandpa, kill this kid too, and then bring all these women back to the family to take care of me for the rest of my life!"

That's exactly what Titan meant.

"Boy, did you hear what my grandson said?"

"Since you chose to kill my grandson, you should consider the consequences!"

At this moment, Su Chen raised his hand and said, "Senior, wait a minute!"

"Senior, I am the Viscount of the Empire and I have a close relationship with the Crown Prince Xue Qinghe. The Emperor and His Royal Highness are still in the lounge at the back of the venue and have not left yet. Do you really want to attack me here?"

"Some time ago, evil soul masters caused a riot in Tiandou City. In order to appease the people, the emperor explicitly prohibited soul masters from doing anything in public. Are you sure you want to violate this law?"

Tai Tan said coldly: "So?"

"I am a strong Contra player. Even if I severely injure you here, the Emperor will not do anything to me if he investigates you afterwards!"

Su Chen said: "But senior will still be in trouble, right?"

"How about this? I will take you to a deserted place, apologize to you, and offer you a compensation of up to 1000 million gold soul coins. How about this?"

1000 gold soul coins!
Ever since the Haotian Sect abandoned their four single-attribute clans.

The lives of their four clans are becoming more and more difficult day by day.

Now the entire family cannot squeeze out one hundred thousand gold soul coins.

All expenses in the family have been cut.

If they can get 1000 million gold soul coins at this time, then the family's strength will definitely skyrocket!
Tai Tan had already imagined in his mind that when the other three clans learned that he had received 1000 million gold soul coins, they came to him like a pug to establish a good relationship with him, and the corners of his mouth couldn't stop rising.

But then, the smile on his face faded.

"I can promise you, but the group of people around you are not allowed to follow you!"

Su Chen smiled and nodded in agreement: "Okay!"

He looked back at Xiao Wu and others.

Xiao Wu and the others had deep sorrow on their faces.

Ning Rongrong almost went back to the venue to call her father over to support her.

"Don't worry about me, I'll be fine."

Su Chen sent a message to them.

Then he left with Titan and Talon.

Tang San, who was secretly observing all this, immediately gave a few people around him a look, and then followed them.

Su Chen took Titan to a long-abandoned yard.

The place is overgrown with weeds and covered with cobwebs.

This made Titan and Tai Lung a little panicked.

"Boy, why did you bring us to this ghost place?"

Su Chen smiled and said: "Of course I'll ask senior to discuss the apology..."

After speaking, he gently raised his hand, and the courtyard door slammed shut, and an invisible force enveloped the entire courtyard.

For a moment, Tai Tan couldn't hear the shouts of the street vendors outside, and the tangy aroma coming from the kitchen of the restaurant next door gradually disappeared, as if everything had been isolated.

"What the hell are you doing!"

Titan concentrated his soul power on his feet and stepped heavily on the ground.

This kick had a force of ten thousand kilograms, but the broken stone bricks on the ground showed no signs of sinking.

He could feel an invisible force between the soles of his feet and the stone bricks.

"Senior, don't waste your efforts anymore. This is my special area. You can treat it as a small independent space."

"Who the hell are you!"

Tai Tan was a little panicked. He felt suppressed from all directions in this place. He could not use his martial soul, and his soul power was greatly disappearing.

He didn't believe it would be a simple young man who could use such means!

"Who am I, you are not qualified to know."

"But from now on, you must kneel before me respectfully and call me master."

Su Chen smiled lightly and released a powerful pressure from his body.

Tai Tai was furious. The only person in this world who was qualified to be his master was Tang Hao!
Other than that, no one is worthy of being his master!

"Junior, you are courting death!"

Titan roared angrily, trying to use all his strength to break this so-called realm.

But the next moment, pressure from all directions enveloped his body.

The muscles in his limbs seemed to be crushed, and there was a tearing pain.

At the same time, the bones in various parts of his body made a "click-click" sound, and a huge force rolled back and forth on his body.


Dazzling blood spurted out from Titan's mouth, and his body's internal organs had been squeezed out, causing severe internal injuries.

For a time, the aura on Titan's body weakened rapidly, and he gradually lost his resistance and stopped struggling.


Tai Lung shouted and rushed over to fight Su Chen.

Seeing this, Su Chen kicked him out.

Then, he walked slowly to the Titan who had lost the ability to resist, put one hand on the opponent's head, and began to apply the slave mark.

After a while, there was no movement from Titan.

Tai Lung thought his grandfather was dead and burst into tears.

"We can't let this kid go!"

Both of them knew his secret.Either cut them off quickly and kill them all, or make them slaves and tell them to shut up.

Su Chen preferred the latter. After all, he planned to use his grandfather and grandson to control the other three single-attribute clans.

If the two of them disappeared inexplicably, it would hinder his next plan.

Thinking of this, Su Chen also planted a slave mark on Tai Long's body.

He took out two yellow and rotten leaves and stuffed them into the mouths of the grandfather and grandson.

Soon, the injuries on the grandfather and grandson slowly healed.

There is nothing wrong with Titan anymore.

As for Tai Lung, apart from still being a eunuch, all other injuries have recovered.

"Titan, Talon has met his master!"

After receiving treatment, the grandfather and grandson knelt down in front of Su Chen respectfully.

"Well, get up."

"Now I give you two a task..."

Su Chen explained the matter to them through voice transmission.

Then, he took back the surrounding area, pushed the door open and walked out.

After a while, Titan and Tyrone also walked out of the yard.

Tang San and the others were hiding in the tea shop in the distance, quietly observing the place.

"Third brother, did you see that boy named Su Chen walked out with a gloomy look on his face? He must have suffered a big loss!"

Ma Hongjun beamed with joy, and the boiled water in the bowl with an infinite supply of silver soul coins was as delicious as nectar.

Dai Mubai sarcastically said: "It seems that the boy's strength is not very good. A Contra took care of him. If there is a chance, we can do it directly!"

Tang San had already told them about the fairy grass.

After hearing some information about the fairy grass, Dai Mubai, Ma Hongjun and others were full of desire.

I wish I could run up to Su Chen and stop him now, and take away the fairy grass from him!
Tang San didn't say a word. He stared at Tai Long who was saying goodbye to Tai Long, and asked the two evil soul masters behind him to bring him over.

Tai Lung was taken to the tea shop with a panic look on his face.

"It's you!"

Tailong pretended to be surprised when he saw Tang San and the others.

He had a conflict with Tang San and several others over school matters, so both parties knew each other's names.

Tang San greeted warmly: "Brother Tailong, long time no see!"

Tai Lung sneered and did not respond.

Tang San was not angry either: "I didn't expect that Brother Tailong has an extraordinary status. Grandpa is actually the leader of the Force Clan - Senior Taitan. I was really blind that day and bumped into Brother Tailong. I'm really sorry."

Tai Long sneered and said: "Why are you people like this? You bullied me when you didn't know my identity. Then apologize to me after you know my identity."

"Just like that kid just now, when he didn't know my identity, he beat me until I was miserable. But as soon as my grandfather came, he lost his temper, apologized to me respectfully, and even paid us a large amount of money. Soul coins!”

Tang San's eyes lit up, and he sent someone to bring Tai Long here in order to get the information from the other party.

I wonder what happened in the yard just now.

"Waiter, bring me a jug of good ale!"

Tang San took out a gold soul coin and ordered a pot of ale.

After constant chatter, he got an important piece of news.

That is, Su Chen has a secret treasure that can disguise the aura of a strong man and increase his combat effectiveness in a short period of time.

Just now in the yard, Su Chen wanted to use that secret treasure to deal with Titan.

But his secret treasure couldn't deal with Contra at all, and was suppressed by his hands!
"Hahaha, that's it!"

Tang San deduced that Su Chen's secret treasure could only deal with the Soul Saint, and it had to be a Soul Saint who took it lightly.

Just like the sneak attack on Zhao Wuji outside Shrek that day, when Zhao Wuji was not paying attention, he was injured.

As for his role, all that remains is bluffing!


Tang San thought like this, feeling a little dissatisfied with Old Man Jiao. That day, Old Man Jiao was actually frightened by one of Su Chen's secret treasures. If the old guy had been braver, he might be able to get the fairy grass now!

"Brother Tyrone, thank you for telling us this news!"

"Don't worry, when you meet Su Chen in the Advanced Soul Master Academy Competition, he will definitely help you vent your bad anger!"

In the next few days, the continent-wide Advanced Soul Master Academy Competition will continue as usual.

More and more colleges are showing their strong strength on the field.

Among them, the performance of Canghui College is the most surprising.

The students headed by Tang San could easily kill their opponents in seconds every time.

At the VIP table, Ning Fengzhi frowned slightly.

"Why does the martial spirit of this Canghui College student reveal an evil nature?"

He had only sensed this kind of evil nature in the body of an evil soul master.

Platinum Bishop Salas sneered: "I'm afraid Ning Fengzhi is too suspicious. How evil can a bunch of children be?"

As a nail placed by Wuhun Palace in the Tiandou Empire, Salas naturally hated them no matter what, and used various methods to disgust Emperor Tiandou and Ning Fengzhi.

If the two of them want to go west, then he will go east!
If they think there is something wrong with Tang San, then he just thinks there is no problem!

Although he also felt that this Canghui College student and disciple had the smell of an evil soul master, but so what, this was not under the jurisdiction of Wuhun Palace. The presence of an evil soul master here would show that the Tiandou Empire was incompetent?
Salas sneered and returned to his previous posture.

Ning Fengzhi glanced at him coldly and said nothing.

"The next match is between Lanba Academy and Elephant Academy!"

As the host said the names of the two colleges.

There was a burst of cheers at the scene.

They've seen too many crushing innings these days.

Finally, we can have a decent battle.

Hu Yanzhen, the leader of the Elephant Armor Sect, came to Saras's side. The two chatted for a while, with the former showing a confident smile on his face.

Soon, players from both sides arrived on the field.

Su Chen's side is still a lineup of one man and six women.

Opposite them were seven mountains of meat. When they appeared on the field, the ground trembled slightly.

Tang San gloated: "This Lanba Academy is so unlucky that it has encountered a strong opponent so early. I just don't know how far this Elephant Academy can push Su Chen and the others!"

As the host's voice started to fall.

The seven members of the Elephant Armor Sect summoned their martial spirits together.

Their bodies began to swell, and the originally loose fat turned into plump muscles, and some wild elephant features appeared on their bodies.

"Who of you want to try?"

Su Chen looked at the women around him.

If it were another academy, facing a powerful enemy like Tijia Academy, they would definitely summon martial spirits immediately to form a counterattack to prevent the other party from making a sudden attack.

But Su Chen and the others, after everyone in the Elephant Armor Sect summoned their martial spirits, were still talking and laughing, as if this was not a competition but an exchange meeting.

This made the surrounding audience and the VIPs in the VIP seats frown and be puzzled.

(End of this chapter)

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