Chapter 82 Zhu Zhuqing’s perfect performance
"What are they doing? Why are they still activating their martial spirits and preparing to fight?"

For today's game, Liu Erlong came to the scene in person to cheer for Su Chen and the others.

Before that, she had been staying at Lanba Academy and didn't care about the competition at all.

But today she heard that the college had drawn Elephant Academy as its opponent, so she became a little worried and came to the stadium to watch the game in person.

However, she did not expect that when facing the Tou A Academy, Su Chen and the others would take it so lightly and not take their opponents seriously at all.

Ning Fengzhi frowned at the VIP table.

Lanba Academy is very strong, this is a fact.

But if you are strong, you don’t have to look down on your opponents so much, right?
These powers are only reflected in Su Chen, and others do not have his strength.

If the Elephant Academy seizes the opportunity and finds a breakthrough, someone will be injured!
Ning Fengzhi felt a little nervous, fearing that the injured person would be his daughter.

Xue Qinghe was equally nervous inside.

"Su Chen, what on earth do you want to do..."

Instead, Salas gave a cold smile.

As the local academy of the Tiandou Empire, Lanba Academy had such a strong team, which made him very afraid.

I once doubted whether this team would affect the dominance of the Wuhundian team.

Well now, he already knows the details of this Lanba Academy. It is nothing more than a group of young people who have no strength but are extremely arrogant. He is very good at dealing with such people!
Salas glanced at Hu Yanzhen beside him.

The latter nodded in understanding and transmitted the sound to Hu Yanli's ears through sound transmission.

"Ali, while they are being careless and haven't summoned the spirit, crush them without giving them a chance to react!"

Hu Yanli's eyes on the field changed slightly, and he immediately ordered the Elephant Armor Sect disciples beside him, saying:
"Come together and crush them!"

The disciples of the Elephant Armor Sect began to move. Although they were extremely large and stood together like a wall of flesh, they moved very quickly together.

They were like a group of wild elephants going crazy on the battlefield, rushing towards Su Chen and the others' location.

The audience outside the stadium had already let out bursts of exclamations, sometimes mixed with sounds like "It's over."

On Su Chen's side, Zhu Zhuqing took the initiative to ask for help.

She has been practicing and has very few opportunities to fight, so today she wants to practice with the guys from the Elephant Armor Sect to see how far she has improved over the years!
Su Chen nodded slightly, leaving Zhu Zhuqing alone, while the other six people all retreated to the edge of the field.

It only takes two or three steps to fall off the court and be eliminated.

"Why did they all retreat to the edge of the stage? Is it some kind of tactical arrangement?"

"Huh, tactical arrangements? I think the surrender phase has been arranged!"

"I think the command level of Lanba Academy is really not that good. No matter how strong this academy is, it can't go far!"

"Their commander didn't even think about winning. As long as he summoned the martial spirit from the beginning to deal with it, he wouldn't have fallen into this situation. It's really ridiculous!"

"There is still one girl left to take the throne. It's a pity that this girl doesn't know that her teammates have abandoned her. As long as she loses, she will surrender at any time!"

Su Chen, who was standing on the edge, heard these comments and sneered.

His eyes were fixed on Zhu Zhuqing in front of him.

The next moment, Zhu Zhuqing's body turned into an afterimage and rushed towards the seven members of the Elephant Armor Sect.

Judging from her speed, it can be seen that she is a spirit master of the agility attack system. Normal spirit masters cannot be so fast.

It is very rare for an agility attack type to have such speed.

It is almost impossible to find a few among his peers.

If the opponent is careless, it is very likely that she will get close to the auxiliary soul master and carry out a beheading mission.

But the opponent she faced this time did not have auxiliary soul masters, but all defensive battle soul masters.

Whether she can break through her opponent's defense is a question.

Seeing that Lan Ba ​​Academy actually sent an agility attack type to deal with the seven members of the Elephant Armor Sect, everyone felt that the outcome was decided.

"The fifth soul skill - Nine Shadows Connect!"

"The third soul skill - Nine Nether Slash!"

A martial spirit more powerful and terrifying than the Nether Civet appeared behind Zhu Zhuqing.

Her body separated into nine afterimages in an instant.

Each of these nine afterimages possesses [-]% of her strength.

At this moment, these afterimages used Nine Nether Slash at the same time, and eighteen crescent-shaped attacks hit the seven people of the Elephant Armor Sect.

Suddenly, there was a huge roar on the field.

A large amount of gravel flew into the air.

With this blow, even the fighting arena was partially shattered. It was hard to imagine how terrifying this soul skill was.

"Soul... Soul King!"

When the dust on the field dispersed, the surrounding spectators could see clearly what was happening on the field.

Zhu Zhuqing was seen standing where the seven members of the Elephant Armor Sect were just now, with one hand on his waist and the other on his side, looking very relaxed.

At her feet, five yellow, purple, and black soul rings attracted the attention of everyone present.

Everyone had shocked expressions on their faces.

No one thought that she turned out to be a soul king level powerhouse!
On the stage, Emperor Xueye took a deep breath.

He asked the royal knight next to him to bring the information about Lanba Academy. He scanned the information and soon found the relevant information about Zhu Zhuqing.

"Zhu Zhuqing, the Nine Ghost Cat of Wuhun, is 12 years old this year!"

His voice was loud enough that everyone around him could hear him clearly.

Everyone's expressions changed and they were even more shocked.

A 12-year-old Soul King means that she has increased her soul power by more than 50 levels in just six years since she awakened her martial soul!

It's incredible!

With this kind of talent, given time, it is very possible to break through the Title Douluo!
Of course, Zhu Zhuqing shocked everyone far more than that. Her soul ring configuration shocked countless people.

Emperor Xue Ye saw this terrifying soul ring configuration and couldn't help but confirm to Ning Fengzhi beside him:

"Sect Master Ning, dare I ask the limit that a soul master's first soul ring can withstand for more than 400 years?"

Ning Fengzhi nodded and said: "Yes, 420 years."

Emperor Xue Ye said: "But I see that this woman's first soul ring has reached more than 700 years, her second soul ring has reached the terrifying thousand years, and her fourth soul ring has reached the ten thousand year level. How on earth did this happen? ?”

As the emperor, he felt for the first time that he was very ignorant, as if he was like a child who didn't understand anything.

Ning Fengzhi shook his head and sighed, and said helplessly: "I don't know how this is done..."

This has broken their cognition.

Fortunately, his daughter is at Lanba Academy and has a pretty good relationship with Zhu Zhuqing. The last time he went to visit, the two of them were holding hands and chatting about things at his daughter's family.

With this relationship, he could let his daughter go find out.

Ning Fengzhi's mind became active, but he didn't know that Ning Rongrong would no longer listen to him. Now Ning Rongrong would not listen to anyone except Su Chen, even his father!

Salas' face darkened. When did the Tiandou Empire have such a young genius!
The 12-year-old Soul King is probably the youngest Soul King on the entire continent!
Even the golden generation of their Wuhun Palace were in their 20s and barely managed to break through to the Soul King realm some time ago, spending countless resources.

But this little girl reached this level at the age of 12...

"This is a threat and we must get rid of her as soon as possible!"

Salas gritted his teeth, his stomach full of bad water.


Hu Yanzhen's attention was not on Zhu Zhuqing, but on his grandson Hu Yanli.

Seeing his grandson and the other six Elephant Armor Sect disciples lying on the field with their heads bleeding and their bodies covered with scars, he was extremely angry inside, with murderous intent bursting out of his eyes.

Salas smiled coldly and had an idea.

And on the lounge bench of Canghui College.

Tang San and others were preparing to watch Su Chen and the others' good show, with gloating smiles on their faces.

Eunuch Ma even thought about which male evil soul master he would find for entertainment today.

But soon, the smiles on their faces became stiff as Zhu Zhuqing took action.

"Soul King!"

Except for Emperor Xue Ye on the stage, few people could get specific information about these academy disciples.

But Tang San couldn't be more familiar with Zhu Zhuqing. After all, they signed up at Notting Academy on the same day.

But now, the opponent is the high-ranking Soul King, and he has not even touched the threshold of level [-].

The gap between the two sides is like cloud mud!
"Why can she improve so quickly!"

"It must be ambrosia!"

"It's because she took the fairy grass that she improved so quickly!"

"Damn it, why did the jelly grass fall into the hands of these people? If it falls into my hands, all the cheers will belong to me!"

Tang San was furious and kept beating the table in front of him, causing all the surrounding academy disciples to look sideways.

"Mistress, do you know her?"

Dai Mubai next to him asked curiously.

Zhu Zhuqing had beaten him to a disability in Soto City's Great Soul Fighting Arena, which also triggered subsequent events.

So he always held a grudge.

He hopes that one day he can pay back a hundredfold the humiliation this woman has brought to him!
But he looked at Tang San's performance.

It seemed that Tang San also knew this girl. Could it be that this female disciple from the Zhu family had offended Tang San?

If this was the case, he could join forces with Tang San and take revenge on this woman!

Dai Mubai's eyes wandered over Zhu Zhuqing.

Although he no longer likes women, the group of evil soul masters around him like them very much. They often capture some female soul masters and use them as cauldrons, toying with them until they die!

Tang San said: "Her name is Zhu Zhuqing. She once studied in the same soul master academy as me, and she was a student in the same class as me!"

"Zhu Zhuqing?!"

Dai Mubai was shocked when he heard this name. He suddenly thought that his fiancée was also named Zhu Zhuqing.

It's just that Zhu Zhuqing was too young at the time, and he liked older women, so he just ignored her.

Later, he committed a crime and fled the Star Luo Empire without thinking about the other party.

In the same class as Tang San...

That means he is the same age as Tang San!
Thinking of his fiancée, she was about the same age.

"Could it be that she is my fiancée?"

"But isn't Zhu Zhuqing's martial spirit a ghost cat? Could it be that her martial spirit has mutated?"

However, no matter what, Dai Mubai decided to meet her for a while!
With the end of the game.

There were a lot of cheers around.

The audience was extremely excited to see the birth of a talented girl.

After all, in the continent-wide Advanced Soul Master Academy Competition, the top academies could not even gather together a few Soul Sects, let alone Soul Kings.

Now how can the audience not be excited to see such a young Soul King taking action in a game!

"It's really talented people from generation to generation!"

"Today I met the youngest soul king in the history of our Tiandou Empire. No, he should be the youngest soul king in the history of soul masters in the entire continent!"

"This unprecedented and unprecedented achievement deserves a certain amount of commendation, so I decided to grant Zhu Zhuqing the status of Imperial Viscount and a grant of 300 million gold soul coins. I hope that she will be more diligent and hardworking in her future cultivation journey. , breaking more historical achievements!”

Emperor Xue Ye's words immediately caused a sensation in the entire audience.

The status of Imperial Viscount is not something you just want.

In previous years, only the academy captains who achieved outstanding results in competitions were able to obtain knighthoods.

However, Zhu Zhuqing only defeated an Elephant Academy and received a knighthood award before he even got the results, which was really shocking.

Salas was a little dissatisfied and said: "Great Emperor, isn't there something wrong with this?"

Emperor Xue Ye did not back down and treated him coldly.

"What's wrong? According to Zhu Zhuqing's strength, it is a sure thing to achieve results in the qualifying rounds and promotion rounds. I just gave her a reward in advance!"

"Besides, this is our Tiandou Empire's business. Bishop, you should worry more about Wuhun Hall's own affairs!"

Emperor Xue Ye was obviously afraid that Wuhun Palace would steal the genius Zhu Zhuqing, so he extended an olive branch in advance.

His unyielding look made Saras look gloomy. Since they couldn't get it from the Spirit Hall, then the Heaven Dou Empire couldn't get it either!

Salas's eyes burst out with unprecedented murderous intent.

Zhu Zhuqing on the court bowed and thanked Emperor Xue Ye, which was regarded as accepting the title.

With the title, it will not be easy for her family to get her back to the Star Luo Empire in the future.

Although it was impossible for them to get themselves back with Su Chen by their side now, having more insurance wouldn't be a bad thing.

This is the last game of the day.

As soon as Su Chen and others left the scene, countless people surrounded them, blocking the road.

It was Prince Xue Qinghe and Ning Fengzhi who led the rescuers and opened a way to help them leave.

They took the initiative to come up, naturally wanting to ask about Zhu Zhuqing.

After all, there were too many things they wanted to know about Zhu Zhuqing.

It was impossible for Su Chen to tell them this important information, and he avoided these topics the whole time.

This also made Ning Fengzhi and Xue Qinghe understand his thoughts and stopped asking further questions to avoid arousing resentment.

(End of this chapter)

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