Chapter 86 The Death of the King of Slaughter
  The bodies of those evil soul masters were wrapped in dark green mist. They soon discovered that there was something strange about their bodies. Various parts began to swell, their lips were chapped, and their breathing was rapid.

Some evil soul masters with weaker cultivation levels had already fallen to the ground, their eyes turned black, and they fainted.

Gradually, an evil soul master discovered that his companion's body showed signs of ulceration, and the flesh on his thighs was rotten, like melting snow, constantly falling to the ground.

Such a terrifying scene made even the evil soul master from the killing city feel a little frightened.

They began to retreat.

But the toxins on their bodies will not disappear just because they retreat. Instead, they will pass the toxins to more and more people.

In just a few moments, the collapse of the Tiandou Empire's vanguard army was brought under control.

On the contrary, there was a big chaos on the side of the evil soul master.


Dugu Bo snorted coldly and continued to poison.

He may be the weakest among the titled Douluo.

But on the battlefield, his ability far exceeds that of most titled Douluo, and he can play a vital role!
  "As expected of Senior Dugu Bo!"

"Yes, you have to be a Titled Douluo to kill these arrogant thieves with one strike!"

"I heard that we have three titled Douluo here. It seems that this battle is safe!"

When the evil soul master was almost dead, Dugu Bo withdrew the poison around him.

The Tiandou Empire's vanguard army below continues to advance.

But not before they had taken a few steps.

There was a rumble in the sky.

This feeling made Dugu Bo's expression change, and he thought of the blood-haired old man who appeared in the sky above Tiandou City that day.

"Hehehe, a little snake actually killed so many of my men. If that's the case, then I have no choice but to skin you and cramp you to comfort my dead men!"

Dugu Bo's face was solemn and he had the idea of ​​​​retreating.

Fortunately, at this time, Ning Fengzhi and the two titled Douluo from the Qibao Glazed Sect rushed over.

Let Dugu Bo relax a little.

But there was still a heavy look on his face.

Jian Chen thought: "That day in Tiandou City, we worked together to kill him. Today, my injury has recovered. If we join forces again, we can definitely kill this old monster!"

Ning Fengzhi said: "Senior Dugu, Uncle Jian, Uncle Bone, the safety of Tiandou City this time depends on you!"

He cupped his fists at the three people in front of him, and then released his martial spirit, preparing to provide boosts to the three people.

Seeing this, Jian Chenxin and the other three also released their martial souls, and their aura gradually reached its peak.

"Last time, it was because I was afraid of a breath in the city, so I chose to retreat. You don't really think that it was you ants who drove me away, right?"

With that said, the Nine-Headed Bat King controlled Tang Chen's body, burst out a powerful force of energy and blood, and then released the Clear Sky Hammer Spirit.

Ning Fengzhi and others' expressions changed drastically when they saw the opponent's martial spirit.

The Tiandou Empire's vanguard army below also looked shocked.

No one thought that this extremely powerful man with so much blood and energy, who was associated with the evil soul master, turned out to be a member of the Haotian Sect.

And him being with the evil soul master doesn't confirm the rumors made some time ago.

Some time ago, Tang Xiao was defeated from Soto City, and news about his collusion with the evil soul master has been circulating on the mainland.

Many people actually don't believe it.

This includes Ning Fengzhi and the others.

Because they didn't think that the Haotian Sect would fall to the point of being associated with the evil soul master.

But now, Ning Fengzhi is a little shaken...

Secretly, Tang San, who was commanding the battle in the mountains and forests, was shocked: "Haotian Hammer!"

He didn't expect that the leader of the evil soul master who regarded him as his master, his martial soul was actually the Clear Sky Hammer.

This is not right!

According to what my father and uncle said, their Haotian Sect has been in a closed state and has stopped interfering with what is happening outside. How could it be possible to associate with evil soul masters and become the leader of tens of thousands of evil soul masters!
  "Is it possible that my father and uncle are lying to me? In fact, the Haotian Sect has always been an extremely evil sect. The evil soul masters on the mainland are all supported by the Haotian Sect behind the scenes?"

A terrible idea came to Tang San's mind.

Otherwise, how to explain all this?
  It’s impossible for a disciple of the Haotian Sect to live outside the country and develop to where he is today, right?

That would be too ridiculous...

Without giving everyone much time to react, the Slaughter King directly struck down with his hammer.

Ning Fengzhi immediately provided the increase.

Sword Douluo, Bone Douluo and Dugu Bo all used their strongest moves to resist.

But even so, the three of them still flew out upside down.

A bloody figure quickly flashed past Sword Douluo who was flying upside down.

It’s the King of Slaughter who strikes again!
  His speed was extremely fast, and he had already surpassed Jian Chen's heart, which was flying upside down.

However, he did not use the Clear Sky Hammer, but took out a long sword and directly cut off Jian Chenxin's arm.


When Sword Douluo's body hit the mountain wall, he let out a painful scream and turned around to see that one of his arms had disappeared.

"Hehehehe, even an ant dares to show off his power in front of me. I told you that I was afraid of one person in the city that day, not you ants!"

“I really don’t know where you bunch of ants got the courage to come knocking on our door!”

Chen Xinjian's mentality was a bit broken, and his eyes were empty and lifeless.

No matter how Bone Douluo called him, he didn't respond.

The King of Slaughter sneered and aimed his gaze at the weakest Dugu Bo.

This old guy killed so many of his men.

He remembers this grudge!
  Dugu Bo's face turned pale and he secretly said it was over.

At this moment, he thought of his granddaughter and his troubled life. All the experiences in his life appeared in his mind like a fleeting glance.

However, just when the King of Slaughter approached Dugu Bo.

A figure wrapped in holy light stood between the two.


The King of Slaughter frowned, not sure what it was, but he just felt that the luminous object was a bit dazzling.

The next moment, the luminous object rushed straight towards him.

  A punch landed on the chest of the King of Slaughter, directly denting his proud body.

And he himself flew out and hit the ground, forming a huge crater, like a meteorite falling.

"how is this possible!"

"Cough cough cough..."

The King of Slaughter coughed up blood. He couldn't understand why the guy in front of him could have such great power. He clearly didn't even release his martial spirit!
  However, what frightened him the most was the light on the other party.

When the opponent punched him.

He felt like his whole body was burning.

It seems that the soul is about to be wiped out!

Both Tang Chen, who was unconscious, and the Nine-Headed Bat King all felt the tremor in their souls.

One person and one beast began to pull together in this body.

The Slaughter King held his head and began to wail in pain.

"Get out of my body!"

His voice was strangely sharp at one moment, and old and thick at the other, making everyone around him feel strange.

"Hey hey hey, you should just stay here!" "Only I can do the next few things. I want to fulfill God's orders!"

After a while, the nine-headed bat king successfully controlled Tang Chen and regained control of the body.

His eyes looked at the body wrapped in holy light.

"No matter you are a human or a ghost, as long as you stop me, I will definitely kill you!"

The King of Slaughter holds the Sword of Slaughter, and the energy and blood in his body are constantly burning. This is an evil technique that overdraws vitality to increase strength.

The Holy Light seemed to feel outmatched and began to flee into the distance.

"Hmph, I want to leave, but there is no door!"

The King of Slaughter chased after him directly, destroying all the hills and forests along the way, looking unstoppable.

Finally, after chasing for a hundred miles, the holy light in front stopped.

"Why, don't you run away?"

The King of Slaughter is fearless because he knows that the gods behind him are witnessing all this.

Once he is in danger, the gods will intervene directly, so he can be said to be invincible!
  At this time, white light spots appeared within a hundred miles around, and these light spots gradually formed a space that was completely isolated from the outside world.

At the moment when the space was formed, a powerful spiritual thought began to impact the space.

This divine thought is so powerful that even a Titled Douluo-level expert will turn into dust the moment it encounters the divine thought.

The barrier of space suddenly became fragile, as if it could be broken with a casual blow.

However, at the moment when the space barrier was about to break, this space disappeared in place!

That incomparable divine thought began to search around.

But no matter what, he couldn't find it.


At the same time, the Slaughter King in the space barrier showed a trace of panic.

Because he discovered that the connection between him and God Shura was cut off, and he could not sense the divine mind that was always paying attention to him.


The holy light in front of him gradually dissipated, revealing a very young face. It was none other than Su Chen!

He breathed a sigh of relief.

One day in the sky, one year in the world.

The last time he absorbed the million-year soul ring, God Shura should have been involved.

It may only have been a few hours in the God Realm.

Therefore, God Shura at this time should always pay attention to the situation in Douluo Continent.

This is also the reason why he always wraps himself with holy light.

Because the holy light can block all exploration of spiritual power and thoughts, people will not know his true identity.

And the space he used was just one of the small skills of the ninth soul ring of the Holy Light Dragon Ball.

The first small skill of the ninth soul ring is to form an absolute space and completely isolate it from the outside world.

Even if five titled Douluo attack together, they may not be able to break it.

However, facing the divine will of God Shura, he was still a little weak, and could only withstand a few breaths.

The second skill of the ninth soul ring is to achieve long-distance spatial movement.

According to the length of movement, the corresponding soul power is consumed.

At this time, Su Chen and the King of Slaughter were located under the Ice and Fire Eyes of the Sunset Forest.

If you start here, it will be covered by the aura of the Ice and Fire Dragon King. Even if Shura God's spiritual thoughts come here, there is no way to penetrate here!
  The power of ice and fire eroded into the body of the King of Slaughter.

His body had already been hollowed out, and now it was eroded by the power of ice and fire, and he immediately let out a painful roar.

The Nine-Headed Bat King seemed to sense something bad, and it began to break away from Tang Chen's body.

But the moment it broke away, Su Chen enveloped it in a ray of holy light.

The holy light continued to shrink and squeeze, directly crushing the nine-headed bat king.

"Ahem, cough, cough, thank you little friend for helping me get out of trouble..."

At first, although Tang Chen was controlled by the Nine-Headed Bat King, he could occasionally regain his consciousness.

But ever since God Shura wanted to help Tang San grow up, the Nine-Headed Bat King's power had increased. It was difficult for Tang Chen to suppress it and he was always in a state of being controlled.

So he actually didn't know much about what was going on outside.

Tang Chen didn't know where this place was. He just felt that he was dying soon and his physical condition could no longer support him from leaving here.

"My little friend, my name is..."

The holy light in Su Chen's hand turned into a sword energy and cut off Tang Chen's head.

"A lot of nonsense!"

He walked forward and started groping Tang Chen's body.

After a while, he found a small golden hammer in the other person's arms.

"Is this the chief elder of the Haotian Sect?"

"It is said that with this thing, you can make the elders of Haotian Sect obey you, and you can also depose the sect leader..."

Immediately afterwards, Su Chen looked at the Shura Demonic Sword on the ground.

To be honest, this sword is a good thing, and the materials used to make it all come from the divine world.

However, there is still the aura of God Shura on it, so let's soak it under here for a while.


on the other side of the battlefield.

The fighting has subsided for an hour.

The Tiandou Empire's follow-up army has arrived.

They can destroy Tang San and his party at any time.

But they haven't taken action yet, mainly because they are afraid of the evil soul master leader of Haotian Sect.

That was a ruthless man who knocked back three Titled Douluo with one hammer and chopped off the arm of Sword Douluo with one sword!
  It goes without saying that Sword Douluo's combat prowess is known.

Definitely the strongest among the three titled Douluo!

But even with Ning Fengzhi's increase, he was still like a toy, with his arms chopped off twice.

The lieutenant generals in the army sighed silently in their hearts when they looked at Sword Douluo who was being supported by others, with empty eyes and a numb expression on his face.

Emperor Xueye, who was originally high-spirited and was driving the expedition himself, was now hiding in the carriage and did not dare to come out. A tamed ten-thousand-year-old soul beast Pegasus had been prepared beside him.

If something bad happens later, he will immediately run away on horseback and never look back!

There was no movement on Tang San's side.

Although he was full of confidence in the strength of the Slaughter King, he always had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Third brother, let's launch an attack!"

"The King of Slaughter is so powerful, no one in the world can be his opponent, there will be no accidents!"

Dai Mubai said beside him.

The title of Tang San has changed from "Little San" to "Third Brother".

Tang San nodded, and just as he was about to launch an attack, a stream of blazing white light flashed through the air.

A round object landed smoothly under the holy light.

When the holy light dissipated, a head appeared between the two armies.

(End of this chapter)

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