Chapter 87 Another peerless strongman

"King of Slaughter!"

A cry of exclamation broke out from both sides.

No one thought that when the arrogant King of Slaughter chased him out majestically, what came back was a head!
  And looking at the expression on this head before death, it seemed like he couldn't believe that he would be killed!

On the Tiandou Empire side, Ning Fengzhi laughed heartily and heartily.

The pupils of Sword Douluo next to him moved a few times, as if the situation had eased a bit.

Dugu Bo and Bone Douluo also laughed.

At the same time, I was very curious in my heart, who was that figure covered in light? It was really scary that he could kill even the King of Slaughter.

They don't know how many strong people there are in this world...

Until this moment, Emperor Xueye dared to poke his head out from the carriage behind.

When the general next to him told him the previous situation, he laughed heartily.

But the next moment, there was a thunder that resounded across the sky, and a scarlet and bloody thunder seemed to split the sky into two halves.

This frightened Emperor Xue Ye and got back into the carriage.

God Shura was extremely angry. He was going crazy. He didn't expect that while watching the whole battle, he failed to see the true face of the man covered in light!

The most important thing is that the guy not only killed his men, but also sent back their heads!

This is definitely a naked provocation!

"No, I have to kill him!"

God Shura could not directly intervene in what happened on Douluo Continent for the second time.

Each continent has an independent sense of itself.

So when the gods intervene.

These independent selves fight back.

This kind of counterattack will cause the gods to suffer backlash.

Before, he forcibly broke the shackles of Old Man Jiao and helped him improve his strength, but he suffered a lot of backlash.

If he does this again, he might get hurt!

However, God Shura has his own plans.

"I no longer have a divine envoy in my killing city, so I can't pass the divine test by arranging one!"


At the same time, Tang San and the evil spirit masters around him were stunned, their minds went blank, as if they had not thought of this situation happening at all!
  Opposite them, Emperor Xueye saw no other movement after the bloody thunder. He thought it was an abnormality caused by the death of the King of Slaughter, so he got out of the carriage again.

He made an attitude of being the only one in heaven and earth, and ordered his soldiers to launch an attack.

Although the number of soul masters included in these armies is still less than that of evil soul masters, there are still three titled Douluo on the other side.

Especially the old green guy, who killed more than [-] people and poisoned more than [-] people. If an antidote is not found, these people will all die!

In this way, the evil soul master had no courage to fight and could only flee in all directions.

Ning Fengzhi would not let these evil soul masters go.

He threw a flare into the air.

This is a signal to nearby disciples.

Before taking action, he ordered some of the elite disciples of the sect to be arranged nearby. If things go well here, the disciples will come out to gain some military exploits. If things don't go well, they will run away quickly.

Suddenly, a large number of Qibao Glazed Sect disciples appeared on the evil soul master's retreat path.

In the front row are defense and attack systems, in the middle are control systems, in the back are auxiliary systems, and in the air there are several flying systems to control the overall situation.

With such a combination of personnel, it is obvious that they are prepared. It is very difficult to break through at once.

Looking behind him again, he saw that Dugu Bo was already charging towards him in a menacing manner.

The evil soul masters were in complete chaos. They were not thinking about how to break through the interception of the Qibao Glazed Sect disciples, but they were thinking about how to slip through the cracks.

In an instant, a large number of evil soul masters were harvested.

Tang San was among the crowd with a face full of despair.

Is it possible that he is going to die here today?

As the evil soul masters continued to fall.

Tang San was left with only Old Man Jiao who was protecting him, and Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun who were afraid of death.

Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun were so frightened that they did not dare to run away. They hugged Old Man Jiao's legs tightly and were unwilling to let go.

"That person seems to be Tang San from Canghui Academy. It is said that he is the leader of the evil soul master group. Let's go up and catch him!"

Several spirit masters from the Tiandou Empire discovered Tang San.

According to Oscar's information.

They knew Tang San's status among evil spirit masters.

As the saying goes, catch the thief first and catch the king.

They rushed forward immediately.

One of these soul masters was the Soul Saint, and he took the lead and launched a surprise attack on Tang San.

Old Man Jiao knew there was no way to hide, so he could only burst out Contra's aura and fight with it.

But this also suddenly revealed their location.

"There is a Contra-level evil soul master there!"

"Good guy, now that you have mastered Contra, how many innocent lives will you need to kill!"

"Kill all these beasts, we can't let them continue to harm people!"

All of a sudden, all kinds of soul skills were thrown at him.

Ma Hongjun was smashed into a pulp.

Dai Mubai's legs were blown to bits.

Tang San also felt uncomfortable, and was so shocked that he felt dizzy.

Fortunately, with the protection of Old Man Jiao, his life was not in danger.

At this time, Bone Douluo rushed over.

In order to vent his anger on Sword Douluo, he killed many evil soul masters along the way.

"Dugu Bo, leave these people to me!"

"The Ninth Soul Skill—Skeletal Dragon!"

A huge bone dragon appeared in the sky above Old Man Jiao.

  The bone dragon's claws pressed down gently, and Old Man Jiao was knocked to the ground, and a huge pit with a diameter of a hundred meters was formed under him.

Tang San was also affected and flew backwards, coughing up blood.

But he was more concerned about Old Man Jiao's situation.

After being with Old Man Jiao for so many years, he could no longer live without him. When he thought that the other party might leave him, he felt a twinge in his heart.

Bone Douluo didn't give him this chance.

A jet-black light wave emitted from the bone dragon's mouth, directly shattering Old Man Jiao in the pit.

Immediately afterwards, the light waves swept towards the surroundings.

A large number of evil soul masters, including Dai Mubai, were all turned into ashes, with no bones left.

"Do not!!!"

Tang San's eyes were scarlet red, and his heart ached extremely.

"You all have a way to die!!!"

He used Ghost Shadow Trace, but he didn't know if it was because he had "trained" too much with Old Man Jiao, which caused his butt to be bigger than that of some mature women. Ghost Shadow Trace's pace was very bloated, and his speed was also slow. Surprisingly slow.

Bones didn't even look at him, the airflow between the tail swings took Tang San flying out.

He has no time to care about this little bug, he wants to kill more evil soul masters!

After all the evil soul masters around had been cleared away, some disciples of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect began to finish off.

They surrounded Tang San. Just when they were about to kill him.

A cold female voice sounded not far away.


The crowd followed the sound.

A beautiful woman in her thirties, with long azure hair, a bright red robe, and a noble and elegant temperament slowly fell from the sky.

In her right hand, she held a three-meter-long golden scepter, engraved with magic patterns all over. The head of the staff was a diamond-shaped protrusion like a spear. Five inches below the tip of the spear, there was a diamond inlaid in it. Rhomboid shaped golden gemstone.

From this scepter, everyone can feel the strong fluctuations of soul power.

Both Bone Douluo and Dugu Bo's expressions changed.

Because they felt that this woman's soul power was far above them, on the same level as the previous King of Slaughter!

"Oh my God, who is this strong man..."

Dugu Bo was confused. He felt that he had lived in vain for so many years. Why did he feel that he knew so little about this continent?
  Ning Fengzhi came in a hurry.

He did know a lot.

Based on this woman's clothing, she should be a strong person on Poseidon Island.

He bowed slightly and said, "Senior, is he a strong man on Poseidon Island?"

Bo Saixi nodded and said, "Yes, I am Bo Saixi, the great priest of Poseidon Island. This time I came to the mainland to find someone on the orders of Poseidon."

"Sea God!"

Ning Fengzhi took a breath. The other party was actually able to receive God's orders, indicating that this person's strength may be comparable to that of Wuhun Palace!

Bo Saixi said: "I don't want to get involved in your affairs here, but I must take this young man away."

She didn't originally plan to come here.

But suddenly, she received an order from Poseidon.

The other party ordered him to come here and take away a young man.

According to the appearance of the boy provided by Poseidon, it should be the boy in front of him.

Bo Saixi walked to Tang San and protected him behind her.

Bone Douluo frowned and said, "Do you know who he is?"

"This guy is the leader of the evil soul master. You should know what the evil soul master does, right?"

"I don't know what you think about shielding such a person!"

Bo Saixi was a little displeased. She knew Gu Rong's strength at a glance. She could defeat people of this level with just one move.

But she has a mission this time, and there is no need to cause trouble.

Bo Saixi said coldly: "This is God's order, and I am only following orders. If you insist on stopping me, then defeat me first!"

Bone Douluo gritted his teeth: "God? God actually protected an evil soul master!"

"Gu Rong, stop talking!"

Ning Fengzhi's expression changed drastically and he quickly scolded.

If nothing unexpected happened to the other party, he should be an envoy of the gods.

Speaking ill of God in front of such a person would have more serious consequences than scolding her ancestors who were one hundred and eighty generations old!
  When this woman goes crazy, who can control her?

Bone Douluo angrily grabbed the evil soul master next to him and punched his head open.

He looked at Bo Saixi coldly: "You should be okay with me killing other evil soul masters, right?"

Bo Saixi narrowed her eyes slightly and said coldly: "Please do so."


Bone Douluo killed the evil soul master by himself. His method was very violent and he didn't hold back at all. He basically punched one person at a time.

Ning Fengzhi opened his mouth to relax the atmosphere.

"Senior, don't blame me. This is an elder under my sect. Another elder accidentally broke his arm when facing a level [-] evil soul master, so he was a little irritable..."

"A level [-] evil soul master?"

Bo Saixi frowned and said, she couldn't believe that there were evil soul masters of this level on the mainland.

How many people must be killed to cultivate to this level...

Behind Bo Saixi, Tang San recovered from his shock.

Just now, a middle-aged man's voice sounded in his mind.

The other party seems to be a god.

And he has been recognized by the other party and is about to begin the test given by the other party!

With the approval of the gods and the support of Bo Saixi, Tang San's courage instantly swelled.

He shouted angrily: "That's not an evil soul master, that's a strong man from our Haotian Sect!"

Then, he cupped his fists at Bo Saixi in front of him and said, "Senior, the strong man they talk about is not an evil soul master, but... an ancestor of my Haotian Sect!"

Tang San didn't know if the Clear Sky Sect had any ancestors. Anyway, the opponent was so strong and had the Clear Sky Hammer Spirit, so he was almost inseparable even if he wasn't an ancestor.

He now urgently needs big forces to support him.

Even though he doesn't like the Haotian Sect in his heart, in order for the Haotian Sect to help him rescue his father, he must win the head of the King of Slaughter and bring the head back to the Haotian Sect!
  Bo Saixi just looked at Tang San.

That look seemed to say, do you think I'm a fool?
  In fact, she could sense the evil energy in Tang San's body, and this was the most standard evil soul master.

When the evil soul master said something, she usually regarded it as the barking of a dog.

If Poseidon hadn't ordered her to protect this kid.

She doesn't mind killing these evil soul masters together.

Bo Saixi sighed silently, not sure why Poseidon did this and made her become a villain.

At this time, Bo Saixi seemed to have thought of something.

"Haotian School..."

She remembered that Tang Chen seemed to belong to the Haotian Sect.

I thought it would not be easy to leave Poseidon Island this time.

If possible, she would like to visit Haotian Sect.

It just so happens that this kid is also from the Haotian Sect, so he can lead the way.

"It's a head, should it be fine?"

Ning Fengzhi nodded and said: "The evil soul master is dead, so returning the head is nothing."

Soon, a Qibao Glazed Sect disciple came over holding a head.

This disciple seemed to have a little temper. He grabbed the hair on Tang Chen's head and threw it at Bo Saixi's feet. He let out a disdainful snort as he left.

Bo Saixi frowned slightly and inadvertently glanced at the dirty head on the ground, whose face had been eroded by the power of ice and fire.

The next moment, her expression changed drastically, as if she had suffered a blow, she staggered back two steps.

Ning Fengzhi and others subconsciously took a few steps back.

I don’t know what happened to this crazy woman.

Bo Saixi's noble temperament disappeared, and she threw herself directly to the ground, holding up the dirty head.

She couldn't believe that the person she thought about day and night would only have his head left when they met again.

"Who, who killed him!"

At this time, Bo Saixi's eyes were scarlet, like a crazy demon, and her long blue hair was flying freely.

The soul power in her body enveloped several miles around, causing the earth to shake and the mountains to shake with overwhelming force.

Ning Fengzhi said quickly: "Senior, this person was not killed by us, but by a mysterious person. You can sense the breath on his head, it is definitely not one of us!"

Bo Saixi sensed it and found that it was indeed not the aura of any of these people.

However, even if these people did not kill him, there would be accomplices among them!
  Fortunately, at this time, Poseidon was afraid of what she would do, and immediately used his spiritual mind to send a message: "Look what you look like now!"

(End of this chapter)

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