Chapter 89 Arriving at Haotianzong

"You, he mortgaged me to you?"

Tang Yuehua looked shocked and couldn't believe it.

Su Chen said: "That's right, Sect Leader Tang Xiao said that if he still doesn't pay back the money, you, my sister, will pay it back."

Tang Yuehua was a little unhappy, but she didn't expect her eldest brother to treat her as a tool.

Thinking about it, she was a woman who had not been taken seriously by the sect since she was a child, so she was sent to Tiandou City to make a living on her own.

Finally, with his own efforts, he gained a foothold in Tiandou City, but all the fruits were picked up by the sect...

Looking at Tang Yuehua's dejected look, Su Chen sighed: "Teacher, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have come to you at this time. It's just that I also encountered some difficulties and need the money urgently."

"I don't know where the Haotian Sect is, so I had to come to see you, teacher."

Su Chen's face was filled with self-blame, and Tang Yuehua held him in his arms.

"Good boy, there is no need to blame yourself. Paying back debts is a matter of course. Tell the teacher that Tang Xiao asked you how much money you borrowed, and the teacher will pay it back for him."

Su Chen spread his fingers.

Tang Yuehua asked tentatively: "Fifty thousand gold soul coins?"

Su Chen shook his head.

Tang Yuehua's face looked a little ugly: "Five million gold soul coins?"

Su Chen shook his head again: "Teacher, it's fifty million gold soul coins."

Tang Yuehua was frightened by this number, "How much, fifty million gold soul coins!"

Su Chen nodded and said: "When I was in Soto City, I met Sect Master Tang Xiao. When he saw that I was quite wealthy, he stopped me and asked me to borrow [-] million gold soul coins."

Tang Yuehua was shocked and confused.

"Why did he borrow so much money?"

Su Chen shook his head and said: "I don't know, but it turned out later that he hung out with a group of evil soul masters, maybe to help those group of evil soul masters develop."

Tang Yuehua shouted softly: "No nonsense!"

She didn't believe that her eldest brother would mix with the evil soul master.

Their Haotian Sect is a famous sect, how could they associate with the evil soul master!
  But the rumors outside this morning made Tang Yuehua extremely uneasy.

She decided to send someone back to Haotian Sect to find out the news!
  "Su Chen, the teacher can return part of the [-] million gold soul coins to you first, and the rest will be returned to you in the shortest possible time. Please don't resell these two contracts, okay?"

There was no way, Su Chen had Yuexuan's land deed and house deed in his hands. If the other party was really in urgent need of money and sold Yuexuan on the exchange, how could she continue to open this college?

Now we can only stabilize Su Chen first and let him hold Yuexuan's land deed and house deed in his hands and not resell them.

Su Chen looked obedient: "I understand, teacher."

Tang Yuehua smiled happily and gave all the gold soul coins he had saved over the years to Su Chen.

She sighed, feeling that all her efforts over the years were in vain, and whether Yuexuan could continue to develop was beyond her control...

After Su Chen left, Tang Yuehua's expression darkened.

She sent a letter.

The person who wrote the letter was a Haotian Sect disciple who stayed in Tiandou City to be with her.

She desperately wanted to know the current situation of the sect and wanted to know if Tang Xiao had colluded with the evil soul master!

Three hundred miles east of Tiandou City, a small mountain village surrounded by mountains appeared in front of Tang San.

Seeing this village, Tang San recalled the Holy Soul Village where he once lived.

However, his impression of Holy Soul Village was not good.

The villagers there looked down upon others and always looked down on them and their son. Only old man Jack was doing well.

For so many years, Tang San had never returned to Holy Soul Village because his impression of the village was not good.

As for old Jack...

What the old guy did to him was not a big deal. There was no need to visit him, just treat him as a passer-by in life!

Tang San thought silently in his heart.

It was already noon, and smoke was curling up in the village.

At the entrance of the village, several urchins were playing, and in the fields nearby, many people were packing up farm tools and preparing to return to the village for dinner.

Spreading out the sheepskin map in his hand, Tang San carefully identified it again.

He was sure that he was not looking for the wrong place. It was right here. The map showed that Haotian Sect was actually the small village in front of him.

Has the former No. [-] sect in the world been reduced to what it is now?
  Next to him, Bo Saixi frowned slightly, this is the Haotian Sect, where Tang Chen once practiced and grew up?

It turned out to be such an inconspicuous small mountain village.

Tang San smiled awkwardly and explained: "I heard from my uncle that after the Haotian Sect was closed, they moved here. They are indeed much poorer than before."

Even though he said this, Tang San couldn't help but feel disgusted in his heart.

If it were him in the past, he would definitely have the mentality of taking things as they come.

But now, he just wants Haotian Sect to be his support and help him do whatever he wants to do.

Once upon a time, the Clear Sky School was the number one sect in the world of soul masters in the Douluo Continent.

But now it has been reduced to hiding in a small mountain village.

Can such a sect be his help?

There was an inexplicable sadness in his heart. How wonderful it would be if Haotian Sect was in its heyday!

Tang San walked into the village with a look of disgust.

Several middle-aged villagers who had just returned from farming blocked his way.

"Please leave here. We don't welcome outsiders here." The speaker was a sturdy middle-aged man.

As he spoke, he looked Tang San up and down.

When the middle-aged man saw the undisguised look of disgust on Tang San's face, his tone became unkind.

Tang San felt angry. He was Tang Hao's son and the sect leader's nephew. How dare this guy treat him like this?

"I'm not an outsider, I'm Tang Xiao's nephew!"

The middle-aged villager was stunned for a moment: "What about Tang Xiao? There is no one named Tang in our village!"

Tang San didn't need to use his eyes to see, but he could feel that the surrounding villagers were beginning to become nervous.

Their hands holding the farm tools tightened significantly, and their steps moved slightly, vaguely implying that they were surrounding themselves.

Tang San sneered and said: "Ah, the disciples of the number one sect in the world have actually fallen to this level, what a bunch of cowards!"

With that said, he released the Clear Sky Hammer martial spirit.

Along with it, there was an extremely strong evil spirit that caused the surrounding temperature to drop sharply.

Tang San felt that his Blue Silver Grass was useless, so he placed all his hopes on the Clear Sky Hammer.

While practicing the evil soul master's skills, he discovered that an evil aura was coming from his body.

This evil spirit can help martial souls improve.

He didn't condense this evil energy into the Blue Silver Grass, but condensed it into the Clear Sky Hammer.

Blue Silver Grass is the martial spirit he uses daily. If he condenses evil energy, people will notice that he is an evil spirit master. Coupled with the fact that he dislikes the Blue Silver Grass martial spirit, it only strengthens his determination to condense the evil energy into the Clear Sky Hammer!

The surrounding villagers were still angry because of Tang San's words.

But when they saw Tang San releasing the Clear Sky Hammer spirit, they held back the words that came to their lips.

Because they are not the real disciples of Haotian Sect, but just affiliated branches of Haotian Sect.

His status in the sect cannot be compared with that of a disciple who possesses the Clear Sky Hammer spirit.

So even with Tang San's attitude, they didn't dare to have a temper.

"Can you prove my identity now?"

The middle-aged man did not dare to neglect, and took Tang San and Bo Saixi behind him to an empty room in the village to rest.

After waiting for about half an hour, there were rapid footsteps outside.

Several men in gray clothes pushed open the door and entered.

The first person has broad shoulders, a broad back, a straight nose and a square mouth. He has short hair like a steel needle and looks about thirty years old. The muscles are bulging hidden under the gray gown. The whole person is like a lion ready to go, full of strength and power.

"Are you Tang San?" the strong man in gray asked. With a sharp light shining in his eyes, he glanced up and down Tang San, with a look on his face that was not only curious, but also a bit hostile.

Tang San showed an unhappy look on his face.

I don't know this person myself.

But the other party showed strong hostility towards him as soon as he came up. This was purely to provoke him!

Article [-] of the General Outline of Xuantian Baolu: The disciples of the Tang Sect should not easily cause trouble, but those who actively invade will be destroyed with thunder!

Tang San's eyes were cold, this person had already violated Article [-] of Xuantian Baolu's General Principle, if it weren't for his lack of strength, he would definitely teach this guy a lesson!

"Yes, I am!"

The strong man in gray clothes saw this and let out a cold snort.

"You have the nerve to come back. Do you know how much you and your dog-like father have done to our Haotian Sect?"

Tang Long was furious. Although Haotian Sect was closed, the news was still very well-informed.

The day he came back from Tang Xiao's accident, they had already found out what happened in Soto City.

The trigger of everything was Tang Hao and his son!

If the father and son weren't causing trouble outside, how could they involve the sect master!

Moreover, what they didn't expect the most was that there was an evil soul master staying with Tang Hao and his son!

This suddenly made their sect disgraced, and now the outside world is spreading rumors that their Haotian Sect is the evil soul master sect!
  Tang Long didn't know how Tang San had the nerve to come back!
  The two of them, father and son, brought down the Haotian Sect in one fell swoop, causing the entire sect to move and isolate itself!
  One made everyone in the Haotian Sect scream and beat him up, and the stench was unbearable!
  If it weren't for them, father and son, they wouldn't be living in this miserable place!

Tang Long and the two Haotian Sect disciples behind him all gritted their teeth and glared at Tang San, wanting to kill him right here!
  Tang San felt terrified at the sight of them.

After all, Tang Long was a genius at the Soul Emperor level.

Now Tang San didn't even have a breakthrough with the Soul Sect, so naturally he didn't dare to look at him.

He hid behind Bo Saixi.

Tang Long looked at Bo Saixi and asked, "Who are you?"

Bo Saixi said calmly: "You don't need to know my identity, just take us to Haotian Sect."

Tang Long snorted coldly and was about to say something.

But Bo Saixi didn't want to waste time and released a little bit of soul power pressure.

Tang Long staggered back two steps as if he had fallen into an ice cave.

He took a deep breath and waved to the other two companions: "Come with us."

He could sense the aura on Bo Saixi's body, just like several elders of the sect, and he even had to suppress it a little.

Obviously, this is a powerful person at the level of Titled Douluo.

They can't afford to offend powerful people at the Title Douluo level for the time being.

Tang Long and the others could only lead the way obediently and save their own lives first.

After walking a road that couldn't even be called a road, Tang San and Bo Saixi finally arrived at Haotian Sect.

In front of the gate, there are two disciples guarding it.

One of them asked Tang San to show him the token.

"A token?"

Tang San was puzzled.

Tang Long said coldly: "It's the Clear Sky Hammer. Only direct disciples can enter here, and collateral disciples can only stay in the small mountain village outside."

Tang San suddenly realized that this was just like the Tang Sect in his previous life, which was divided into inner and outer sects. The disciples of the inner sect were superior and were treated well.

The outer disciples are like free labor. No matter how dirty and hard work is done by the outer disciples, there is no benefit.

Fortunately, his current status is not a collateral lineage, but a direct lineage, and he can enter the core area!
  The corners of Tang San's mouth raised, confidently revealing the Clear Sky Hammer Spirit. The evil aura that hit his face made the two guarding disciples and Tang Long look horrified.

"Why does your Clear Sky Hammer look like this? Why does it emit such an aura!"

"Hmph, this is naturally because he has practiced the evil soul master's technique. I have killed more than five hundred evil soul masters before, and I am very familiar with their aura!"

Five elders of Haotian Sect walked out of the door.

Their eyes all stayed on Tang San's Clear Sky Hammer.

When they were young, they all went out to experience and eliminate evil soul masters, and they were very familiar with the aura of evil soul masters.

Almost instantly, they judged that Tang San was an evil soul master!
  "What a little beast. He is a hundred times, a thousand times more beastly than his father Tang Hao. Letting such a bastard come to our Haotian Sect will plunge us into a place of no return!"

"Oh, he has already practiced the evil soul master technique. If we kill him as an evil soul master, the sect master should have nothing to say!"

The five elders showed strong hostility.

Tang San quickly took back the Clear Sky Hammer spirit and hid behind Bo Saixi, motionless.

At this time, the five elders of Haotian Sect looked at Bo Saixi.

"You are also an evil soul master?"

Bo Saixi said, "I'm not an evil soul master. I'm just protecting this child."

After speaking, she took out a round object with a sad look on her face.

"I came to Haotian Sect mainly to let him rest in peace..."

There is a layer of black gauze on the outside of this round object, making it difficult to tell what it is.

But the elders of Haotian Sect smelled a faint smell of blood.

When Bo Saixi took off the black gauze outside, revealing the object inside.

The five elders of Haotian Sect looked horrified.

They didn't expect that the object in Bo Saixi's hand turned out to be a head.

And this head seems a bit familiar...

When they determined the owner of the head, one of the elders fainted.

(End of this chapter)

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