Chapter 90

"This is... Ancestor Tang Chen!"

The five elders of Haotian Sect recognized whose head it was.

Among them, the fourth elder fainted because he could not bear the blow.

Since the ancestor of Tang Chen disappeared, their Haotian Sect has been suppressed by Wuhun Palace and had to move here, hiding like rats in the gutter.

Is it ridiculous that the No. [-] sect in the world is forced to hide and survive?

All the disciples of Haotian Sect were holding back their breath.

They hate Tang Hao and Wuhun Palace, and they very much hope to change the current situation.

The only way to change this situation is for Tang Chen's ancestor to return!

Only he can deal with Qiandaoliu of Wuhun Palace!

However, they did not expect that when they saw their ancestor Tang Chen again, he would only have one head left.

Moreover, from this badly mangled head, it can be seen that the Tang Chen ancestor did not die at the end of his life, but was killed by someone, and suffered great pain before his death.

The fourth elder, who respected Tang Chen the most, fainted because he could not bear the blow.

The remaining elders, as well as some members of the Haotian Sect who recognized the identity of the head, all showed expressions of grief and anger.

"You killed the ancestor and brought his head to us to show off your power?"

Several elders headed by the second elder, as well as nearly a hundred Haotian Sect disciples behind them all released their martial spirits.

For a moment, overwhelming pressure rushed towards Bo Saixi and Tang San's position.

Spider web-like cracks appeared on the ground where the two of them were standing.

However, in the face of these pressures, Bo Saixi just waved his hand and easily blocked them.

Seeing this, everyone in the Haotian Sect was shocked.

This woman could easily block the coercion they unleashed together. What level of power was she that could have such power?

For a moment, everyone in the Haotian Sect concluded that it was this woman who killed Tang Chen.

Because only she has this strength!

"I didn't kill Tang Chen, but he was a man covered in light. Several titled Douluo from the Tiandou Empire and tens of thousands of soldiers can testify to this."

"And I can't tell you my identity. You just need to know that I am Tang Chen's old friend. I came to Haotian Sect this time to help him bury him in peace, and by the way, I will bring this little guy back..."

Bo Saixi's tone was a little sad.

Hearing this, several elders of Haotian Sect looked at each other.

Every few days, disciples from affiliated sects would come to the sect to report on what was happening in the outside world.

Five days have passed since the last news report, and new news will come today.


A homing pigeon tamed by a soul beast circled above their heads several times, and finally landed on the second elder's arm.

The second elder took the letter off the carrier pigeon's lap.

The content of this letter is what happened in the outside world in the past few days, and a large part of it tells the story of the Tiandou Empire's army going out to defeat the evil soul master.

"King of Slaughter!"

"During the time when the ancestor disappeared, he was actually in the city of killing and became the so-called king of killing!"

Several elders of Haotian Sect could not accept this fact.

Where is the city of killing?

They naturally know what's going on.

It can be said that it is the smelliest place on the mainland, and even rats are not willing to stay there.

And their ancestor actually reigned supreme there and hung out with the evil soul master all day long.

As soon as he came out of the Killing City, he took the evil spirit master everywhere to cause trouble, and even caused trouble in Tiandou City!

For a time, Tang Chen's image completely collapsed in their hearts, so much so that several elders no longer even had the desire for revenge.

Revenge, revenge for an evil soul master?

So what is the difference between their Haotian Sect and those evil soul masters?

"Ancestor, you are so confused!"

"Why do you have to go to the killing city? Isn't it better to return to the Haotian Sect? So many disciples of the Haotian Sect are looking forward to your return and looking forward to you dealing with the Spirit Hall..."

The second elder looked sad and couldn't figure out why.

Bo Saixi guessed the reason why Tang Chen would do this.

Suddenly, her face turned pale.

Because the reason why the other party went to the Killing City was probably because of what she said at the beginning.

This caused the other party to fall into the city of killing and become the king of killing.

So did she indirectly kill Tang Chen?

Thinking of this, Bo Saixi was shaken, as if she had been struck by something.

The second elder of the Haotian Sect said: "The ancestor once said that when he was on Poseidon Island, he met a woman who made his heart beat. If nothing else, it should be you, senior, right?"

Bo Saixi was stunned, and after a moment she answered: "I guess so..."

The second elder had already guessed her identity, but since the other party didn't want to tell her, he wouldn't point it out.

"Since you are an old friend of our ancestor, please come in."

"We will hold the subsequent funeral, but it may be simpler, because the current situation is special. If Wuhun Palace knows the news of the ancestor's death, it will be extremely detrimental to our Haotian Sect."

Bo Saixi nodded and followed the second elder and they were about to enter the Haotian Sect.

However, as soon as the second elder and others took two steps, they saw Tang San following behind, and they immediately said displeasedly: "Why are you following, you little bastard!"

Tang San frowned and said, "Why can't I enter the Haotian Sect? My ancestor was with me back then, and he gave me the techniques I practiced. Otherwise, do you think I want to become like this?"

"And the ancestor once said... that he would hand over the Haotian Sect to me and let me be the sect leader."

When talking about the latter part, Tang San's tone became obviously much weaker, after all, he made it up.

Before that, Tang Chen had been controlled by the Nine-Headed Bat King, and he didn't know his identity at all.

But in order to complete the mission of God Shura, he had to make up this lie.

Several elders of the Haotian Sect laughed angrily, "You beast, you have left yourself completely alone!"

"Even if it is the evil method that our ancestor asked you to practice, you are not qualified to enter our Haotian Sect. Your bastard father has been expelled from the sect long ago, and you are a hybrid between him and that soul beast, so you are not qualified at all. Enter my Haotian Sect!"

Tang San gritted his teeth, feeling extremely aggrieved.

Without strength, he didn't even have the courage to refute.

He had no choice but to look at Bo Saixi.

Bo Saixi sighed helplessly. She felt that Poseidon was trying to trick her. Why should she help this kid?

However, as an envoy of God, she can only fulfill God's will and cannot refuse.

"He has awakened the Clear Sky Hammer martial spirit after all, and has stayed with Tang Chen for a while. There is no problem in letting him enter the Clear Sky Sect for the time being. As for his identity, we can leave it aside for now."

Haotian Sect and others all looked at Bo Saixi with disgust, hatred, and contempt...

The second elder who knew Bo Saixi's identity sighed: "Forget it, let this little beast stay in our Haotian Sect for a while, and then drive him out immediately after the ancestor's funeral is over!"

Some disciples were unhappy and wanted to speak out to stop him.

But the second elder waved his hand. He was in a very complicated mood now and didn't want to say anything more.

An hour later.

The Haotian Sect began to organize Tang Chen's funeral.

A very simple funeral.

Only direct disciples within the sect can participate. Side disciples cannot participate or even have a chance to know about this matter.

While everyone is preparing for the funeral.

Tang San sneaked to the sect leader's residence. After entering Haotian Sect, he was curious about where Tang Xiao went and why he didn't pick him up at the door.

If Tang Xiao had been present, his situation would definitely not be so embarrassing!

After inquiring, Tang San learned that Tang Xiao was injured.

It was when he was injured by Pope Bibi Dong in Soto City.

"Damn Bibi Dong!"

Tang San cursed angrily, stood at the door of Tang Xiao's room, and knocked on the door.

"come in……"

Tang Xiao's weak voice sounded.

Tang San pushed the door open and walked in. When he saw Tang Xiao lying on the bed, sickly, he had a look of astonishment on his face.


At this time, Tang Xiao looked sickly. He was originally tall and muscular, but now he was skinny and skinny, with sunken cheeks. There was a sense of death all over his body, and he looked like he was running out of time.

"Uncle, why have you become like this!"

"Little San..."

Tang Xiao didn't expect that the visitor would be Tang San.

Since returning to Haotian Sect with a seriously injured body, he has been in a coma for three months.

He had no idea what happened during this period.

Later, when he woke up, the elders put him under house arrest in this courtyard on the grounds that they would not let him share their worries and let him recover from his injuries.

As for what happened after he escaped from Soto City, he wanted to know, but no one told him.

Now seeing Tang San appear in Haotian Sect, Tang Xiao's anxious heart finally dropped.

Since Tang San can appear here, it means that their situation is not bad.

At least it wouldn't be as bad as he thought.

Tang San came to the bedside and took Tang Xiao's pulse.

At this moment, his face became extremely ugly.

He opened a corner of the quilt and saw the shocking wounds on Tang Xiao's body.

On those wounds, there were two different poisons, both of which Tang San had never seen before.

"Uncle, are these all caused by Bibi Dong?"

Tang Xiao sighed. At that time, he did not expect that Bibi Dong's strength would be so terrifying.

At that young age, that woman had already reached a level that he couldn't even imagine...

"Oh, uncle, it's okay. These wounds have been suppressed by my soul power and will not get worse in the short term."

"Tell me about you. After I left, did that vicious woman Bibi Dong do anything to you?"

Tang San's eyes dimmed, which made Tang Xiao secretly say, "It's bad."

"I was not caught by Bibi Dong, but escaped with the help of the old man next to me."

"But my father and teacher were not so lucky. Teachers Zhao Wuji and Li Yusong were killed. Although the master and Dean Flender were arrested, Bibi Dong just tortured them and let them go."

"And my father... was arrested by Bibi Dong and taken to Wuhun City. It is said that Bibi Dong tied him at the entrance of Wuhun City and locked him up in a special cage so that everyone who came and went could see him. "

Tang Xiao yelled and spat out a mouthful of dark red blood, obviously very angry.

"Bibi Dong, I swear to kill you in this life!"

"Cough cough cough..."

When Tang San saw this, he hurriedly stepped forward, fearing that Tang Xiao would be angry and reveal something, and then he would really be kicked out of the Haotian Sect, and no one would be able to keep him.

"So, mistress, when you returned to Haotian Sect this time, the old man beside you accompanied you back? Did those elders make things difficult for you two?"

Tang Xiao continued to ask.

Thinking that Old Man Jiao was dead, Tang San looked sad.

He shook his head and said: "I didn't come back with the old man, he is already dead. I came back with a female senior. She seemed to be an old friend of Tang Chen's ancestor, so he took good care of me along the way, even if I entered Haotian Sect, it was she who helped me speak up so that I could come in."

"Patriarch Tang Chen!"

Tang Xiao was a little excited, Tang San actually met his ancestor!

He also longed for Tang Chen's return.

More eager than the average person!

Because after he took over the sect, he realized that being the sect leader was not that easy.

There’s so much pressure to take on.

Once the ancestor comes back, the sect will have a backbone, and he, the sect leader, will not have too heavy a burden!

For so many years, he had been sending people out to inquire about his ancestor's whereabouts, but he didn't expect to be met by Tang San!

"Then the ancestor should be in the sect now, right?"

"Mistress, help me up quickly!"

"It's true that those elders didn't send anyone to notify me of such a big thing!"

Tang Xiao was about to stand up.

Tang San quickly stopped him.

"what happened?"

Tang Xiao suddenly realized something was wrong.

Why does the mistress have this expression?

And what does he mean by blocking?

Don't you even want this kid to go see the ancestor?

Tang San was silent for a moment, then said: "Uncle, our ancestor is dead..."


Tang Xiao spat out another mouthful of blood.

He rolled his eyes and fell on the bed, his body twitching continuously.

Tang San was so frightened that he quickly called to the rest of the sect.

Fortunately, the healing soul master of Haotian Sect is not far away.

He immediately checked Tang Xiao's condition and started emergency treatment.

While he was being treated, the healing spirit master did not forget to scold Tang San, "You bastard, why are you serving the sect leader? Have you told him about the outside world? Can't you see what the sect master looks like now? Do you think he is dead?" Not fast enough, is it?”

The series of questions directly made Tang San lose his temper.

When the second elder and others who were holding the funeral heard the news, they rushed over immediately, the anger on their faces reaching the point of wanting to kill someone.

Bo Saixi felt something was wrong and followed him.

"Little beast, I'm going to kill you!"

The seventh elder came to Tang San and slapped him in the face.

Tang San flew backwards and was smashed into the wall of the room. He didn't know how many bones in his body were broken.

Bo Saixi was startled and quickly treated Tang San's injuries, not forgetting to glare at the Seventh Elder.

The seventh elder also had a bad temper and said angrily: "What's the matter with you woman? Do you recognize him as your master? You are always protecting this boy. If you continue to protect him, don't attend the ancestor's funeral. Hurry up." Get out of our Haotian Sect!"

(End of this chapter)

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