Chapter 92

Tang Yu is a low-level disciple of Haotian Sect.

She was not very talented, so when she was twelve years old, she went to Tiandou City to work alone and opened a bun shop, but the business was tepid.

During the day she is the owner of a steamed bun shop.

At night she would record all the news she heard.

Send the letter back to Haotian Sect by flying pigeon.

At the same time, she is also responsible for contacting Yuexuan.

After receiving Tang Yuehua's order, Tang Yu handed over the shop to a few waiters and returned to Haotian Sect.

When she came to the foot of the mountain, she heard several farmers discussing something in the field.

"Oh, it's true that the newly appointed sect leader actually sent ordinary people outside to find out the news. You said that our Haotian Sect has closed the mountain gate, why do we still do this?"

"Hmph, that kid made a good statement when he took office, but within two days he exposed his true nature. Relying on the former sect leader and the strong man next to him, he started to interfere in the sect's affairs. What can a little brat do?"

"I heard from some disciples that that boy was an evil soul master before and did a lot of evil things. He took the position of the sect leader with the help of the former sect leader and the strong man next to him, which made the seventh elder very angry. Take the disciples and leave!"

"Oh, let's not say so much. We are just some affiliated branches, and matters within the sect are not ours to discuss..."

Tang Yu was a little confused when he heard what they said.

What new sect leader?

Why didn't she know that the sect had changed its leader?

She had a vague feeling in her heart, so she came to the affiliated branches and inquired about them.

After a preliminary understanding, Tang Yu returned to Haotian Sect.

I took a few gifts and went to see Tang Xiao on the pretext of visiting Tang Yuehua.

When she left Haotian Sect, her face was gloomy.


"Auntie, this is the situation. The Haotian Sect has been controlled by an evil soul master named Tang San. The elders are angry but dare not speak out. The seventh elder even left the sect with some of his disciples and returned to the Tang family. ’s old address.”

When Tang Yu returned to Tiandou City, he immediately found Tang Yuehua and told her everything she had heard and seen.

"I didn't expect it to be true. The eldest brother really colluded with the evil soul master..."

What Tang Yuehua was most worried about has happened. Once the outside world knows that the new leader of Haotian Sect is an evil soul master, then the sect will confirm the rumors from the outside world!

She had a sad look on her face and felt unspeakably uncomfortable in her heart.

Tang Yu continued: "Auntie, that boy was not restless after becoming the sect leader. He sent a large number of disciples out to inquire about the situation of the major forces. It seems that he wants the Haotian Sect to come back!"

"He is an evil soul master, what kind of calculations can he have in his mind? I guess he wants to destroy the Haotian Sect and achieve his own success!"

"Auntie, you have to think of a way!"

"Otherwise our Haotian Sect will be doomed!"

Tang Yuehua sighed, what can she do? Her strength is so low that not even the elders can do anything to that Tang San. What effect can she have if she goes?

"Boom boom boom!"

"Teacher, here I come!"

Outside the door, Su Chen's voice sounded.

Tang Yu's face was full of alertness.

A smile appeared on Tang Yuehua's solemn face.

"Don't worry, that's my disciple."

"I already know the matter, please leave first."

"I will try my best to find a solution on the sect's side."

Tang Yu nodded and left through the secret passage in the room.

After she left, Su Chen walked into the room and sat directly next to Tang Yuehua.

From that day on, in order to pay off the debt, Tang Yuehua accepted Su Chen as a new disciple and used all he had learned throughout his life, hoping to pay off part of the debt.

Su Chen studied very seriously and showed amazing talent and understanding, which surprised Tang Yuehua.

The teaching was perfunctory at the beginning and gradually became serious.

Now Su Chen has been studying music, dance and etiquette at Yuexuan from morning to night.

As for the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Competition, the competition process has resumed, but even without Su Chen participating, Lanba Academy's results are still far ahead, and no academy can shake it.

"Teacher, the piano sound was a little chaotic today. Is there something on your mind?"

Tang Yuehua sighed.

Now that Su Chen already knows her identity, she won't hide it. It just so happens that she also wants her smart disciple to come up with ideas and share her worries.

She told what happened in Haotian Sect.

After hearing this, Su Chen was a little surprised. He had been practicing in the Ice and Fire Eyes since he killed Tang Chen that day.

Afterwards, he returned to the mansion with Ah Yin, who had transformed into a human being.

As for the result of that day, he also inquired about it.

But most of them are just rumors, very exaggerated, with only 10% credibility.

Now the strong woman Tang Yuehua is talking about is, if nothing else, Bo Saixi from Poseidon Island...

Since Bo Saixi appeared next to Tang San, it meant that not only God Shura was involved in this matter, but Poseidon also joined in.

Now, Su Chen has two gods guarding him, which is a bit difficult to deal with.

However, as long as he didn't take action himself, wouldn't it mean that Poseidon and Shura God couldn't do anything to him, and they could at most just protect Tang San?

Thinking of this, Su Chen had an idea.

He took out a jade box from the soul guide.

"Xiao Chen, what is this?"

Looking at the jade box on the table, Tang Yue couldn't help but asked curiously.

Su Chen said: "Teacher, this is a poisonous weed that I obtained outside. Once the soul master takes the juice of this poisonous weed, then the soul master will not be able to mobilize a trace of soul power until the toxin entrenched in the meridians completely disappears. until!"

"I think, if we can make the strong man next to Tang San drink a few drops of the poisonous weed's juice, seal her soul power, and take the opportunity to kill her..."

Tang Yuehua's plump body trembled slightly.

She has never committed any murder.

But since it was for the Haotian Sect, she would risk it all!

That night, a luxurious carriage drove away from Tiandou City.

There were three people in the car, Su Chen, Tang Yuehua, and a beautiful woman in a blue dress with a veil.

"Xiao Chen, who is she?"

Tang Yuehua's eyes frequently looked at the beautiful woman in blue dress.

In order not to attract other people's attention.

She followed Su Chen's suggestion and took the other party's carriage back to Haotian Sect.

When she got on the carriage, she discovered that there was a beautiful woman in a blue dress with extraordinary temperament sitting in the carriage.

This beautiful woman in a blue dress felt very familiar to her, as if she had seen her somewhere before, but she couldn't remember it for a while.

She took the initiative to say hello and wanted to chat with the other person to see if she could remember him.

But the other party was very indifferent and just nodded to her lightly.

This made Tang Yuehua subconsciously wonder if she felt wrong.

But that familiar feeling lingered in her heart, making her feel uncomfortable.

She had no choice but to ask Su Chen, although it was not very polite to do so.

Su Chen smiled and said, "Teacher, this is my nanny Yin'er."


Tang Yuehua has never known anyone to be a wet nurse.

Maybe she felt this way because she had seen too many aristocratic women during this period.

Su Chen's carriage was very fast, and it was not a problem to travel thousands of miles in a day. It only took three hours to reach Haotian Sect, which was three hundred miles away.

Since it was Tang Yuehua who brought the people back, the affiliated branch took them into the Haotian Sect without asking any questions. After returning to Haotian Sect, Tang Yuehua arranged Su Chen and A Yin to her room.

And she herself went to find Tang Xiao.

I want to confirm whether what Tang Yu said is true.

Tang Xiao saw his sister looking for him with an unkind look on his face, and remembered that Tang Yu had just left not long ago, so he knew that his sister had come back in a hurry to ask for punishment.

He didn't want Tang Yuehua to know so much.

He just wanted Tang Yuehua to stay in Tiandou City peacefully and continue to serve the sect.

So when answering, Tang Xiao was always vague, avoided talking about many things, and kept changing the topic.

This made Tang Yuehua look smiling on the surface, but actually he had made a decision in his heart.

After leaving Tang Xiao's room.

Tang Yuehua found the second elder and others.

The second elder and others looked several years older.

I wasn't too surprised to see Tang Yuehua come back.

"Yuehua is back..."

"Second Elder, elders."

Tang Yuehua saluted to the second elder and others.

The second elder sighed: "Now in the entire sect, you are the only one who regards us as elders..."

Tang Xiao said it well that day.

But after Tang San became the sect master, they were not allowed to interfere with many things.

They wanted to question.

But with Bo Saixi here, Tang San was confident and not afraid of them at all.

As for the sect's scheduling, all arrangements were left to Tang Xiao, directly bypassing them.

So much so that none of them knew what the disciples of the sect were doing in the past two days.

Faced with such a situation, several elders were helpless and had the idea of ​​ruining the situation.

"Elders, I have already heard about these things. This time I came back to destroy Tang San and the strong woman beside her!"

"It's just that I need your help. It's difficult for me to do it on my own!"

Tang Yuehua took out the poisonous weed that Su Chen gave her.

revealed her plan.

After hearing this, the third elder who was previously responsible for the sect's purchasing immediately said: "I learned yesterday that the woman sent her disciples to the beach to buy some special products. She should eat them herself. We can put poison into those special products. !”

Tang Yuehua said excitedly: "Then I'll leave it to you, Third Elder. When the time comes, ask a few elders to take her down. Brother, leave it to me. As for Tang San, leave it to my disciple!"

"Your disciple?"

The second elder said doubtfully.

Tang Yuehua showed a look of pride on his face.

"My disciple is very outstanding. He is a genius that is hard to find in the entire continent. He has mastered the music knowledge I taught him in just a few days. Moreover, his own soul power is not weak. This time, he has won the first prize in the entire continent's advanced soul master academy. His performance in the competition was very impressive, and he has no problem dealing with that Tang San!"

"Okay, if that's the case, then we will act according to Yuehua's plan. I will inform Lao Qi and ask him to return to Haotian Sect overnight to ensure that the plan is foolproof!"


Bo Saixi was very unaccustomed to staying in Haotian Sect.

So I sent people to the beach to buy some marine specialties.

"Sir, the sea fish has been cooked. Please taste it."

A female disciple of the Haotian Sect brought a plate of prepared fish to Bo Saixi's room.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work."

Bo Saixi took out a string of jewelry and gave it to the female disciple.

The female disciple thanked her and looked a little excited.

Bo Saixi smiled and turned it away.

She wants to win over some disciples in Haotian Sect so that things will be easier in the future.

Looking at the delicious and delicious sea fish in front of her, the corners of Bo Saixi's mouth raised. Although she no longer needed to eat with her current strength, she would still satisfy her appetite occasionally.

"Yes, Not Bad!"

“The fresh aroma of sea fish paired with these unique condiments from the mainland is simply delicious!”

Bo Saixi took two bites in a row.

She didn't think anyone would dare to poison her.

Besides, most of the toxins in the world have no effect on her.

But the next moment, her expression changed.

"how come!"

Bo Saixi discovered that the soul power in her body had stopped flowing, and her meridians seemed to be blocked by something, making it impossible for her to mobilize her soul power.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect it to actually work!"

The second elder and others kicked open the room and looked at Bo Saixi in the room with stern faces.

"You gave me the poison. What kind of poison is it? Why does it have this effect!"

Bo Saixi said solemnly.

The second elder sneered, they didn't know what kind of poisonous weed it was.

Of course, even if they knew, they wouldn't say anything.

"You bitch, why are you talking so much nonsense? Go to hell!"

The grumpy seventh elder didn't want to talk nonsense and wanted to kill Bo Saixi directly to end the matter.

Bo Saixi said coldly: "Do you think you can suppress me with just this poisonous weed?"


The next moment, a terrifying wave of soul power erupted from Bo Saixi's body, but her soul power wave did not reach level ninety-nine, but barely reached the realm of a titled Douluo.

This is the only soul power she can mobilize at present, and it cannot be maintained for too long.

For the current plan, we can only lead Tang San to break out of the encirclement first, and then make plans!

The second elder and others were surprised. They tasted a drop of venom before taking action. It blocked their meridians for more than an hour, and they could not use any soul power.

But Bo Saixi can still use the strength of a titled Douluo, which is enough to show how terrifying this woman is!

They couldn't imagine what would have happened today without that poisonous weed!

"Everyone goes all out, no reservations!"


The five Haotian Sect elders took action with all their strength, and a heart-stopping roar suddenly sounded inside the Haotian Sect.

Tang Xiao didn't know all this, so Tang Yuehua took him to the place where they played when they were children.

That place was thirty miles away from Haotian Sect, and the news of the battle could not spread that far.

And Su Chen came to Tang San's residence.

A very impressive sect master's compound.

Tang San was practicing in seclusion inside.

"Ah Yin, I leave it to you!"

"Yes, Master!"

At this time, Tang San was still digesting the rewards from his divine test.

A god-given soul ring with a lifespan of ten thousand years.

It took him a long time to absorb this soul ring.

Now only the last part is left before it is completely absorbed!

(End of this chapter)

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