Chapter 93 Destroying Tang San

"What's the noise?"

Tang San was at the critical moment of absorbing the spirit ring.

Originally, he was about to finish absorbing the soul ring, but the sudden movement made him confused.

At this time, the door panel of his room was smashed by someone.

A large amount of sawdust fell on him.

Tang San still maintained his posture of absorbing the spirit ring, sweating profusely because he was already aware of the threat. If he didn't absorb this spirit ring quickly, what would happen next might cause him serious injury!

Just when Tang San was about to finish absorbing the spirit ring.

A burst of soul power hit him, interrupting his process of absorbing the soul ring.

Tang San flew directly backwards, his breath instantly weakened a lot, his face turned pale, and he vomited blood.


He gritted his teeth and punched the ground hard.

He was just a little bit away from absorbing that soul ring!

He released his martial soul and summoned a soul ring, and a ten-thousand-year-old soul ring covered with cracks appeared on his body.

This is the worst of all situations.

His soul ring has become useless. On the surface, it looks like a ten-thousand-year soul ring, but the actual effect it can exert is similar to that of a four-thousand-year soul ring.

And every time he uses this soul ring, the effect of this soul ring will be greatly reduced and become worse and worse.

This will not only affect his combat effectiveness, but also affect subsequent level improvements.

If he doesn't solve the problem of this soul ring, then he will never be able to break through to the soul king realm in his life!

Unless he destroys this soul ring himself and absorbs another one!

This will definitely be a huge obstacle to his future growth!

Tang San's expression was extremely gloomy.

He looked up at the door and saw a woman he didn't recognize, and behind the woman stood the person he hated the most - Su Chen!

"Su Chen, it's you again!"

"How did you come to our Haotian Sect!"

Tang San roared loudly.

Su Chen joked: "How did I get here? Of course it was you Haotian Sect disciples who brought me here."

Tang San said angrily: "Where are the people from the Haotian Sect? They didn't stop you? Also, what happened to the sect? Why is there such a big movement? Where are the disciples who are guarding me outside?"

A series of questions made Tang San's expression gradually become ferocious.

He seemed to have thought of something and hit the ground hard.

Su Chen smiled and said: "It seems that you have guessed that everyone in the Haotian Sect is unhappy with you and has already planned to kill you and the strong woman next to you, and establish a new sect leader!"

Hearing this, Tang San sneered.

"Oh, do you think that the strong woman next to me can be killed casually?"

"Let me tell you, her strength is far beyond your imagination. Haotian Sect and this bunch of losers will never be able to defeat her!"


At this moment, a figure hit the side room next door.

When the smoke cleared, Bo Saixi's figure walked out of it.

She looked extremely embarrassed, and it was still difficult for Titled Douluo's initial strength to face the five elders of the Haotian Sect.

Tang San couldn't believe it, wasn't Bo Saixi a ninety-ninth level peerless Douluo?

Why can't you even defeat a few old men!

Before he could figure this out.

The beautiful woman in the blue dress appeared in front of him, staring down at him with a very cold expression.

The next moment, Tang San was grabbed by the neck and forcibly lifted up from the ground.

His cheeks were red, his legs were constantly kicking, and he struggled with all his strength, but his struggle was like the resistance of an ant and had no effect.

For some reason, Tang San could feel a sense of intimacy and familiarity from the beautiful woman in the blue dress.

But the other person strangled his neck with such force that he didn't hold back at all. His skin was broken and blood flowed to the back of the other person's hand.

Feeling Tang San's blood, Ah Yin's cold eyes moved, but soon returned to his previous expression.

After rebirth, Ah Yin not only reshaped her body, but even her past memories disappeared. Now she has become a different person, a person who only belongs to Su Chen!

Besides, even if she regains her past memories.

With her favorable impression of Su Chen reaching 100, she would probably abandon Tang San and his son without hesitation and stand by Su Chen's side.


Bo Saixi shouted sharply.

Looking at Tang San who was almost suffocating, Bo Saixi had an ugly expression. She couldn't let anything happen to Tang San, otherwise she wouldn't be able to explain to Poseidon!

"Woman, if you dare to touch him today, I will die with you today!"

Bo Saixi summoned a golden scepter, the whole body of which was engraved with magic patterns. The head of the staff was a diamond-shaped protrusion like a spear. Five inches below the tip of the spear, there was a diamond-shaped golden gem inlaid.

The golden gem contains a terrifying force that makes people's hearts beat. No one knows what will happen after this force breaks out.

The second elder and others chased after him.

Their hair was messy, their clothes were torn, and they were in a very embarrassed state. It was obvious that they had suffered a lot in the battle with Bo Saixi.

But after all, they have the advantage in numbers. If they continue to fight, Bo Saixi may be left here!

However, the Second Elder and the others also have their concerns.

That is, the location of the battle is in Haotian Sect.

If this woman goes crazy and attacks ordinary disciples of the Haotian Sect, it will definitely be a fatal blow to the sect.

There may be interruptions!

For a moment, the five of them didn't dare to get too close, for fear that the woman would go crazy.

Seeing that the five elders were threatened, Bo Saixi began to threaten A Yin and Su Chen again.

In her opinion, these two people were also members of the Haotian Sect.

Even if you think about it, you can threaten them!

Su Chen was not worried about the collapse of Haotian Sect.

Mainly because he felt two waves of spiritual thoughts sweeping over him just now.

These two divine thoughts should be those of Poseidon and Shura God.

Those two old men are always paying attention to this place.

Once he kills Tang San, these two old guys will probably intervene forcefully and kill him!

Thinking of this, Su Chen decided to kill Tang San first!

He came to Tang San.

Seeing this, Bo Saixi tightened the scepter in her hand.

I saw Su Chen pressing his hand on Tang San.

The soul power mobilized in him indirectly caused the soul power in Tang San to be mobilized.

Tang San only felt that the soul power in his soul ring was being pulled away one by one, like a cocoon being peeled off.


Tang San's expression changed and he struggled hard.

The soul ring on his body appeared automatically.

Under everyone's gaze, the color of Tang San's fourth spirit ring gradually changed from black to purple, then to yellow, and finally to a faint white.

After the spirit ring turned white, Tang San vomited blood.


Bo Saixi shouted angrily.

Su Chen ignored it, and Bo Saixi didn't dare to take action until Tang San's life was not in danger. Immediately afterwards, the soul power on Tang San's third soul ring was also extracted, turning it into a ten-year soul ring.

Finally, it was his second soul ring, which also became ten years.

At this point, Tang San's four soul rings were all destroyed, and his soul power had directly regressed to level twenty-nine.


Ah Yin threw him at Bo Saixi's feet.

Su Chen snorted coldly: "Take this kid and get out. If you dare to stay in Haotian Sect again, you will never leave!"

Bo Saixi has never been so frustrated as she is today.

But the soul power she had forcibly maintained was about to end. Next, she had to find a way to deal with the toxins in her body, otherwise she would be unable to move on the mainland!


In the God Realm, Poseidon and Shura God looked ugly.

"How can this kid's methods be like ours back then..."

"Hmph, it must be a secret technique that this kid found in a certain ruins!"

God Shura's face was gloomy. What happened in the Douluo Continent made him look disgraceful. His examiner for the Divine Examination was actually forced to such an extent that his cultivation was completely ruined!

Just now, he almost couldn't hold himself back and attacked the young man and the woman next to him!

Poseidon sighed, "This examiner of yours is considered useless. I think the boy who dealt with him is good. Otherwise, why don't you choose him as the inheritor? At the age of twelve, he has reached more than forty levels of soul power. , this kind of talent should be enough to qualify for the top eight exams!"

It's not like God Shura has never thought about it this way.

But seeing Tang San, whom he regarded as his pet, being targeted repeatedly and beaten like this, he felt a little unconvinced.

It was as if he was playing chess with an invisible being.

The opponent's pieces keep suppressing his pieces.

Although this didn't affect him, he still felt uncomfortable.

"No, I have to let this Tang San win once!"

"Poseidong, you don't have a successor yet, right? How about letting this Tang San inherit your throne?"

Poseidon's expression changed. Although he wanted to get rid of his position as a god early so that he could explore a wider world, he would not choose such a waste as his successor!

He also chooses his successor based on talent...

Shura Shendao: "Don't worry, this kid still has a second martial soul. He is not completely finished yet. As long as his second martial soul is improved, and then the soul ring of his first martial soul is destroyed and rebuilt, I’m sure my talent is not bad, so I will have no problem inheriting your throne!”

"You and I are both gods of Douluo Continent. If you help me, I can take care of you in the God Realm in the future. Even if you go out, I will still leave a place for you in the God Realm!"

The Douluo God Realm has distinct levels, mixed with a lot of human feelings and sophistication.

Poseidon sighed, remained silent for a moment and said, "Okay, in that case, I will give this kid the top nine exams!"

By the time the two were talking, a day had passed in Douluo Continent.

After the Haotian Sect drove away Bo Saixi and Tang San, everything was back on track.

When Tang Xiao and Tang Yuehua returned to the sect and learned about this, they were so angry that they fainted.

He tried his best to save it, but it was too late. Everyone in the sect supported driving away Tang San and making Tang Yuehua the sect leader.

Tang Yuehua did not expect that everyone would support her as the leader of the clan.

In fact, she was longing for this day to come.

She had the same lofty ambitions as Tang Hao and Tang Xiao since she was a child, and wanted to explore the mainland with them.

However, problems with her martial soul caused her soul power to be very low and she had little combat effectiveness.

The sect didn't pay much attention to her either.

As the two brothers grew older, they gradually distanced themselves from her.

Later, Tang Yuehua suppressed his inner thoughts and honestly took care of Yuexuan in Tiandou City.

But she often dreams about herself traveling across the mainland and looking down on the world.

Whenever this happened, she would be immersed in it, unable to extricate herself, wishing she could stay trapped in this dream.

And now, she has become the leader of the Haotian Sect, which can be regarded as fulfilling her youthful dream...

In this regard, Tang Yuehua is very grateful to those who helped her, especially her disciple Su Chen.

If it weren't for Su Chen, this day would never have come.

That night, Tang Yuehua invited Su Chen to her room to talk.

She took out the century-old wine collected by Haotian Sect.

This is something that only her grandfather, Tang Chen, is qualified to drink.

But since the other party has gone to the west, these things should be left alone, so why not let her use them to thank the disciple.

"Come on, Xiaochen, this time the teacher can take the position of the leader of Haotian Sect, thanks to you!"

On weekdays, what Tang Yuehua drinks the most is some fruit wine with low alcohol concentration, and he has never been drunk.

But the wine Tang Chen collected was different, even a titled Douluo would get drunk.

In addition, this wine was drunk by Tang Chen when he was practicing the Great Sumeru Hammer, and it is a very yang and strong thing.

Tang Yuehua and Su Chen just took a sip and felt dizzy and hot all over.

"Teacher, I want to kiss you..."

Tang Yuehua didn't hear what Su Chen said clearly.

Seeing that the other party took the initiative to come over, she did not resist, feeling a strong desire in her heart.

The two kissed each other unconsciously...

On the other side, Tang San was lying in a dark and damp cave. The ground was covered with bat droppings, which was very smelly.

Fortunately, he was used to the smell of feces and didn't think anything of it.

Bo Saixi walked in from the outside, holding a half-cooked animal leg in her hand. The outside was charred and there was blood inside.

"woke up?"

"Let's just eat it!"

Tang San picked up the beast's leg and began to bite it.

He had been an evil soul master and no longer cared about the smell of blood. In addition, he was injured and needed a lot of nutrition.

After eating the animal leg, Tang San looked at Bo Saixi.

"How is your situation? Do you need my help?"

Bo Saixi sneered: "How can you help?"

Not to mention how much she disliked Tang San now, if it weren't for Poseidon, she wouldn't have been able to take care of this kid and just turn around and leave.

Tang San frowned, sensing the other party's disgust.

He said lightly: "There is a kind of poison in your body, which needs to be neutralized by fighting poison with poison. You can find a thousand-year-old snake soul beast and drink the venom in its poison sac to neutralize it!"

Bo Saixi was doubtful. After Tang San entered trance and began to use Xuantian Kung to heal his wounds, she left the cave, killed a thousand-year-old mandala snake, and absorbed the venom from its poison sac.

What she didn't expect was that the method Tang San said was actually effective.

Her soul power is no longer blocked and can run smoothly!

After being able to circulate her soul power, she immediately expelled all other toxins from her body and adjusted her body to a normal state.

At this moment, the voice of Poseidon sounded in her mind...

(End of this chapter)

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