Chapter 94 Return to Heaven Dou City

"Bo Saixi, I will lower the top nine exams for Tang San. Next, you must fully assist him in completing it and help him become my successor!"


Poseidon's words shocked Bo Saixi.

She didn't expect that the other party would choose Tang San as his successor!

To be honest, she was a little disgusted with Tang San, because this guy couldn't calm himself down at all.

When he was in Haotian Sect, he clearly promised that those people in the sect would not cause trouble.

But as soon as that kid became the sect leader, he started a series of plans.

She didn't care at first, thinking that with her support, no matter what this kid did, Haotian Sect wouldn't be able to change the sky.

But now something happened, the two of them were in such an embarrassing situation, and a large part of the reason was that Tang San's actions angered the people of Haotian Sect!

It was absolutely impossible for her to choose Tang San as his successor!

And in terms of talent alone, Tang San's talent wasn't very good. On Poseidon Island, he could pick out a dozen disciples who were even more talented than him.

Especially now that his talent has been destroyed by the boy from Haotian Sect, his talent is even worse!

Bo Saixi couldn't figure out why Poseidon chose him as his successor for such a loser?

"Is there any unknown reason for this?"

She suddenly thought of God Shura. If God Shura forced Poseidon to choose Tang San as his successor, then everything would make sense...

In an instant, Bo Saixi's belief began to waver.

She has always believed that Poseidon is a supreme god, the supreme being in the world, and no one can shake him.

But what is happening now proves that Poseidon is not that powerful and still has to obey the instructions of others.

Bo Saixi's eyes were vacant and lifeless, and the belief in her heart was constantly swinging back and forth.

"Great offering!"

Tang San walked out of the cave.

He had his hands behind his back and looked high-spirited.

When he came to Bo Saixi, he only bent slightly, and the expression on his face was no longer as humble as before.

At this moment, Tang San was the proudest in his life.

Because just now, he passed the top nine tests of Poseidon. Once he completes this test, he will inherit the throne of Poseidon and become a high-ranking god!

When the time comes, let alone a titled Douluo, even a strong man like Bo Saixi can be destroyed with a snap of his finger!

Tang San's face was filled with excitement. Now he was no longer afraid of Su Chen or the Spirit Hall. Even Bo Saixi in front of him was nothing in his eyes!

When he becomes the God of the Sea, Bo Saixi in front of him will be his slave, his lackey. No matter what he asks the other party to do, the other party must obey!

Tang San had an evil smile on his lips and looked at Bo Saixi with his eyes.

This made Bo Saixi's eyes cold and there was deep disgust in her brows.

She has seen this kind of look from many men, so she naturally knows what is going on in the other person's mind.

Bo Saixi didn't hesitate, and hit Tang San directly with a burst of soul power.


Tang San flew backwards, spitting out a mouthful of blood.


He lay on the ground and pointed at Bo Saixi.

If he had been beaten by Bo Saixi before, he would never have dared to do this.

After all, that's who Tang San was.

For example, his name for Dai Mubai kept changing as his strength increased. When he couldn't beat him, he called him Boss Dai, and when he surpassed him, he called him Mubai.

It was the same now, Tang San already felt in his heart that his status was higher than Bo Saixi's, and he felt that the other party should please him and obey his orders.

Bo Saixi said coldly: "What do you mean when you look at me like that? Do you think you are worthy of that kind of thinking?"

"An ant that doesn't know the heights of the sky!"

Finally, Bo Saixi vented the long-standing dissatisfaction in her heart.

Tang San gritted his teeth, his face filled with resentment.

Bo Saixi said coldly: "Remember, you haven't even completed the first round of assessment. You are not the Poseidon yet. Even ordinary people can kill you now!"

Tang San got up from the ground without saying a word.

He turned and entered the forest.

His first assessment was to hunt down a spirit beast.

It doesn't matter what age the soul beast is.

It can be said that this divine test is definitely the simplest test among all the gods!

Tang San found a wild boar beast that was ten years old and immediately pounced on it with the Clear Sky Hammer.

Because his injury had not yet healed, and because he had been taught a lesson by Bo Saixi just now, when he ran, the wound on his body was involved, and he was limping, which was very funny.

In his current state, let alone hunting soul beasts, he couldn't even hold the Clear Sky Hammer firmly.

As expected, Tang San was directly pushed out by the wild boar beast.

The wild boar's fangs pierced his anus, and the familiar feeling that Old Man Jiao had developed for several years made him scream in excitement.

Tang San rolled his eyes, his cheeks turned red, his tongue lolled out, and his saliva drooled all over the floor.

The wild boar beast arched and arched, feeling very high and very happy.

"You have a way to die!"

Tang San regained his composure, roared angrily, swung the Haotian Sect and hit the wild boar beast on the head.

At this time, the wild boar beast fainted.

Tang San used all his strength and smashed the hammer twice more before smashing the wild boar's head and killing it.

"It's really not easy!"

Tang San sat on the ground, breathing heavily.

After completing the first assessment, he obtained 5% affinity to Poseidon and a god-given soul ring.

"God-given soul ring?"

A golden bead appeared on his hand.

This golden bead seems to be carved from the most precious golden crystal. It is transparent and flawless. The most peculiar thing is that in this bead, there is a layer of light golden mist that is constantly fluctuating.

In an instant, Tang San sensed a powerful soul power contained in the beads.

The next moment, golden beads floated above his head.

Hearing a "pop" sound, a thick golden mist poured straight down and enveloped his body.

Suddenly, Tang San's face showed a painful expression.

This feeling is just like the ten-thousand-year soul ring he absorbed in Haotian Sect before.

Fortunately, he already had experience in leapfrog absorption and quickly adjusted his physical condition.

An hour later, a perfect ten thousand year spirit ring appeared next to Tang San.

And the voice of Poseidon sounded in his mind at the right time, telling him the content of the second divine test.

It was to hunt down a soul beast that was thousands of years old!

This was not a difficult task for Tang San, who had obtained a ten-thousand-year spirit ring!

"Hahaha, Su Chen, just wait for me. My strength will improve by leaps and bounds soon. By then, I will repay you a thousand times the pain you have caused me!"

……    “Ah bang!”

In the early morning, Su Chen sneezed. As Su Chen emerged from his sleep, next to him was Tang Yuehua, whose face was flushed.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully signing in to the Eight-Star Goddess Tang Yuehua, and gaining a charming physique and two adaptive soul rings! 】

Two adaptive soul rings are definitely good news for Su Chen.

This means that he is getting closer and closer to level 100.

As for the charming physique, he didn't care much.

After all, he is already very attractive, and it doesn't matter whether he has this physique or not.

But when Tang Yuehua woke up, he felt how terrifying this physique was.

When Tang Yuehua saw Su Chen beside him, he immediately remembered what happened last night.

She suddenly flushed, feeling shy and a little scared.

In fact, she likes Su Chen very much.

No woman can refuse such a handsome young man, especially a woman like her who is like a wolf and has nowhere to vent.

She was a little worried that if she ate her little apprentice, she would cause him dissatisfaction.

After all, her behavior is like an old cow eating young grass, which is very immoral.

Fortunately, Su Chen did not feel disgusted with her, but instead took the initiative to apologize to her.

"Teacher, I'm sorry, last night..."

"Stop talking, it's the teacher's fault. The teacher didn't control himself and caused you..."

Tang Yuehua was too shy to speak.

At this time, Su Chen's hands were a little dishonest again. He was in a drunken state last night and had no memory of it, so he wanted to relive it.

Tang Yuehua didn't resist, turned his head sideways, bit his lip, and let Su Chen do what he did.

The two of them came out of the room only after the Haotian Sect disciples knocked on the door at noon.

Tang Yuehua excused himself on the pretext of teaching Su Chen, dispelling the doubts in his disciple's mind.

In the following time, Tang Yuehua began to arrange some things within the sect.

First of all, we must take back all the disciples sent by Tang San and let them continue to practice in the sect and not run around.

As for other aspects, it remains the same.

The second elder and the others already had experience in these matters, so Tang Yuehua became the hands-off manager.

"Second Elder, I will return to Yuexuan later, and the sect will be left to you."

"What, Sect Master, are you leaving?"

Originally, the second elder and the others thought that Tang Yuehua would stay in Haotian Sect and send someone else to take care of Yuexuan.

But I didn't expect that the other party would go back.

"That's right, although the sect cannot be without a sect leader for a day, it doesn't really matter if I am present or not. There are five elders controlling the sect. I believe that the sect will not cause trouble."

"And if Yuexuan is without me, there will definitely be chaos. Those noble students will leave. The forces behind those noble students are not small. If we can cooperate with the forces behind them in the future, it will be of great benefit to our Haotian Sect, so It should be managed well!”

Of course, Tang Yuehua still didn't say a reason.

That is, she couldn't stay in contact with Su Chen for a long time in Haotian Sect. It would be different if she stayed in Yuexuan. No one cared how long she stayed with Su Chen.

Thinking of this, she felt itchy in her heart. She wished she could return to Yuexuan now and teach her disciple Su Chen etiquette knowledge!

"Okay, if that's the case, then the sect leader can feel free to leave the sect to us!"

The second elder and others sent Tang Yuehua and Su Chen outside the small village at the foot of the mountain, and watched them board the carriage and leave.

As soon as he got on the carriage, Tang Yuehua lost his composure, hugged Su Chen into his arms and started making small movements.

"Teacher, don't be like this..."

"Xiao Chen, you must listen to the teacher."

When Su Chen returned to the Tiandou City mansion, his steps were empty.

And when he opened the door and walked into the mansion, Yun Yun and others looked at him with green eyes, which made him feel something was wrong.

the next period of time.

Su Chen returned to the field and led Lanba Academy to easily defeat Blazing Academy and Divine Wind Academy.

From the day the game started until now.

Except for Zhu Zhuqing, Dugu Yan, and Ning Rongrong, no one else in Lanba Academy has released a martial spirit.

It can be said that the strength displayed by Lanba Academy is definitely at a dominant level.

Emperor Tiandou has even concluded that Lan Ba ​​Academy can win the championship of the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Competition this year!

In previous years' competitions, except for the Star Luo Empire which won the championship once, the Spirit Hall occupied the championship position at other times.

No academy can shake them.

But this time, Lanba Academy's attitude is completely aimed at winning the championship.

This is very likely to become the first team to win the championship in the history of the Tiandou Empire. How could Emperor Xueye be unhappy?

But while he was happy, he felt that his health was getting worse and worse. After watching one or two games, he became too weak and needed to return to the palace to rest.

"Father, it's time to take medicine!"

Xue Qinghe considerately took out a bottle, which contained the medicine that Emperor Tiandou took every day.

"Qinghe is interested..."

Emperor Xue Ye took two pills and left the VIP table with the help of the palace maid. He told Xue Qinghe to entertain Su Chen and the others well, and he must make the disciples of Lanba Academy feel their meticulous care and not be won over by Wuhun Palace. .

Xue Qinghe responded and followed Ning Fengzhi down to the spectator seats to look for Su Chen and the others.

At the end of the game, Su Chen saw Liu Erlong on the bench.

Since Liu Erlong had a relationship with Su Chen, her figure has gotten better and better, and her appearance has become more beautiful, as if she has a second spring.

Previously, Liu Erlong didn't pay much attention to the games at Lanba Academy and only came to watch them every three or four days.

Mainly because she was not familiar with the students in this team at all.

But after Su Chen came back, Liu Erlong would appear in the auditorium every day and watch the whole game quietly before choosing to leave.

During this period, as the performance of the Lanba Academy team got better and better, the academy itself attracted the attention of many nobles and wealthy businessmen. Some people had already spent a lot of money to invite Su Chen and others to advertise.

Even the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family found Liu Erlong and wanted Liu Erlong to take Su Chen and the others to join the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family.

He also said that as long as Liu Erlong agreed, the family could forgive Yu Xiaogang and let him return to the family.

But Liu Erlong decisively refused.

For some unknown reason, she had no feelings for Yu Xiaogang now. Being around a smelly old man all day long made her feel conflicted.

Basically, except for seeing Yu Xiaogang once in the morning, noon and evening, the rest of the time is either in the stadium or in a cabin in the forest.

On the day Su Chen came back, she happened to be at the arena.

After seeing Su Chen, she couldn't calm down for some reason. When she closed her eyes, she could see him...

(End of this chapter)

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