My client Li Yunlong

Chapter 172 Making a feint to the east and attacking in the west!

Chapter 172 Making a feint to the east and attacking in the west!

The sixth day.

In Beiping City, Xinhua Newspaper still appeared on the wall.

Although the common people did not pay as much attention as the previous few days, they would occasionally stop and watch, and some even secretly tore off a photo and hid it secretly, or cut out the photo.

A beautiful newspaper or picture is also an embellishment of life when placed at home.

Even banned newspapers.

The Japanese were no longer as nervous as they were at the beginning, destroying and tearing leisurely, with a non-rushed attitude.

When the people around saw the Japanese, they also gave way.

Beiping City has restored its former glory.

"Tubalu is really rich!"

Only Naoto Matsuzaki felt depressed.

In six days, he arrested more than 300 people who posted newspapers.

Four days to be exact.

Because the arrest actually started only the next day.

Among those arrested, there were all kinds of people;

Most of them are working for the Locust Army.

Naoto Matsuzaki can still understand these people.

Matsuzaki Naoto knew very well the nature of these so-called people who surrendered to the empire, so-called good citizens. Many of them wanted money rather than their lives, and would do anything given money.

But among the more than 300 people, there was actually a locust army!


There is an army of locusts!

Not only are there imperial expatriates, there are even many garrisons.

Even more.

It's hard for Naoto Matsuzaki to understand.

Although Tubalu gave a lot of money, and one day's newspaper posting was comparable to the monthly income of many imperial expatriates in the Republic of China, this was a betrayal of the empire and a betrayal of the Locusts.

Although he also knows that the so-called loyalty is just because the price is not enough.

But the price of imperial loyalty is so low?

Even the Locust Army service troops actually had people participating.

as well as,

Among the more than 300 people, there was not even an underground member of the Eighth Route Army.

"Are you still catching me?"

The subordinate asked from the side.

More than 300 people have been arrested!

Today, more than 300 people are being held in the Imperial Beiping Police Station.

Even if they criticize Beijing,

To be honest, it's a bit overwhelming.


The corners of Matsuzaki Naoto's mouth twitched.

Still catch it!

They are all people who have been bribed by Tubal Road and subcontracted at different levels. There are at least five or six people hiding behind a person who actually posts newspapers, and it is impossible to catch the real owner.

If you don't arrest them, just let these people post it?

Where can the Locust Army put its face?

"Beat him and let him go!"

Matsuzaki Naoto sighed.

Otherwise, what else can be done?

Kill them all?

That's what he wanted to do.

But among the more than 300 people, there was not a single person from the Eighth Route Army.

The Locust Army has been occupying Beiping for several years. The current purpose is to maintain public security and maintain stable order. If more than 300 people are killed, it will cause serious panic.

Of course, just having that person panic does nothing to the Empire.

Just panic.

But the problem is that this will affect the empire's interests in Beiping and the military depot plan in North China.

Not worth the candle.


The subordinate breathed a sigh of relief and went to execute it immediately.


"Have you found any clues about the transportation channels of the Eighth Route Army underground party?"

Matsuzaki Naoto had no interest in arresting the guy who posted the newspaper in Beiping City.

What's the use of arresting these people?

Based on his current clues, he can be sure that even if he invests a lot of manpower and material resources, traces the source, and digs layer by layer, he will not be able to catch a real Eighth Route underground party in the end.

It's just a waste of effort.

He was just amazed at Tubalu's magnanimity.

Abundant funds.

In just six days, nearly 100,000 silver dollars were spent, and nearly 1,000 people were bribed and hired, just to post nearly 10,000 Xinhua Newspapers in Beiping City to build momentum for the news that General Miyano, Chief of Staff of the Imperial North China Front, would be attacked before late August. .

If he dared to do this in the Beijing Assessment Bureau, the administrative headquarters would name him and fire him, and then personally send him to the reserve force.

as well as,

Worry about future battles with Tubal Road intelligence.

intelligence war,

Although thanks to the advance layout, it seems that the Locust Army has the upper hand, the core latent intelligence personnel have now penetrated into important logistics departments in the Taiyue Mountains and have access to confidential information.

But the problem is,

Tuba Road seems to be very well funded.

According to the intelligence collected by the First Army,

There is a mysterious force that offers a reward of 1.5 million silver dollars per month for the Chief of Staff of the Empire's First Army.

Currently, there are eight chiefs of staff in the hands of Tubal Road. Calculated, Tubal Road has more than 12 million silver dollars in funds every month.

That doesn't sound like a lot of money, about $5 million a month.

But how long has it been now?

It has only been more than two months since the first chief of staff of the First Army, Yu Sui, was born in May, and it is now early August.

And the intelligence war,

Matsuzaki Naoto has always agreed with a saying of the Republic of China - a strong dragon cannot overwhelm a local snake, which is especially suitable for use in intelligence warfare.

Tuba Road may not be called a snake.

A bug at best.

But now that they have obtained a large amount of weapons and ammunition and sufficient funds, they have grown into a powerful local vigilante, not only repelling the Empire's 27th Division, but also flexing their muscles in intelligence.

If the situation continues to develop, Naoto Matsuzaki has a hunch that, at least in North China, the intelligence exchange between the Locust Army will suffer a big loss.

Just like the Xinhua News incident in the Beijing Review.

The Locust Army, which had been stationed in Beiping for nearly three years, could only allow Tubal Road to post the Xinhua Newspaper in Beiping City unscrupulously without any means of restraint.

Even active-duty soldiers of the Locust Army joined the queue to post newspapers for Tubal Road. The core reason was simply because the Eighth Route Army had abundant funds.

and also,

Silver coins and newspapers mysteriously appeared in Beiping City.

One hundred thousand silver dollars, all in cash, and nearly 10,000 newspapers. How did such a huge amount of materials enter Beiping City?

How was it transported?

The railway has not seized silver coins from Tubal Road for a long time.

"not yet."

Report from subordinates.


Matsuzaki Naoto waved his hand expressionlessly.


"What will Li Yunlong do?"


Yamamoto held a Xinhua Newspaper in his hand and looked solemnly.

Today is the seventh day since this newspaper appeared in Taiyuan, Yangquan, Beiping and other places.

According to preliminary statistics from the North China Front, there are as many as 50,000 newspapers posted on the walls of cities controlled by the Locust Army.

Moreover, the Eighth Route Army generally used silver dollars to open roads. Although it ensured the safety of underground parties and avoided capture by the locust army, the cost was huge.

Preliminary estimates put the cost at more than 200,000 silver dollars.

The use of such a large amount of manpower, material and financial resources to build momentum is enough to prove that Li Yunlong and his group are certain to attack Chief of Staff Miyano and succeed.

Although the higher-ups, including General Shinozuka, believed that the Tubal Road was just a bluff, through this matter, it was not important whether they could succeed in attracting that person's attention and attracting talents.

The long-term failure of preserved fruit has made people accustomed to failure.

But Yamamoto still secretly increased his vigilance.

Once Chief of Staff Miyano is destroyed, the operation of the North China Front will not have any impact, but the morale of the Locust Army will be hit so hard that it is unprecedented.

It will also greatly enhance the reputation of Tubal Road.

as well as,

Chief of Staff Miyano was the only officer who supported his promotion of special operations.


Nothing should happen to Chief of Staff Miyano.

"Chief of Staff Miyano is currently in Yangquan, the headquarters of the 29th Brigade."

"The leader of the 29th Brigade is dead."

"Due to the heavy losses of the brigade, the total strength is only more than 4,000. Currently, the brigade is only commanded by the deputy brigade commander and a colonel." Yamamoto analyzed the situation one by one.

"But there are more than 4,000 people, all concentrated near Yangquan."

"Even if all the tens of thousands of troops from the Taiyue base of Tubal Road are dispatched, it is impossible to capture Yangquan in a short time. Once the support troops of the Locust Army arrive, Tubal Road cannot be an opponent of the Locust Army in the plains."

"Chief of Staff Miyano is here to review the files, analyze the specific strength of Tubal Road in Taiyue Mountain District, and judge and analyze the future development potential of Tubal Road in Taiyue Mountain District."

"No plans to go out."

"As long as the security in the city is strengthened, Chief of Staff Miyano can be ensured to be safe."

Yamamoto finally came to a conclusion.

The Chief of Industrial Staff is indeed safe.


"Founding in the east and attacking in the west?"

Looking at Li Yunlong's preliminary battle plan, Zhao Gang narrowed his eyes and sounded a little surprised.

This was the move that killed Sakata.

The troops advanced five hundred meters to cover a mortar shelling Sakata's headquarters.

The same trick was used to seize the Japanese flag.

Taking advantage of the fact that the Japs' unit flag is with the headquarters, they rush towards the Japs' headquarters to attract the Japs' attention, and then suddenly turn back and storm the Japs' unit flag.


This was another move that killed the Japanese chief of staff Miyano Michichi.

A fresh move!

"Having suffered so many losses, will the Japanese be prepared?"

Zhao Gang was a little worried.

Will the Japanese fall down five or six times with one move?

"Unless the little devil can know that Brother Lu can pinpoint the location of old devil Miyano, he will definitely be tricked."

Li Yunlong sounded confident.

Plan to attack the east and west.

To put it bluntly, it is a clever move.

Send troops to attack and harass the railway lines near Yangquan, forcing the Japanese to support them, and then send a small group of troops to penetrate into Yangquan, taking advantage of the lack of Japanese troops to attack Miyano Michichi's location.

As long as the Japanese don't know, he can know the position of their chief of staff in real time, otherwise he will definitely be tricked.


The eighth day.

"Mortar bombardment of Japanese railway lines."

Near Yangquan.

Station of the Sixteenth Regiment.

Looking at the artillery platoon from the independent regiment in front of him, the six 82 mortars, and the military mules carrying rounds of artillery shells, the commander of the th regiment was stunned.

Use mortars to bombard the Japanese railway lines.

It's indeed a good idea.


With a mortar with a range of 5700 meters, the Japanese can easily retreat even if they have wings and send planes.

The 82 mortar is very powerful. The shells weighing 4.5 kilograms are enough to cause damage to the rails of the Japanese Railway, and can also cause damage to the ballast. Repairs, even by the Japanese Railway Team, take half an hour.

But it’s a good deal to waste half an hour on the enemy with one shell...

This is a cannonball!

Precious shells.

Is it too much of a loss to trade with the Japanese Railway?

"This is the regiment's plan."

The platoon leader of the artillery platoon of the independent regiment who came was not sure, but this was the plan of the regiment headquarters and he had to implement it.


"Just right."

The artillery platoon leader chuckled:

"We can use this opportunity to train the gunners well."

"it is good."

Hearing that it was beneficial, the commander of the 16th Regiment did not hesitate and immediately sent out all the artillery seedlings in the regiment to gain practical experience.


"Isn't it true that weapons and ammunition cannot be reimbursed?"

"Why did you apply for cannonballs again?"

Looking at the application form in front of him, Zhao Gang was stunned.

Commander Li asked Brother Lu for 82 rounds of mortar shells.

Due to some special restrictions, Boss Lu will not be able to provide weapons and ammunition for all future business cooperation, and can only obtain equipment and ammunition through independent groups every month.

Why did you apply again?

"Yes, this is not a mission-retired shell."


Zhao Gang was stunned.

My mind didn't turn around at once.

"If we can kill Miyano Michichi this time, can we get a hundred heavy-duty trucks every month?"

"A truck with a maximum load capacity of sixty-five tons?"

Li Yunlong's words were serious and thoughtful.


Zhao Gang nodded blankly.

"Tell me, when these trucks come, can the warehouse be filled with things?"

Li Yunlong chuckled.




Railway brigade.

Because the main force of the 29th Brigade is responsible for the security of Pingxian and Yangquan and preventing the Chief of Staff from being attacked, the security responsibility of the Zhengtai Line Railway near Yangquan now falls on the railway brigade.

Work tasks suddenly increased several times.

The team leader, O Shangchi, has also been very busy recently.

However, he is busy and happy.

And it’s the ultimate joy.

Ever since he got connected with Tubal Road, no, he got connected with the Eighth Route Army, helping the underground party of the Eighth Route Army to transport supplies, one wave of silver dollars got into his arms one after another.


In just over a month, he obtained more than five thousand silver dollars.

And with this silver dollar, he opened up the channel for superiors, and the appointment letter of assistant officer is already on the way.

Next week, he will be promoted to major, and will be removed from the position of acting captain of the railway brigade, which means "agent".


In fact, he could get more.


Based on the Eighth Route Army's demand for transportation, a large number of machinery and equipment, and personnel transportation.

He can get fifteen thousand silver dollars a month.

But here's the thing.

Although he is the captain of the railway brigade and has complete control over the railway brigade, the problem is that he cannot cover the sky with just one hand.

Wing Headquarters,

brigade department,

and the Railway Patrol,

military intelligence,

Even people from the police department and the Special Higher Education Department were troublesome that prevented him from cooperating with the Eighth Route Army, transporting supplies for the Eighth Route Army, and making money.

Considering your own safety,

Once discovered by these people, it will definitely end in disembowelment and suicide.

He cannot transport it blatantly and must do a good job of safety and confidentiality.

but now··

The Wing Headquarters, Brigade Headquarters, Railway Patrol Team, Military Intelligence Department, and even the Police Department and Special High School Division are all closely controlling Yangquan to protect the safety of Chief of Staff Miyano Michichi.

Almost all the power in railway transportation belongs to him.


His chance has come.

It just so happened that yesterday the Eighth Route Army requested to transport some machinery and equipment, which were heavy in weight. He was hesitant. Now was a good time to transport them.

"what's up?"

"Railway line under fire."

After hearing the news, Ogami didn't even look back and said directly:

"Inform the brigade headquarters."

"Also, send out a maintenance squadron."

The railway brigade is responsible for repairs, patrols, and security. It's not that he doesn't want to, but he doesn't have the strength.

(End of this chapter)

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