My client Li Yunlong

Chapter 173 Death of Miyano Michichi!

Chapter 173 Death of Miyano Michichi!

"The railway line was shelled?"


Yamamoto received the news immediately.

"Let the patrol take a look."

He immediately sent out a patrol.

The Railway Armored Patrol Squadron has strong combat effectiveness because it is equipped with railway armored vehicles.

In the Japanese organization, armored vehicles have a high weight ratio and are classified as high-level arms. At the lowest level, they are under the direct command of the regiment. Fortunately, Yamamoto now represents part of the command authority of the 29th Brigade, so he can directly command.


"Tough luck."

Tominojima, who kept walking and followed the armored convoy on foot, kept cursing.

Ever since he met Li Yunlong in Cangyun Ridge, he seemed to have been having bad luck.

The troops in service, Beijing Brigade and Shandao Regiment, were either severely damaged or completely wiped out. Even the old unit, the Bantian Regiment of the Second Class Regiment, was severely damaged in the Battle of Yangcun.

The regimental flag was seized.

The establishment has been cancelled.

He also went in circles all the way, and never had a fixed army.

After the commander of the 29th Brigade was attacked and shattered, the 29th Regiment was reorganized. Because of the lack of troops, without the commander of the brigade, there was no one to fight for it, so the superiors would naturally not take the initiative to allocate reserve troops.

So the officers overflowed.

He was forced to join the Railway Patrol Armored Squadron as a squad leader.


What's more troublesome is that the armored patrol squadron is the core force, equivalent to the second-class regiment, but because of its special mission, patrolling the railway, it basically won't get any credit.

Extremely difficult to upgrade.

It also means that he will stay here for a long, long time.

That's fine.

After experiencing a series of failures and seeing through the internal rot of the Imperial Locust Army, Tominojima felt disheartened and had the idea of ​​lying down.

If there is no chance of promotion, then there is no chance.

He doesn't care either.

Anyway, just mess around for a while.

The Imperial Holy War and the Locusts are all just floating clouds.



Panting heavily, Tominojima couldn't help but curse.

Just be demoted to squad leader.

But why was he, a squad leader in the armored patrol squadron, unable to ride in the armored vehicle after the truck was damaged and had to follow the march on foot?


Fortunately, the distance was not far this time, and the railway squadron quickly reached its destination.


"Is this a mortar?"

As the captain of the railway armored patrol squadron, Tominojima still had the authority to do so even though he was marching on foot this time.

Ability to move freely throughout the attack location.

He swallowed his throat as he looked at the series of shelling craters on the railway.

"It should be the 82 mortar."

From the size of the crater, Tominojima judged the power.

During the battle of the 120th Division in Yangcun, he saw the power of the 5700 heavy artillery cluster and the 82 mortar with a range of meters.

Suddenly, a drop of cold sweat fell from Funejima's forehead.

Since the locust army entered North China and stationed in North China, railway lines have been a top priority.

The supplies of the more than 300,000 Locust Army North China Front, the march and transfer of large troops, and the resources collected from the North China region that are urgently needed in the mainland all need to be transported by these railway lines.

As a result, Tubal Road has been attacking the railway lines.

Seriously disrupted railway transportation,

According to the data he knew, Tubal Road's attack on the railway line affected almost half of the transportation volume of the railway line, causing the empire to suffer serious losses in North China.

It caused huge trouble to the Locust Army.

Otherwise, the North China Front Army Headquarters would not be allowed to spend a lot of manpower and material resources to build a cage blockade involving the entire North China region.

It wasn't because of Tubal Road's attack on the railway.

However, with the advancement of the Cage Plan, although Tubal Road has recently received assistance and its strength has greatly increased, the safety of the railway line has also been guaranteed, and massive material resources have continued to enter.


I took another look at the craters near the railway line, as well as the damaged sleepers and rails.

The power of 82 mortars is enough to destroy railway tracks.



The patrol squadron leader's tone was relaxed, not angry at all, and he calmly ordered the troops to repair.

Although railway maintenance is not the task of the patrol squadron and should be the job of the railway squadron, they also carry rail sleepers to ensure that the railway line is as smooth as possible.

The immediate damage may seem huge, but for railway maintenance, as long as there is no damage to the ballast foundation, it is actually very easy to repair.

With the manpower and equipment of the railway squadron,

It only takes two hours, no more than three hours, and it won't affect railway transportation.

Unlike the squadron leader,

Drops of cold sweat ran down Tominojima's back.


The damage to the railway in front of us, although the railway sleepers were damaged, was actually very minor. Even the railway patrol squadron only needed two hours to completely repair it.

But the problem is,

How long did it take to destroy Tubal Road?

Ten minutes?

Do not,

Five minutes maximum.

There will probably be no more than twenty people dispatched, and there will be a dozen mules to carry the army horses.

The Locust Army requires a railway squadron, which takes two hours to complete the repairs.

Destruction is always easier than repair and construction.

As for the consumption of dozens or even more than a hundred 82 mortar shells, Funejiao, who returned from Yangcun, knew that the ammunition on Tubal Road would be very sufficient in the near future.

If Tubalu is willing to give up cannonballs, I'm afraid...


Just as Tominojima expected, an order was passed on:

"Wing Headquarters Telegram."

"The railway five miles north of Ping County was attacked, and we were ordered to go to support immediately."


The patrol squadron leader who received the order immediately cursed.


He could only stop repairing the railway, gather his troops, and rush to the next attack point.


Late at night.

Inside the Yamamoto headquarters.


"Near Yangquan, the railway line was continuously attacked by Tubal Road."

"Today, seven railway lines were attacked within 30 kilometers around Yangquan, and a large number of rails and sleepers were damaged. So far, the railway lines have not been repaired and smooth."

"It is estimated that it will take another three hours to repair and open to traffic."

A staff officer reported the situation to Yamamoto.

"Why is it so slow?"

Yamamoto frowned.

It will take another three hours, which means that the Zhengtai Railway is almost impossible to open to traffic today.

"Although the enemy's attack is very destructive, there are many locations. We do not have enough repair manpower to repair it as soon as possible."

The staff officer replied.


Yamamoto looked gloomy.

The seventh day.

Chief of Staff Miyano is very safe.

In three days, which is the tenth day, Chief of Staff Miyano will leave Yangquan and head to Taiyuan.

Etaihara's security force can ensure the safety of Chief of Staff Miyano, and he can relax, but there are still three days.



Violent explosions came one after another,

Yamamoto suddenly looked towards the direction of the explosion.

Judging from the sound, the explosion should be relatively close to Yangquan, about five kilometers away, located on the railway line, and the number of shells was about a hundred.


Yamamoto silently spit out a Baga.

He somewhat understood Tubalu's plan.

Compared to the Chief of Staff's safety.

The smoothness of railway lines is obviously more important.


"Send troops to protect the railroad lines."

At this time, a voice came from behind.


Yamamoto did not refute and immediately sent someone to execute the order. As long as they are in Yangquan City, even if there are insufficient troops and only one brigade of troops to protect them, Tubal Road will not be able to get close to Chief of Staff Miyano.


Near Yangquan and around the railway line.

Late at night.


Shabon yawned.

Beside him, the platoon leader wore a walkie-talkie and listened to the calibration of the observation team on the opposite side.


Chabon heard the voice in his earphones.

at night,

With almost no vision, their platoon, relying only on the map, accurately hit the Japanese railway line three kilometers away.


After hearing the platoon leader's order, Shabon directly picked up the latest 82 mortar and ran away.

Compared with the old 82 mortar, the new mortar not only has a range increased by two kilometers, the power of the shells is slightly increased, but the weight is also reduced by kilograms.

Don't underestimate these twenty kilograms.

Reduced by a full third.

Although he could retreat with the old 82 mortar in the past, the speed would be very slow and the distance would not be far.

but now,

He can carry a mere 40 kilograms of artillery and follow the large army forward.

A five-kilometer cross-country trip is easy.

Dun Dun has been able to manage canned white flour and meat for so long, and he doesn't eat for free.



"Run away again!"

The same time.

Railway Patrol Squadron.

Listening to the squadron leader's scolding, Tominojima turned his ears and said nothing.

According to the order of the wing headquarters, the highly mobile railway armored patrol squadron needs to capture the Tubal artillery unit that attacks the railway near the railway line.

But with mortars with a range of more than five kilometers, catching them is not easy.

Before the locust army came within one kilometer, the Eighth Route Army artillery units fled and the railway was damaged.

A white run.


The eighth day.


"Urgent message from North China Front Headquarters."

A telegram was delivered to Yamamoto.


After receiving the telegram, Yamamoto didn't even read it, but he knew the contents of the telegram.

It was nothing more than urging him to ensure the smooth flow of the railway line.

With the change in local policies, the empire decided to focus its efforts on solving the problem of Tubal Road in North China this year. Two divisions of troops will arrive in North China in October.

The total strength is more than 55,000.

The station is in Taiyuan.

For these two divisions, the North China Front Army and the First Army have begun preparations.

Build camps, reserve supplies, and transport logistics supplies.

More than 50,000 people eat horse chews, which requires a lot of resources. We still have to fight, and we need to store weapons, ammunition and baggage.

According to the combat plan, the North China Front Army itself will also deploy a main division and two independent brigades, totaling more than 40,000 troops, to form a mobile corps with a total strength of 90,000 people to attack the Taiyue Mountains and completely solve the security problem.

At this time, every day the railway line was stopped was a huge delay in the offensive plan.

Can the headquarters not be in a hurry?


Seeing that the contents of the telegram in his hand did not come out as he expected, Yamamoto was silent for a while, and finally silently uttered "Baga".

Theoretically, the best way is to suspend the protection of the railway line for three days until Chief of Staff Miyano is in danger.

But the plan to attack the Taiyue Mountains was personally promoted by Commander Shun Tada.

It was impossible to suspend transportation for the safety of the Chief of Staff.

"Let the garrisons return to the railway lines."

Yamamoto sighed.

"In addition, arrange for the chief of staff to be transferred secretly and let the substitute wear the chief of staff's clothes."

After thinking for a while, Yamamoto finally decided on a plan.

Li Daitao is stiff.

He had no way of knowing whether there would be a hidden spy from Tubal Road in Yangquan who would attack Chief of Staff Miyano in a suicidal manner.

It is also unavoidable that among the Yangquan garrison, there will be traitors of the Locust Army who have been bribed by Tubal Road, letting Tubal Road know the position of Chief of Staff Miyano.

Even if he was protected by the Yamamoto special forces, safety could not be guaranteed.

It takes a thousand days to guard against thieves, but you cannot guard against them.


"The troops of the 29th Japanese Brigade have begun to disperse."

ninth day.

early morning.

The elite battalion stationed near Yangquan, composed of combat backbones drawn from the independent regiment and led by Li Yunlong himself, received news from the front line.


Li Yunlong took out the communicator in his hand, looked at Miyano Doichi's position, and squinted his eyes.

According to the display of the communicator, Miyano Michichi was in a remote residence in Yangquan, not at the Japanese headquarters.

"Is the Japanese special agent Yamamoto still at the headquarters of the 29th Brigade?"

Li Yunlong asked.

According to intelligence, he knew that the Japanese special agent Yamamoto who attacked Yangcun was responsible for protecting the safety of Miyano Michichi.


A few minutes later, Li Yunlong received a reply.

"Haha, God help me."

Li Yunlong was immediately overjoyed.

Although the troops carried out precise mapping of Yangquan this time, they even obtained a detailed map of the Japanese 29th Brigade Headquarters, and also used wood to build a one-to-one model for training.

But it is undeniable that the Japanese special agent team Yamamoto is a group of powerful enemies.

Even if the main Japanese troops were attracted by the surrounding attacks, attacking the headquarters of the 29th Brigade was still an arduous task.

Not difficult.

It is not difficult to kill Miyano Michichi.

The difficulty lies in taking photos of Miyano Michichi's body, leaving evidence, and publicizing it across the country.

Facing the Yamamoto secret service and still in Japanese territory, it was almost impossible.

The casualties will not be small either.

But now...

"Set off."

Li Yunlong chuckled.

The Japanese were so clever that they transferred Miyano Michichi to prevent Li Daitao from getting into trouble.

Just give him a hand.

Later, Li Yunlong led a team along the secret passage, entered Yangquan, and secretly went to Miyano Doichi's residence.

There is another team, led by Zhang Dabiao, heading to the headquarters of the 29th Brigade.

Outside the city, the 15th and 16th regiments were also ready to respond.


ninth day.

Late at night.

Boom boom boom...

Violent explosions sounded around Yangquan, the most violent of which was in the direction of the commander. Miyano Michichi was suddenly awakened.

He saw artillery shells falling on the headquarters one after another, rising up and exploding violently.

That's heavy artillery.

"Thankfully I have Yamamoto."

Miyano Michio breathed a sigh of relief.

If Yamamoto hadn't asked him to move here secretly, he might have been the one who was bombarded.

Then, Miyano Michichi heard fierce gunshots suddenly ring out nearby.

"Enemy attack."

Then, there were the shrill screams of the guards, and then they quickly retreated from the back door with Miyano Michichi.

Da da da···

Boom boom boom...

As the sound of gunfire and explosions got further and further away, Miyano Michichi just breathed a sigh of relief when figures suddenly rushed in, hitting his guards with three or two shots.

Miyano Michio took a quick look and found that the leader looked familiar.

It's Li Yunlong from the newspaper!

(End of this chapter)

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