Your Highness is too enchanting

◆69◆ Take away the treasure box

At this moment, Qu Liushang finally reached the critical point.

"What?" Qian Li raised her eyebrows suddenly, "Linglong Xinsuo?"

That is the most sacred token of love in the eyes of the world.

No one can resist its authority.

Therefore, once two people wear this pair of heart locks, then this pair of love and marriage is the will of God, and no one can violate it.

If Molianna got this pair of heart locks, who would she use to lock them?

——Needless to say, it was definitely Gu Lanye!

Thinking of this, Qian Li frowned slightly.

She never believed in ghosts and gods.

But Mo Lianna wanted to use such a crap to tie Gu Lanye, Qian Li would definitely not agree.

Qian Li is not afraid of the authority of Linglong Xinsuo, but once Gu Lanye is locked, if he wants to repent, he will have to endure the world's scolding and even other insults.This made Qian Li feel very uncomfortable.

The domineering queen's essence is gradually awakening, which made Qian Li forget how powerful and black-bellied that evildoer is. She was just thinking at the moment, that green tea whore, Molena, would never allow it to lock Gu Lanye of!

Under the pale mask of the puppet doll, a wild cold light splashed from the blue pupils, and the mist condensed into sharp ice.

At the same time, Mo Lianna was still noble and glamorous all the way.She walked all the way to the huge and dazzling Crystal Exquisite Tower before stopping gracefully.The maid beside her immediately approached courteously and poured her a glass of wine.

Moliana smiled coquettishly, brushed her long hair lazily, nodded and slowly took the goblet, put it on her red lips and sipped it slightly, curled her sweet tongue, flitting across the delicate and tender lips provocatively. lip.

This scene made the noble young masters in the academy suffocate for a while.

Standing beside the Crystal Tower, Her Royal Highness Princess Molina looked down with satisfaction on the obsessed eyes of the nobles and young masters, a graceful and noble smile slightly raised on her lips, and her phoenix eyes, which were indifferent and arrogant like a Persian cat under the mask, were slightly narrowed.

Oh, these honors are all mine.

That high-end treasure box placed on the Crystal Exquisite Tower can only be mine.

Mo Lianna stood on tiptoe lightly, her delicate and long fingers gracefully stretched towards the spire of the Linglong Tower, and the bottom of her eyes shone with determination...

At the top of the Crystal Delicate Tower, there is no red wine waterfall, but only covered by a crystal clear bubble, refracting colorful lights.Cover the noble treasure box on the top with a layer of translucent and moist water.

Just when Molena's fingertips were about to touch the bubble, there was a sudden sound of the bubble bursting, "Bo..."

Mo Lianna's fingertips trembled, and she froze in place.


Someone popped the bubble faster than her, and unceremoniously took away the black velvet treasure box on the spire!

"Hehe, this box is so beautiful!" A pure and harmless chuckle sounded.

Mo Lianna was very familiar with such a delicate and innocent confused voice, and she also hated and feared it very much.

Everyone was stunned, only to see a puppet doll that ran out of a comic book, the blood-white mask was particularly glaring, she was fiddling with her giant bud broom with one hand, and shaking the black velvet treasure box with the other hand, her fingertips intentionally or unintentionally Pressing the gold-encrusted keyhole on the treasure box.

"However, I don't know what's inside it. Your Highness, why don't we open it together and have a look?" The weird puppet doll mask suddenly approached Jasmine, and the misty blue eyes under the mask were as hazy and pure as ever.

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