Your Highness is too enchanting

◆70◆ Treasure box opened

"However, I don't know what's inside it. Your Highness, why don't we open it together and have a look?" The weird puppet doll mask suddenly approached Jasmine, and the misty blue eyes under the mask were as hazy and pure as ever.

But Molena was taken aback.

Her face instantly turned pale, and her lips, which had been carefully applied with lipstick, trembled slightly.

In front of her, the pair of devilish blue eyes burning with faint blue flames were staring at her faintly, with a smile that was not a smile.

Unexpectedly... Qian Li dared to come!How dare you come!

The raging fire caused seven explosions in the palace, destroying nearly [-]% of the property of the Tansi royal family.Under this seemingly peaceful ball, in fact, the nobles of the Tanz royal family have long been anxious. Once the state affairs are in turmoil, their vitality will be greatly damaged!

After the father recovers, it will take at least three years to put down the turmoil!

However, knowing that the murderer was right in front of her eyes, Mo Lianna could not find a reason to order the arrest.This made Molena almost faint with anger.

At the same time, the nobles in the open-air garden were also talking about it.

"Hey, who is she?"

"Yeah, it's really strange to dress up as a puppet doll..."

"She is a weird person, she dared to challenge Princess Moleena, she really doesn't want to live..."

"Bold!" At this moment, the maid next to Molena shouted coldly at Qian Li, "This is Her Royal Highness's property, how can you mess around?"

"Ah! It belongs to your princess? Why didn't I know?" Hearing this, Qian Li's slightly surprised voice rose slightly, and she held up the black down box to look up and down. Is this a box? Or is it that the Tanz royal family is doing something shady? Oops! It’s too dark!"

Qian Li sighed and shook her head, sighing endlessly.

Moliana's maid was a little stunned, speechless.There is indeed a shady scene in this matter, and everyone knows it well, but Qian Li said such words openly, but it is hard to refute.

In the end, Mo Lianna took a deep breath, forced to suppress the resentment in her heart, a cold smile stained her coquettish red lips, she raised her jaw slightly proudly, and looked at the pale puppet doll in front of her:

"My Tans royal family has always done things aboveboard. Now that you have got the treasure box, please open it. As long as you can open the treasure box, the contents inside are truly yours."

There was a faint contempt and contempt in Moleena's words.She has the key to the treasure box, even if Qian Li snatches the treasure box, it won't help.In the end, the only one who made a fool of herself could be Qianli herself.

Thinking of this, Mo Lianna's lips provoked a charming and cold smile.

"How can I do that?" The petite puppet doll blinked and looked at Mo Lianna innocently, her eyes full of righteousness, "His Royal Highness is so honorable, so naturally she should have the privilege of opening the treasure box first. Please."

Saying that, Qian Li carefully put the black down box in her hand back on the top of the Linglong Tower, and actually bowed and took three steps back.

Mo Lianna's heart was even more cold, exuding a trace of mockery.

Oh, to be so humble at the moment.It is estimated that this bitch also knows that he can't open this box at all.

It's just that Mo Linna really doesn't know Qian Li very well - Qian Li never does useless things.

In the distance, that thin and slender figure of Haoyue stood quietly in place.Under the jade white mask, the spring breeze smiled.Qu Liuzhang looked at the petite figure in the distance, and in his pupils that were as transparent as black crystals, there was a rare interest.

Because I've never been so curious about a thing.

The treasure box belonged to him, and Mo Lianna had the key of the treasure box in her hand.

Qian Li knew all of this, or had already guessed it.

But Qian Li didn't come to ask him for any help, and she didn't even ask a question... She was so sure that she confronted Moleena head-on again, as if the outcome had already been planned.

Qu Liushang smiled.

He wanted to know, how real is this young girl king?

Under the noble and exquisite crystal pagoda, the translucence of glass and the delicate interweaving of pearls pave the night with complex and magnificent ink colors.

Mo Lianna no longer refused, and smiled determinedly: "Okay, since that's the case, then the princess will try first. But it is very likely that after this princess, you will have no chance."

"Oh." Qian Li replied lazily without raising her eyes, "Your Highness, you can start now."

Mo Lian glanced sideways at Qianli, and raised her hands coquettishly. The subordinate had already presented the treasure box up. Her slender fingers lingered beside the exquisite gold-encrusted keyhole, quietly inserting the key into it. keyhole……

Then, she was taken aback.

Then, an inexplicable anxiety and impatience rose in my heart.

——The key couldn't fit into the lock!

In other words, the keyhole has been sealed!

Instantly realizing this, she suddenly raised her head almost at the same time, and looked at Qian Li coldly!

It must be must be her fault...

Also at this moment, Qian Li raised her eyes as if she had expected it, and greeted Mo Lina's eyes that were about to breathe fire with a smile.The smile at the bottom of the eyes is so close, but so far away, as if it is a high cloud, looking down on all living beings with transparent eyes.

Well, it is indeed me, so what about you?

Before Qian Li was holding the black down box to look back and forth, but a little debris blocked the keyhole.This is the simplest way, but also the most brilliant way.

All this happened in just a few seconds, the key was not used, and naturally it could not be discovered by others.Mo Lianna had no choice but to hide the key, and left the treasure box faintly unwilling.

However, at this time, Mo Lianna was still full of confidence.

If the keyhole was blocked, wouldn't Qianli also be unable to open it?Then no one took much advantage.

Now, let Qianli come up and try.

The noble young masters and ladies were obviously a little unbelievable when they saw Moleena let go, and the eyes of the audience staring at the treasure box became more worshipful and respectful: "Oh my god, even Her Royal Highness Princess Molena can't open the treasure box!" box!"

"Sure enough, it is a real fetish! Even the royal family refuses to surrender!"

"The treasure box is really spiritual, it is sacred and inviolable, and it can only be admired by everyone!"

However, the next second——

The "sacred and inviolable, and can only be admired by everyone" gorgeous black velvet treasure box inlaid with gold has been thrown to the ground without hesitation, and only a loud bang was heard.

A certain pale-faced puppet doll raised the witch's bud broom in his hand, pointed the broom handle at the noble treasure box, and slammed it with a hammer!


The supreme and noble treasure box has been opened!Moreover, it was thrown and smashed open!

---------------------------- (above 2008 words)

ps: One of the exam party who was bravely advancing in the struggle with the teacher at the beginning of school, one of the small authors who were constantly questioned and questioned countless times a month, and one of Da Momo who was plagiarized by the same website author for a month, finally in the infinite depression , put aside the piles of nausea-inducing papers, and sat calmly in front of the computer, typing...

Thus, there was His Majesty Qianli's counterattack!

But this is not enough!How can there be a beautiful man!What about every night?Hurry up and slip out!

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