
The supreme and noble treasure box has been opened!Moreover, it was thrown and smashed open!

His Majesty Qianli magically opened the treasure box in the rudest and most violent way!

The black box shattered, exposing the tip of a one-inch crystal shoe. The extremely pure and transparent color is different from the colorful colors of neon colors, but it is still bright and dazzling.In addition, there is a touch of exquisite and charming red, the aura is condensed, and the heart is locked into a pair.

The supposedly fragile crystal shoe and Linglong heart lock were not broken.

Qian Li leaned over and picked up the things in the treasure box.

The reason why I picked it up was because I saw how extraordinary it is.

The truly holy things will not be stained with dust when they fall into the mud, and will not be lost to everyone, and their brilliance will remain the same.

She appreciates it.

"Now, they are all mine." Then, Qian Li smiled.

Even though she was wearing a mask, she saw that there was a strange light hidden in her icy blue pupils, entwined with a lazy and charming goblin melody, as if being penetrated gorgeously by the enchanting voice of the siren siren. The intoxicating eyes are sparkling and dazzled upside down.

Everyone stared at her in disbelief.

There is actually a person who is not afraid of the power of the gods and can come here without restraint?

In fact, all living beings are equal, this is the most common truth.Those things that are considered sacred and inviolable by mortals may just be deliberately inflated by the world and deified a little bit.

And Qian Li's blatant fall shattered people's hopes and fantasies about the unattainable fetish.

All things are in their true nature.

"This... this isn't..." Mo Lianna stared at Qian Li in disbelief, but she still couldn't say the word "forget".This is an iron-clad fact, no matter what method Qian Li uses, in the end, she is the one who opened the treasure box.

At this time, in the distance, the white moonlight was like a gauze cage, and the black pupils of one person were as deep as ink, like surging waves of depression.

"Fate... is life."

The jade-white figure under the moonlight slowly closed his eyes and muttered softly.At this moment, the flow of light is endless, as if the magical aura of the crystal ball in his palm is passing a ray of destiny that is destined in the dark.

Pushing aside the fog of time, he seems to have glimpsed the final outcome.

Who is standing proudly at the top of the world side by side, the flowers withered, leaving only the enchanting scent of Versailles roses, lingering for a long time, deeply enveloping who...

In Casta's open-air garden, the atmosphere suddenly became a little stiff and awkward.

Everyone knew that this masquerade ball, Moleena must be the protagonist.But this time, an unknown little girl stole the limelight.Although the treasure box has been opened, things are far from that simple.

Many people are waiting to see the good show, to see whether Mo Lianna is willing to give up the protagonist of the ball to this little girl dressed as a puppet doll, or use her own power to cover the sky with one hand?

At this moment, Molena's face under the fiery red mask became a little more ferocious.

After what happened this afternoon, Mo Lina was obviously a little more afraid of Qian Li, and she didn't dare to underestimate the enemy any more.Therefore, she was fully prepared.Although he was shocked and angry at this moment, he did not lose his footing.

Because—she still has a trump card in her hand, a deadly trump card!

Mo Lianna suddenly smiled coldly, with a bit of secret.

Sure enough, it's better to be more prepared...

----------------------- (above 1005 characters)

ps: So, Molina green tea whore is about to start playing tricks again! ...

In fact, it was also an emotional test for Xiao Qianli! [So the next chapter enters a small climax]

Momo started writing this afternoon, but has been busy with plagiarism, collecting evidence, taking screenshots, and updating it so late, it feels a bit out of budget...

Well, Yeye won't come out today, Xiaoyeye is suitable for being taken out to hang out when he is in a good mood, so it depends on tomorrow's!Dear friends, please go to http://jiaoliu. . /viewthread. php? tid=710717amp;extra=amp;page=1 Report area to testify for "Enchanting"!Fight against plagiarism! [Look at this for tomorrow's update]

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