Your Highness is too enchanting

◆95◆ Don't provoke

The golden red battle armor of the setting sun was shining under the morning sun and the clouds. He rushed towards him like a fierce and dazzling hurricane, but Gu Lanye staggered back a few steps, his monstrously beautiful face became paler and weaker .

"Your Majesty, what's the matter with you?" The young man in the sunset battle armor nervously looked at the mottled scars on Qianli's arm, his handsome and cold face was full of worry and distress, and he faintly suppressed the sharp and cold evil spirit, "Who is it?" hurt you?"

The boy has a pair of strange and deep black-gold pupils, like noble and rare gold-encrusted obsidian. The indifferent and elegant darkness is intertwined with the bright and dazzling pale gold, as if the devil's black box is filled with hazy stars.Black shattered hair was casually scattered on his forehead, his beautiful and reckless face was different from Gu Lanye's delicate and enchanting face, but a cold and indifferent one full of noble abstinence, with ruthless lips, revealing Exuding arrogance and domineering unruly.

Sunset Mingye——The First Duke of the Sunset Empire, who shocked the world by killing the God of War, and has received countless feats.

"Ming Ye, no one hurt me." Qian Li didn't expect to see Sunset Ming Ye here, he got very close, and the wild and domineering masculine aura came over him, Qian Li took a step back subconsciously, keeping close to him. the normal distance.

His Highness Gu Lanye, who is very jealous, looked as usual after seeing it, and remained silent at the side.

Qian Li looked up.

His pale, almost transparent skin concealed those thin red lips soaked in bright rose dew, turning into a magical and extravagant beauty.Some people don't have to speak or show anything, but they still exude a fatal charm, which can make all the prosperous beauty fade away.

In Qianli's eyes, Gu Lanye is that kind of existence.

But in Qianli's heart, there was a bit of anger at this moment.

What does he mean?For him who is extremely intelligent and talented, it is not difficult for him to guess that she is the Queen of the Setting Sun. Similarly, it is easy to block the Setting Sun Mingye back.As long as Gu Lanye didn't want to, there would be absolutely no chance for Sunset Mingye to appear in front of her.Gu Lanye's purpose in doing this is to hand her over to another man to take care of?

At the same time, Sunset Mingye also took a meaningful look at Qianli, "Is it because you were with him that you were hurt?"

Qian Li's thoughts are not on him, but Sunset Mingye knows it.From the moment he decided to serve Qianli on the battlefield, he was Qianli's subordinate, the person he decided to protect with his whole life, gradually no longer had any extravagant hopes, and felt that this was enough.But when he saw her kissing someone passionately, and saw the scars on her arms, something became uncontrollable.

How could a girl whom he holds in his palm with great care and love let others be harmed?

"No, I accidentally got hurt." Qian Li shook her head and answered quickly.

With so many years of understanding, how could Luoyang Mingye not be able to tell the truth of Qianli's words.

The ghostly flames ignited in the proud black and golden pupils of Luoyang Mingye, his cold thin lips were tightly pressed, he took a deep breath, and took a step back.Then he turned around and punched Gu Lanye fiercely on Gu Lanye's stunningly beautiful face with his backhand!

"Is it Gu Lanye? At the luncheon, she kept calling baby, but now she has suffered so many injuries. Are you paying attention? Your Majesty is not a woman you can play with casually! If you can't protect Your Majesty, don't Go and provoke her!"

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