Your Highness is too enchanting

◆96◆ He drove her away

Gu Lanye didn't dodge, and received a punch from Luoyang Mingye forcefully.

"Gu Lanye!" Qian Li exclaimed angrily, and cast a reproachful look at Gu Lanye.That look is asking, why don't you hide?

Gu Lanye gently avoided her eyes, and curled his lips in a self-deprecating way.

Indeed, although his body was already reaching its limit, there was no problem in dodging a punch, but...why did he dodge?Even he himself is blaming himself.Gu Lanye, are you paying attention?Even though he could solve all the enemies in an instant, he took advantage of the casual attitude and let others take advantage of the loopholes, hurting Qian Li.

This punch, he should have suffered...

The slender and noble figure swayed weakly, a faint trace of blood spilled from the thin red lips, Gu Lanye wiped it away with some distress.Now, every drop of blood is very precious to him.

"Gu Lanye, why don't you speak?" Sunset Mingye looked at Gu Lanye coldly, and slowly moved his thin lips, as if he was interrogating a criminal, pressing forward step by step.

"Ming Ye, you are enough." Qian Li's face darkened, her voice was slightly cold and serious.Her petite body firmly stood in front of Gu Lanye, and there seemed to be frost in her blue eyes filled with mist, "It's not his fault."

Setting sun Mingye turned his eyes, and stared at Qianli for a long time, his thin lips like a knife were tightly pressed, showing a cold and sharp arc:

"Sunset Qianli, you, come back with me."

On the surface it is a relationship between monarch and minister, but there is no hierarchical distinction between Qianli and Sunset Mingye.In Qianli's eyes, Luoyang Mingye is like her own brother.In order to establish Qianli's prestige in the empire, Luoyang Mingye has always followed the etiquette.This time, it was the first time that he ignored her, named her by name, and spoke to Qian Li in a commanding tone.

Qian Li looked at the setting sun Mingye expressionlessly, did not speak, could not see her emotions, only felt that in the depths of the misty blue eyes were the cold and fierce, soft and hard .

After slowly wiping off the blood on his lips, Gu Lanye quietly looked at the setting sun Mingye.

His rose-colored pupils, which seem to be smiling but not smiling, are so mysterious and treacherous that he can't distinguish between emotions and anger. Gu Lanye's coquettish lips are hooked, and his evil and delicate eyebrows are charming and charming, shining with a soul-stirring poisonous enchantment: "In this case, Gu Lansi is too young to accommodate the Buddha of the Queen of the Setting Sun. Please, Your Excellency Duke, take her away."

Hearing this, Qian Li turned her head slightly startled, staring at Gu Lanye, "What did you say?"

He actually wants to let her go?

"You don't need to stay here anymore." Gu Lanye looked at Qian Li with a half-smile, at this moment, the blood crystal bracelet seemed to be numb, and Qian Li only felt a slight coolness.Gu Lanye's eyes couldn't see the emotions clearly, as if there was a trace of boredom and disdain hidden, he curled his lips arrogantly and coldly, "My Highness hates you, concealing and covering up. But you have done it all."

In a trance, it was the night of their first encounter again. The venomous snake's cold eyes, the colorful and slippery body, cruel, bloody, and desperate, but between the ghostly and slightly drunken eyes, there was a shuddering danger. Passionate and insanely romantic.

At this moment, his eyes were still full of faint and uncontrollable bewitchment, as if flowing out of a vase covered with tender rose petals.But... there was such alienation and indifference, casual irony and coldness.

"Of course, you don't have to worry about the antidote. Someone will deliver the medicine for the next four days to you." Gu Lanye's voice was mingled with a chill like ice chips, lazy and disdainful.

After finishing speaking, he seemed to be too lazy to look at Qian Li again, and was about to leave.

The moment they passed by each other, Qian Li suddenly smiled, "Gu Lanye, did someone tell you that your lies are clumsy."

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