LOL: You don’t want to be broadcast live on the entire network, right.?

Chapter 360: Winning the trophy! SKT, the 4-time champion! Chen Yiqiu, the double champion!

Ambition’s Sejuani couldn’t hold on any longer and flashed back to move away.

Chen Yiqiu's Vayne continued to chase forward to attack the opponent's big worm, while SKT's Gragas went forward and used E to connect with the ultimate move...

Miller commented: "Varus is about to be blown back by his ultimate. No... Varus moves forward very confidently, and Gragas' ultimate is in vain!"

The entire audience was amazed by Ruler's performance. At this time, Chen Yiqiu's Vayne had already approached Ruler and was ready to attack.

This made Crown see the opportunity. He had kept his ultimate move in reserve, just waiting for this moment!
"Vayne!" Crown's Malzahar flashed and used his ultimate on Vayne!
Miller was so scared that his face turned pale. "It's over. Malzahar flashed and used his ultimate to control... but he failed to control her. He didn't use his ultimate. Vayne followed up with her ultimate and rolled to become invisible. What kind of reaction speed is this?"

The audience was amazed again. Vayne used the invisibility effect of her ultimate to prevent Malzahar from using his ultimate!
This puts Malzahar himself in an awkward position.

Karma follows up with a Q skill, W controls Malzahar, Tristana jumps up, and uses ultimate!

Malzahar was pushed back by Tristana!
Miller commented: "What is Tristana doing? Is he going to trade his life with Malzahar?"

Malzahar was controlled by the Japanese goddess, and Chen Yiqiu followed up with damage and got the kill.

"Xiba..." Crown's mentality exploded, and he was killed instantly before he could even use his ultimate move.

However, after Bae Jun-sik's Tristana was turned into a sheep, he was also killed.

One for one!

Varus' passive triggers crazy output.

Suddenly, Vayne used Q to become invisible and approached Varus.

"Vayne!" Corejj quickly reminded that he couldn't do anything without any skills.

Vayne appears and uses her E skill directly on Varus, pushing Varus against the wall!

But as an ADC player, Ruler is very clear about Vayne's methods, so he directly used flash to adjust his position.

"Let us begin hunting those who have fallen into darkness."

Something outrageous happened, Vayne and Varus flashed almost at the same time.

Varus was still pushed against the wall and controlled!
Miller was stunned: "What's going on? Vayne was going to use her E skill to push Varus against the wall. Varus used Flash to avoid this, but Vayne also used Flash to correct the direction. You are on the second floor, but he is on the fifth floor!"

After Varus was controlled, all SKT players rushed up together, cooperating with Chen Yiqiu and Vayne's violent output.

Varus was killed instantly!

"Ooooh! Reaper! Reaper!"

"Reaper, charge!"

All the SKT fans in the stadium have been cheering loudly. On the screen, Chen Yiqiu's Vayne is dealing damage while moving around, like a hunter in the dark night, precise, elegant, and deadly!
The Q of the giant worm, the W of Sejuani, the Q of Lulu...

Various skills were called upon, but Chen Yi Qiu was on the edge of all the skills, passing through a sea of ​​flowers without getting a single leaf on him!

With Chen Yi Qiu's violent output, the Samsung players couldn't bear it anymore and fell down one after another!

Wawa was very excited: "Is this Reaper's Vayne? Without Mercury's Band, he used his ultimate and Q combination to become invisible and gave Malzahar a terrible show."

"I think Samsung's choice is not wrong, but the problem is that Vayne is too strong. Really, if it were another team, or SKT without this Vayne or Reaper, they might not be a match for Samsung."

Guan Zeyuan felt a little uncomfortable: "With the team battle lost, this three-star dragon can't be defended. Vayne's output is very explosive. The teammates just need to help bear the damage."

In the official live broadcast room, the comments were boiling:
[This is a lone hero, this is a night hunter. ]

[I suggest that the world's No. 1 ADC watch the video several times and learn how others play Vayne. ]

[Reaper is really brave. If he had been hit by his ultimate just now, SKT would have been wiped out.]

[A true master must have the courage to operate and dare to try! ]

After taking down the Baron, five SKT players returned to the city for supplies.

Li Zaiwan's mouth was crooked with laughter:

"It looks like we're going to win, we're really going to win!"

Peanut was a little embarrassed: "Just now I missed my ultimate, the opponent's Varus was so confident in his positioning, luckily I had my brother to help me fight back."

Chen Yiqiu responded: "It's like this for Gragas. It's unlikely that the hero Gragas's ultimate won't miss."

Pei Junzhi said: "I'm sorry, everyone. I didn't play well in this game. It was a bit disappointing."

Lee Sang-hyuk: "Let's push forward in the middle, as long as the result is good."

SKT's five players pushed forward in the middle lane together. Samsung's momentum was at its lowest point, but they still had to come out to defend.

The soldiers came to the front of the middle lane tower, and Tristana took the lead in attacking the tower.

Pei Junzhi also figured it out. If the opponent's Malzahar gave him his ultimate, he would not lose even if he was killed instantly, because no one could threaten Vayne.

In the commentary booth, Wawa said: "Now is SKT's push phase. Wait, look at Vayne's equipment. He hasn't even bought a Mercury's Band yet. He would rather buy a Storm Sword and a Critical Strike Cape than a Mercury's Band."

Miller expressed his confusion: "I think his output is already explosive. When fighting in the front line, W is the main thing. As long as the attack speed is high enough, it's OK. It's OK to replace the Storm Sword with Mercury's Band. Or is it because Malzahar doesn't have flash that he doesn't want it?"

The first tower in the middle lane fell, and the Samsung team retreated. Then the second tower in the middle lane was also lost, and they retreated to the high ground. SKT pressed forward step by step.

Suddenly, Ambition saw an opportunity: "Vayne still hasn't bought the Mercury's Band, we can fight!"

The Samsung members were all excited. This was purely an opportunity!
They originally thought that since SKT won the last game and got so much economy, Vayne would definitely buy a Mercury's Band, but she didn't.

So, while Tristana was attacking the tower in front, suddenly, Lulu flashed up and used a sheep transformation spell to turn Tristana into a sheep.

Pig Girl uses QR combo to control Tristana!

"Xiba..." Pei Junzhi reacted slowly, was controlled, and was killed instantly!

He originally wanted to use the invincibility effect of the W skill to offset the control when the opponent's Sejuani used her ultimate to control him.

But he didn't expect Lulu to flash and turn into a sheep, which resulted in him being unable to use his W.

Guan Zeyuan saw another chance: "There's a chance! Tristana was killed instantly. This is a pure five-on-four situation."

Maokai and Sejuani took the lead in chasing forward, the SKT players fought and retreated at the same time, and Chen Yiqiu's Vayne's damage was explosive!

However, Varus's output is also not low, and the front rows of both sides are the most uncomfortable.

This time Samsung changed its strategy. Since all the cannons are gone, they might as well just go for it!
Chen Yi Qiu's Vayne used the acceleration given by Karma to pull madly.

The kite killed the opponent's big bug, and then started to attack the pig girl.

Varus killed the Gragas who was trailing behind. This time, Gragas used his ultimate to blow Varus away, making Varus unable to keep up with the output for the first time.

"Vayne! Vayne! Vayne!" Ambition gave signals frantically.

"I have acceleration!" Lulu accelerated Malzahar, and Varus stepped forward to deal damage.

While the other SKT players have no skills, Malzahar uses his ultimate on Vayne!
Vayne used her Q skill to become invisible, but Vayne did not flash. Crown knew this, so he chose to keep moving forward, and then used his ultimate skill the moment Vayne appeared!
Miller exclaimed: "Vayne is controlled, it's over, he has no mercury!"

All the Samsung fans in the audience stood up from their chairs. Their hair turned white in waiting for this moment!
Varus and Malzahar focused their fire, and Vayne would be melted, and she would not be able to wait for Malzahar's ultimate to end. However, just when everyone thought Vayne was dead, suddenly, Malzahar's big move was broken, and he hit the wall and was controlled!

Guan Zeyuan exclaimed: "Ah? This is Vayne's E skill! Vayne used her E skill to interrupt Malzahar's ultimate just before being controlled. Is this how you escape? Damn it!"

Chen Yiqiu's Vayne starts to confront Varus!
"Grow bigger!" Lulu uses her ultimate on Varus.

Karma casts a RE group shield and activates the bird shield...

Both ADCs have received full buffs!

Chen Yi Qiu dodged left and right, and his damage was maxed out, but he was left with little health!
Varus used his Q skill, Vayne moved to avoid it, Varus used his E skill, Vayne rolled to avoid it, and the W passive could not be triggered!

Vayne's basic attack triggered three rings and killed the target!

Wawa exclaimed: "Vairus is gone! It's Varus who is gone! Vayne continues to damage, Malzahar is in an awkward position, his skills are unstable, he can use his Q skill, but the next shield is coming, he can't be killed, absolutely can't be killed!"

SKT fans at the scene stood up and cheered:
"Reaper! Reaper! Reaper!"

Miller passionately commented: "Both sides are four-protect-one lineups. Whoever's ADC dies first loses! In this game, SKT's ADC is in the top lane! You have Corejj's Lulu, but I have Faker's Karma!"

"Vayne harvested the battlefield, quadruple kill! One more to go, speed up, pentakill! Reaper's Vayne got a pentakill, the game is about to end!"

Guan Zeyuan shouted in despair: "Is it still not working? No one can stop SKT, no one can stop Reaper, Reaper and his teammates are going to end the game in one wave!"

"This world is still under the rule of SKT. All the heroes have fallen before the devil, but they still can't stop it!"

Wawa passionately announced: "Now, let us witness history. This is SKT's fourth championship and Reaper's second championship! This is probably also his second FMVP! The first double FMVP top laner in history is born!"

In the official live broadcast room, the comments were boiling:
【Reaper! Reaper! Reaper! 】

【Welcome the double FMVP top laner! 】

【Brothers, we won the championship again! 】

【Welcome to the SKT Dynasty! 】

Samsung’s middle lane high ground was pushed down, followed by the front tower, and finally the base crystal!
The atmosphere among the audience reached a climax and the cheers were overwhelming!

At the moment the crystal exploded at the Samsung base, streamers fell from above the stage.

"We won! We won!" Li Jae-wan jumped up from the chair, threw away his headphones, and started jumping on the spot.

Xiao Huasheng turned around to look for Chen Yiqiu, but found that Li Xianghe had already walked over to Chen Yiqiu, and the two of them high-fived to celebrate.

At the same time, Kkoma came over from the backstage, smiling and excitedly greeting the players:

"Thank you for your hard work. You are the best. You are the pride of SKT!"

Kkoma came to Chen Yiqiu and said, "Did you see that Pei Junzhi's condition was not right, so you chose Vayne? If we didn't choose Vayne in this game, we would definitely lose. Four people protecting one but there is no ADC to protect."

Chen Yiqiu responded, "It's like buying an insurance policy. I just think there's a possibility that he might not perform normally. Now it seems that he's been working too hard and needs a rest."

Kkoma excitedly gave Chen Yiqiu a hug and said, "Luckily, you are here. When you wanted to pick Vayne as the top laner, we were against it."

Peanut and Bae Jun-sik also came over, and Kkoma gave everyone a hug.

On the Samsung side, the five people sat in their chairs, autistic, watching the SKT players celebrating, they could only envy them.

After the celebration, Chen Yi Qiu led the five SKT players to Samsung to shake hands.

The first one was the top laner Cuvve. Cuvve was sitting in a chair in a daze. It was only after Chen Yi Qiu reminded him that he realized he had to shake hands.

Facing Chen Yi Qiu, Cuvve no longer had the confidence he had before, and instead lowered his head and dared not look him in the eye.

Next up is Ambition.

Unlike Cuvve, Ambition was aggressive and had a fierce look in his eyes, and it was obvious that he was not very convinced.

Chen Yi Qiu could understand that Peanut's performance was indeed not as good as Ambition's, and he had the right to be dissatisfied.

The next one was the mid laner Crown. However, when Chen Yi Qiu walked behind Crown, he found that Crown was lying on the table, seemingly crying.

Chen Yi Qiu looked back at Li Xianghe, but Li Xianghe didn't say anything.

At times like this, just let others cry. It’s not good to say too much.

Moving on, the bottom lane duo, Ruler and Corejj.

At this time, Ruler is still a little immature, after all, he is a newcomer who just started playing this year.

Compared with Ambition, Ruler's eyes are less fierce, but more determined. It seems that he is another future ruthless character who can remain so calm in the face of such pressure.

After shaking hands with everyone from Samsung, Chen Yi Qiu and his teammates ran straight to the center of the stage, where there was a trophy!
The SKT players quickly ran to the trophy and everyone lent a hand.

The SKT fans at the scene were screaming and cheering, it was extremely lively.

Kkoma yelled, "One, two, three!"

Under the watchful eyes of the entire world, the SKT team lifted the trophy together.

"Ohhh! SKT! SKT! SKT!" The atmosphere on the scene reached its climax again.

At the same time, in Jin Yibo's office.

Ponytail couldn't wait any longer: "Now, please all the club owners take action. This is a battle to defend the collective interests of our division. We can't lose and we can't afford to lose!"

"No matter what method we use or how much it costs, we must bring him back."

So the club owners went back to arrange tasks.

Although confidentiality is required in principle, with so many clubs acting together and letting their subordinates take action, Lao Ben naturally will not do everything by himself.

As a result, the news spread like wildfire.

At this time in the pressure-resistant forum, after RNG and WE were eliminated, many LPL fans no longer cared about the finals.

However, when they started discussing Chen Yi Qiu, they all became very excited.

#If Reaper still stays in LCK, I don't see any hope for LPL to win the championship.

#Not only that, as long as he goes to a strong team, no matter which division it is in, I think he will have a chance to win the championship.

#Can you invite him to LPL? Isn't LPL quite rich? Principal Wang, can you please save him?

#I feel like this isn't really a money issue, there are so many regions willing to pay.

#Can you think of a North American region with more money? If we only look at the money, LPL won’t be the winner.

Everyone was still discussing it when suddenly, a hot search appeared.

#LPL is out in force to fight for Reaper
This news made LPL fans extremely excited, at least it showed that LPL officials have realized the seriousness of the problem.

As a result, Reaper's whereabouts next season has become the biggest hot topic in the world! (End of this chapter)

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