LOL: You don’t want to be broadcast live on the entire network, right.?

Chapter 361: Empty Promises! C9 takes the lead! Lee Sang Hyuk, leave together, or stay together?

However, someone soon saw other news on the Internet!
#C9 team owner said he was willing to give Reaper a check and let him pay his own salary.

#G2 has decided to go out and fight for Reaper, at any cost.

#MSF team wants to recruit Reaper, they are willing to play four protecting one in the top lane.

#Rumor has it that FNC has already made a complete plan to compete for Reaper.

#GAM joins the race for Reaper, even though their funds are extremely tight.

#YG team boss plans to disband the team and rebuild the team with Reaper as the core, and Reaper will determine the other players.

The originally optimistic LPL fans immediately became pessimistic after seeing this news:

[Oh my god! No way, the Eight-Nation Alliance is fighting for Reaper? ]

[Damn it! Are we going to lose to them again this time? ]

【LPL, stand up and make some contribution! 】

[If I don’t see the news that Reaper will enter the LPL next season, I will just stop watching. ]

[LPL is a group of precious things, why haven't I seen any action yet? 】

At the game site, the SKT players were about to start being interviewed.

The starting five plus the substitutes, coaches, and managers make eight people lined up in a row.

As the top laner, Chen Yi Qiu stood in the front.

The person in charge of the interview was Ren Dong.

The audience hadn't calmed down yet and cheers continued.

Ren Dong said:

"Congratulations once again to SKT for winning the 2017 League of Legends World Championship!"

"Oh oh oh!" the audience cheered in unison.

Ren Dong continued, "Now let's interview this four-time champion team, which is also the first team to complete three consecutive championships. First is the world's number one top laner, S6 champion top laner, S6 FMVP, S7 champion top laner, S7 MVP, SKT starting top laner, Reaper!"

"Reaper! Reaper! Reaper!" The atmosphere on the scene reached its climax.

"Ahhhhh... Reaper, I want to give birth to a monkey for you!"

"Reaper, my hero!"

“The world’s best top laner!”

The audience was so crazy that Ren Dong had to wait until they calmed down before he could continue asking questions.

He handed a microphone to Chen Yiqiu and asked, "Seeing so many fans supporting you, do you have anything to say to them after winning the championship?"

Chen Yiqiu responded: "Thank you very much for the fans' continued support. This championship is a gift from me to everyone. I hope you can continue to support me and my teammates in the future."

In the official live broadcast, the barrage exploded:

[High EQ! Very high EQ! ]

[You don't eat alone, you are worthy of being a Reaper. 】

[This is accomplishment. There is a reason why others can succeed. ]

【Reaper lifelong fan! 】

Ren Dong asked: "Okay, now we are going to start the formal questioning. The first question is, in the three games this time, I can see that Reaper picked two unpopular top laners, Yasuo and Vayne. Is this your own idea or did the coach let you choose?"

Chen Yiqiu glanced at Kkoma and said, "I discussed this with the coach and decided."

Hearing this, Kkoma suddenly felt a little ashamed.

In fact, all the heroes were selected by Chen Yi Qiu himself, and the last top laner Vayne was selected under pressure from the entire team. At that time, almost the entire team, including him, was against this top laner Vayne.

Ren Dong asked: "In the second game, after you got Yasuo, you kept going to the middle lane, coordinated with the mid and jungle, and gained the advantage through two waves of team fights in the middle lane."

"In the first game, Jayce barely roamed during the early laning phase. Why did he suddenly adopt a completely different playstyle?"

Chen Yi Qiu glanced at Li Xianghe, who was touching his nose.

In fact, the biggest reason for playing the second game this way is that the middle lane was breached in the first game. If we don’t take care of the middle lane in the second game, it might be breached again.

Chen Yiqiu responded, "Because this is the tactic we discussed in advance. With Gragas as the jungler, our level 6 combat power is very strong and it's easy to coordinate."

Hearing this, Li Xianghe suddenly felt warm in his heart.

Chen Yi Qiu didn't even mention the worry of being broken through in the middle.

Actually, it doesn’t matter even if you say it, it’s just the facts.

But speaking out might have a little impact on his reputation.

Ren Dong asked again: "In the third game, Vayne was always developing in the lane and did not choose to support teammates in the early stage. Why is that?"

Chen Yiqiu replied: "Vayne's combat effectiveness in the early stage is very poor, so the main thing is to protect her own development. This is my understanding of the hero, so I am doing this now."

Ren Dong joked: "If your teammates exploded in the early game and it was completely impossible to play, would you still insist on not supporting them and develop your own game?"

Chen Yiqiu didn't hesitate at all: "Of course, this is how to play this hero."

In the official live broadcast room, the comments were boiling:
[This is the attitude of a strong person, play it the way it should be played. ]

[You have to be confident enough, so that even if your teammates explode, you can still turn the tide. 】

【This is the real strong one! 】

[I don’t know how we can lose a game with only Reaper on the team.]

Ren Dong continued to ask: "Second question: This is already your second S-League championship. We all know that many professional players will start to relax and even start to enjoy life after winning the championship."

"How many championships do you plan to win, Reaper? Can you still maintain that momentum to fight for the championship?"

Chen Yi Qiu responded: "I want to fight until I can't fight anymore. As long as I keep fighting, my only goal is to win the championship."

There was a burst of cheers at the scene:
"Reaper! We'll keep you company!"

"Reaper, fight for another fifty years!"

“Let’s win the championship until S20!”

"If nothing else, let's win ten consecutive championships first."

Ren Dong continued to ask questions: "The third question may be more personal. If Reaper feels it is difficult to answer, he can choose not to answer it."

"But I think fans would like to know, so I still want to ask."

The audience immediately fell silent, as they knew he was going to ask some very tricky questions, and no one wanted to miss it.

Ren Dong paused and continued, "If the information I have is correct, Reaper, your contract with SKT should have expired, and you are now a free agent."

"So next season, do you plan to stay with SKT or do you have other ideas? Or have you not considered these issues yet?"

Hearing this, the audience held their breath.

This question is so crucial that audiences and teams all over the world want to know the answer to it.

Although some teams did not plan to compete for Chen Yiqiu, they had no money and knew they had no chance. But they also wanted to know whether Chen Yiqiu would go to their division.

Chen Yi Qiu is a huge traffic generator. Wherever he goes, the attention of that region will explode.

In this way, all teams and players in any region can benefit. With higher attention, income will naturally be higher.

So the whole world wants to know the answer to this question.

The SKT players standing next to Chen Yi Qiu suddenly became nervous; they were not sure either.

In fact, judging from the situation in the final, if it weren’t for Chen Yi Qiu, they really wouldn’t have had the confidence to beat Samsung.

Therefore, it is understandable if Chen Yi Qiu wants to leave SKT, because the overall strength of the remaining four people in SKT is not the best in the world.

Chen Yiqiu replied: "I am still considering this issue, and I haven't thought it through yet."

Hearing this, everyone in SKT breathed a sigh of relief, but immediately became nervous again.


Doesn’t this mean that Chen Yi Qiu retains the possibility of leaving SKT?
Chen Yi Qiu did not say that he would definitely stay in SKT. Now is not the time for everyone in SKT to relax.

In the official live broadcast room, the barrage exploded:
[Does this mean that we in LPL have a chance? We really do have a chance! ]

[If he said that, it seems like she can try to fight for it. She didn’t say that she must stay in SKT. ]

[Oh my god, hurry up and take action, LPL bosses, aren't they always awesome? It's time for you to show off your skills. ]

[If Reaper can come to LPL, I can let it go without pursuing the fact that they won the championship at home this year. ]

[If this opportunity is missed, I think LPL can be disbanded directly. ]

[Anyway, I will only watch Reaper's games from now on, no matter which division or team he is in. ]

At this time, Jin Yibo's office, which should now be called Ponytail's Office, now looks more like an imprisoned prisoner.

Ponytail didn't deal with him, mainly because he wanted to wait until the matter with Reaper was settled.

"What's going on online right now? Mainly looking at things related to Reaper." Ponytail suddenly asked.

There were a few people sitting in front of their computers, working frantically and paying attention to public opinion online.

Several people began to report the situation:
"Now on all major live streaming platforms, the number of comments with Reaper has exceeded 10 million!"

"From the current comments, 93.6% of them want LPL to recruit Reaper back."

"There are more than a million comments saying they only want to watch Reaper's games, no matter which region he goes to."

"There are more than 3 million comments urging LPL to take immediate action to win over Reaper."

Ponytail is under a lot of pressure, and these comments represent the audience's true feelings.

If these demands are not met, the already demoralized LPL will suffer another heavy blow.

At the very least, LPL fans should see that LPL is indeed trying hard, so that even if it fails, the fans will not be so disappointed.

The on-site interview is still going on, and it is the turn of the jungler Peanut.

After a brief exchange with Xiaohuasheng, Ren Dong began to ask questions: "As a former rival of SKT, you joined SKT this season and won the championship with SKT. How do you feel now?"

Peanut laughed and said, "Originally I always wanted to win my first championship by defeating SKT, but with the emergence of Reaper, I knew that this was impossible."

Xiaohuasheng glanced at Chen Yiqiu, and Chen Yiqiu smiled.

The audience also laughed.

Xiao Huasheng continued: "Actually, I was depressed for a while after S6. Later, I thought it through. I didn't have the confidence to win the game when sitting opposite Reaper."

"But if I don't win a championship, I feel that my career will be incomplete, so I chose to join SKT."

Ren Dong continued: "Now it seems that your choice is correct. Then the next question, we often say that the midfield, the upper field and the jungle are a whole, and they have a great influence on each other."

"So from the perspective of the jungler position, who do you think is more likely to carry the game, SKT mid or top? Who can influence the direction of the game more?"

After asking this question, Li Zaiwan burst into laughter.

Isn't this just deliberately making trouble? Even if there is a real difference between the middle and upper levels, Xiaohuasheng can't say it.

As expected, Peanut responded in a highly emotional way:
"They are both my seniors and older brothers. I think they are both very important to me and equally important."

The audience was noisy:
"Little Peanut's emotional intelligence is also very high."

"Is this Peanut's emotional intelligence? It's so scary."

“Classics offend no one.”

"He should be the happiest jungler in the world."

Ren Dong continued to walk forward and came in front of Li Xianghe. The audience had already started to get agitated.

"Now, we are going to interview the four-time champion, the world's number one mid laner, Faker!" Ren Dong mobilized the emotions of the audience.

The audience was also very supportive and cheered together:
"Faker! Faker! Faker!"

Ren Dong began to ask questions: "First question, Faker is now the first player in the world to complete four championships. Do you think anyone can break your record in the future?"

Lee Sang-hyuk responded: "I used to think that the triple crown was a height that no one else could achieve, but then I found an exception."

Li Xianghe looked at Chen Yi Qiu. Although he didn't say it directly, everyone understood.

Ren Dong then asked: "Now I have a very curious question to ask Faker, among all the champion top laners you have worked with, who do you think is the strongest?"

When this question was asked, Li Zaiwan laughed again.

This kind of question is not easy to answer, after all, we have to consider other people's feelings.

Even if you think one person is better than the others, it makes a world of difference if you say it or if you don't.

Li Xianghe responded: "I think overall, Chen Yiqiu is the most perfect top laner I have ever seen. Although my former top lane teammates were all very good and gave me a lot of support, no one can be like Chen Yiqiu."

As soon as these words came out, the comments in the official live broadcast room were boiling:
[Fuck, I didn't expect Faker to say something like that.]

[He can say that, which proves that Chen Sheng is more than a little stronger than other top laners.]

[Faker really still likes Chen Sheng the most. Now things are not good. If Faker wants to tie himself to him, won’t it be more difficult for us in LPL to successfully poach him? ]

[We can't poach both of them. ]

[This is bad, family members. We agreed to recruit people here.]

[I see, Faker said that on purpose, he doesn't want Reaper to be poached. ]

Ren Dong continued to ask questions. This time he smiled before asking the question, as if he himself thought the question was funny and outrageous, but he still chose to ask it:
"This is a tricky question. If Faker feels it is difficult to answer, he doesn't have to answer it."

"Just now we asked Reaper if he would still be in SKT next season, and he kept the possibility of leaving SKT. Now let me assume that he wants to leave SKT, what would you choose?"

"Should we stay with SKT or go together? Or we don't have to go to the same team."

After this question was asked, Li Zaiwan became anxious. He even wanted to step forward to stop the host and ask him not to ask anymore.

However, before he could take any action, Kkoma held him down and told him not to act rashly.

Li Xianghe hesitated for several seconds before saying, "This question cannot be assumed. I can't answer it based on your assumptions." (End of this chapter)

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