LOL: You don’t want to be broadcast live on the entire network, right.?

Chapter 369: It's not bad for the three brothers to kneel down and lick Chen Sheng! This is not

On the LPL side of the game, the five players were all watching the reactions of the audience in the first row. After all, their bosses, coaches, and managers were either there or had sent representatives.

However, seeing that they were all cheering for the LCK All-Stars, the LPL All-Stars were very excited.

UZI was a little angry: "Brothers, we can't let them look down on us, we must win this BO5!"

Xiye agreed: "Uzi is right. If we lose to them today, how will we face people later?"

At this time, Meiko said: "I think they are just cheering for Reaper, not looking down on us or siding with LCK... There is still a difference."

However, UZI didn't care: "You still look down on us and think we are not as good as Reaper. 957, you should fight for your life and don't let Reaper develop."

957 suddenly felt a huge pressure: "I will try my best..."

In fact, LPL is also very divided now.

Some people hope that Chen Yi Qiu will come to LPL, preferably to be on the same team with him, so that maybe they can win a championship.

Even if he is not on the same team as him, if Chen Yi Qiu can lead the LPL region to win the championship after joining the region, then the LPL will take off directly, and all teams and professional players in the region will be able to reap the benefits.

But there are also people who don’t want Chen Yi Qiu to go to LPL, as this will take away his popularity and cake, such as UZI.

Now, no matter whether others recognize it or not, UZI is the most popular player in LPL.

However, if Chen Yi Qiu joins LPL, the situation will be completely different.

So UZi is very disgusted with this matter, and now is the opportunity!

If Chen Yi Qiu can win this BO5, his value will definitely drop, and many teams will probably reconsider whether to recruit him.

Wawa explained: "Okay, after the two teams and ten players are ready, we will enter the first BP phase. In this game, the LCK All-Stars will be on the red side, and the LPL All-Stars will be on the blue side."

"When it comes to the ban phase, the LPL side is very targeted. Fiora, Shen, and Jayce, the three top laners are the ones who start with it."

Miller continued: "From my understanding, I personally feel that it is a bit naive to limit Reaper by limiting his hero pool. He has shown his hero pool in the previous World Championship and has no shortcomings."

Guan Zeyuan: "All I can say is that LPL put as many resources as possible into the top lane in order to win. Whether it will work or not is not certain, but at least the idea is correct."

After hearing the three people's explanation, the people in the live broadcast room felt something was wrong:
[Isn't it a pity that the three brothers are not acting anymore? They keep praising Reaper. ]

[It seems that they have reformed and know who is the king of this game. ]

[Does this mean that Guan Zeyuan is now Park Zeyuan? ]

[Is this the loyalty of LPL commentators? ]

[Loyalty is not absolute, it is absolutely disloyal! 】

[Traitors! No one will be left alive, get rid of them all! ]

Both sides began to choose heroes.

Wawa continued to explain: "The LPL All-Star team on the blue side is Zoe on the first floor."

"Xiye is quite confident. He directly used Zoe in front of Faker. Zoe usually needs to be more aggressive in the laning phase to gain an advantage."

Guan Zeyuan continued, "It could also be that it's just a matter of tactics and lineup, not necessarily an attempt to gain an advantage."

It's the LCK All-Star team's turn to select.

Miller commented: "LCK picked up Miss Fortune and Diana's bottom lane on the first and second floors. This BP method is a bit familiar. In previous SKT games, they usually let the bottom lane pick first and focus on the mid, top and jungle, giving the mid, top and jungle more advantages in BP."

Guan Zeyuan: "Then LPL made a choice on the second and third floors and got Jarvan and Gnar. 957 was very brave and took Gnar directly on the top lane. It seems that he wants to challenge."

Wawa continued, "I'm afraid this is not a very easy challenge. In the previous S game, although I tried to stabilize the game by choosing a tank hero in front of Reaper, I basically failed. But choosing a hero seems to be even worse. It's not a question of whether I can stabilize the game."

Miller: "It's commendable how courageous you are. What if a miracle happens? You never know."

The styles of the three are completely different from before. Now, if you want them to praise the LPL players, especially the LPL players who are facing Chen Yi Qiu, they can't say it at all.

The BP continued, and LCK locked Annie and Rek'Sai on the third and fourth floors.

Seeing this Annie, Wawa was a little curious: "Annie in the mid lane? To be honest, this choice is still quite rare. Not many people have Annie in the mid lane now."

Miller: "Then from LPL, EZ Tam! Here he comes! Uzi's EZ is here!"

The moment EZ locked the ball, many LPL fans at the scene became excited:
"It's started! Uzi's EZ is here, brothers!"

"Take off! Don't take off!"

"Let's meet EZ, please."

“This Uzi is going to save the world.”

UZI's EZ is almost invincible in the eyes of fans. Although he has lost before, his teammates at that time were definitely not as good as his teammates now, so it doesn't count.

BP comes to LCK again, and it is LCK's turn to make a choice.

Wawa made a serious analysis: "LCK is currently lacking a top laner. Judging from the lineup, it seems that they need a warrior hero to enter the field, or a tank with more control. Overall, the LCK lineup poses no threat to EZ and will be kited. They need a top laner to solve this problem."

Miller agreed: "My opinion is similar. Uzi's Ezreal is quite good. Diana and Rek'Sai may not be able to limit him. It still depends on Reaper."

Just when everyone was guessing what hero Chen Yi Qiu would choose, suddenly, LCK locked on Tsar on the fifth floor!
As soon as this hero was chosen, the whole audience was stunned!
Guan Zeyuan's jaw dropped to the ground: "Ah? What does this mean? Isn't there already an Anne? Why would we choose a Tsar?"

Miller was confused too: "Is this Annie or Tsar? I don't think either one is very reliable."

The three are waiting, waiting for LCK to adjust the division.

Soon, the countdown entered the last twenty seconds, and neither side could continue to adjust the points, and the lineup was completely determined:
The red side LCK All-Star team: top lane Annie, jungle Rek'Sai, mid lane Azar, ADC Caitlyn, support Leona.

The blue side LPL All-Star team: top lane Gnar, jungle Jarvan IV, mid lane Zoe, ADCEZ, support Tam.

Seeing this result, Wawa commented: "Is Annie the top laner? To be honest, this is a bit rare. But then again, it's also rare for Tsar to be the top laner."

Miller continued, "This is a test for 957. Whether it's Annie or Tsar, I believe they are heroes he has never faced off against before, or he has faced them once or twice, so his experience is very limited."

At this time, the director gave 957 a close-up shot, and 957's stress was visible to the naked eye.

UZI asked: "Can you hold the top lane steady? You should know how to fight against Annie."

957 wiped his sweat and responded bravely: "I will try to be cautious and careful when I go on the road. This time it depends on your performance."

UZI made no secret of it: "Just stay here, I can carry this game, just don't give up the top lane and it will be fine."

As for the LCK All-Star team, Ambition is a little confused now. He originally wanted to play with the top lane as the core, although because they were eliminated by SKT in the S game, he has some ideas about SKT, especially Chen Yi Qiu.

But overall he still wanted to win. Now that Chen Yi Qiu chose Annie, he didn't know how to cooperate, and he was too embarrassed to ask, so he was awkward.

At this moment, Chen Yi Qiu said: "Just play at your own pace in this jungle game, I don't need any special care in the top lane." Hearing this, Ambition realized that his hesitation was discovered by Chen Yi Qiu, and suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

Entering the game screen, Chen Yi Qiu chose Doran's Ring to go out.

Li Xianghe was very interested and started to lead the pace when he reached the first level: "We can win if we play a level one team fight."

Hearing this, Chen Yi Qiu and other teammates followed Li Xianghe.

The five people went straight to the river entrance in the lower jungle area of ​​the middle lane, gathered in the bushes, and then moved forward together.

Wawa commented: "Both sides are very active at level 1, and they both seem to want to fight at level 1. The LCK side has assembled, and they will meet if they continue forward."

The two teams met at the river. UZI's EZ used his long-arm advantage to consume the opponent. He hit Diana with a Q skill. He moved, pulled, and used another Q skill to hit Diana again!

As long as EZ hits a target with his Q skill, the LPL fans at the scene will become excited.

The CD of the next Q skill is about to be ready, and another Q skill is used, this time hitting the female gunner.

In the commentary booth, Wawa commented: "You know what, EZ's Q skill hit rate is really high. He hit three Q skills in a row. This makes it a bit difficult for the LCK All-Star team to cope with it."

Miller: "Gnar and Tam pushed forward together, very bravely. It seems that the LCK side cannot win the level 1 teamfight and must retreat."

With EZ's three Q skills hitting the target, LPL completely gained the upper hand in momentum and chased the LCK team forward.

In the official live broadcast room, the comments were boiling:

[This is Uzi's EZ! Watch carefully and learn well! ]

[One person is chasing five people. I want to ask you if you accept it. 】

【Among the five top players in LCK, none of them is a man. 】

[Come and fight, don't run away. Don't you like to fight in a level 1 group? Why are you running? ]

[I thought the LCK All-Stars team was so strong, but this is it? ]

UZI frantically gave signals: "I'm invincible, my passive is about to be maxed out, invincible, attack! Keep the enemy!"

In his opinion, if they could gain some advantages in the first level team fight, winning the game would be much easier.

Xiao Ming's Tam uses the Q skill at level 1, and uses his tongue to lick and slow down Rek'Sai. Rek'Sai falls at the back, and the LPL players are ready to focus their fire.

Suddenly, Rek'Sai looked back!
Seeing Rek'Sai looking back, UZI subconsciously felt something was wrong. How could he look back at this time? Isn't this courting death? Unless... he wants to fight back!
After UZI realized this problem, he wanted to retreat a little, but it was too late!

Chen Yi Qiu's Annie flashed out, and five LPL players were controlled together!

Guan Zeyuan passionately explained: "W flash! Annie's W flash controlled five people and something serious happened. Rek'Sai flashed to the top, and Diana flashed Q. It's over. EZ can't move. He stands still. He was killed instantly! EZ was killed instantly!"

What no one expected was that UZI, who was originally the most popular player, was killed instantly without even using his flash.

The LPL players began to focus their fire on Rek'Sai, and took down the Rek'Sai without flash. The team battle turned into a chaotic state, with both sides fighting each other, and whoever had less health and no flash would be attacked first.

If Chen Yi Qiu's Annie has no skills, just pull back and wait for the skill CD to finish before going back to the top lane to continue fighting.

UZI was very anxious: "They have no skills, no skills, how can they not win? Can't they beat them?"

In the end, the two sides fought three for five, and LCK earned two more kills.

Moreover, Chen Yi Qiu and Li Xianghe did not die, each got a kill and four assists.

The official live broadcast room was flooded with comments:
[Hahahaha! That's it? After all that bragging, that's it? Being ruthlessly crushed again? ]

[I thought LPL was going to win, but they were crushed. ]

[No, who is praising UZI's EZ? He was killed instantly and couldn't even hand it over when he was online? ]

[It’s a bit outrageous to be honest, the gap is too obvious. ]

[You were just bragging, stop playing dead, keep bragging? ]

After this wave of fighting, Chen Yi Qiu returned to the city for supplies with an extra dark seal on his body.

The director gave a close-up of the first row of the audience.

It turned out that after the LCK All-Stars won the level one fight, the LPL bosses, managers, and coaches were all celebrating.

Wawa couldn't hold it in any longer: "I think I saw Principal Wang celebrating. I guess I saw it wrong. It's a bit outrageous to be honest."

Miller: "It's understandable, isn't IG also in contact with Reaper now? If they have already reached an agreement, then Reaper's good performance is a good thing for Principal Wang, it's a great value for money, and it also advertises for the club."

Chen Yi Qiu followed the first wave of soldiers to the line and started to fight normally.

957's Gnar also came online, and behaved very carefully, with no intention of taking the initiative to cause trouble.

This surprised Chen Yi Qiu a little. After all, he chose the W skill at level 1, and the release distance of this skill is relatively short.

Chen Yi Qiu was the first to reach level 2, clicked on the Q skill, and quickly pushed the line of troops.

The director kept focusing on the fight, but found that the fight couldn't start.

Wawa commented: "When 957 picked Gnar, I thought he would be very proactive in the lane, but now it seems that's not the case. His Gnar is a growth spurt."

Miller: "That's fine. If Gnar can use a good ultimate when he develops and fights in a team, it can be quite useful."

In the middle lane, the confrontation between Li Xianghe's Tsar and Xiye was very intense. Xiye got two kills and one assist at level 1, and was ahead in economy.

In addition, Zoe is a relatively strong hero in laning phase, and Xiye has been looking for opportunities to suppress Lee Sang-hyuk.

In the bottom lane, although Pray's Miss Fortune had the kill advantage, he was unable to win the laning phase and was exhausted by EZ.

A sleeping one was brushing the line of soldiers, and the magical Q skill hit Pray, and Pray was a little overwhelmed:

"This person's skills are so accurate. If this was a random game, I would have suspected she was cheating."

Ambition comforted him, "Just develop the bottom lane, let them push the minion line, develop under the tower, EZ and Tam are not easy to cooperate with the jungler to cross the tower, you can rest assured about this."

Seeing the opponent in the bottom lane asking for money, Ambition didn't plan to go over, as it would be troublesome if he got himself into trouble.

On the LPL side, suddenly, 957 in the top lane gave a signal: "Jungler, be careful, the opponent's top laner has disappeared."

At this time, the top lane was pushed over by Chen Yi Qiu's Annie, but Annie was not in the top lane.

This made Mlxg alert, and he chose to place a ward near the top lane to prevent being ambushed by Annie.

However, just when Mlxg was preparing to be attacked by Annie, suddenly, bad news came from the middle lane. Xiye's Zoe was killed, three against one! (End of this chapter)

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