LOL: You don’t want to be broadcast live on the entire network, right.?

Chapter 370: Extreme Abstraction! LPL! Finals of Defeated

Xiye just felt a headache. "Oh my god, what's going on? Are Rek'Sai and Tsar coming together?"

Mlxg was also confused. He was still waiting to see if Annie would come to find him.

In the commentary booth, Wawa explained: "This time, Annie played a feint to the east and attacked in the west. At first, I thought he was going to the jungle to find the jungler, but he suddenly turned and went to the middle lane."

Miller continued, "And Rek'Sai's coordination was also very good. The two of them came together, Rek'Sai dug a tunnel and knocked up, Annie followed up with control and output, and Zoe was killed instantly under the tower without giving a single blow."

"Pa pa pa..." The audience was cheering, and the big guys in the first row chose to express their recognition of Chen Yi Qiu by applauding.

It just confused the audience, and it was completely useless, right?

Chen Yi Qiu's Annie returned to the top lane and continued laning, maintaining the same pushing rhythm as before.

Mlxg's Prince came to the top lane, and he knew that Annie didn't have flash.

At the same time, Nar from 957 was seducing. He deliberately walked forward to give Chen Yi Qiu the opportunity to touch him, but Chen Yi Qiu was not fooled.

"Your acting is too fake." Chen Yi Qiu could tell at a glance that there was something wrong with this Nar. Someone must have come.

Mlxg's Prince had already reached the red side's top lane triangle grass. Seeing that Annie was not fooled, he decided to force his way in: "Just go for it!"

So Gnar used his E skill to close the distance, and used his Q skill in mid-air to slow down Annie.

However, Chen Yi Qiu remained vigilant and dodged Gnar's Q skill.

The prince came from behind, with a red BUFF!
Wawa explained: "It seems that Annie is having trouble moving here. She doesn't have flash, and the prince has the red buff. As long as she gets close to slow him down first, this EQ is hard to dodge."

Chen Yi Qiu's Annie retreated all the way, and when the prince was about to approach, she used E to activate her passive stun, then used the Q skill to control the prince and was about to walk past Nal.

Mlxg frantically gave signals: "Slow down, slow down."

957 is sweating. He didn't move to dodge the previous Q skill. It would be a bit unreasonable if he was dodged again this time.

Aim, use Q, and this time use a Q skill with some prediction.

"Got it!" 957 suddenly saw hope because Annie was walking in the direction he predicted.

But the next second, 957 realized that he was thinking too much.

Annie seemed to have figured out the trajectory of his Q skill, and immediately changed her direction and dodged it easily.

Wawa exclaimed: "Good positioning, then the only one left in this wave is the Prince's EQ, EQ shot... Annie took a step back and dodged it again. It's a bit uncomfortable. Annie didn't flash, and just relied on positioning to fool these two people!"

Mlxg was very disappointed. He couldn't catch the enemy in this wave. There was no need for him to come to the top lane before level 6.

On the other side, after Xiaohuasheng finished clearing the lower half of the jungle area, he chose to go directly to the bottom lane to look for opportunities.

"I'm coming, let's cooperate." Xiaohuasheng followed the line of soldiers into the bushes.

So the moment Tam appeared on the opposite side, Diana used her E skill and hit the target!

Rek'Sai followed up with output, followed closely by Miss Fortune, and the three of them focused their fire on Tam.

Wawa explained: "Xiaohuasheng found a good opportunity. While Prince was ganking the top lane, he came to gank the bottom lane. Tam would have died if he hadn't flashed, but he had a shield and could hold on..."

"Wait a minute, this EZ's output is not right. His output is too high, even Diana can't handle it."

This wave was unexpected by everyone. Before Tam died, he slowed down Diana with his tongue, and EZ followed up with output, and the two sides exchanged supports.

Guan Zeyuan commented: "Uzi's EZ is still quite good. He consumed a lot of health in the LCK bottom lane. I also found that his EZ's passive was always at level 5 during the laning phase, so he could deal damage at any time. This is not easy to achieve."

Six minutes into the game, Chen Yi Qiu's Annie reached level six. Chen Yi Qiu chose to pretend to return to the city for supplies, but actually went directly to the upper jungle area of ​​the opposite side, preparing to ambush the opponent's jungler, Prince.

However, after entering the jungle area, Chen Yi Qiu found that the blue BUFF and the three wolves were still there, and he did not see the position of the opposite Prince.

Judging from the time, the prince should have come up.

So Chen Yiqiu reminded: "Be careful in the bottom lane, I think the opponent's prince has gone there."

As soon as he finished speaking, a fight broke out on the bottom lane!

The level 6 Prince rushed out from the bushes, and used EQ 2 and the ultimate to frame Miss Fortune and Diana.

Pray was confused: "I'm almost there, only ten seconds left!"

Both players in the bottom lane were killed, and UZI's EZ took two kills.

LPL fans cheered:
"Nice! Uzi is taking off. This Uzi's EZ can carry the enemy."

"This is Mlxg's GANK, the timing is just right."

"Teacher Guo's early game rhythm is amazing, continuous ganking, killing every one of them."

"Reaper needs to work harder now, otherwise Uzi will get the MVP."

"What's going on? Are LPL fans crazy? Reaper and Uzi are not on the same team."

"It's okay. We will all be in the same division soon."

So Chen Yi Qiu’s fans discovered something very outrageous. Now Chen Yi Qiu has been tacitly regarded as a member of the LPL team!
So, now LPL fans are cheering for the LPL players while cheering for Chen Yi Qiu.

The game was still going on. Chen Yi Qiu destroyed the opponent's blue buff and returned to the line to push the troops mindlessly.

With the blue BUFF, the speed of pushing the line of troops is much faster than before, and there is no need to worry about the blue volume issue.

The soldiers entered the tower, and Chen Yi Qiu consumed Gnar's health in front of the defense tower.

Then an outrageous scene occurred.

After 957's Gnar was reduced to half his health, he went straight back to the city for supplies, leaving the troops to the defensive tower.

Wawa saw this and exclaimed, "Isn't this too cautious? He even chose to abandon the line and go home when his health was still halfway down."

Miller commented: "I feel like he's worried about being killed instantly by Annie. Annie's burst is quite high, so I guess that's understandable."

Seeing this, Chen Yi Qiu also chose to return to the city for supplies and directly made a book of killing!

The director also gave a close-up of the equipment column.

Once this murder book comes out, the other nine people on the field can receive the message.

UZI felt something was wrong and quickly reminded his teammates: "Annie has the Book of Death now, you must not give it to her. If her Book of Death cannot be stacked, it will be a big loss."

957 responded: "I'm wearing Mercury's Treads now. He has no chance to kill me."

As the two were talking, Ambition's Rek'Sai suddenly appeared in the bottom lane!
Rek'Sai dug a tunnel from the dragon's position and went around it, and then used TP to land directly on Rek'Sai's tunnel.

Wawa explained: "Wait a minute, LPL's bottom lane has been flanked, what should we do now? The Prince is not in the bottom jungle, where are his teammates? Help him, 957's Gnar TPed to the line, but this is a small Gnar!"

In the bottom lane, Diana and Miss Fortune have gone up to hold the people. Miss Fortune speeds over and uses her E skill to slow down Tam and EZ.

"I'm coming." 957 gave a signal to the bottom lane, but embarrassingly he had no anger.

UZI chose to go to the river first, but Chen Yiqiu's Annie came straight over after landing. "Watch out for Annie's big move!" UZI focused all his attention this time, staring at Annie's movements. He had flash, and in theory, Annie's big move would involve raising her hand, which could be avoided with flash.

Meiko's Tam followed behind, ready to eat EZ at any time.

Chen Yi Qiu's Annie takes action!
W flash!
"Flash!" UZI pressed the flash button at the first moment, but failed. Annie's W flash was too fast!

If it's a flash ultimate, then there's still some chance.

Moreover, Chen Yi Qiu's W flash also controlled Tam, causing Tam to be unable to use W. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Miss Fortune followed up with output, Diana used her Q skill to continue controlling Tam, and Rek'Sai also went to look for EZ.

So, UZI's EZ was killed instantly again!

Just like before, I just can't use the flash.

UZI was desperate now: "Fuck, this guy is so disgusting, he keeps targeting me, I really want to vomit! He was like this at level 1 too."

Immediately afterwards, Meiko's Tam was also killed, and Chen Yi Qiu got two kills.

957 was quite smart. When he realized his teammates were beyond saving, he just ran away.

As a little Gnar, he can't do anything.

This is so embarrassing. UZI just said that Annie has the Death Book and teammates should not give it up, but he ended up losing it himself.

UZI turned his head to look at his teammates. They were all sitting upright, afraid to smile. If they were discovered, it would be all over!

In the commentary booth, Wawa explained: "Now Annie is a little bit unstoppable. There are three heads, one of which is an adult head, and he has the Book of Death, which is already at the eighth level!"

Miller: "The good news is that the cost-effectiveness of the eighth-level killing book is relatively low. The bad news is that we all know Reaper's ability. It is really difficult to stop him."

Ten minutes into the game, both sides were fighting in the dragon pit. Chen Yi Qiu did not participate because he did not have TP. In the end, it ended up being a three-for-three exchange, and everyone seemed to be able to accept it.

However, UZI's EZ got two kills and Xiye's Zoe survived.

But just as he was about to return to the middle lane to eat the soldiers, Annie suddenly appeared from the bushes below the middle lane and killed him instantly with a set of skills.

Xiye was confused: "No, why is Annie here? He doesn't have TP."

Not only Xiye, but the commentator also didn't understand.

Wawa muttered, "Huh? Annie walked to this position and was not seen? This is not right."

The director showed the replay, and everyone understood immediately. It turned out that Annie pushed the top lane and headed for the middle lane. In the middle lane, both teams had already dealt with the minion lines, so there was no minion line at all.

Before the next wave of soldiers came, Annie walked through the middle lane into the bushes. At the same time, the team battle for the dragon was over. The director switched to the LPL's perspective, and Annie was indeed nowhere to be seen.

Guan Zeyuan only cares about one issue: "Annie's Book of Death has already reached the twelfth level. I feel that at this level, the Book of Death has reached a good value for money. If we continue to stack it, we will make more and more money."

In addition to commentary, UZI was also paying attention to the number of layers of Annie's Death Book. When he saw the twelfth layer of Death Book, he began to sweat.

He knew that Annie would definitely keep an eye on him during team fights, and this had a lot to do with him.

Fifteen minutes into the game, Mlxg continued to cause trouble in the bottom lane, helping the bottom lane take down a tower, first destroying the tower and then killing people, getting a double kill.

Almost at the same time, Ambition GANK the top lane, cooperated with Annie to kill Gnar by crossing the tower, and took down the top lane tower.

UZI couldn't sit still anymore: "No, can you please not die in the top lane? It's level 16, you can see Annie's killing book yourself."

957 could only choose to take the blame: "My problem, this is my problem."

Xiye comforted him, "It's okay. In this teamfight, we should focus on EZ. Don't rush in, just protect EZ."

Seventeen minutes into the game, both sides began to make trouble around the Rift Herald.

Wawa commented: "Both sides seem to want to fight for the Rift Herald, and the fight starts. For LPL, just let EZ and Zoe fight to consume the enemy. EZ has the red buff, and his Q is very painful."

The director gave a close-up of UZI, who looked serious and highly focused.

Aim at Rek'Sai's movement, launch a Q, hit, and the red buff slows her down.

Another Q, hits again, pulls, and Q again.

Three Q skills hit consecutively.

Rek'Sai is half dead.

Ambition complained: "Is his Q skill real? Is it so accurate?"

Pray suggested: "Let's take the initiative to open a wave, is there any chance?"

Li Xianghe analyzed: "I need you to go up and cheat with your skills, so that I can find an angle to enter and counterattack."

Li Xianghe’s Tsar is a great fighter when starting a team fight, but he also needs the cooperation of his teammates. Just going straight ahead would be a death wish.

Suddenly, Xiye's Zoe threw a flying star over and hit the female gunner, who lost half of her health!

In the official live broadcast room of the All-Star Game, the comments were instantly boiling:
[Nice! Damn, this wave of LPL's tug-of-war is perfect. ]

[Just fight like this, kite, our arms are long, don't let the opponent get close. ]

[This is top-level Poke. The opponent is not good at starting a team fight. If they pull another wave, they will explode. ]

[Just focus on Annie, everyone else is garbage! ]

【Pay attention to Annie's flash and ultimate skill. 】

The director gave a close-up, and now EZ has a mercury lace!
Seeing this Mercury's Band, Wawa analyzed: "It's really hard to play Annie in this game. Even if he uses W to control EZ, EZ can use Mercury to unlock it."

Miller agreed, "Yeah, that's a bit troublesome. No one can start a team fight. This LCK lineup is actually a bit countered. Zoe pulled Flying Star again, and Miss Fortune is only half health. It feels like they might be killed instantly!"

Pray knew he was in danger, so he chose to retreat early and create distance so as not to give Zoe any chance.

At this moment, something no one expected happened!

Zoe used Flying Star and followed up with her ultimate to fly over and smash towards the female gunner.

Almost at the same time, Chen Yiqiu's Annie also took action. He went to find Zoe, and Zoe flew over with her ultimate move...

"Tibers!" Annie used her ultimate skill followed by W and Q skills. This skill flew back with Zoe and killed instantly!

Zoe was killed instantly by a set of skills from Chen Yi Qiu's Annie!
Xiye was stunned: "Fuck, am I out in seconds?"

This is not over yet. Meiko knew that Zoe was going to die, so he chose to flash to eat her, but Zoe was almost killed in an instant!

"I'm on!" Li Xianghe saw the opportunity, and the opposing Tam didn't flash!
"Shurima, your emperor is back!" Li Xianghe's Tsar acted decisively, summoning sand soldiers, quicksand shifting into the field, flashing, and using the ultimate move!
UZI's EZ used E and flash to avoid being pushed back, but Jarvan, Gnar and Tam were not so lucky.

Wawa exclaimed: "The Tsar entered the field to start a team fight, and his ultimate hit three people. He himself was also trapped by the ultimate of the Prince. His teammates followed up to deal damage. There are not many people in LPL, and if we can't pull them apart, we will definitely lose in one wave!"

“Ahahahahahaha…” Miss Fortune used her ultimate skill, and the barrage of bullets swept across, and the LPL team was defeated! (End of this chapter)

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