LOL: You don’t want to be broadcast live on the entire network, right.?

Chapter 371 Chen Sheng’s crown is also a crown! Inheritance! Direct inheritance!

UZI's EZ was kite-fighting like crazy. The LCK team used all their skills, but there was really no one who could pose a threat to him.

However, the teammates died, Prince flashed away, Tam died, Gary also died, leaving only EZ and Prince.

After winning the team battle, Chen Yiqiu instructed his teammates to continue fighting the Rift Herald: "Take the Rift Herald."

The teammates were happy now! If it weren't for Chen Yiqiu's Annie stepping forward, they would have continued to be consumed.

Ambition suddenly muttered, "Is this what it feels like to be teammates with Reaper?"

However, Chen Yiqiu didn't hear clearly, Ambition's voice was too soft, he asked: "What did you say? I didn't hear it."

Ambition quickly said, "It's okay, I didn't say anything, I was just talking to myself."

In fact, Pray feels similarly.

In their previous matches with Chen Yi Qiu, they were always on the opposite side of Chen Yi Qiu. Facing Chen Yi Qiu’s terrifying suppressive power, they were very desperate.

And now, suddenly becoming Chen Yi Qiu’s teammate, that feeling is extremely refreshing.

I didn’t have this feeling when I played against the rookie division before, but now facing the LPL, the feeling is too strong!
The game was still going on, and the director gave Annie a close-up. Everyone was shocked to find that Annie's killing book was full!

Wawa explained: "Oh my god, a full stack of the Book of Death. Now Annie's output is probably a bit explosive. With one ultimate, I feel like the front row can't handle it."

Miller continued, "That's right. Annie is a hero who is slow in attacking the front line, but in the face of absolute explosive damage, even tanks can't withstand it."

Colonel Guan: "Now we can only rely on UZI. If UZI can kite and not get hit by Annie, then the game can still be won."

Twenty minutes into the game, the Baron was refreshed. Chen Yiqiu instructed his teammates: "Use the Baron to provide vision. Use the Baron to force a team fight."

Now the LPL group is staying at home and not coming out, not giving any chance at all.

In addition, EZ has long arms and is very capable in combat with a defensive tower behind him.

So we can only use the big dragon to force a team fight.

While his teammates were setting up vision, Chen Yi Qiu's Annie started to act. He chose to go around and ambush in the upper jungle area of ​​the blue side.

The director gave a close-up.

Some LPL audiences at the scene were looking forward to it:

"Here you are, just waiting for someone destined for you? It seems like anyone who comes here will be killed in the blink of an eye."

"I don't think even Tam can handle this equipment."

"Now is the magic moment, the health bar disappearing technique!"

"Whoever comes in this wave will die!"

But no one passed by this side, and the LPL team chose to push the middle lane, and then walk from the middle lane towards the dragon pit.

On the front side, the remaining four members of the LCK All-Star team are fighting the Baron, which still has more than half of its health left.

"The opponents are coming!" Ambition reminded, and five LPL players came together from the middle lane.

Chen Yiqiu: "It's okay, you guys keep fighting."

This time, UZI's EZ also has the red BUFF, which greatly improves its combat effectiveness.

After approaching the Baron pit, UZI's EZ began to look for opportunities to consume the enemy. Just like before, this Q skill was accurate every time.

The audience was excited by UZI's EZ operation, and with Xiye's Zoe, the firepower suppression of the two made the LCK All-Star team a little overwhelmed.

At this moment, Meiko reminded: "Be careful of Annie on the opposite side."

After hearing this, UZI chose to walk along the left wall. In his opinion, Annie must be on the right, maybe even in the Baron pit.

However, as long as you keep your distance from the dragon pit, you will be fine.

Taking advantage of the fact that the LCK players were standing close to each other, EZ suddenly drew his bow and arrow and shot out with his ultimate move!

Wawa exclaimed: "EZ used his ultimate and it hit! Miss Fortune only has one-third of her health left, and Rek'Sai is also at low health. Is this Uzi's EZ? The suppression is too strong!"

"EZ takes advantage of the victory and uses the E skill to close the distance and output..."

In the official live broadcast room, the comments were boiling:
[Uzi! Is Uzi going to fight four people alone? Pull like crazy! ]

[This is Uzi's unique skill, EZ. Watch carefully and learn well. ]

[The people on the other side are running away in panic, my family. 】

[This is Uzi's personal strength! ]

UZI was in a highly excited state at this time, and felt like he was going crazy!

The next second, "Tibbers 1" Annie flashed WR and rushed out from the blind spot. Almost at the same time, Tam used flash to come up and wanted to eat EZ. EZ used mercury to break the control in seconds, and used flash to retreat.

EZ and Tam missed each other perfectly.

Annie's Q skill follows up and kills instantly!

EZ was killed in seconds!
Miller shouted excitedly: "EZ was killed instantly! Annie killed EZ instantly, EZ didn't operate well this time! And Tam's flash was also fooled, it feels like LPL's team battle is going to be defeated!"

Guan Zeyu commented: "That's right, now the LPL All-Star team relies on this EZ to deal damage in teamfights. If EZ is killed, it will be difficult to fight!"

The audience, who were originally cheering, cheered even louder!

The difference is that just now they supported UZI, but now they start to support Chen Yi Qiu.

It’s fine for them, they can support both sides and support whoever plays better.

At this moment, esports is so pure.

As EZ was killed instantly, LPL's firepower was insufficient. Although the Prince used EQ twice and connected with his ultimate to cover Chen Yi Qiu's Annie.

However, Chen Yi Qiu's Annie controlled Tibers to stand in front of him, which resulted in Zoe's output being unable to be exerted. Without Zoe's output, relying on Prince and Tam was simply not enough.

The LCK team began to counterattack. While all the LPL players' attention was on Annie, Tsar entered the field and used his ultimate to trap the LPL players. Miss Fortune used her ultimate to harvest the battlefield.

Amidst waves of comments, the LPL All-Star team was wiped out!
"I'm going over there." Chen Yi Qiu chose to TP to the bottom lane to lead the troops and end the game in one wave.

In the commentary booth, Wawa commented: "Now it seems that we should congratulate the LCK All-Stars team for winning the first game. Congratulations to them."

Miller continued: "Yes, the performance of the LPL All-Star team was too perfect in this game, but there was nothing we could do. This Annie was too invincible. She killed people in one second. UZI had no way to stop her."

The director gave a close-up of the first row of the audience. All the LPL bosses were very happy, whispering to each other, clapping and cheering. People who didn’t know would think that the LPL All-Star team had won.

At this time, friends in the pressure-resistant forum have begun to display their talents. They made screenshots for comparison. Previously in the S game, UZI was also killed instantly by Chen Yi Qiu. Wawa, Miller, and Colonel Guan were all very devastated, and even cried.

But just now, when they saw UZI being killed instantly, these three people were grinning, and if you didn’t know, you would have thought they were the commentators of LCK.

This made my friends laugh:

[These three people are so ridiculous, don't they like to be traitors?] [What do you mean by traitor? Why do you talk like that? We are all one of us. Reaper is one of us too.]

[That’s right, Reaper winning the MVP is roughly equivalent to LPL winning the MVP. Reaper’s championship is our LPL’s championship.]

[You guys just decided that Reaper would be bought by LPL? Who gave you the confidence? ]

[No matter which region Reaper goes to, I will follow him, because I will win in the end anyway.]

The first game was over. Chen Yi Qiu's Annie and Li Xianghe's Tsar TPed to the bottom lane together and pushed the ball.

Backstage, here in the LPL region.

Although they lost the game, the LPL players were not as depressed as expected.

UZI and Mxlg got together, after all, they are on the same team.

Xiye and 957 got together, and Meiko was left alone.

UZI said: "The gap in the top lane is difficult to deal with. I don't know what our top laner is playing."

Mxlg shook his head and said, "We tried our best, but the gap in the top lane is inevitable."

957 and Xiye were discussing something else.

957 muttered, "Do you think Reaper will come to our WE? If he comes, I'm willing to be a substitute."

Xiye sighed, "It's difficult. WE has no money. Other clubs like IG and the upcoming Top Esports all have big bosses. We can't compete with them at all."

957 nodded: "That's true."

He glanced at UZI and Mxlg secretly, and continued: "RNG didn't take any action, which is a bit strange. Didn't RNG always want a strong top laner?"

Xiye lowered his voice and muttered, "Think about it, whose team is RNG now? If Reaper joins RNG, can he still control the entire team?"

I understood immediately after hearing this. As RNG likes to play 957-protect-, if Reaper is recruited, can Reaper still play -protect-? It will inevitably conflict with the previous core.

"No wonder he wants to win so much, he just wants to prove himself." 957 said in a low voice.

At this moment, UZI's voice came: "Brother Tui, what do you say about the top lane? Can't you just stay here?"

957 had no choice but to say: "I tried my best to survive, but there was no other way. The opponent was Reaper."

UZI was not happy: "What's wrong with Reaper? He just has two hands and a pair of feet, not three heads and six arms. We can't play well against him, right?"

957 was embarrassed and could only say: "My, it was my fault in the last game. I will definitely survive in the next game."

He could only say this, otherwise the matter would not end.

In the commentary booth at the game, Wawa explained: "After a short break, the second match between the two sides will begin. Now let's welcome the players from both sides to the stage!"

Chen Yi Qiu brought his teammates onto the court to start the second game.

Guan Zeyuan analyzed: "From the last game, LCK's winning point is still in the top lane. I was surprised that Xiye was able to hold his own against Faker and didn't give him any chances."

Miller: "Xiye is a very good mid-lane player. He will definitely have a place among domestic mid-lanes. I hope he can learn something from playing against Faker."

There was BP on the stage, and Principal Wang was chatting with Guo Hao off the stage.

Principal Wang asked, "I heard that you guys at Top Esports are planning to pack up SKT's mid and top teams? So generous?"

Guo Hao responded: "If you can do it, that would be the best, but if you can't, at least you have to take down Reaper."

Principal Wang asked, "How much do you plan to pay? Can you give us a little bit?"

Principal Wang was also very interested in this plan. He was familiar with the situations of the LPL clubs and knew how much money other clubs could offer. However, since Top Esports had just been established, he had very little information on it.

Guo Hao: "I'm afraid you can't tell the principal about this. It's our internal secret."

At this moment, the BP of both sides ended and the lineups were revealed:

The blue side LCK All-Star team: top lane Syndra, jungle Xerath, mid lane Galactus, ADC Draven, support Thresh.

Red side LPL All-Star team: top lane Maokai, jungle Kha'Zix, mid lane Malzahar, ADC Tristana, support Alistar.

Seeing this lineup, the commentator was confused.

Wawa exclaimed: "What is LCK doing? I can barely understand the top lane Syndra, after all, it was Annie in the last game, but what does this jungle Xerath mean? Ambition actually picked the jungle Xerath?"

Miller was puzzled: "What on earth was he thinking? And a Dragon Turtle in the middle? No, look at the summoner skills, this time Xerath has TP, and Faker's Dragon Turtle has Smite. They switched positions, the mid and jungle exchanged positions!"

In the official live broadcast room, the comments were boiling:
[This is the lineup that should be selected for the All-Star Game. Don't make it the same as the official game. ]

【LPL treated the All-Star Game as the S-League. If they lost, it would be a real disgrace.】

[We should be able to win this game, right? LCK's BP was too easy. 】

[If you still can't beat this one, then I can only say... Reaper is awesome! ]

The director gave the camera to UZI, who laughed miserably: "The opponents are giving up, they are giving up, we can play casually and win easily in this game."

Meiko agreed: "Although the LCK All-Star team is very strong, they can't play so recklessly. We must seize this opportunity and give them a little LPL shock."

However, 957 was not as optimistic as them. He had already suffered a great loss in the last game against Annie. This time he changed to a more abnormal Syndra, whom he had never faced before and had no idea how to fight against them.

Entering the game screen, Chen Yi Qiu's Syndra chose Doran's Ring to go out and fight a level 1 team fight with his teammates.

Li Xianghe commanded frantically: "I can click Q, I can click Q, follow me."

The four teammates followed Li Xianghe's dragon turtle and went straight to the river below the middle lane to fight a level 1 team fight with the opponent.

However, this time LPL learned their lesson and chose to ambush in advance.

Five people were in the bushes at the entrance of the river.

Then, at the moment when the LCK players approached, Meiko's Minotaur chose Q first and knocked three people away!

Except for Chen Yi Qiu's Syndra and Pray's Draven, everyone else was knocked away!
Wawa explained: "It was a very beautiful first move. The tree used W to tie up the dragon turtle and then output damage. Was the dragon turtle going to be killed instantly? No! The dragon turtle used the W skill in a hurry and activated W to absorb damage. It's so tanky!"

Originally everyone thought that the dragon turtle walking in the front would be killed instantly, but Li Xianghe did not choose any skills. He had been saving his skill points, and now they came in handy!

In this way, the opponent used all his skills on the dragon turtle but failed to kill anyone, and the original advantage turned into a disadvantage!
Thresh flashed forward and brought all the LPL players over, and LCK began a fierce counterattack.

In the end, the two sides fought three for four, and LPL suffered a small loss.

Chen Yiqiu's Syndra got one kill, and UZI got two kills!

Guan Zeyuan commented: "I think it's acceptable. I thought LCK would explode, but they held on thanks to Dragon Turtle. I thought LPL would collapse, but fortunately UZI's Tristana was quite powerful, so they only lost one kill in the end."

Miller responded, "Yes, Syndra has an extra Dark Seal on her body when she returns to the city for supplies. It seems that she is planning to increase the strength of 957 online, using the tree to stack the layers and prepare for her own Book of Death."

Chen Yiqiu's Syndra returned to the top lane. Just like 957 thought, this laning was difficult to play! (End of this chapter)

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