LOL: You don’t want to be broadcast live on the entire network, right.?

Chapter 372: Winning the championship! The bond between the SKT twin stars, Chen Sheng added another

Chen Yi Qiu's Syndra went up to cause trouble for the big tree at level 1, using the advantage of her long arms to continuously consume the big tree's health. Moreover, while using the Q skill of Chen Yi Qiu's Syndra to consume the health, she could also combine it with a basic attack to maximize the output.

957 tried various positionings, but to no avail. Chen Yi Qiu's Syndra would use basic attacks to test, and then take action after seeing the correct positioning.

It's only level one and the tree has lost half of its health.

Wawa commented: "Is the pressure in the top lane so great? Can't bear it at level 1? Syndra's skills are quite accurate."

Miller: "I want to say something to 957 at this time. He is a top laner and has never seen such a routine. It is normal for him to be unable to withstand the top laner Syndra."

Three and a half minutes into the game, Chen Yiqiu's Syndra had already pinned 957 under the defensive tower, unable to move. At this moment, Li Xianghe gave the top laner a signal: "I'll help you cross the tower."

So Chen Yi Qiu used his skills to quickly push the line of troops towards the defense tower.

Li Xianghe's dragon turtle circled from the side and came behind the opposite defense tower.

957's Tree thought his spring was coming when he saw the soldiers entering the tower, but what he didn't expect was that the Dragon Turtle appeared before he started to last hit.

The Dragon Turtle approached from behind the defensive tower, and Chen Yi Qiu's Syndra and Li Xianghe's Dragon Turtle sandwiched it from the front and back.

Miller commented: "The tree has W and Q skills. I think I can manipulate it a little bit. If the tower carrier is controlled, maybe I can change one."

Chen Yiqiu was in no hurry to take action. Li Xianghe's dragon turtle approached the sea and launched a basic attack...

Almost at the same time, Maokai used his W to control the Dragon Turtle, and an embarrassing thing happened. The Dragon Turtle's basic attack was aimed at the defensive tower. Maokai's W was meaningless, and the defensive tower did not help him attack the Dragon Turtle.

"I've been cheated!" 957 felt a little uncomfortable, but there was nothing he could do.

The Dragon Turtle used his E skill to taunt, and Chen Yiqiu's Syndra followed up with the output, followed by a Q and W, and then the E skill to control, and finally the Q skill to finish, and cooperated with the Dragon Turtle to complete the kill. The tree was controlled and could not move.

At the same time, the two sides started fighting in the bottom lane. UZI's Tristana cooperated with Minotaur to jump into the face and kill Pray's Draven.

Pray felt a little uncomfortable: "Xiba, I worked so hard to stack the passive skill."

In the middle lane, Ambition's Xerath played without any desire or ambition. He kept using his skills to clear the minion line from a long distance.

Malzahar couldn't do anything to him, so the two of them could only develop peacefully.

After 957 in the top lane was resurrected, he TPed out to continue laning. Syndra in the top lane was gone, so he signaled to his teammates to be careful.

However, although the teammates received the signal and knew they should be careful, they did not expect that the Dragon Turtle would suddenly rush to the middle lane to find Malzahar, and Syndra was right behind him.

The dragon turtle used the Q skill to break Malhaza's shield and taunted with the E skill.

Malhaza didn’t have flash, so there was nothing we could do about this wave.

Syndra followed with QEW, and Xerath also followed with EWQ.

With three people and three control skills, Malzahar just stood there as punishment and did nothing.

Chen Yi Qiu got another kill.

UZI's mentality exploded when he saw this scene:
"Can you guys deliver it a little slower? I can't get the heads as fast as you can."

It’s hard to say anything about Xiye and 957. They are on the same team and there’s nothing to say even if they betrayed each other.

In the official live broadcast room, everyone was brushing:

[This is the bond of SKT! Faker and Reaper are invincible together. ]

[Don't underestimate the bond between the SKT twins, bastard. ]

【Faker seems to be playing jungle quite well. 】

[Why don't we just bind them together and go everywhere together?]

The game lasted six minutes and Chen Yiqiu's Syndra reached level six.

After consuming a wave of energy, the big tree can only shrink back down.

The soldiers enter the tower, the regular program begins, and the dragon turtle goes around behind!

Just like last time, the dragon turtle taunted, Syndra followed up with a set of skills and a big move, and the tree disappeared again.

957 was sweating profusely. It had been careful enough and gave up many opportunities to finish off the enemy, but it was of no use. It still had to die.

In the bottom lane, Mxlg's Mantis attacked and cooperated with UZI's Tristana to complete a double kill.

Wawa commented: "The rhythm of both sides is pretty good, with both sides going back and forth. LPL is still using the previous style of play, focusing on the bottom lane. This game will require Uzi to carry the team again."

Miller: "This is the four-protect-one strategy. It seems that the LPL All-Star team can't get rid of this style of play now."

Eight minutes into the game, Xiye encountered another embarrassing scene. The Dragon Turtle accelerated towards him, but even his flash was not enough as the Dragon Turtle was still rushing forward.

There was really no other choice but to use his ultimate move to control the dragon turtle.

However, Chen Yi Qiu's Syndra was right behind him. Syndra used a QE to interrupt Malhaza's ultimate, and cooperated with the Dragon Turtle and Xerath to kill him instantly.

"Oh, I can't play in the mid lane anymore. The opponent's top and jungle keep coming to the mid lane to target me. How can I play this?" Xiye's mentality exploded.

957: "My problem is that we didn't play well in this game."

Mxlg ignored it and chose to continue at his own pace, targeting the LCK's bottom lane.

Twelve minutes into the game, the LPL bottom lane duo completed a double kill and then took down the LCK bottom lane tower.

Then an embarrassing thing happened. The director gave Draven a close-up, and everyone discovered that Draven's passive had never been triggered and he had never earned a single bounty.

In the official live broadcast room, the comments were boiling:
[Hahaha, Draven without passive? Too classic.]

[This is the sacrificial Draven, sacrificing himself to buy time for his teammates to develop. ]

[Pray just win this time without any effort, don’t give it away. ]

[Sindra's killing book is out, someone is going to be killed like a pig. ]

Chen Yi Qiu took down a tower in the top lane, and the two sides began to switch lanes. Chen Yi Qiu switched to the bottom lane to lead the line.

Li Xianghe's dragon turtle went to the lower jungle area to farm the jungle at the same time, and the two of them always stayed in the same half area.

Wawa explained: "This is quite powerful. Dragon Turtle and Syndra have been huddled together. Dragon Turtle is like a guardian angel, always guarding Syndra to prevent him from being caught."

Miller: "This is the mutual respect between masters. Now LPL must put pressure on the front, otherwise the bottom lane will soon be undefended."

Fourteen minutes into the game, Chen Yi Qiu cooperated with Li Xianghe's dragon turtle to cross the tower.

At this time, Maokai has already gained a lot of magic resistance, and the damage of the hero, Dragon Turtle, is very low, so Syndra basically relies on the output alone.

Originally 957 thought he could do something about it, but he thought too much. The Dragon Turtle's output was not high but he was very tanky. The Dragon Turtle kept holding the tower, allowing Syndra to continue to output.

In the end, the tree was killed by Syndra. The director gave 957 a close-up. At this time, 957's scalp was numb and his eyes were dull.

Being slaughtered by Chen Yi Qiu was nothing to him, after all, the gap in strength was obvious.

But the key is to be scolded by teammates.

However, this time UZI did not start cursing because a fight broke out in the middle lane.

Zero for two, UZI got two more kills.

Relying on the rapid close-up of Tristana's tower pushing speed, UZI pushed down the first and second towers in the middle lane of LCK and reached the bottom of the high ground.

Chen Yi Qiu slowly took down a tower in the bottom lane, but his speed was too slow.

Wawa commented: "I feel that LCK needs Syndra in the front right now, otherwise they can't hold on. Syndra now has a full stack of Killing Book, a hat, and magic penetration shoes. This equipment is a bit exaggerated. The opponent hasn't stacked up magic resistance yet and can't handle Syndra's output."

Miller continued, "Look at Tristana's equipment. Tristana is going to buy Hexdrinker! It's very rare to buy Hexdrinker as the second big item. This is very stressful."

Guan Zeyuan: "I can only say that he wanted to win too much. If he didn't buy the Hexdrinker, he would be easily killed by Syndra, and he wouldn't even need to use his ultimate to kill him."

Twenty minutes into the game, both teams huddled together in the middle.

On the LPL side, UZI frantically reminded his teammates: "Sindra, pay attention to Syndra, kill him first, and you can win if you kill him first."

His teammates naturally knew this, but the question was, was it really that easy to kill him? If it was that easy to kill him, Reaper wouldn't be the best top laner in history.

Just when everyone in LPL was still trying to figure out a solution, Chen Yi Qiu's Syndra took the initiative to come forward, approached the Minotaur, hit it with a Q skill, caught the Q with the W skill, and hit it with a W to slow it down, and the Minotaur lost half of his health in an instant.

Seeing this scene, Wawa exclaimed: "Oh my god, this Syndra is so proactive. He is actually chasing Minotaur. Isn't he afraid that Minotaur will suddenly turn around and control him?"

Miller: "Miniature has flash, there will definitely be problems if Syndra plays like this!"

At first, everyone in LPL was frightened by Syndra's momentum, but soon, UZI reacted: "Kill him instantly, what are you afraid of, we still have Malzahar, kill him instantly!"

Hearing this, Meiko understood. At the moment Syndra used her next Q skill, Minotaur suddenly turned around and wanted to use WQ.

But, I couldn't let it out, it was pulled!

As soon as he turned around, Syndra also turned around and kept a distance, causing Minotaur's WQ to not be far enough.

Meiko has no choice. If he continues to be consumed, he will have to use his ultimate or flash or he will die. So, he might as well just go for it!

Then the Minotaur flashed and used WQ.

An incredible scene happened. The moment Minotaur flashed WQ, Syndra used a Weakling Retreat and directly pushed Minotaur away while he was still in the process of using his W skill. Minotaur kowtowed on the spot and was not knocked away!
At the same time, Xiye's Malzahar flashed and used his ultimate skill on Chen Yiqiu, which indeed controlled Chen Yiqiu.

However, after the Minotaur was kicked away, his Malzahar became the most prominent one.

Li Xianghe's dragon turtle rushed forward to interrupt Malzahar's ultimate skill. Draven stepped forward to output, and Malzahar was killed instantly!
Meiko's Minotaur used his ultimate skill, but he was at low health and couldn't withstand a few hits, so he was killed!

Wawa exclaimed: "What a quick reaction! This Syndra actually interrupted Minotaur's flash WQ! The LPL team battle is about to collapse!"

UZI had no choice but to retreat, his teammates were basically wasted, and he couldn't handle the whole thing on his own.

In the end, the two sides exchanged zero for three, and Chen Yiqiu's Syndra got a triple kill and became a super god.

Then the LCK team took down the middle lane tower and went straight to the Baron.

After taking the Baron, the five LCK players returned to the city for supplies, then headed straight for the second tower in the middle lane.

Chen Yi Qiu's Syndra took the lead, and the director gave a close-up, and Syndra already had a magic penetration stick!

Wawa commented: "This is really exaggerated. LPL doesn't have the money to buy magic resistance, but Syndra brought out the magic penetration stick in advance. I feel like she is showing off and also a deterrent. It's useless for you to buy magic resistance."

Miller: "Desperate. He didn't even use Flash in the last teamfight. Even with Flash, the old man couldn't hit him. Now without Flash, there is nothing he can do."

As the two were talking, the second tower in the middle lane had been taken down. The director's camera turned to the LPL side. UZI was already sweating profusely and kept saying something.

Now he just wants his teammates to initiate a team fight.

So Meiko's Minotaur moved forward under urging, as if he wanted to start a team fight. Syndra hit him with a Q and hit him with a W to slow him down, and the Minotaur lost half of his health again!

Moreover, Syndra was always out of the range of Minotaur's WQ, and had no way out.

This is not over yet. Syndra used the Weak Retreat to control the Minotaur, and followed up with a Q skill. The Minotaur’s health was low and he was forced to use his ultimate!
Guan Zeyuan praised it highly: "This pulling and kiting ability is too strong. The Minotaur couldn't touch it at all. He didn't do anything, but his ultimate was gone, and his health was gone."

Wawa explained: "Now that Minotaur has no ultimate, he goes back to replenish supplies. It seems that this wave of high ground cannot be defended... Syndra flashes! Ultimate, the weak ones retreat, the flowers are scattered, can Tristana escape? Tristana gave up the flash, but was still controlled. A Q finished the job and killed her instantly! Tristana was killed instantly!"

Everything happened so suddenly. Just when everyone thought that LPL would give up the high ground and wait for Minotaur to come out, Chen Yi Qiu's Syndra suddenly attacked and killed Tristana in seconds!

"Fuck! You just knew to target me!" UZI's mentality exploded. He already had the Hexdrinker, but he was still killed instantly. The output of Syndra can only be described as an instant explosion.

After Tristana was killed instantly, LPL's team battle was directly defeated. The front row couldn't hold on and the back row had no output.

The team fight turned into a one-sided massacre, and LCK eventually won the team fight.

Meiko's Minotaur walked out and then walked back. Without his ultimate skill, he couldn't do anything.

Wawa commented: "It's amazing! This is the strength of the world's number one top laner Reaper. His hero pool is bottomless. There is no flaw in his operation, positioning, pulling, and damage calculation. He single-handedly killed the game!"

Miller responded: "The game is almost over now. LCK is about to finish the game in one wave. It seems that we should congratulate the LCK All-Star Team for winning the championship of this All-Star Game. Let us congratulate them!"

Guan Zeyuan commented: "At the same time, congratulations to Reaper for winning FMPV again. He is not only a Grand Slam winner, but also a Grand Slam FMVP!"

The audience began to cheer:
"Reaper! Reaper! Reaper!"

As for the LPL All-Star team, UZI has become autistic.

However, he still has one chance, the SOLO match!
This is his chance to get back at his old self!

The opponent's base was flattened in one wave, and everyone in LCK stood up to celebrate.

Chen Yiqiu found Li Xianghe and said, "You are also a strong jungler. Why don't you switch to jungle in the future?"

Lee Sang Hyuk said: "Jungling... I'll talk about it when I'm old and can't operate it anymore. Jungling requires less skill."

Chen Yi Qiu suddenly noticed that Ambition's face turned dark.

He remembered that Ambition used to play mid lane and was the top mage in LCK.

Why did he go back to playing jungle? Lee Sang Hyuk suddenly appeared.

Therefore, what Li Xianghe said just now was a critical hit to Ambition. The mid laner can't play anymore and then he goes to the jungle. The jungler has low requirements for operation skills. It would be strange if Ambition didn't become autistic after hearing this.

After the celebration, the LCK team prepared to shake hands, and the five people lined up in a row. (End of this chapter)

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