LOL: You don’t want to be broadcast live on the entire network, right.?

Chapter 380 After many years, 'LPL first show', defeating the old club RNG!

Guo Hao had finished his work and decided to go back to the training base. After Guo Hao left, Ponytail walked up to Jin Yibo and said, "You're lucky. Reaper is back. You're useless now. Get out of here and don't get involved in related industries again."

Jin Yibo gritted his teeth. If he was not allowed to enter the related industry, what else could he do?
Moreover, there is no explanation for the salary and bonus. For executives of his level, the salary is actually not that much, and the main source of income is various bonuses and dividends.

Now it's all gone.

But even though he was very unhappy, he really couldn't do anything about Ponytail. This was not a person he could touch.

Jin Yibo stood up and suddenly said, "You offer such high salaries, aren't you worried about losing all your money?"

Ponytail scolded, "This has nothing to do with you, get out of here."

Jin Yibo sneered and cursed: "Just wait and see, you will lose everything this year, and the victory will belong to LCK in the end!"

At the Top Esports training base, after Guo Hao told Chen Yi Qiu the good news, he asked the five of them to stand together for a family portrait and took a few photos to post on the official Weibo account.

As a result, the comments below the official blog exploded:

[Holy crap, what's going on? Has the starting lineup been set up so quickly? ]

[Who are these duo in the bottom lane? I have never seen them before! ]

[Huh? SKT mid, top and jungle plus two unknown people? ]

[No, why don't you find someone stronger in the bottom lane? You've already got SKT's mid, top and jungle here, do you still need this little money? ]

[I can’t understand it. I’m shocked.]

[No matter what, if the mid, top and jungle are this strong, even if there are two sway players in the bottom lane, they cannot be underestimated. ]

On the other hand, UZI, who was closely following Top Esports, also got the news.

When he saw the two unknown players in Top Esports' bottom lane, he smiled:

“Hahahaha, is this Top Esports doing this on purpose? Who are these two people in the bottom lane? Is this doing this on purpose?”

UZI frowned and muttered, "Could it be that they poached SKT's mid, top and jungle players not to win the game, but just to break up SKT?"

Although this possibility seems small and a bit ridiculous, other than that, UZI really can't think of any reason for Top Esports to do this.

But it's all good news for him. In his eyes, Top Esports is no longer a threat.

Late at night, Guo Hao brought the top five players to a high-end residential area, which was full of single-family villas.

Guo Hao came to a three-story villa and unlocked it with his fingerprint while introducing:
"You guys should live here from now on. This villa was newly bought by our boss and has never been lived in. Although the boss won't mind if something is damaged, you still have to maintain it."

"Then, for this fingerprint lock, you will enter your fingerprints, and you can open the door by yourself in the future. I will take you to the property management to register tomorrow morning."

Chen Yi Qiu and four teammates entered the villa. The space was quite large, more than 300 square meters.

"There are more than a dozen rooms in this villa. You can choose one by yourself." Guo Hao instructed.

It was Peanut who went straight to Chen Yiqiu and said, "Brother Yiqiu, let's go together!"

"Together? What do you mean together?" Chen Yi Qiu was confused.

"I want to share a room with you!" Peanut stated his intention.

"Ah? There are so many rooms, why do you have to live with me? Wouldn't it be better to live alone?" Chen Yi Qiu knew that in LCK many clubs had two players in one room.

But that was because conditions were limited. Now that conditions are so abundant, there is no need to do so.

Seeing that Chen Yi Qiu had no such intention, Xiao Huasheng went to find Li Xianghe.

When I looked back, Li Sang-hyuk was gone.

"Huh? Where are the people?" Peanut muttered.

"Brother Yi Qiu..." When he turned around again, he found that Chen Yi Qiu was also gone, completely gone!

In the end, everyone still had their own room, but they were next to each other. Anyway, no one would bring their girlfriend back, so there was no requirement for soundproofing.

The next morning, Guo Hao first took everyone to the property to register, and then went to the training base together.

The training officially begins. Since there is no coach, everyone plays on their own and gains points first.

Guo Hao found Chen Yiqiu, took out his phone and placed it in front of Chen Yiqiu, saying, "God Qiu, this is the list of coaches who are interested in joining us. These are the head coaches, and some of them have their own fixed teams. The rest need to be found again."

Chen Yi Qiu understood what Guo Hao meant. Some head coaches have their own coaching staff. Teams that have worked together for a long time have better understanding of each other, so they usually poach the entire coaching staff together.

Chen Yi Qiu looked at the list on Guo Hao's phone. There were coaches both familiar and unfamiliar. There were probably about ten head coaches.

This is quite impressive. There are only so many teams in LPL. Although not all head coaches can find jobs every season, most of them definitely have jobs. Most of the coaches in LPL are here.

Suddenly, Chen Yi Qiu saw a familiar name, Hongmi!
"How is Coach Hongmi? Does he have any requests?" Chen Yi Qiu asked.

"Hongmi? Hongmi... let me think... he seemed to say that the players' training and daily life must be customized by him and follow his rhythm. He is more relaxed about BP and it doesn't have to be done according to his rhythm. That's probably what he meant." Guo Hao muttered.

These coaches have either met with him or talked to him on the phone and have a general idea of ​​the situation.

"Well, then it's Hongmi, you contact him." Chen Yi Qiu made a choice.

"Okay, it's confirmed, it's Hongmi. I'll call him now." So Guo Hao took the phone and called Hongmi directly to make an appointment.

About an hour later, Guo Hao received a call and hurried downstairs.

A few minutes later, Guo Hao came to the training room with a man.

"Everyone, everyone, look here, let me introduce to you, this is Coach Hongmi." Guo Hao greeted.

Chen Yi Qiu and his group of five took off their headphones and turned around.

At this time, a slightly plump man wearing glasses was standing next to Guo Hao.

Hongmi adjusted his glasses, glanced from left to right, and greeted with a smile: "Hello everyone, I am Hongmi."

Finally, his eyes fell on Chen Yiqiu and he strode up to him: "God Qiu, I have heard of your name for a long time. I have never missed any of your matches and have watched them all."

Chen Yi Qiu extended his hand and the two shook hands.

Chen Yi Qiu’s first impression of Hongmi was that he was easy to get along with. People with this kind of personality should be easy to get along with.

"Hello." Chen Yi Qiu greeted.

Then Hongmi looked at Li Xianghe and said, "Hello, Faker."

Lee Sang Hyuk responded, “Hello.”

Next up is Peanut.

Hongmi first greeted Zhong, Shang and Ye, and then went to find Liu Qingsong and Chen Wei.

Liu Qingsong still had a cold face and shook hands, while Chen Wei was more enthusiastic and shook hands with both hands.

After a round of greetings, Hongmi returned to Chen Yi Qiu and Guo Hao.

Guo Hao said, "Coach Hongmi, if there is no problem, let's start working today. We can have dinner together in the evening to deepen our relationship."

At this time, Chen Yiqiu said, "There's no rush for eating. Time is running out now. Let's train first. Coach Hongmi, what do you think?"

Hongmi had the same idea: "I also think it's more important to seize the time to train. I already know you three better."

Hongmi glanced at Chen Yiqiu, Li Xianghe, and Xiaohuasheng, then looked at Chen Wei and Liu Qingsong:
“But I have never met these two new players before, so I need to get to know them from scratch, which will take some time.”

Guo Hao said, "Okay, how about this? Let's celebrate after the opening game. I won't bother you anymore. I wish you all success. If you need anything, feel free to come to me."

So Guo Hao left, and Hongmi followed Guo Hao to handle the formalities and brought his coaching team over.

The training officially begins!
At the same time, the news that Redmi joined Topbo was also released on Topbo’s official blog, which immediately attracted countless netizens to watch:

[Hongmi? I think he was the one who led WE last year. ]

[Redmi has something special, it is even more powerful. 】

[But the bottom lane is still useless. 】

[It's meaningless. If we don't change the bottom lane, it will be useless. If we change to a strong bottom lane, we can take off without a coach. ]

[Damn, I want to go to Top Esports to play bottom lane. With such a good coach and such good mid, top and jungle, what a pity.]

[I don't care. If Top Esports loses due to the bottom lane, don't blame me for being ruthless! ]

In addition to Top Esports, transfer news about other major clubs is also flying around.

First, Karsa, the jungler from FW, a popular team in the LMS region, joined RNG.

At the same time, RNG promoted a number of ADC players from the youth training team and the second team, including Y4, Able, etc., who are all substitutes for UZI.

Soon after, IG team, Jackeylove was old enough to play in the game.

Not only Jackeylove, the official has adjusted the playing age limit, and fifteen years old is enough.

This made many IG fans unhappy, after all, Jackeylove was unable to play before because of his age.

Now it has been changed. If it had been changed earlier, Jackeylove would have been able to play a long time ago.

At the same time, in addition to Top Esports, the BLG team was also officially established, based on the original team Imay.

FPX Club was established and joined the LPL competition.

The LPL region expanded to 14 teams, and for a time, the entire LPL region was in turmoil.

As for the Demacia Cup competition, no one cares about it anymore because it is of too low value.

Soon, the schedule for the spring season came out.

The official made a big move and put Top Esports, also known as TOP, in the opening game, and the opponent was not any other team, but RNG!

At the TOP team training base, inside the training room, the TOP team members are resting after lunch.

At this time, Guo Hao walked in and said, "Everyone, you should have seen the news. The schedule for the spring season has been released. We will play the opening game against RNG."

Chen Yiqiu nodded: "Yes, I saw it."

Guo Hao looked at coach Hongmi and said, "Coach Hongmi, the rest is up to you. I don't really want to put too much pressure on you, but I still hope we can win the opening game of the spring season."

Hongmi responded: "Well, judging from the current situation, the problem is not very big."

Although Hongmi appeared very confident, Guo Hao was not reassured. People on the Internet were now doubting whether Top Esports' bottom lane was strong enough.

It just so happens that they are facing the strongest bottom lane in LPL right now, which is very likely to lead to a comeback for Top Esports.

As for the two new players in the bottom lane, even if they are truly geniuses, they will definitely suffer without competition experience.

On the other side, in RNG's training room.

Coach Feng is holding a meeting with his team members.

"The opening game of the spring season is us against TOP, you should all know that."

Everyone in RNG was more serious than the other. They were TOP! A strong team with SKT's midfielder, top player and jungler.

Of course, not everyone thinks this way, for example, UZI: "It's okay, they haven't played in the bottom lane for two games. I don't know if they will be strong in the future, but they are definitely rookies now. As long as we play four..."

Originally UZI wanted to play four protect one, but in the previous All-Star Game, he lost a bet to Chen Yi Qiu, and according to the bet he could not play four protect one in the future.

Although Chen Yi Qiu did not confront him about this matter, he always felt that he couldn't say it out loud. He might have said it directly in the past, but not now.

"As long as we are stronger in the bottom lane, gain advantage, snowball, and keep the middle and top lanes stable, we will definitely win." UZI put it in a very euphemistic way.

Xiaohu understood immediately after hearing it, and he chose to slightly process and translate it: "We play four protecting one, and the top laner and I will TP to protect the bottom lane, and then we can win."

After Xiaohu finished speaking, he did not forget to glance at UZI, as if he wanted to take credit.

What he didn't expect was that UZI was not only unhappy, but a little angry: "It doesn't have to be four protecting one. It's your business whether you bring TP or not. I can't control it anyway. Just don't say four protecting one."

Xiaohu was stunned. What was going on? Every time UZI talked about "four protecting one", he was very happy, and he was also very happy.

What made him happy was that he had less burden. Even if he lost in the end, the audience's firepower would be focused on UZI, and UZI would have nothing to say.

But now UZI is not playing by the rules?

Feng Ge affirmed UZI's idea: "Well, breaking through from the bottom lane is a good choice. Even if their mid and top jungle are not in SKT, their strength will not decline significantly. It will definitely be difficult to deal with them. Then we will formulate BP and tactics according to this idea."

At the same time, all kinds of news have been fermenting on the Internet. Although there is still a week before the start of the game, the enthusiasm for the opening game has already exploded.

[If RNG wins, I will eat shit. Eat it with big mouthfuls. ]

[Funny, what can TOP use to fight Uzi with two valuables in the bottom lane? ]

[TOP won by taking the lead? This is a five-person competition, what do you think? ]

[Haha, can you believe that three against five can win? ]

[If you have the guts, go AFK in the bottom lane. I want to see how you can win with three against five. ]

[Can't others improve? If you train with experts, you will improve quickly. ]

[Hehe, what's the point of your training with the bottom lane duo and the mid, top and jungle? ]

RNG fans' confidence suddenly increased.

In the previous match against SKT, facing Bae Joon-sik and Lee Jae-wan, RNG's bottom lane was able to gain some advantages but was unable to completely defeat them.

But it’s different now. Top Esports’ bottom lane has two unknown players, and their AD is a student who has never played a formal game. Can’t they just take advantage of them?

A week passed quickly, and the opening match of the 2018 League of Legends Spring Season began!

In Shanghai, at the LPL game, before the game even started, the audience lined up to enter.

The audience held various cheering signs in their hands, supporting Top Esports, RNG, Reaper, and UZI...

From teams to individual players, there are all kinds of things.

Even Letme has supporters.

Of course, there are two exceptions. The cheering cards of Chen Wei and Liu Qingsong seem to be completely invisible.

At the commentary booth at the game, the three brothers Wawa, Miller and Guan Zeyuan appeared again.

Before the game started, Wawa suddenly asked, "Colonel, which side are you going to support in today's match between RNG and TOP? Do you have any inside information?"

Guan Zeyuan shook his head: "I don't have any gossip. A lot of the news on the Internet is too fake."

In fact, a lot of so-called gossip has appeared on the Internet in recent days.

For example, Top Esports plans to let Chen Yi Qiu play in the bottom lane to catch RNG by surprise.

Moreover, Top Esports never won a single training match, and their bottom lane was always beaten.

There are even more outrageous things. TOP had an internal conflict because the bottom lane was too bad, and the mid, top and jungle wanted to return to LCK.

Of course, many of these rumors are made by RNG fans, mainly to confuse the mentality of Top Esports fans. (End of this chapter)

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