LOL: You don’t want to be broadcast live on the entire network, right.?

Chapter 381: Appearing on the stage, Chen Sheng is now also an LPL hero

Miller joined the topic: "Personally, I am still optimistic about RNG... Mainly, TOP's bottom lane is too abstract. Where did they come from? It feels like finding two people on the side of the road, and one of them is a junior high school student."

Wawa agreed: "My opinion is actually similar. If Top Esports changed their bottom lane and changed to a mid-to-lower level of LPL, I think they would have a better chance of winning, but now... it's abstract."

Guan Zeyuan chuckled: "Since both of you support RNG, then I also support RNG."

Miller almost fell down: "I thought you were going to stand out and support Top Esports. Are you planning to use us as a shield?"

On the other side, in the Top Esports lounge, everyone was making final preparations before going on stage.

As a manager, Guo Hao is now extremely nervous and is answering messages on his mobile phone. The boss of Top Esports is watching the game and is asking about the current situation.

Coach Hongmi was thinking about something. The tactics and BP had been planned in advance. Now all he had to do was wait for the game to start.

If there are any problems in the first game, just adjust them during the break.

Many things are theoretical and ideal. We can't be sure unless we fight.

"How is it? Are you nervous?" Chen Yi Qiu sat next to Chen Wei. Chen Wei looked very nervous now, with his lips slightly pale.

"Not bad..." Chen Wei responded, staring at the floor thoughtfully.

Liu Qingsong was playing with his mobile phone nearby, and he was much calmer.

Chen Yi Qiu looked at Xiao Huasheng next to him. Xiao Huasheng seemed quite nervous as well. Although he was considered an old player, this was his first time playing in the LPL. Today was different from the past.

Chen Yi Qiu took out his mobile phone and started playing. He entered the Anti-Pressure Bar to check out the pace online.

Sure enough, the discussion in the anti-pressure forum is all about the opening game.

Seeing Chen Yiqiu start playing with his phone, Xiaohuasheng came over and said, "Brother Yiqiu, what are you looking at? Let me see."

Xiaohuasheng is now very curious about what the fans here think of him.

Li Xianghe also came over stealthily and sat next to him to peek.

Chen Yi Qiu found a scoring post that compared the strengths of each position between TOP and RNG.

First is the top lane position, Reaper versus Letme.

The comments below are all the same:

[Ten to zero, no suspense.]

[4:4, RNG probably wants to V, pretending not to go on the road. ]

【Letme will be considered successful if he still has a tower in ten minutes. 】

Now Peanut and Li Xianghe still have some problems in oral communication, but they have basically no problem with literacy, especially the common expressions on the Internet.

After reading it, Xiao Huasheng muttered: "As expected of Brother Yi Qiu, they still trust you so much."

Chen Yiqiu responded: "It hasn't been long since the S-League. Do you think I will decline drastically?"

Continue reading, in the jungle position, Peanut faces Karsa.

[40:60, Peanut is just a scoundrel. ]

[70:30, that's about right, the champion is better than the top 16. ]

[It's a 50-50 split. I think Peanut is probably overrated.]

[20-80, I have inside information, RNG's substitute jungler is very strong, invincible in the training match, beat the opponent in fifteen minutes and surrendered directly.]

Peanut was a little surprised: "So many people are optimistic about him? I remember that the FW team seemed to have always been in the top 16, and this guy was eliminated in the group stage in the two World Championships."

Chen Yiqiu responded: "Well, although FW can dominate the LMS region, the overall strength of their region is relatively poor, so FW is always a runner-up every time they enter the S game."

Little Peanut suddenly became motivated: "I have to perform well today. I can't let them look down on me."

Lee Sang Hyuk joked, "If you start talking about trying your best now, it will be hard to find excuses if you lose."

After hearing this, Peanut was stunned and felt that it made sense!
Continue reading, mid lane position, Lee Sang Hyuk VS Xiao Hu!

The following evaluation is naturally one-sided.

[Ten to ten, nothing much to say.]

[The gap is too big, 10 to 10.]

[Let's go with 9-1. What if Xiaohu wins by holding onto the bottom lane giant? ]

When Li Xianghe saw these comments, he seemed quite satisfied and did not refute anything.

Continue reading, Gala vs. UZI.

The following comments are a polar reversal:

[0-10, nothing much to say. ]

【0-10, RNG is counting on the bottom lane to win the game. 】

[Ling Shi Kai, where did this Gala find this passerby from? This ID is also non-mainstream. ]

Chen Yi Qiu was not surprised. Normally, professional players need to go through LDL training before entering LPL.

Chen Wei has never played a game yet. Not to mention his skills and hero proficiency, his on-field experience, mentality and so on are enough to make him suffer.

Next, in the support position, Crisp vs. Ming.

The following ratings are similar:
[Zero to ten, where did this non-mainstream thing come from? 】

[Zero Ten Open, if Top Esports can't find a support, I can go. 】

[It's a 0-10 game, it's a mess, the bottom lane is a pure breakthrough point. ]

Continuing to read the overall evaluation, Chen Yiqiu saw an interesting sentence:
【This is the closest Uzi has ever been to defeating Reaper and Faker. 】

From the audience's perspective, it seems to be the case.

Suddenly, Chen Yiqiu's phone rang, and it turned out to be a message from Jin Min-a, "Come on, Oppa! I'm watching the game, come on! You must win!"

Then there were three selfies, with a tattoo of Chen Yi Qiu’s game ID on his face, with a heart printed next to it.

Seeing this, Chen Yiqiu replied, "You will definitely win! Wait for my good news."

Just then, a staff member appeared at the door and reminded:

"Everyone from Team TOP, the game is about to begin. Please prepare to go on stage."

In the official live broadcast room, the game has not started yet, but the comments are already boiling:

[Time is up, hurry up! ]

[Reaper, my idol, the savior of LPL! ]

[Come on, I thought Reaper could win the LPL championship, but they picked these two in the bottom lane, how unlucky! ]

[Can we do this, if RNG wins today, we replace RNG's mid, top and jungle with TOP's mid, top and jungle? ]

[Haha, Uzi likes to eat resources so much, who wants to be on the same team with him? ]

[RNG has two useless players in the middle and top, how can Uzi win the game without taking up resources? ]

[That is, if it were Reaper and Faker, Uzi could also be a tool. ]

RNG fans suddenly started to fantasize, they wanted Chen Yi Qiu and Li Xianghe to join RNG.

This will form a true galactic battleship.

After the commercial ended, three commentators appeared on the live broadcast screen, and Wawa said:
"Hello, everyone. The opening match of the 2018 League of Legends Professional League Spring Season is about to begin. The newly formed Galaxy Battleship TOP will face RNG!" Miller continued, "This opening match should be the most popular opening match I have ever seen. Judging from the information provided by the director, the current popularity has exceeded that of last year's summer finals!"

Guan Zeyuan: "This popularity is too exaggerated! RNG has made some adjustments to its personnel this year, with the addition of Karsa, the jungler of the Electric Wolves. From the current situation, Karsa is the jungler in the starting lineup reported by RNG, and he will play in the opening game. They have a lot of ideas."

Wawa: "I think it should be like this. Mlxg is indeed very good, but Peanut is definitely very familiar with his style of play, while Karsa is different. No one can say for sure how Karsa will perform after joining RNG."

"Under such circumstances, let Karsa play in the opening match. This is a big gamble! If the bet is right, maybe we can really win!"

As the three were talking, the host Yu Shuang said, "Now, let's welcome the contestants from both sides to the stage!"


The audience cheered in unison:


"Uzi, revenge! Today!"

"The closest we've ever been to defeating Reaper!"

“A comeback battle! A battle to prove myself as the world’s best ADC!”

RNG fans have high expectations for this opening game. If they can win, RNG may take off.

The director gave Karsa a close-up, after all, it was his first time playing in the LPL.

But there are no fans yet.

After the five members of RNG appeared, they lined up on the stage.

Next, it was TOP’s turn.

The final makeup photos of the five members of the TOP team appeared on the big screen.

Chen Yi Qiu and Li Xianghe stood in the middle, once the twin stars of SKT.

Xiao Huasheng showed his back and turned his head to the side, standing slightly above Chen Yiqiu and Li Xianghe, forming the top, midfield and jungle iron triangle.

As for Chen Wei and Liu Qingsong, they are a bit off the beaten track. One on each side, Chen Wei looks like a minion, while Liu Qingsong gives people a feeling of being out of touch with the team.

Of course, this was not arranged by Chen Yi Qiu. If he were here, he would definitely not look down on Chen Wei and Liu Qingsong so much.

In fact, they are only responsible for cooperating with the photo taking, and the final effect is not their concern.

Chen Yiqiu led four players to the field, and the atmosphere reached a climax:

"Ahhh! Reaper, I want to give birth to a monkey for you!"

"Reaper, the hero of LPL, bring LPL the first championship!"

"LPL, rise up!"

LPL fans' expectations for TOP team are not just about winning the league championship. They are already thinking about LPL's first S-League championship.

After Chen Yi Qiu stood up, he suddenly felt someone staring at him, so he turned his head and saw that it was UZI!

UZI looks quite different from when he was in the All-Star Game. The biggest difference is his confidence!

Chen Yi Qiu estimated that this confidence was probably not given to him by his RNG teammates, but by Liu Qingsong and Chen Wei.

Of course, the current Liu Qingsong and Chen Wei are definitely no match for RNG’s bottom lane, after all, this is their first time playing in LPL.

But it is not as easy as people say on the Internet, as if two people will die as long as UZI frowns.

The director gave each TOP member a close-up shot, causing the audience to scream.

In the commentary booth, Wawa commented: "You can see that the players on both sides are in a good mental state. They are all under pressure, especially TOP's bottom laner, Gala. Did you notice that he seems to be particularly nervous?"

Miller agreed: "I can see that too. I can only say that it is understandable. Anyone would be nervous in their first top-level league game. I hope he can overcome it."

Guan Zeyuan continued, "Regarding TOP and Reaper, I have one more thing I want to share with you. Since TOP was formed and Reaper came, have you noticed that the environment in the national server has become incredibly good? I heard that there are no more actors in the high-ranking segments, and they are accurate if you report them."

"The Chinese server was previously criticized as the worst among all servers. Now it has become the best. I am a little uncomfortable with it. According to rumors, this is all Reaper's idea."

As the three commentators were talking, the players from both teams sat down on their chairs. Chen Yiqiu put on his headphones, pulled his teammates into the room, and tried to communicate with them:
"Can you hear it?"

Li Xianghe responded: "No problem."

Peanut followed closely behind: "Very clear."

Liu Qingsong: “Yeah.”

Chen Wei was more low-key: "I heard it."

After both sides are ready, they enter the BP phase of the first game.

The director subconsciously gave a close-up of RNG coach Feng Ge, and then gave a close-up of Hongmi from TOP.

In this game, TOP is on the red side and RNG is on the blue side.

Wawa continued to explain: "During the ban phase, RNG chose to target the top lane, banning Fiora, Shen and a Gnar."

Miller muttered, "Triple ban the top laner? To be honest, this method is a bit old-fashioned. When Reaper emerged, many teams chose to do this, but later found that it was useless."

"RNG is playing the retro style now, and they triple-ban the top laner right from the start."

Wawa explained: "Then TOP targeted the bottom lane and banned Caitlyn, Varus, and Kalista. This targeting was quite direct, going straight for Uzi. Neither side was hiding anything."

Enter the hero selection phase.

The blue team's RNG directly locked onto Ornn on the first floor!
After Ornn was locked in, Wawa commented: "Ornn! This should be Ornn's first appearance in LPL. He is a new hero released last year, and Letme actually brought him out in the opening game. He is quite something!"

Guan Zeyuan analyzed: "The current version has undergone considerable changes. In addition to the hero Ornn being available, the original rune system has been cancelled and the talent system has been redone, so this game is a very good reference."

"There are many casual players who don't know how to play in the new version. After watching today's game, you can go back and imitate the professional players' tactics."

It was TOP's turn to choose, and Chen Yiqiu directed: "Just follow our previous ideas."

As he spoke, he had already locked onto the captain on the first floor.

"Wow! Reaper also chose to lock on the top lane on the first floor? It seems that he is very confident." Miller commented.

Then, Peanut got Zach on the second floor.

It's RNG's turn to choose.

Wawa commented: "RNG got Prince and Galio on the third and fourth floors. This is a classic combination of RNG. They brought it out again, but this time there was no Rambo in the top lane."

Miller analyzed: "I think it's mainly because Letme didn't dare to choose Rumble when facing Reaper. If he was facing other top laners, he might have chosen it."

Guan Zeyuan continued: "It was TOP's turn again. TOP got Azar on the third floor. This is one of Faker's best heroes. He is very stable."

Entering the second round of BP, TOP banned Tristana and Vayne, while RNG banned Annie and Stuntman.

The audience was shocked:
“Oh my god, one side banned five ADCs, the other side banned two, all seven ADCs are gone? Are there any heroes left to choose from?”

"This is crazy, isn't it? Everyone, please stop playing?"

"Routine! This is TOP's routine. If you can't beat the bottom lane, just ban all ADCs!"

"Can we play it this way? That's interesting."

Wawa commented: "The competition for the BP in the bottom lane was very intense. TOP got Kog'Maw on the fourth floor! It was Kog'Maw? How does RNG plan to deal with it?"

Miller exclaimed: "Xayah and Rakan! RNG got Xayah and Rakan on the fourth and fifth floors! In last year's S game, UZI was questioned for not knowing how to play Xayah. Is he trying to prove himself by bringing him out in this game?" (End of this chapter)

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