LOL: You don’t want to be broadcast live on the entire network, right.?

Chapter 382: Reported, can Xiaohu stop aiding the enemy?

Chapter 382: Reported, can Xiaohu stop aiding the enemy?
Finally, TOP locked Braum on the fifth floor, and the lineups of both sides were determined:
TOP of the red side: top lane Gangplank, jungle Zac, mid lane Tsar, ADC Kog'Maw, support Braum.

Blue side RNG: top lane Ornn, jungle Jarvan IV, mid lane Galio, ADC Xayah, support Rakan.

After the lineup is determined, start adjusting talents and summoner skills.

Hongmi encouraged the players: "Focus and don't be too nervous. Treat it as a training match."

Chen Wei rubbed his hands and breathed out. His hands felt cold.

The venue was air-conditioned, but it wasn't actually cold. It was mainly because he was nervous.

Hongmi walked to the center of the stage, shook hands with Feng Ge, and left.

Entering the game screen, Wawa began to explain:

"The talent system has been updated this season, and the director was very considerate to show us the talents of the ten players on both sides... Oh my god, what's going on with TOP? Both the mid and top players have this new talent, a sign of stealing!"

Miller explained: "I have to explain here that the Kleptomancy talent can be used to increase extra economic income. The specific method is to release a skill, and the next time a basic attack hits an enemy hero, you will have a chance to draw a prize. What you draw depends on luck."

"It could be an eye, medicine, or a lucky bag. When you open the lucky bag, there are gold coins. That's probably it. The top, middle, and upper are all omens of theft. That's interesting. We can see how much money they can steal."

The audience was discussing:

"These two talents are not very good in the early laning phase, will they fail?"

"Why didn't RNG show any sign of stealing?"

"Is this talent useful or not? Who should I listen to?"

"Need I tell you? It's definitely RNG."

"That's enough. How many champion players does RNG have?"

Neither side had any intention of fighting a level one group.

Chen Yi Qiu's Captain went straight to the top lane, walked along the line of soldiers all the way to the top lane bush, and it was the opposite bush.

The director gave a close-up of Chen Yi Qiu, then the mid lane, the jungle, and finally the bottom lane.

Seeing that no one in the team was talking, Chen Yiqiu said to comfort them: "The coach just said that we should treat this as a training match. How do we usually play training matches? The jungler and the support will control the rhythm in the early stage."

Liu Qingsong then instructed Chen Wei: "Develop in the early laning phase. You will definitely lose in the laning phase. Xayah and Rakan are strong in the early phase."

Xiaohuasheng also began to give orders: "Our lineup in this game focuses on development, and it is difficult to cooperate with the jungler. At level 6, I can go to the middle lane to take a look, and the other lanes will depend on the situation."

Soon, the first wave of soldiers came, and Letme's Ornn followed behind the soldiers and went straight to the grass where Chen Yi Qiu was.

Suddenly, Chen Yi Qiu's Captain stood in the grass and used the Q skill on Ornn.

Wawa explained: "Here it comes. Captain's Q skill can trigger the special effect of basic attack, so theoretically, his Q skill can directly trigger the Kleptomancy. What can be stolen with the first Kleptomancy?"

The Captain's Q skill fell on Ornn, and a golden number "5" appeared, indicating that the Captain obtained five gold coins, but this is not the point.

At this moment, something no one expected happened.

The captain of this level actually started setting off gunpowder barrels!
The three commentators were all stunned. Gangplank could click Q or E at level 1. It was normal to click E at level 1 when fighting in melee combat. It was not a big deal, but...

Miller exclaimed: "No, didn't the Captain choose the Q skill at level 1? Why can he use it... I know, he stole the skill potion!"

However, Letme didn't know what was happening at this time and was still walking forward, approaching the ranged soldiers. He thought that the captain couldn't rush out and fight him with the ranged soldiers.

If the captain really did this, he could win by standing still.

Just then, the captain really rushed out, approached Orn, and fired a fire knife.

Ornn chose to click W Bellows Breath, used Bellows Breath to put Gangplank's passive on him, and then used a basic attack...

However, before Ornn could unleash his basic attack, he suddenly discovered something terrifying.

This captain is actually setting a powder keg!

"No? Two skills at level 1? Are you kidding?" Letme was dumbfounded. He suddenly felt a little insane. Was it an illusion? Did the captain not Q him?
Suddenly, Gangplank used a Q to hit the gunpowder barrel in the bushes, and a double barrel hit Ornn, refreshing his passive, and then another fire knife was used on Ornn.

Then place the third powder keg right under your feet.

"Ah?" Letme saw it clearly this time. The Captain had both Q and E, but he was only level 1!

"BUG! There's a BUG in the top lane! Pause, pause immediately!" Letme shouted.

Hearing this, Ming paused immediately.

At this time, the comments in the official live broadcast room were boiling:
[Cheating! If this isn't cheating, what is this doing? Learning two skills at level one? ]

[No, don't you know what a skill potion is? ]

[Don't be ridiculous, this is cheating, are your fans of Top Esports so persistent? ]

[I met a fool. They didn't know what to steal because they didn't know the omen of theft. 】

[You're not going to act anymore, are you? You have two skills at level 1, and you're still saying you're not cheating. Are you taking us for fools? ]

At this time, the referee had already found Letme on the stage and asked, "Why did you pause here? What do you mean by BUG?"

Letme pointed at the captain and said, "This captain has two skills at level 1, both Q and E."

Hearing this, the referee was stunned and didn't know what to say for a moment.

Letme said righteously: "I won't say he took advantage of the bug, give him some face, but this is indeed a bug, at least it should be reopened."

The referee rolled his eyes. "Others have Kleptomancy, and if they steal a skill potion at level 1, they can upgrade another skill. Don't you know that?"

"Ah? Is... is there such a saying?" Letme was stunned.

The referee was unhappy now: "I now have reason to suspect that you are deliberately causing trouble and interfering with the normal progress of the game."

The referee thought, as a professional player, how could he not even understand talent? Letme might have done it on purpose.

Mlxg at the side helped to speak up: "Referee, he probably didn't do it on purpose. You understand, the heroes he played... couldn't possibly have Kleptomancy, right? So it's very likely that he really didn't know."

When the referee heard this, hey, that makes sense!

Letme only chose tank heroes that can withstand pressure, such as Poppy, Treant, Titan, and Ornn. These heroes do not have Kleptomancy.

Generally, only very offensive top laners will have this kind of talent, such as heroes like Gangplank, Gnar, and Vampire.

"Okay, forget it this time, and resume the game."

The other RNG players were stunned. How could they meet such an excellent teammate?
In the commentary booth, Wawa explained: "It was suddenly paused. We need to wait for news from the front... The game resumed, pretty fast."

"News from the front, this pause was... a mistake? Ah, could it be a mistake? The reason is that RNG's top laner Letme didn't know the effect of Kleptomancy and mistakenly thought that Gangplank's two skills at level 1 were bugs..."

Hearing this, Miller and Guan Zeyuan couldn't hold it anymore.

Miller laughed, "Hahahaha... No, doesn't Letme read the version instructions? It's ok for him not to read the instructions, but why doesn't he try it himself?" Guan Zeyuan seemed to have discovered a new world and exclaimed, "I know! Letme plays a tank, he definitely doesn't use Kleptomancy. Think about it, he doesn't even know how to use the hero who can use Kleptomancy!"

The audience burst into laughter:

"Steady! This is Letme! So stable!"

"I suddenly feel that playing professionally is not that difficult. I might as well give it a try."

"Does RNG still need a top laner? I'm Gold III, but I know the effect of Kleptomancy."

"Don't be so mean, Letme is just trying to create some comedy effect, you know... No, I can't continue, hahahaha."

In the first row of the audience, a girl with a ponytail, wearing sunglasses, a mask and a baseball cap, is paying attention to the situation on the field.

She breathed a sigh of relief when the game resumed.

This opening match was extremely important and could not afford to fail. During the timeout just now, her heart skipped a beat, fearing that something might have gone wrong.

Who knew it was such a misunderstanding!
Ponytail glared at Letme, thinking that there are too many slacking top laners like this, which is very disadvantageous to LPL. We need to work hard in this area, forcing them not to slack off and to carry the team!

The game resumed, Chen Yiqiu's Gangplank was chasing Letme's Ornn, and Letme had to run away. Although they were both level 1, Gangplank had two skills. Who could withstand this? Even with the help of the minions, he couldn't withstand it.

After driving Letme away, Chen Yi Qiu chose to turn back and finish him off, so Letme could only get some experience.

In this game, Chen Yi Qiu did not intend to use his main energy to suppress Letme. If he wanted to suppress Letme, he could just not give Letme experience. The focus of this game should be on his own development and the bottom lane.

Letme shut himself up and yelled at the designer like crazy. "Whose talent was researched with sand coins? Two skills at level one? I'll beat you to a banana boat!"

In the bottom lane, Chen Wei and Liu Qingsong were playing a game together for the first time. They had a hard time at level one. The opponent crossed the line of soldiers to suppress them, leaving them no chance to eat the line of soldiers.

Then you can only go up and fight. Although you lose in blood exchange, the opponent's line of troops cannot be controlled, so at least you can develop.

Wawa commented: "RNG's bottom lane is still stable and suppressing the opponent steadily. This is the same as our prediction before the game. Now it depends on when RNG's bottom lane can get a kill."

In the top lane, the second wave of soldiers came, Letme followed the soldiers, and Chen Yi Qiu shot him back.

Letme chose to use skills to clear the minion line. He did not fight back because he could not win. Pushing the minion line was more important.

In the early stage, the CD of the Captain's E skill is relatively slow. Letme plans to take the damage from the ship and make last hits. When he runs out of blood, he will go back to replenish. There should be no problem playing like this.

As the captain fired a shot, a golden item appeared in the captain's inventory.

The director also gave a close-up.

Wawa explained: "This is a lucky bag. You can get gold coins after opening it. The exact amount of gold coins depends on your luck. It could be anywhere from 40 to 110."

Miller: "Another Q skill gunfire negotiation, what is it this time... life potion! The name of this life potion is stolen life potion, which is a strange name."

The director switched the camera to the middle lane, and Lee Sang-hyuk's Tsar in the middle was also a sign of theft.

His Tsar summoned sand soldiers, but did not use them to attack immediately. Instead, he used basic attacks to damage Galio, which triggered the omen of theft.

Guan Zeyuan laughed: "I found that after I took the Kleptomancy talent, my approach to laning changed. Before, I was thinking about how to use skills to consume more of the opponent's health, but now I just want to trigger the Kleptomancy talent to see what I can steal."

With three and a half minutes left in the game, Letme's Ornn was beaten home and had to return to the city for supplies and TP out to continue fighting.

The situation in the middle lane is similar. Xiaohu's Galio can't hold on anymore and can only TP first.

However, Xiaohu's situation was slightly better, because Tsar had to go back even though he had no blue left, and both of them used up their TP.

The director gave a close-up of the Tsar's equipment bar, and everyone was shocked to find that there were a lot of things in the Tsar's equipment bar.

Stolen life potion, stolen biscuit, control ward, Doran's ring.

The audience was discussing:

"Why do I feel like this game has changed? Has it become a collection game now?"

“There are a lot of things, but they don’t seem to be of any use.”

"You're treating Xiaohu like a boss and repeatedly brushing off his equipment, right? You really know how to play."

"Xiaohu, can you please stop aiding the enemy? Can you send less?"

The audience's attention was focused on the top two players in the middle, to see what they could steal.

Suddenly, bad news came from the bottom lane, Chen Wei’s Kog’Maw was killed!

First blood bursts out, UZI gets first blood!

Wawa commented: "Here comes the first blood, and it is indeed the bottom lane. I think it is very likely that Topbo's bottom lane will be breached. The kill is still Xayah's, and she also has the advantage in last-hitting, so Topbo's bottom lane will be a bit difficult to beat."

Miller continued, "I feel that the combination of Kog'Maw and Braum is too weak in laning. I don't know what Top Esports thinks. Is it because Gala's Kog'Maw is so good in teamfights, or is it because they can't win in laning and can only choose heroes with development skills?"

On the Top Esports side, after being killed, Chen Wei quickly apologized: "My, my, I was too slow to flash. I didn't expect Xia on the opposite side to flash up and deal damage."

Liu Qingsong comforted him: "It's okay."

However, he just said it was okay and didn't give any reason.

At this moment, Mlxg's Prince appeared in the middle lane.

Xiaohu used Galio's W flash to cooperate with Mlxg, but Li Xianghe reacted quickly and flashed at the same time as Galio, leaving him no chance.

"Galio didn't flash." Li Xianghe reminded.

Peanut responded, "Wait until level 6, and then I'll go to the middle lane to gank."

The director's camera was directed to the top lane again, and everyone saw that the captain had two lucky bags on his body.

Wawa explained: "Two lucky bags? If you count the gold added by Gangplank's Q skill, and the five gold coins guaranteed for each use of Kleptomancy, I feel like it's almost a solo kill."

Miller agreed: "Yes, from an economic point of view, it's almost the same kill. Although RNG's bottom lane has one blood, the economy of both sides is the same. Can you believe it? This is when the Captain's lucky bag is not used. This is the power of Top Esports's Kleptomancy Omen."

Five minutes into the game, Peanut's Zac gave the top laner a signal: "Brother Yiqiu, let me help you catch a wave."

"The river provides a view." Chen Yi Qiu reminded.

Peanut responded: "You push the lane, we go over the tower directly, I have a passive."

At this time, Ornn was low on health, and Chen Yi Qiu pushed the troops forward to the defensive tower, preparing to cooperate with Zac to cross the tower.

However, after the soldiers entered the tower, Chen Yi Qiu found that there was no one under the tower.

"Ah? He actually went back? He went back without taking on so many soldiers?" Little Peanut was very surprised.

Chen Yiqiu thought it was normal: "He is just like that."

(End of this chapter)

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