LOL: You don’t want to be broadcast live on the entire network, right.?

Chapter 383 High EQ: Team-oriented top laner, Low EQ: Mixed top laner

Chapter 383 High EQ: Team-oriented top laner, Low EQ: Mixed top laner
From a bird's eye view, Letme has returned to the city for supplies and is heading up the lane, while the troops under the defensive tower are being consumed by one.

Wawa commented: "Is this Letme? I thought he was going to be attacked by a tower diver because of his low health, but he went back without saying a word, preferring to lose soldiers rather than give us a chance!"

In the official live broadcast room, the comments were boiling:
[This is Letme, a team-oriented top laner, do you understand? 】

[High EQ: Team-oriented top laner, Low EQ: Mixed top laner]

【Good job Letme, just play like this, don’t give them any chances. 】

[As long as the top laner doesn't die, we can win this game. ]

[The bottom lane is about to take off. 】

Letme returned to the line, and Chen Yi Qiu's Captain continued to push the line into the tower. His mana was running low, so before going back, he chose to consume the enemy in front of the defensive tower and use up the last bit of mana.

Then, the third lucky bag appeared on the captain.

Wawa explained: "This probability is quite high. It's only been a few minutes and there are already three lucky bags."

Miller continued: "But then again, he triggers this talent very frequently, and it keeps triggering. Letme is giving it too many opportunities."

Captain Chen Yi Qiu returned to the city for supplies and used up all three lucky bags, so the amount of money on his body started to increase: 100, 85, 110.

Guan Zeyuan analyzed: "Oh my god, so cool? It's equal to a solo kill. Some people didn't seem to be killed, but they were actually killed. The captain directly took out the Radiance. He can even take out a pair of straw sandals and a long sword. Is he so rich? Generally speaking, the captain at this time can only take out one Radiance."

Wawa made another new discovery: "This time, the captain went back and used the lucky bag, which directly led to Topbo's economic lead of 300. This is a sign of theft!"

Chen Yi Qiu TPed to the top lane and continued to use the Q skill to steal money.

Not only that, for each wave of soldiers, Chen Yi Qiu chose to use the gunpowder barrel and the Q skill to kill them all at once, so that every soldier could get the extra economy from the Q skill.

Seven minutes into the game, Xiaohuasheng ganked the middle lane and killed Xiaohu's Galio.

The game time is eight minutes.
Mlxg GANK the bottom lane, cooperated with Galio to pack four on two, and helped UZI get a kill!
UZI was happy now: "Nice! Just take off, brothers!"

Xiaohu also shouted: "Take off! Take off! I'm already lying down."

RNG fans at the scene were also cheering:

"Nice! This is a sure thing. I feel like it's a sure thing."

"Uzi got three kills at the start, and Faker only got one kill on the other side. How can he win?"

"It's okay for Faker to get kills, as long as it's not in the top lane."

"I knew that the two shitty bottom laners in Top Esports would definitely drag us down. Now I believe it."

Just when RNG fans were excited, suddenly, the Captain used his ultimate move.

The prince who was holding the tower and had little health left was killed by the captain's ultimate move.

Chen Yi Qiu got a kill.

UZI was originally smiling happily, but when he saw Gangplank get the kill, his smile froze and he cursed:

"No, can you be beaten to death? Can't you be more careful?"

Mlxg was also a little speechless. He died even though he was not in Top Esports' field of vision. What was this? Was it a prediction?
Ming comforted him: "It's okay, it's just one kill, you are the best developed now, the captain can't compare with you."

However, some people don’t think so, Letme!

At first he thought this was a sign of theft, but as he kept getting robbed, he realized that the captain was a bit lucky. If this continued, the captain's development would explode!
Twelve minutes into the game, Mlxg's Prince and Galio ganked the bottom lane again.

This time Liu Qingsong reacted faster. He immediately led Chen Wei to retreat when he found something was wrong: "Someone is coming from the other side. Let's go."

As the two were about to leave, Mlxg's prince rushed out from the side.

"You go." Chen Wei chose to sell himself. The opponent was definitely going to kill him. If he went with Braum, he would most likely die.

So the big mouth was killed again, and UZI got the fourth kill.

Wawa explained: "This Kog'Maw has died three times and was suppressed by 30 knives. To be honest, the disadvantage is too big. Although it is better than I expected, Kog'Maw probably has no chance to perform at this disadvantage."

Miller agreed: "It is indeed better than expected. After all, this is a statement made by RNG's mid and jungle after being targeted. It is better than the average rookie, but it does not mean much."

At this moment, news came that the Rift Herald had been killed, and Captain Chen Yi Qiu got the Eye of the Herald.

Back on the line, Chen Yi Qiu first destroyed the opponent's top lane tower, and then led the troops towards the second tower.

Top Esports' bottom lane tower was also destroyed. Liu Qingsong reminded his teammates: "The opponent will definitely switch lanes, so be careful."

Peanut reminded him, "Brother Yiqiu, be careful. The other side will probably come looking for you."

Chen Yi Qiu returned to the city for supplies and moved to the bottom lane to continue pushing the line, releasing the Rift Herald and taking down a tower.

Eighteen minutes into the game, RNG started a team fight in the middle lane, killed the Top Esports duo, and took down the middle lane tower.

UZI’s Xia has already got six kills and is about to become a super god!
UZI got excited: "This Top Esports bottom lane is really bad, they can win just by playing casually."

Ming agreed: "The gap between their bot lane and SKT's bot lane was quite obvious before this."

Xiaohu was so happy: "Then we can beat Reaper and Faker? Holy shit!"

The RNG players were happy, but the commentator found that things were not that simple.

Wawa commented: "I found a problem. Although RNG is ahead in kills and CS in the bottom lane, their economy is getting worse and worse! Have you noticed?"

Miller also felt strange: "Now RNG is leading by five kills, but is actually behind by 3,000 economy? Why is this? The middle and middle lanes do have a lot less last hits, but the difference shouldn't be that big."

Guan Zeyuan began to murmur, "Is it because of the stealing omen? I really want to see how much money the Captain has. How much money does the Captain have now? He has 240 knives now, which is an exaggerated number for the first place in last hits, but Xia also has 210 knives, so the difference is not that big."

At this moment, the director gave the economic panels of ten heroes.

Although Gangplank had one kill and Xia had five kills, Gangplank still had the first place in economy!

The most outrageous thing is that the Captain has a full thousand more economic points than Xia!

The whole audience was in uproar:
"Ah? Impossible, where does so much money come from?"

"Where did this captain get the stolen money?"

"Is it so outrageous? The captain must have borrowed money from the store owner."

"How can he be so rich without any heads?"

Everyone was curious, and the director gave the captain a first-person perspective. First, the passive skill, the captain harvested 1000 gold coins with the passive skill! Then the talent Kleptomancy, 1100 gold coins!

Guan Zeyuan exclaimed: "So much? He relied on the passive and talent of the Q skill to gain more than 2,000 gold coins? If the money from the defensive tower and the advantage of last-hitting is counted, it is indeed 1,000 more than UZI."

Miller muttered: "This talent is quite amazing. It's not even 20 minutes yet and there are so many? And I feel like RNG doesn't seem to know that they are lagging behind economically."

"I'm worried that they think they are far ahead and blindly join the fight only to find that they are completely defeated!"

Twenty minutes into the game, Chen Yi Qiu's captain returned to the city for supplies.

"This knife is going to bite!" The captain has already made the Infinity Blade!
"Stay together." Chen Yi Qiu commanded.

Chen Wei quickly said, "My development is very poor this time, and I don't have much output now." Chen Yiqiu comforted him, "It's okay, I have output."

Chen Wei was about to say something else, but Liu Qingsong said first: "Take a look at the captain's equipment first."

After hearing this, Chen Wei exclaimed, "Ah? Impossible? How can it be a three-piece suit? And such an expensive three-piece suit?"

He wondered how the captain, who only had one head, could have such good equipment.

Both sides began to group together in the middle lane, and RNG's morale was high.

UZI commanded: "Protect me, my damage output is very high, the opponent can't handle it, just one Zac."

Ming responded: "As long as we trick the opponent Braum's shield out first, the rest will be easy."

The five RNG players pushed the middle lane forward, then cleared the vision near the dragon and used the dragon to put pressure on the opponent.

Wawa commented: "RNG's play is very smart. Xia is developing very well now, so they can kill the Baron very quickly. If Top Esports can't come over, they can kill the Baron directly. If they come over, they may be ambushed."

Peanut's Zac was exploring the way ahead, and the Top Esports team was approaching the Baron pit from the jungle.

Li Xianghe threw out a blue trinket eye to confirm that the opponent did not attack the dragon directly, but the blue trinket eye was destroyed by the opponent, and there was no vision again, so he needed to continue to explore the way forward.

Just when Zac was approaching the dragon pit, he suddenly rushed out from the bushes next to him!
Luo made a grand appearance and knocked Zac into the air. Xia followed up with damage. Galio's righteous punch followed by Durand's shield, and Zac was controlled and unable to move.

Peanut quickly said, "Sell! I'm leaving."

He simply couldn't withstand Xayah's output. Letme's Ornn deliberately didn't use his ultimate. He was waiting for the people behind Top Esports to come up and rescue Zac so that they could be caught in one fell swoop.

Then Zac's passive was triggered, and the group turned into four groups. The RNG players continued to output and prepared to get the kill.

Wawa commented: "It's over. After Zac is gone, RNG can go straight to Baron. Now Top Esports is in a bad situation. It's also in a bad situation if they don't go up. Kog'Maw's output is too low and they can't hit anyone."

All RNG fans in the audience cheered:

"Get it! Get this one!"

"Whoever comes up will die! I just want to ask, who else is there?"

"It's so hard. I can only watch my teammates get beaten to death."

"What about the bond between them? Is it just this level?"

Just when everyone thought that Zack would die in vain, suddenly, a TP was given to Zack's organization.

Zach enters invincible state!
Guan Zeyuan exclaimed: "Whose TP is it? The Captain actually gave TP protection? But it was useless. Ornn used his ultimate. Although Zac didn't die immediately, the final result was still the same!"

Ornn activated his ultimate, and Letme really wanted to take it.

Suddenly, Braum opened his shield and confiscated Ornn's ultimate.

"Hey? Where's my ultimate?" Letme was dumbfounded.

However, the Prince followed up with EQ to cause Zac to flash, and the Captain's TP was canceled. He only needed to delay until Zac was resurrected, and there was no need to actually TP down.

The Prince followed up with his ultimate to trap Zac, Tsar and Braum.

Galio is here! Luo dances with his two companions and controls Kog'Maw and Braum in a split second.

"Shurima, your emperor is back!"

At the critical moment, Li Xianghe's Tsar Quicksand teleported into the field and went directly to find Xia, passing by Luo!

The Tsar counterattacked with a Wall of Imperial Guards in an attempt to push Xia back.

Wawa commented: "Here it comes! Faker's Tsar's ultimate move, can it succeed?"

"Feathers flying all over the sky!" However, UZI reacted quickly and used his ultimate to avoid the Tsar's ultimate!
UZI is in a state of complete victory. Now no one can stop his output. The Tsar is right in front of him and can be killed in seconds with just a few hits!

However, just when UZI was about to start performing, suddenly, a Captain flashed over the wall and attacked with a basic attack.

Almost at the same time, a gunpowder barrel exploded and hit Xia!
So UZI flashed back decisively, used his Q and E skills, and took back all the feathers. The Tsar instantly lost half of his health and was controlled.

"Output!" UZI activated W and output like crazy...

However, he just made an attack and the screen went black, and he was killed instantly!

The Captain killed Xia alone!

The audience was shocked:

"Ah? This is just a second?"

"Fuck, what kind of damage is this?"

"A powder keg, one knife, and it's gone in seconds?"

"This is the power of Captain Infinity!"

In the commentary booth, Wawa exclaimed, "She was killed instantly! Xia was killed instantly by Gangplank's Fire Blade's passive bleeding. What kind of damage is this? Oh my god, Xia was at full health this time."

On the other side, RNG's mid, jungle and support cooperated with each other and killed Chen Wei's big mouth.

Xiaohu shouted excitedly: "Big Mouth is gone, Big Mouth is gone!"

He was still waiting for UZI to come up and output, but he found something wrong. A Tsar without an invulnerable body should have been killed by Xayah long ago, so why hasn't Xayah come up yet?

Xiaohu looked back and saw that Xia Ren was gone, but Tsar and Gangplank were still alive. Gangplank chased Ornn and hacked him hard, and Ornn gave up his flash and ran away.

So the Captain and the Tsar came back to find the remaining three people of RNG, and first used a double barrel of EQE, and the health bars of the three people were reduced by a large amount!

Mlxg's scalp tingled: "It's not this captain. What kind of damage is this? I don't understand!"

Chen Yi Qiu's captain rushed forward and stabbed the prince with a knife. With the cooperation of the Tsar, the prince was also taken down by the captain!

"Run!" Xiaohu and Ming found something wrong and wanted to run away.

But it was useless. The captain placed a gunpowder barrel under the two men's feet. When they were about to light it, the captain detonated it first, and the two men's health dropped to the bottom.

Miller was stunned. "This must have hit the aorta. My God, how much blood did he lose? How could a captain with only one head have such strength?"

Guan Zeyuan praised it highly: "This is the power of the theft omen! It's so terrifying, this talent is too scary!"

In the end, the team battle ended in a two-for-four exchange, with the Top Esports duo replacing four opponents!
Chen Yi Qiu took the mid and jungle to fight the Baron together and easily took the Baron buff.

On the RNG side, UZI looked at Gangplank's equipment and doubted his life: "No, where does Gangplank get so much money? He has three sets of equipment per kill, and I also have three sets of equipment. His three sets are more expensive than mine? Why?"

Xiaohu reminded: "Is it because of his talent... Kleptomancy? Besides, the hero Gangplank can earn money very quickly."

UZI put the mouse on Gangplank's Kleptomancy talent and was stunned: "Ah? More than a thousand gold in 20 minutes? Who designed this?"

UZI is very clear about what more than a thousand economy in twenty minutes means in the game.

Not to mention more than a thousand economic gains, one head can change a lot of things. These are four heads!
Ming muttered, "We need to study this talent carefully later. It's too abnormal."

(End of this chapter)

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