Seeing this Draven, the IG fans at the scene exploded:

"Oh my god! You are so brave! Did you just choose it directly? The opponent is Top Esports."

"IG never brought out Draven before, but this AD is a Draven expert. It turns out they were waiting for Topbo!"

"This game is going to be interesting. I feel like Top Esports might have a chance to fail, but IG is very well prepared."

"Don't be anxious. Chen Sheng hasn't chosen his hero yet. Don't jump to conclusions."

At this time, when Top Esports saw IG locking on Draven, Xiao Huasheng wondered, "Can Draven still play in the game? Is he so confident that he would use him when we are facing him?"

Chen Yiqiu responded, "His Draven is quite good. It will be a good experience for our bottom lane."

The audience focused on Top Esports' top lane. Wawa commented: "What hero should Top Esports choose in the top lane? This is crucial. I think from Top Esports' perspective, they need to take Draven's development into consideration. What hero can limit Draven?"

Miller continued, "We also have to consider the laning phase. The opponent is Swain in the top lane. I don't think Chen Sheng will be able to continue to bring Kleptomancy in this match."

As the two were talking, Top Esports locked onto Gnar on the fifth floor, and the lineups of both teams were determined:
TOP of the red side: top lane Gnar, jungle Zac, mid lane Tsar, ADC Varus, support Rakan.

IG on the blue side: top lane Swain, jungle Shen, mid lane Clockwork, ADC Draven, support Thresh.

Seeing that Gnar was locked, Wawa analyzed: "It's Gnar? Then I feel that he shouldn't bring Kleptomancy in this game. Although Gnar is also a long-range hero, it seems unnecessary for him to bring this talent."

Miller agreed: "Forcing Kleptomancy into the game at this time may have a negative impact and make it difficult to gain an advantage in the lane."

Entering the game screen, Chen Yi Qiu chose Doran's Blade and went straight to the top lane.

The director gave both sides a breakdown of the summoner skills of the ten heroes.

Everyone suddenly discovered that Chen Yi Qiu's Nar was a sign of theft.

The official live broadcast room was boiling with comments:

[You are not my buddy, but you are stealing? Are you going to steal even a Gnar? ]

[I feel like Chen Sheng is really addicted this time and is forcing himself to play.]

[It won't flip over, Chen Sheng, please stop doing this, can't you be more steady? ]

[What are you afraid of? If Chen Sheng dares to take it out, he must be sure of it.]

[I don’t dare to watch this game anymore, I feel like there’s going to be problems in the top lane.]

[The opponent is IG, and IG is not a weak team. They should be more cautious. ]

Now Topbo’s fans have been frightened by Chen Yiqiu. They think that since Chen Yiqiu is so obsessed with stealing, something bad will definitely happen.

The opponent did not cause any trouble in the first level group fight, and the game started normally. The first wave of soldiers came out.

On the top lane, Chen Yi Qiu's Gnar was lying in ambush in the bushes opposite.

Swain followed behind the soldier, being quite cautious and sticking close to him so that if a fight broke out the soldier would help him.

Suddenly, Chen Yi Qiu's Nar walked out from the side, and at the same time, a boomerang was launched.

However, Duke reacted quickly. He knew that Gnar would definitely want to get close and use his basic attack to trigger Kleptomancy, so he counterattacked with his Q skill.

An outrageous thing happened. At the moment when Swain used his Q, Gnar turned around!
Gnar turned around and moved slightly to avoid Swain's Q skill, then turned around again and used a basic attack to attack Swain.

Chen Yi Qiu's Gnar just needs to attack once to trigger the Kleptomancy. Although it will attract the hatred of the minions, it can be eliminated by entering the bushes.

"Wow..." Duke felt like he was being fooled and thought he should be more careful next time he used his skills.

The melee soldier was low on health and had entered the stage of finishing off the enemy. Chen Yi Qiu's Narka was on the side and seemed ready to launch an attack at any time.

Suddenly, Chen Yi Qiu used AQ, and killed the soldier with a basic attack. His Q skill flew over the soldier's body and hit Swain.

Duke immediately focused his attention, thinking that this time he must be sure before taking action.

However, this time, Nar was very straightforward and walked straight up.

Duke first tested A with Gnar, and then used his Q skill.

Still empty!

After Gnar finished his A, he retreated and pulled. Swain's Q has a short range and he can be easily pulled away.

This is not the end. After Nal dodged the skill, Zhu turned around and chased forward. He caught the boomerang, so the CD was reduced by 40%.

Chen Yi Qiu chased all the way forward, Swain fought and retreated at the same time, the next Q skill CD was ready, the two sides exchanged a wave of skills, this time Swain's Q finally hit.

However, Swain lost a lot of health. Half of his health was lost at level 1 and he was pushed under the defensive tower. Fortunately, the next wave of soldiers came out and he could follow the soldiers back.

Wawa explained: "This is Chen Sheng's pulling ability. The opponent's Swain's thoughts were all seen through. Moreover, I found that Chen Sheng's style of play can frequently trigger the Kleptomancy Omen even when playing Gnar."

Miller agreed: "Yes, his style of play is very aggressive. It is impossible for him to develop slowly with you. You have to fight against each other in the laning battle. It's either you die or I die."

At this time in IG's lounge, The shy was watching the game with Kim Jong-soo.

Seeing Duke being suppressed in the top lane, Kim Jung-soo was not surprised at all. He had never expected Duke to win the laning phase, as long as he didn't get killed alone.

But The shy on the side kept shaking his head, seeming dissatisfied with Duke's performance.

Kim Jong-soo also noticed The Shy's dissatisfaction, but he pretended not to know.

He is now competing with The shy to see who will compromise first.

In the middle lane, Li Xianghe is laning against Rookie. The Tsar's style of play in the early stage is relatively simple, mainly pushing the line of troops. While summoning sand soldiers, he also looks for opportunities to consume the opponent. The main purpose is still to push the line of troops.

Rookie's playing style is more brutal, and his skills are generally used to consume the Tsar.

However, as the line of soldiers was pushed over, Rookie could only put more energy into dealing with the line of soldiers.

The last-hitting ratio on both sides is now roughly equal. Lee Sang-hyuk has control of the lane, and Rookie has a little more health.

Fans of IG and Top Esports at the scene were all very nervous. After all, there had been all kinds of hype before the game as to who would be better in solo play, Lee Sang-hyuk or Rookie.

Both sides conducted analysis in various dimensions, including data, match records, etc.

However, no matter which analysis method is used, it is not as good as direct confrontation.

Especially in the current situation, neither jungler has ever come to the middle lane, and there is no obvious counter relationship between the heroes. It basically depends on the individual's laning strength.

Seeing the situation in the middle lane, Wawa commented, "The middle lane is basically for development. There won't be many kills before level 6, and it will be difficult to cooperate with the jungler." The commentator is also very cautious on this issue. If you accidentally say something wrong, it may cause great dissatisfaction among one side's fans, and then something big will happen!

Suddenly, bad news came from the bottom lane, Draven got the first blood and Varus was killed!
Miller commented: "So fast? They're only level 2 now, and they already got a kill in the bottom lane? And it was Draven's kill, so the bottom lane is at a big disadvantage."

As the two were talking, the director played the replay.

The replay begins. Draven and Thresh are competing for level 2. Thresh moves forward as if he wants to take the initiative, while Varus and Rakan retreat together. It is obvious that they are aware of the danger.

But just when Draven and Thresh retreated, suddenly, Thresh flashed out from the bushes on the side, hit Varus with his E skill at the maximum distance, and brought Varus back!
Draven's healing speeded up and he came up to output damage, and Liu Qingsong's Luo made a grand appearance to try to stop Draven.

As a result, Draven used flash to step over Luo and attack Varus face to face!
Thresh handed over the hook, Varus handed over the flash, and an outrageous scene appeared. Varus was predicted to flash! Thresh's hook hit, and Varus was killed.

Wawa exclaimed: "What a cool laning kill! This Thresh's prediction is quite something, it's amazing."

Miller exclaimed: "Such a decisive bottom lane is indeed rare. Generally, the bottom lane focuses on development, and rarely has such a fierce laning match. I have only seen such aggressiveness in the RNG bottom lane, and now I see it again."

On the Top Esports side, Chen Wei took the initiative to take the blame: "Mine, this wave is mine, I flashed and got controlled."

Liu Qingsong comforted him, "It's okay, neither of the two players on the bottom lane flashed."

Peanut responded, "Hold on for now. I may need to be level 6 before I can gank the bottom lane. I'll wait until you're level 6, otherwise it will be hard to cooperate."

As the three were talking, suddenly, good news came from the top lane. Chen Yi Qiu's Gnar completed a solo kill!

And it looks like a solo kill by diving through the tower!

The little voices celebrated loudly: "Nice! Ichigo Nice!"

Chen Yiqiu calmly said, "There is no flash in the top lane."

At this moment, the director gave the replay.

Chen Yi Qiu's Gnar led a wave of soldiers into the defensive tower. The opponent's Swain was now at low health and was under pressure under the tower.

Wawa commented: "Is he so weak at level 3? Swain can rely on his passive to recover health, right? This laning pressure is too great."

Gnar approaches Swain under the defense tower, first uses the Q skill to slow him down remotely outside the defense tower, catches the boomerang, then enters the defense tower, approaches Swain, and first uses a basic attack on the defense tower to trick him into using skills.

But Duke was very smart. He used his Q skill and kept his E skill, Never Return, to avoid being tricked.

However, Chen Yi Qiu still chose to take action, using AQA to create three rings, while attacking and moving at the same time.

At this time, Swain first used his W skill Imperial Vision, and then never returned!

However, at the moment when Never Return made the move, Gnar moved sideways and missed!

Then, when Never Return came back, Swain suddenly used Flash!
Gnar used his flash at the same time, turned around and fired two basic attacks to take the head and complete the solo kill!

Miller exclaimed: "Duke is so insidious this time. He suddenly flashed to change the trajectory of his E skill. Most people would definitely be controlled and killed, but Chen Sheng actually reacted!"

Wawa agreed, "That's right. If he was controlled once and attacked by the defense tower more, Bonnar would be gone. But this is Chen Sheng! He predicted Swain's intention!"

The director gave a close-up of Duke, who was very frustrated at this moment.

He didn't return to the city when his health was low. One reason was that he didn't have enough money, so he couldn't make any equipment if he returned. It was a loss.

Secondly, he felt that it might be possible to do it, and if successful, he could kill Gnar and prove himself.

Now, I have become a background board. I suddenly feel that my little cleverness is useless in front of Chen Yi Qiu.

Just finished watching the upper road, and there was a problem with the lower road!
Ning's Shen came to gank the bottom lane. Although he was seen by the vision, Ning was very decisive. He used E flash to stun Varus from a long distance. Thresh followed up with a hook, and Draven output, and got another kill.

The IG fans at the scene were excited:

"Nice! This is Ning! LPL's No. 1 champion jungler!"

"Just do it, don't mess around with the unnecessary stuff."

"This is Gao Zhenning!"

"We at IG also have our own precise etiquette."

Ever since Chen Yi Qiu’s Shen performed the “Last Precision Etiquette”, all major teams have attached great importance to Shen.

However, a strange phenomenon has appeared within IG. Neither the starting Duke nor the current substitute The shy plays Shen.

On the contrary, the jungler Ning likes to play Shen, and in the end it feels okay. He doesn't suffer any loss during BP when someone plays him.

In the commentary booth, Wawa said: "Draven has two kills now. The situation is not very favorable for Top Esports. Draven is a hero with a strong snowballing ability."

Miller: "But now it seems that Top Esports has no means to limit Draven. Zac's ganking in the bottom lane is uncooperative, and Varus and Luo are still too early to reach level 6, so they can only try to develop as slowly as possible."

The director gave a close-up of Chen Wei's expression. At this time, Chen Wei had already started sweating and was under a lot of pressure.

Five minutes into the game, Chen Yi Qiu continued to torture Swain in the top lane.

He is in a low health state again, and judging from the time, Gnar is about to reach level six.

This time Duke chose to go home and not give Gnar the chance to kill him alone.

The director gave the two people's last-hit data. Now Swain has 21 last-hit hits and Gnar has 44 last-hit hits!

Wawa commented: "The top laner's last hits are already multiples, and this is because Swain himself has long range. His W Imperial Vision has a long release range. If it were a melee hero, I dare not imagine how much he would be suppressed."

Miller suddenly realized: "Wait a minute, what is Gnar trying to do? He seems to be going over the tower!"

Chen Yi Qiu's Nal did not go back, but chose to enter the upper half jungle area of ​​the opposite side, placed a ward across the wall at the position of Toad, and then used Toad to stack anger.

Gnar's anger is already very high, and now it's almost full!
Soon, Duke's Swain appeared, coming from the direction of the second tower, obviously returning to the top lane to develop.

So Chen Yi Qiu's Nal seized the opportunity, used the E skill to pass through the wall, and grew bigger in mid-air!

Wawa commented: "It's time to do it! Is Gnar planning to kill him alone? After landing, the enlarged Gnar used his W skill to control Swain, AQA, picked up the stone, and threw it out again. Swain reacted and used a set of skills QWE in the backhand."

Miller continued, "But Gnar has an ultimate, and with it, Swain is thrown against the wall. Although he is controlled, Swain cannot move. If there is another stone, Swain will not be able to bear it!"

If Swain didn't have two cloth armors on him, he would have been killed long ago. After finally holding on until Gnar became smaller, Swain had no chance of survival.

Although Gnar has no control skills, his output ability is very strong. He chased Swain all the way to output damage. Swain did not flash and was killed behind the defensive tower.

Chen Yiqiu completed a solo kill between the first and second towers on the opposite side! (End of this chapter)

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