LOL: You don’t want to be broadcast live on the entire network, right.?

Chapter 395: A general meets a talented person, a chess player meets a worthy opponent?

The fans at the event felt relieved:
"With Chen Sheng, there will be no accidents."

"It doesn't matter if we give up two kills in the bottom lane, as long as Chen Sheng has the advantage."

"In this game, teammates just need to stay calm and don't give up. Chen Sheng will teach the other team a lesson."

"This is Chen Sheng! Who else!"

"Chen Sheng is starting to behave like a nobody. Swain is in luck this time!"

At this time in the IG lounge, seeing Swain being killed, The shy shook his head again to express his disappointment.

Kim Jong-soo didn't say a word. Under normal circumstances, if someone was killed continuously or even killed behind the first tower, he would have started cursing.

But he deliberately kept silent and was infinitely tolerant of Duke. They were competing to see who had more patience.

At the same time that Chen Yi Qiu completed a solo kill in the top lane, a fight broke out in the bottom lane!
This time they went straight over the tower. Ning's Shen came to the bottom lane to help cross the tower. At level 6, Shen used his ultimate to trap Varus, and Draven output and got the kill.

However, this time he was ambushed by Peanut, and Peanut's Zac flew over with the E skill, knocking away Thresh who was guarding the tower and taking Thresh's head.

Wawa commented: "Varus has died three times! He was also suppressed in terms of last-hitting by 20. IG's tactical execution was very successful in this game. Draven got three kills in six minutes."

Miller agreed: "Yes, the strategy of raising Draven was quite successful. The first wave of line kills can be said to be due to Top Esports's poor performance in the bottom lane, and the remaining two times were targeted by the jungler."

"I didn't expect that the jungler Shen has such a strong ganking ability. It seems that Ning has some understanding of Shen."

On the Top Esports side, seeing Draven's three kills, Peanut felt that things were not going well:

"Be steady on the bottom lane, or we might flip over."

Chen Wei was sweating profusely now, and quickly admitted his mistake: "My fault, this time the opponent's Draven played very well... I made too many mistakes."

Liu Qingsong also felt a little pressure: "We can't fight in the bottom lane, we may need to give up the tower."

Peanut was shocked when he heard this: "It's only been six minutes and you're already placing the tower? That's too early."

Liu Qingsong began to explain: "Draven is a little different. If it were any other hero, Chen Wei is not valuable now, so it would be fine to let him kill a few times, but Draven can make money with his passive, so we can't let him keep getting kills."

Xiaohuasheng was confused. He had never encountered such a situation before. He was considering giving up the first tower after six minutes?
He glanced at the middle lane. Lee Sang-hyeok was now entangled by Rookie. The two were exchanging blood fiercely and neither could do anything to the other.

Li Xianghe definitely cannot spare the hands to support the bottom lane. If he, a jungler, comes to gank alone, even if he is not counter-ganked by Ning, he will not be able to win the battle of three against two.

At this time, Chen Yiqiu spoke up: "Hold on for two minutes, I have TP."

When Chen Yiqiu opened his mouth, Xiaohuasheng felt relieved: "Brother Yiqiu, it's up to you."

Seven and a half minutes into the game, the fight broke out again in the bottom lane. Baolan's Thresh used the same trick again, flashing E and following up with the hook and predicting the flash.

But this time Chen Wei was careful, and he flashed to the side at a tricky angle, which was not predicted.

Wawa explained: "It was so thrilling. I felt scared just watching it. If this hook hit, Varus would be gone again."

Miller muttered, "But now Varus doesn't have flash. If the jungler comes, he will still die."

Without flash, Varus can only use his Q skill to last hit from a long distance, and he can last hit as many as he can.

In the official live broadcast room, the comments were boiling:
[The bottom lane of Top Esports is really bad. Even if I were to fight there, I wouldn't be so miserable. ]

[You know what? If I let you go up and fight, you might be able to win the battle. ]

[You can't even lie down and win? It's too much. 】

[If IG wins this game, I think the MVP should go to this Varus. ]

[If Top Esports doesn’t change their bottom lane, there will be absolutely no hope this year. 】

[I don't understand, why are there so many differences among newcomers? ]

The game is still going on. At eight minutes, Ning's Shen comes to the bottom lane!

"Push the line, we'll go straight over the tower." Ning gave the signal to the bottom lane.

The troops entered the defense tower, and Varus and Luo were still under the defense tower.

Then Shen walked out from behind the defensive tower.

Suddenly, Duke in the top lane reminded: "The opposing Gnar has TP!"

Ning glanced at the top lane, and seeing that Gnar was generally not very angry, he said, "It's okay, you can fight."

Thresh took the initiative, approached Luo and Varus, and used his ultimate.

Almost at the same time, red and blue TPs were given to the bottom lane!

Wawa explained: "Here it comes! Shen is crossing the tower in the bottom lane, and both top laners choose to TP, but will Varus persist? Luo's ultimate charms three people, and Varus's ultimate controls Draven. He is stalling for time!"

Miller continued, "But Varus didn't flash, and Shen's ultimate covered him. Draven started to output, one axe, two axes, he couldn't hold on at all!"

Gnar TP landed!
Chen Yi Qiu's Gary had a clear target. After TP landed, he chased Draven and attacked crazily.

Draven killed Varus first, then turned around to attack Gnar.

"Gnar! Gnar!" Jackeylove kept marking Gnar. If he could kill Gnar, it would be a huge win.

But Chen Yi Qiu was not a fool. He chose to use his E skill to pull back, and used his Q to slow down the Thresh who was guarding the tower on the opposite side. Thresh was killed by the defensive tower, and the kill was taken by Chen Yi Qiu.

The opponent's Swain used his flash to come up and used his E skill to try to control Chen Yiqiu's Gnar. Chen Yiqiu moved sideways and suddenly looked back. Swain's steps were disrupted and he failed to keep up, so his E skill missed.

Liu Qingsong's Luo Qingwu was given to Chen Yiqiu in pairs, and he made a grand appearance and tried to knock Draven away.

Draven turned around and moved to avoid it, but this prevented him from continuing to attack Gnar.

Wawa passionately explained: "Gnar is still dealing damage, he is still dealing damage to Swain, his rage is almost full! Gnar has grown bigger! He uses his E skill to jump into Draven's face, uses his Q to slow him down, and uses W, Draven uses his flash!"

"Salt Shadow kicked over, Gnar looks like he's going to die! He can't handle Draven's damage, he can't take this control!"

Just when everyone thought that Gnar was going to die, Gnar flashed and used his ultimate skill, knocking Shen and Draven against the wall, and Shen's E skill was interrupted!

Gnar followed up with AQA to take down Draven first, then picked up a stone to refresh the Q skill, used a Q to slow down Shen, and then retreated immediately.

Duke's Swain was always using his ultimate to output damage, but he was pure meat, with no damage and no mana, so he ran out of mana while using the ultimate.

The control effect on Shen disappeared, and Gnar took the opportunity to pull him under the defensive tower.

At this time, Gnar's health was very low, and Qing Gangying wanted to kill him. He suddenly used a W tactical sweep and followed with a flash. An outrageous scene happened. At the moment Qing Gangying flashed with W, Gnar turned around and moved!
Gnar entered the inner circle of Shen's W, resulting in insufficient damage, and most importantly, no slowing down.

At this time, Shen was guarding the tower. Normally, he should have retreated, but he was Ning, and he was too excited!
Ning continued to chase forward, seeming very unconvinced.

Chen Yiqiu's Gnar's Q skill slows down Shen, and Luo Sheng appears and knocks him into the air.

Jackeylove tried to stop him: "You can't kill him this time. You're going to be controlled by him."

But it was too late now. Ning had been severely injured by the defensive tower. If he retreated, he would be chased to death. So Ning's Shen kept chasing forward, but was killed by Gary in the end.

Wawa exclaimed, "What is this Shen doing? He seems to have gone crazy after being manipulated by Gnar. Even though he has no chance, he still wants to go for it and give up his own head."

Miller couldn't help but started laughing: "I found a problem in the previous IG game. Ning's playing style is very reckless. This is a double-edged sword. He can seize many fleeting opportunities, but he can also easily get carried away and give the opponent opportunities."

In the official live broadcast room, everyone was joking:
[Is this person intermittently mentally ill? I noticed that he would send it once in a while, and it was very outrageous.]

[Ning is like this, stubborn and can't think flexibly.]

[I guess he got angry out of shame, and was shown off by Chen Shengxiu. ]

[This is how we play the game in the real money and silver divisions. We can’t move when we see low health. ]

[If you want to blame someone, just blame Chen Sheng for his low health. It was him who seduced Ning, otherwise Ning wouldn't be like this.]

The game lasted ten minutes. Although Chen Yi Qiu supported the bottom lane once and killed Draven, the bottom lane was still at a disadvantage and the first tower was pushed down by the opponent.

Moreover, the opponent showed no intention of changing lanes and continued to advance from the bottom lane.

Chen Wei reminded his teammates: "The opponent seems to be planning to pass the level from the bottom lane, they will not switch lanes."

Peanut muttered, "Is there such a strategy? Pushing the tower without switching lanes? Are they trying to take the high ground from the bottom lane?"

Li Xianghe's voice came: "The opponent has no flash and no ultimate, and I don't have it either."

This was the second time that Peanut had heard this. The two players in the middle lane were frantically exchanging ultimates and summoner skills, both wanting to kill the opponent, but each time falling short.

Soon, the two players in the bottom lane of Top Esports were forced to develop under the second tower.

Twelve minutes into the game, Ning's Shen came to the bottom lane to help, but encountered Shen who was counter-camping in the jungle.

Xiaohuasheng was still thinking about helping the bottom lane to counter-camp, but ended up getting beaten up by Shen as soon as they met.

Zac wanted to use the E skill to escape, but was intercepted by Shen's ultimate. Thresh came over with Draven to take the kill.

"Xiba! I feel so uncomfortable when the opponent plays like this." Xiaohuasheng felt that he couldn't perform well and was always restrained by the bottom lane.

Chen Wei said: "You should go help other lanes. The bottom lane is really hard to play. This is my problem."

On the top lane, Chen Yi Qiu took down the opponent's top lane tower, pushed the line of troops to the front of the second tower, went to the jungle to clear out a wave, got three groups of wild monsters, and then the Rift Herald.

When Chen Yi Qiu took down the Rift Herald, his own second tower in the bottom lane was also lost.

Wawa explained: "The top lane and bottom lane are completely different now. The bottom lane is pressing hard and a fight could break out at any time. Gnar in the top lane is very relaxed and can do whatever he wants. Chen Sheng is not in a hurry at all, even though the bottom lane is about to go to the high ground."

Miller analyzed: "This is Chen Sheng's psychological quality. He can always stay absolutely calm in such situations. No matter how his teammates play, they can't interrupt his rhythm."

"Maybe this is why he can always win games. If he is easily disturbed by his teammates, he will definitely not go far."

Chen Yi Qiu took the Rift Herald, while Draven was still pushing the bottom lane with the jungler and support.

Chen Yiqiu released the Rift Herald in the top lane and pushed forward. Swain immediately used his ultimate to clear the minion line, intending to hold back Chen Yiqiu and slow down his advance.

"Aren't you just relaxing?" Chen Yi Qiu was not in a hurry at all. He was waiting, waiting for Swain to run out of mana.

This Swain is wearing only a pair of cloth shoes and an Explorer's arm guard.

Sure enough, Swain, who didn't have any mana equipment, ran out of mana soon. So Chen Yiqiu pushed the tower in front of Swain, and Swain could only use basic attacks to output no damage.

Seeing that the defensive tower was about to be destroyed, Swain finally remembered to retreat, but it was too late!
Chen Yi Qiu's Gary used a boomerang to slow down Swain. At the moment the defensive tower exploded, Gary used his E skill to catch up, chasing Swain all the way.

Swain's health dropped very quickly. Gnar grew bigger, used a Q to slow down Swain, used W to control him, used Q again to slow him down, and used a basic attack to get the kill.

Swain had all the skills in his hands, but because he had no mana, he couldn't use any of them and was beaten to death.

After killing Swain, Chen Yiqiu pushed the high ground on the top lane with the low-health Rift Herald.

At the same time, Top Esports’ bottom lane high ground was also pushed. This time, the mid laners from both sides went over, making it four against four!

But Draven is too fat, and the squishy target will lose its combat effectiveness after two axes.

Rookie's Clockwork is providing cover on the side. If all the Top Esports players rush over to look for Draven, they will definitely be hit by Clockwork's AOE.

In the end, the bottom lane high ground defense tower was not saved and was taken down by IG.

Wawa commented: "Both sides put in a lot of effort in this match. One side took the high ground in 15 minutes, and the other side also took the high ground in 15 minutes. It just depends on who has the faster pace."

Miller agreed: "I feel that Chen Sheng has met his match this time. Although this IG team is young and inexperienced, they are very motivated and dare to fight."

Chen Yi Qiu returned to the city for supplies, and IG did not continue to push the bottom lane.

"I'll lead the bottom lane." Chen Yi Qiu switched to the bottom lane to lead the line, and the duo switched to the middle lane to develop.

IG also made the same decision.

Twenty-three minutes into the game, the fourth dragon spawned.

At this time, IG has three small dragons in hand, two of which are water dragons, and this one is a water dragon. It is not something that Top Esports can give up. Once IG gets three water dragons, it will be very troublesome.

Chen Yiqiu commanded: "Group together and keep good vision of the dragon pit."

Chen Yi Qiu led the bottom lane soldiers to the opposite second tower, and then walked towards the dragon pit.

After the duo pushed the minion line in the middle lane, they also walked towards the dragon pit.

Just then, an accident happened!

Ning's Shen used the E skill and the ultimate to control Varus from the blind spot!
Chen Wei reacted quickly and used flash immediately, but Shen had already used his ultimate and followed him!
Liu Qingsong's Rakan helped to control the situation and delay time, and it seemed that Shen's output was not enough.

However, Draven's ultimate flew over, and the two stages of the ultimate hit Varus, who was half-health, and was killed instantly!
Wawa exclaimed, "Oh my god! Is there such a combination? Shen and Draven cooperated from a very long distance and killed Varus instantly! They are so brave! Most people would never dare to go this deep alone!"

Miller: "Thresh used his lantern to take away Shen, and Topbo's players had no chance to fight back. This IG team is very powerful! What should we do now? Topbo is missing an ADC, can they still take over the dragon fight?" (End of this chapter)

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