After one wave of confrontation, the second wave of confrontation came immediately. Chen Yi Qiu's E skill CD was ready, and the vampire also had the Q skill. The two approached each other, pulled each other, pretending to attack, but not making a move.

Moreover, the two of them also have to take care of last-hitting. Now that the melee soldiers are low on health, it is time to last-hit them.

Both heroes were twitching due to the high frequency of operation, which looked very abstract.

Wawa exclaimed: "Although neither side has touched the other and is still last-hitting, the intensity has increased. The intensity is visible to the naked eye. This feeling is completely different from watching other people's laning."

Miller agreed: "That's right. After all, these two people now represent the highest level of LPL top laners. The top laners of other teams can't beat them."

Suddenly, Chen Yiqiu's Ice Bird took the lead, AEA...

The vampire was just about to make the last hit, and when he wanted to counterattack, his basic attack got stuck. After killing Chen Yi Qiu with his Ice Bird, he immediately retreated. After the vampire used AQ, he failed to launch a basic attack because the distance was not enough.

The vampire chased forward, and Chen Yi Qiu chose to pull back.

Miller explained: "It's manipulated! Vampire's basic attack was blocked. He seems very angry and must fight back. He is still chasing forward. Can he catch up? It will be very uncomfortable if he can't attack, because the Kleptomaniac Omen has not been triggered, but the Ice Bird has been triggered!"

Chen Yiqiu's Ice Bird lured the enemy deep into the territory, and then turned around to confront the vampire. Although the damage of their normal attacks was almost the same, the vampire was being beaten by ranged soldiers. This was Chen Yiqiu's purpose of luring the enemy deep into the territory.

The vampire retreated. It was not a good idea to continue to fight with the minions and exchange blood with the Ice Bird.

Chen Yi Qiu made a small profit by exchanging blood. The second wave of soldiers arrived on the line and both sides entered the time node of fighting for the second place.

Just like before, the two continued to pull each other and reached level two at the same time. This time, Chen Yi Qiu chose to take the initiative and confronted the vampire first, then followed up with a Q skill, and the vampire took a sip.

After the two of them used their skills, the talent of Kleptomancy had been activated and could be triggered with just one basic attack.

However, Vampire was in an awkward situation because Anivia had used her Q skill and was flying towards him. He could only choose to dodge the Q skill by moving and then go for a basic attack, but the opportunity had been missed. After Anivia caught up with EA, he directly pulled back.

Miller explained: "Hey, this is a big loss. The vampire didn't trigger the theft omen, but the ice bird did, and stole a bottle of blue medicine. This is very comfortable. The blue medicine is useless for the vampire, but it is useful for the ice bird."

Wawa continued, "It seems that Vampire is indeed having a hard time against Anivia. He can't deal full damage and needs to move to avoid Anivia's Q skill. Fortunately, Vampire has a Doran's Shield, so he can try to use up Anivia's mana."

Chen Yi Qiu's Ice Bird continued to put pressure on the enemy and completely took the initiative. The third wave of soldiers came.

Chen Yiqiu's Ice Bird was the first to reach level three and pressed forward. This wave of vampires retreated slowly, so Chen Yiqiu chose to use his Q skill. The vampires chose to move, and suddenly, an ice wall appeared on the vampire's face, directly blocking the vampire!

It was too late for the vampire to move and he was hit and controlled by Anivia's Q skill. Anivia followed AEA and retreated after the fight.

Miller praised: "This is Anivia's high-level combo. Use the Q skill first, then observe the opponent's position, and use the W skill to block the opponent's position. This ensures that the opponent will be hit even if he cannot move!"

Wawa agreed, "That's right. Some Ice Birds use W first and then Q. The effect is definitely not as good as this, but it's very difficult to operate this way. Chen Sheng has obviously practiced for a long time."

"Anivia is almost at full health now, and Vampire is only at a quarter. The laning pressure is really great."

Colonel Guan suddenly laughed: "It looks like Ice Bird has a big health advantage, but it's useless. Look at Ice Bird's mana, it's almost reaching the bottom. Vampire just needs to keep dragging on at the scene, and Ice Bird will soon run out of energy."

However, while the three were explaining, Chen Yi Qiu had already pushed the line of troops over and headed towards the river.

"The top lane is gone." The shy signaled his teammates to be careful in the mid and jungle.

Ning's Mantis was actually already invading, but when he saw Anivia coming and Vampire was held back by the line of soldiers, Ning had no choice but to give up.

The director also gave a special close-up.

Miller commented: "Is this how Chen Sheng takes care of the jungler? He came over to cover the jungler. He is so gentle. I cried to death."

However, just as Miller was joking, something no one expected happened.

The order in which Xiaohuasheng's Shen cleared the jungle was very strange. After he killed the toad, he turned back to get the blue buff.

Everyone didn't realize the seriousness of the problem at first, until the blue buff was left with little health, and Ice Bird came over to take it down with AE.

Everyone present was stunned.

Colonel Guan exclaimed loudly, "Ah? Anivia stole the first blue buff from Shen? What does that mean? The first blue buff must have been given to Shen, right? He definitely stole it."

The director gave a close-up of Peanut's facial expression, but Peanut showed no expression.

Wawa began to interpret: "I think he gave it up on purpose. Look at Peanut, he didn't react at all. If it was robbed, he would have reacted a little bit. Is that okay?"

Miller agreed, "I agree with this point. I really didn't see any opinions or objections from Peanut. I even doubt that he took the initiative."

"I can even say that this game is because we are on the blue side and the blue buff is in the upper jungle area, so Anivia can be used to play in the top lane, because it is actually convenient for him to get the blue buff. Does this make sense?"

But Colonel Guan disagreed: "I think it's wrong to think that Peanut gave in on purpose just because he didn't react. What's Peanut's position in the team? Even if Chen Sheng took his BUFF, he wouldn't dare to react."

In the official live broadcast room, Chen Yiqiu's behavior directly triggered the barrage:

[Caught! I didn't expect you to be this kind of Chen Sheng, you are bullying in the team, right? 】

[This is definitely bullying. How can you not give the first blue buff to the jungler?]

[That’s enough. If I were a jungler, I would give both of my buffs to Chen Sheng, and then just lie down and wait for the crystal of the opponent’s base to explode.]

[As a jungler, it is your honor that Chen Sheng can receive your buff, do you understand? ]

[If Chen Sheng doesn't agree, you want to give him a buff, but he won't accept it.]

Although some black fans wanted to influence Chen Yi Qiu's rhythm, it had no effect.

Chen Yi Qiu's image in the eyes of fans is too great, and it cannot be shaken by such a small thing as getting the first BUFF as a jungler.

Chen Yi Qiu returned to the top lane with the BUFF, and he chose to increase his suppression efforts.

On the IG side, The shy was stunned for a moment when he saw the blue buff on Anivia, and said, "Why does the opposite Anivia have a blue buff?"

Ning looked and saw that it was true. He muttered, "That's not right. I'm not dead. I still have my blue. Oh my god, did the opposing jungler give the first blue to the top laner?"

It's better to be hindsighted.

The shy also understood: "I just used up all his mana, and now I give him a mana buff, just to make it easier for him to suppress the opponent in the top lane. No wonder he was so willing to use his skills to consume the opponent earlier."

Ning has already returned to the city for supplies. Normally, he needs to clear the second round from bottom to top.

But he had already seen that the Vampire in the top lane was difficult to beat, so his original plan was to use his health to drain Anivia's mana, so that he could stabilize the line.

Now this strategy is completely broken by a blue BUFF.

"I'll help you catch one." Ning gave Ice Bird a kill mark.

At this time, The Shy was pinned under the defensive tower, and Ice Bird took advantage of the Vampire's last hit and threw a Q skill at him. Just like before, Chen Yiqiu first observed the opponent's position, and then suddenly attacked, using an ice wall to block the Vampire back.

But this time the vampire reacted quickly. After finding that he couldn't escape, he activated the W skill to enter an unselectable state and avoided Anivia's Q.

Wawa commented: "The top laner Vladimir is under a lot of pressure. He will lose health when he uses his W skill, and the CD is very long. Fortunately, Shen didn't come, otherwise he would have jumped over the tower directly."

Colonel Guan commented: "The main reason is that this blue buff is too disgusting. Vampire's plan to exchange health for blue was quite successful. Wait, Ning's Mantis is walking towards the top lane. Is he planning to knock down Anivia's blue buff? If he can knock down this blue, Vampire will be much more comfortable in the top lane."

Ning walked all the way to the river. At this time, Ice Bird had not reacted yet and was still using skills to consume the enemy.

Suddenly, a mantis came over from the river. Seeing this, Chen Yi Qiu began to retreat calmly.

The shy's vampire wanted to come up and deal damage. After Mantis got close, he was about to start with a basic attack followed by the Q skill, but was separated by Anivia's W.

So Ning used his E skill and jumped up. Chen Yi Qiu was in mid-air. Mantis was controlled by Ice Bird's Q skill. Chen Yi Qiu fought and retreated at the same time, followed up with an E skill, and took the opportunity to pull away.

"It's a bit difficult." Ning could only give up the idea of ​​ganking the middle lane. There was no chance at all.

The shy said: "You go help other lanes first, it's hard for me to help in the top lane."

Ning: "OK, then you can develop on your own."

Chen Yi Qiu's Anivia continued to control the pushing rights in the top lane. The shy had no choice but to return to the city for supplies and use up his TP.

Wawa explained: "Although Ning really wanted to help out in the top lane, it was obviously not effective."

"The ganking ability of Mantis before level 6 is too weak."

Miller continued: "I guess Ning's initial plan was to relieve the pressure on the top lane. It would have been great if he could have used a flash, but it didn't work."

As the two were talking, suddenly, the director's camera turned to the bottom lane, where Jackeylove's Caitlyn and Baolan's Thresh were suppressing the enemy in front of the defensive tower.

And in the bush on the line behind the two people, a blue team TPed to a fake eye.

Wawa passionately explained: "Here it comes! Whose TP is this? Anivia's? Then Miss Fortune and Thresh have nowhere to go."

The two IG players in the bottom lane realized it later. When Jackeylove saw Varus and Luo coming up together, he thought it was the jungler.

“Retreat first.” He led Baolan to retreat. There was vision in the river, so they should be able to make it in time.

However, as soon as I walked away, I suddenly found that it was Ice Bird that came.

"The Anivia on the opposite side has TPed over, someone come over." Jackeylove reminded his teammates, he wanted his teammates to TP over as well.

However, The shy and Rookie responded together: "No TP."

The difference is that Rookie and Lee Sang-hyeok in the middle lane have no TP, so no one can get through.

And in the top lane, only The shy doesn’t have TP!

Chen Yiqiu's Ice Bird landed, and Chen Yiqiu chose to use W to block the policewoman's retreat first.

Then Liu Qingsong's Luo was able to keep up, and made a grand appearance. The policewoman used her flash to pull away, and he didn't dare to use E to retreat as he was easily interrupted.

At the same time, Chen Yiqiu used his E skill on Thresh: "Kill Thresh."

Chen Yi Qiu’s thinking was very clear. If he went to kill the policewoman, she would have the opportunity to use Thresh’s lantern to run away.

The policewoman's flash has been used, which is enough for Top Esports.

Varus uses his E skill to slow down Thresh, and then follows up to deal damage.

Baolan chose to give up Flash and retreat. As soon as he landed, he was controlled by Anivia's Q skill and was finally killed by Anivia.

"Nice!" Chen Wei cheered.

Chen Yiqiu reminded: "Neither of the two opponents in the bottom lane have flash."

Peanut praised repeatedly: "Nice, Brother Yiqiu helped a lot. At level 6, I focused on the bottom lane of the opponent and caught them all accurately."

Chen Yi Qiu’s Ice Bird returned to the city for supplies, and after accommodating them, he went straight to the top lane to continue laning.

In the commentary booth, Wawa explained: "This wave of support was very timely, and it was obviously planned in advance."

"The vision of the bush on the bottom lane must have been prepared in advance, just to facilitate this flanking TP. Was this also within Chen Sheng's calculations? It's so terrifying!"

Chen Yi Qiu returned to the top lane with the blue buff still on him. He chose to use all his skills at once to consume the vampire.

Although the vampire can use the W skill to avoid being controlled, he will also lose blood when he releases W, and will still be at a disadvantage.

The game time reached five and a half minutes, and Chen Yi Qiu's Anivia was still strong in the top lane. Although the blue BUFF was gone, after the last wave of returning to the city, he directly took out the Tear of the Goddess, and the blue energy was still enough.

Wawa explained: "Now Ice Bird has two lucky bags, but Vampire has none. This is not entirely a matter of luck. It seems that Vampire has triggered the theft omen too few times, and he was suppressed by Chen Sheng."

As the two were talking, Chen Yi Qiu's Ice Bird disappeared on the road again.

The director gave a close-up of Anivia, who was seen walking all the way from the top lane to the middle lane. In the middle lane, Lee Sang-hyuk's Ryze and Rookie's Galio were pushing each other.

Chen Yiqiu gave Galio a kill mark: "You can go ahead, I'm coming."

Peanut also gave a signal: "I'll be there soon. I have a big move at level 6."

Peanut's Shen approached from the bottom of the middle lane and used his E skill to hook the wall to get close to Galio.

Chen Yiqiu's Ice Bird came out from above and approached Galio.

"So many people." Rookie reacted quickly. He flashed back directly, and Shen flashed almost at the same time.

"Almost there!" Peanut's Shen couldn't use his ultimate move.

Just then, a wall of ice blocked Galio.

So Shen took the opportunity to follow up and locked Galio with one ultimate.

Wawa commented: "Three surrounded the middle lane, Rookie's Galio was in a miserable state, with nowhere to go, and was killed by Ryze in the end."

Colonel Guan was dissatisfied: "It's not fair! Three against one is not fair, the majority is bullying the minority, Galio didn't even have a chance to roam around to support his teammates, but he got hurt first." (End of this chapter)

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