LOL: You don’t want to be broadcast live on the entire network, right.?

Chapter 419 Don't be afraid of me! With blue buff, Ice Bird is invincible!

Chen Yi Qiu's Ice Bird returned to the top lane and used his ultimate to clear the minion line, and the Vampire had no way to stop him.

The only good news is that after all that trouble, Ice Bird’s mana is gone!
The bad news is that Anivia disappeared for a while, and when he appeared in the top lane again, he had an extra blue BUFF on him.

Wawa didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "The second blue buff also belongs to Anivia. Who is the mid laner? Is the mid laner so undignified?"

Miller explained: "I don't think it's wrong. Just now, Anivia went to the middle lane to gank. Ryze was already low on mana, so he took the opportunity to return to the city and replenished his mana."

"From this perspective, Anivia is indeed qualified to take the blue buff. He has provided support twice. The last time was in the bottom lane, and this time was in the middle lane. He has gained something each time."

At this moment, bad news came from the bottom lane. Liu Qingsong's Luo was killed and Ning's Mantis appeared in the bottom lane.

Colonel Guan cheered, "Nice, Ning finally found his rhythm, and he was able to get a little dragon, which was a good deal."

The camera turned to the top lane again. Chen Yiqiu's Ice Bird chose to use his ultimate to clear the minion line and pushed the minion line forward.

The vampire was not so fast in clearing the minion line. He chose to fight and retreat at the same time, not allowing the minion line to easily enter the defense tower. He used his body to block it while keeping his position.

Chen Yi Qiu's Ice Bird, after the skill CD is up, first uses the ultimate to slow down, then watches the vampire's movement, uses W to block the vampire with an ice wall, uses EA to steal the vampire's things, and then pulls away, not giving the vampire a chance to continue output.

The vampire was slowed down, and he wanted to get closer to the Ice Bird to continue fighting, but he had no chance at all.

The vampire could only choose to go to the other side. Anivia used her Q skill to block his movement. The vampire had to use W to get out of the range of Anivia's ultimate and avoid being controlled.

After this set of moves, the vampire lost half of his health, and just in time to use the vampire's minion, Ice Bird used his ultimate move again.

In the official live broadcast room, the comments were boiling:
[It's not fair, why can this Ice Bird keep getting buffs when he goes to the top lane, while The shy doesn't have this treatment. ]

[What a disgusting hero Anivia, especially when she gets the blue buff, it's pure torture. ]

[Top Esports is really despicable. I let you win, but it’s not a fair victory.]

[Top Esports can use some tactics and routines to disgust people in every game, but even if they win, they won’t get my approval. ]

Now IG fans feel helpless. They always think IG has strength, but Top Esports do some inexplicable things, which prevents IG from showing its strength.

Soon, The shy's vampire couldn't hold on anymore, so he simply used his ultimate to clear the minion line and recover health with the ultimate.

But it's still useless. After the next wave of soldiers comes, Ice Bird can continue to torture. After being beaten down, the vampire can only return to the city for supplies. There is nothing he can do about the loss of soldiers.

Eight minutes into the game, Ning's Mantis caught Shen in the jungle.

Shen used his E to hurry up and kill wild monsters, and was ambushed by Mantis.

Xiaohuasheng wanted to make some movement and pull, but Galio's ultimate landed. Shen didn't flash, and after being knocked into the air, he was controlled by Galio's Justice Punch and Durand's Shield. Finally, Mantis got the kill.

"Xiba, the opponent's Mantis is so insidious, and he even brought a Galio over." Peanut felt a little uncomfortable.

Li Xianghe reminded: "Galio on the opposite side hasn't come back yet, he might have gone to the bottom lane."

The two players in the bottom lane chose to retreat, and Li Xianghe continued: "I still have one minute to TP."

Chen Wei and Liu Qingsong could only watch from behind. It was very dangerous to continue staying under the defensive tower. Although Mantis and Galio did not have ultimate skills, it was relatively easy to kill them directly by jumping over the tower.

Wawa commented: "Galio still has some deterrent power. Top Esports' bottom laner is forced to lose money in last-hitting."

"Why does this game feel like it needs Anivia to be the carry in the top lane? My teammates are not that good."

Colonel Guan continued: "I feel that IG has a better chance of winning. IG's bottom lane is developing very comfortably. In teamfights, only Shen can threaten Caitlyn."

"In this match, Shen's ultimate was not coordinated with Galio. Instead, Galio was on the opposite side of Shen, so he could use his ultimate to protect Caitlyn. Therefore, Caitlyn had a lot of room to deal damage in team fights."

When the director's camera turned to the road again, it was still the familiar scene.

The shy's vampire was struggling with Anivia's ultimate. The continuous slowing effect of Anivia's ultimate made it impossible for the vampire to get close to Anivia, and the distance was not enough for him to deal damage.

So after being exhausted, the vampire could only choose to return to the city for supplies and TP out to continue fighting.

Chen Yiqiu's Ice Bird seized this perfect opportunity to return to the city. He went back to the city to replenish the enemy's resources without even having to TP. He just had to walk forward.

"The opponent's top laner has TP, and I used my TP." This time The shy reminded his teammates casually to prevent them from being fooled again.

This time, Jackeylove and Baolan were much more cautious in the bottom lane. They did not choose to suppress the opponent mindlessly and never crossed the middle line.

Wawa commented: "Anivia's TP advantage in the top lane has worked. Now IG's bottom lane is completely afraid to suppress and can only watch Top Esports develop."

Miller: "If the game reaches the late game, Varus's teamfight output will be no less than that of Miss Fortune, so Top Esports' bottom lane is not in a hurry at all, just play slowly."

Eleven minutes into the game, Ning's Mantis was ready to take the third blue BUFF.

In this game, Galio in the mid lane had no shortage of blue, so Ning prepared to take it himself.

But what Ning didn't expect was that he was ambushed in the wild area!

He used his E skill to enter the blue buff pit, and suddenly a Qing Gangying walked out of the blue buff bush, and they WAQAed each other...

"What do you mean? Giving away a kill, right?" The moment Ning saw Galio, he suddenly felt like a duck flew into his mouth. It was unexpected, but also very pleasantly surprised.

But the next second, Ning realized something was wrong.

First, Ryze's ultimate appeared under his feet, which was nothing, because Galio had already used his ultimate on him.

The key is that there is also a TP on the blue side!

"There is no TP in the top lane and we are short of people!" Ning realized that something was wrong.

The moment Galio's ultimate landed, Shen used his ultimate to avoid being knocked away by Galio's ultimate.

Ryze's ultimate lands, and he cooperates with Shen to output.

Ning's Mantis chose to activate his ultimate skill to become invisible, trying to delay time.

However, as soon as he activated his ultimate, a true eye appeared under his feet and found his position.

Wawa explained: "Mantis is in a very awkward situation now, with nowhere to run. Chen Sheng's Ice Bird TPs to the ground, uses a big move followed by the E skill, increasing the damage, and Mantis falls to the ground!"

"Anivia used her W to block Galio's retreat, forcing Galio to use his flash, but it wasn't over yet. Anivia flashed her Q, a Q that went through the wall, and Galio had no vision, so he didn't dodge, and was controlled!"

Miller continued, "Anivia followed up with an E skill to deal double damage, Shen kicked over, Ryze followed up with output and control, and Anivia took Galio's head again."

Colonel Guan commented: "It's so frustrating. After the top laner was hit with a TP gap, Anivia kept taking advantage of this to cause trouble. It's over. Will this blue buff be given to Anivia again?"

Li Xianghe and Xiaohuasheng help to hit the blue buff together. This is the blue buff of the opposite side.

After the enemy's health was reduced to a little, Li Xianghe left without any hesitation.

Peanut also stopped his movements, allowing Chen Yiqiu's Ice Bird to take it with one E. Wawa exclaimed, "What kind of emperor treatment is this? The Big Devil and Peanut together gave him the blue buff, which is ten thousand times more terrifying than giving him a kill."

Miller: "Indeed, now that Anivia has the blue buff, she can continue to annoy the opponent's vampire after returning to the line. I find this to be quite reasonable. Give the blue buff to Anivia, Anivia can suppress the vampire mindlessly in the line, and then she can help her teammates and control the opponent's blue buff."

"If we keep going back and forth like this, wouldn't it become a positive cycle? The more we fight, the more we earn, right?"

The two were talking when suddenly, on the other side of the road, Chen Yi Qiu was torturing the vampire, and the vampire took action!

The vampire uses E to flash and ultimate, and uses red anger Q to burst out.

Colonel Guan became excited: "The shy caught a good opportunity. Anivia used all of his Q and W. Now he has no skills left, and he also used the flash he just used to support his teammates!"

"No way, how could Anivia be killed by a single person even though she was leading by so many kills? This is the personal ability of The Shy!"

After Colonel Guan said this, Wawa and Miller started to get nervous.

Because Ice Bird really doesn't seem to have the ability to fight back, he has no skills.

Soon the damage of Vampire's ultimate skill exploded, and Ice Bird's health was reduced to the bottom. Vampire used E and Q to kill Ice Bird... It didn't die yet and turned into an egg.

The vampire started punching and kicking, and then an embarrassing thing happened.

The vampire has no skills left, and he can't destroy the egg with just a basic attack.

In the end, the vampire could only watch as Ice Bird stood up again.

Ice Bird used his ultimate to counterattack, and the Vampire could only use his blood pool to dodge the Q skill, fleeing all the way, looking extremely embarrassed.

Colonel Guan wailed loudly: "Damn it, why does Ice Bird have such a perverted passive ability? Can't it be killed?"

In the official live broadcast room, the comments were full of crazy ridicule:
[It's so confusing. I spent a long time using a flash to trade for a passive skill of Ice Bird. ]

[I thought I was really going to kill her alone, then I remembered that Ice Bird actually has a passive skill. ]

[No way, IG didn't even have the ability to use Anivia's passive before. ]

[It seemed so real, with flash and ultimate skills, but this is the result? ]

[Now that the vampire has not flashed, what should I do? Can I still touch it? ]

So the top lane became a scene of Chen Yi Qiu's Ice Bird torturing the vampire. The vampire could only withstand the pressure under the tower. This Ice Bird had a blue BUFF, which was too torturous.

Fifteen minutes into the game, Peanut got the Rift Herald under the cover of Chen Yiqiu.

Almost at the same time, Ning's Mantis ganked the middle lane, first using his passive invisibility and acceleration to get closer, then using the second stage of his ultimate to gain invisibility, and walked directly from the river bushes to Ryze's face. Only then did Ryze notice there was someone!
Wawa exclaimed: "Ning's stealth connection was perfect this time. He suddenly got in front of me, slowed me down with a basic attack, Galio followed up with his ultimate, Ryze flashed but didn't get out of range and was knocked away, Justice Punch, Durand's shield, and finally Mantis got the kill."

Miller explained: "The most important reason why Mantis can play in the game in this version is that his stealth mechanism has been changed. Now he can trigger the stealth effect by entering the bush. Combined with the invisibility of the ultimate skill, he can achieve super long-term invisibility and attack unexpectedly."

Seventeen minutes into the game, Chen Yi Qiu took a tower at the top.

IG took a tower in the bottom lane.

Chen Yi Qiu continued to lead the top lane, and both duos switched to the middle lane.

The third little dragon spawned, and both sides began to fight around the little dragon.

Chen Yi Qiu has TP, and he continues to push the line in the top lane.

Suddenly, the teammate in front was attacked, and Ning's Mantis rushed out from the bushes. He used a trick, activated his ultimate skill, and walked invisibly between the four people in front of Top Esports!

Wawa exclaimed: "Mantis is so brave, Galio used his ultimate skill on him, it's over, the position of this ultimate skill is perfect!"

"Top Esports hasn't realized the seriousness of the problem yet. When they saw that the policewoman seemed to be alone, they still wanted to chase her! When Galio's ultimate landed, Top Esports used four flashes! The formation was messed up!"

The team battle turned into a one-sided harvest. Galio used W to flash three people, and Caitlyn followed up with a trap, cooperating with Mantis to kill Ryze and Varus in seconds. The remaining jungler and support were just sandbags.

In the end, the two sides fought a team battle with a zero-for-four exchange!
The IG fans at the scene were excited:

“Holy crap, is this Ning? Is Ning so strong in teamfights?”

"Ning seems to have grown up. He would never have been able to perform such delicate operations before."

"This wave of cooperation can only be described as perfect."

"It feels like IG is going to win. The teamfight is so beautiful."

This team battle directly brought out IG's confidence.

As for Top Entertainment, Peanut started scratching his head: "This group is a bit disgusting. I don't know when they got to their faces."

"We need to get the vision right first, and try not to fight in the jungle, but in the middle lane."

Twenty-two minutes into the game, IG continued to ambush, set up vision near the Baron pit, and waited for someone who was destined to be with them.

Chen Yi Qiu was pushing the line in the bottom lane at this time. He had taken down the first tower in the bottom lane and was pushing the second tower in the bottom lane.

Wawa commented: "Both teams are putting pressure on each other. Top Esports used Anivia to put pressure on each other, while IG chose to use Baron as an opportunity. Mantis is quite powerful in the jungle, which makes Top Esports very wary."

Miller continued, "Now both sides have fought for vision for several rounds. Luo has used up all the wards and is about to go back. Will IG choose to go directly to the Baron? They did, they did!"

At this time, everyone in Top Esports only had two real eyes, as the fake eyes and blue jewelry eyes had been used up.

Liu Qingsong was about to go back, but Peanut stopped him and said, "Support, don't go back yet. The opponent might go straight to the Baron."

Liu Qingsong responded: "Then we need someone to lead the way for us to get through together."

"I'll do it." Peanut's Shen took the lead and walked forward with his teammates.

Enter the grass above the river in the middle road. There is nothing unusual. Keep moving forward and place a ward instantly.

Suddenly, Thresh's hook came out from the bushes in front and hit Shen!

Liu Qingsong's Luo used a Light Dance into Pair to cover Shen, and at the same time, two TPs, one red and one blue, were sent to the front!

"Behind!" Suddenly, the mantis appeared!
Ning's Mantis used his ultimate to become invisible and attack the back row, and used his W to slow down Ryze and Varus.

Varus used his ultimate to control Mantis, but the two had no time to deal damage and could only use flash to retreat.

Wawa explained: "Ryze and Varus' flashes were used, but Galio still has flash. The hero appears, Justice Charge W, and flash controls the two!"

"Are Ryze and Varus going to be killed instantly? Where's Anivia? Can Anivia save them?" (End of this chapter)

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