LOL: You don’t want to be broadcast live on the entire network, right.?

Chapter 423: Top-level competition against AI! Question: Why does a monster like Chen Sheng exist?

Xiao Huasheng was still wondering what to do if Riven didn't go up, but Chen Yiqiu's Riven had already taken the initiative to go up and exchange blood with Riven, and gave Q and E to Riven to counterattack.

Riven was very smart. She used her W to control Nightmare and used her skills to retreat. Although she was frightened, Nightmare caught up with her and hit her twice before retreating, so Riven didn't lose much health.

Wawa commented: "Is the Prince still waiting in this wave? I feel like he has no chance at all. Even though Nightmare doesn't have much health, Riven is also low on health, and it has been proven before that Riven just can't win."

As soon as Wawa finished speaking, something no one expected happened.

Riven suddenly flashes to face Nightmare! After flashing, Riven uses QA at lightning speed...

At this time, Nightmare had no skills and his health dropped to the bottom instantly!
Guan Zeyuan exclaimed: "What a fast QA! Oh my god, I can't keep up with it! However, the Prince's EQ interrupted Riven, and Nightmare turned around and fought back, cooperating with the Prince to kill Riven instantly. Nightmare only had a little blood left, and he could have killed her alone!"

Wawa was a little shocked: "To be honest, although Riven didn't succeed in solo kill this time and was trapped, his QA was really fast. I didn't see it before... I understand now. The reason why I couldn't win before was completely because I was pulled back by Chen Sheng."

"This Riven is very strong, but she just can't bring out her strength. If we give her a chance, she will almost kill Nightmare!"

The director also gave The shy's Riven a special replay, replaying his QA set.

Miller exclaimed: "It's so smooth, completely different from the previous laning. I can only say there's nothing I can do. There's really nothing I can do. If he hadn't faced Chen Sheng, he would have probably shown off."

On the field, Xiao Huasheng from Top Esports was stunned: "That was a close call, Brother Yi Qiu, you almost died. I didn't expect this Riven to be so fierce. I thought he couldn't beat you at all."

Chen Yiqiu responded: "It's not like I can't beat him at all. He was hard to beat in the beginning because of my W and E skills plus the pulling, which made it difficult for him to perform well. If I use my skills this time, he can take me down in one wave."

"Also, please focus and don't get distracted. You almost killed me."

Xiao Huasheng was still frightened. He was indeed not fully focused this time, which resulted in him being a little slow in using EQ and almost causing a disaster!
Even if Chen Yi Qiu was killed, it would not directly lead to a loss of the game.

However, the fact that Chen Yi Qiu was killed alone was itself too sensational, and the audience would not listen to your explanation that it was because of the jungler's mistake.

At this time, in the KZ training base, after watching this wave, everyone in KZ suddenly quieted down.

It seems like this is a very simple wave of seduction, but it is actually not that simple.

BDD spoke first: "He has completely figured out the opponent's psychology. He knows exactly what Riven is thinking and when she will take action. Moreover, judging from the positioning of the prince, he didn't intend to go to the top lane to counter-camp at first. It was obvious that he was called over."

Rescal agreed: "That's about it. IG's top laner Riven seems to be very proficient and has a good damage calculation. This wave is just right for killing."

Sin asked: "If you were facing this nightmare, would you have any solution?"

When asked this, Rescal fell silent.

The game was still going on. Chen Yi Qiu TPed back to the city for supplies and had a Timayat on him.

He no longer planned to waste time on laning. When the minion line came, he would push it and leave.

Now Riven doesn’t dare to fight him because she can’t beat him.

And even if Tiamat is not used, the hero Nightmare, like Tristana, cannot control the minion line. When he attacks a minion, he will cause damage to other minion around him, and there is no way to control it.

Therefore, pushing the line and roaming is the most suitable way to play.

Chen Yi Qiu disappeared in the top lane, and Rookie in the middle lane needed to be more obedient, which reduced the pressure on Li Xianghe in the middle lane a lot.

Six minutes into the game, Chen Yi Qiu's nightmare has reached level six.

"Nightmare level six, be careful." The shy provided information to teammates.

Rookie in the middle lane felt a bit stressed. Nightmare’s level 6 GANK ability was very strong and could not be defended by vision alone.

Fortunately, the hero Tsar has displacement capabilities, so he is safe as long as he stands in front of the defense tower.

However, it is unlikely to suppress Galio, so he can only develop peacefully.

Suddenly, Peanut's Prince appeared in the bottom lane!

At level 6, the Prince used his ultimate to gank the bottom lane, and IG's bottom lane was positioned relatively forward.

After the Prince approached, he used his E skill, and the Minotaur used his Q skill on the spot.

It turned out that he was fooled! The prince didn't use Q, and the Minotaur kowtowed on the spot.

The Prince then used his Q skill to knock the Minotaur away, and the Minotaur used his W skill to try to push the Prince away.

However, the gem had already given the prince a shield and the E skill, and the Minotaur was controlled. The bomber used W to blow the Minotaur back.

Seeing that he couldn't escape, Minotaur chose to save a flash.

Wawa commented: "IG's rhythm is pretty good right now. Ning is a little behind in level after being caught. He is still farming in the jungle. Wait a minute, Lee Sin seems to be in danger!"

As soon as he finished speaking, suddenly, the lights were turned off!

“Lift the curtain!”

Nightmare activates his ultimate move, Ghost Shadow!
All five IG players lost their vision.

Chen Yiqiu's Nightmare flew directly from the Baron pit to the Lee Sin in the red buff pit.

Guan Zeyuan commented: "Blind Monk is already level 6, and he still has wards. Nightmare didn't flash. Is it really a waste of his ultimate? He definitely can't be killed."

"The blind monk chose to give up Thunder Break and counterattack on the spot, as if he was trying to trick the skill, but Nightmare didn't use W, and he was about to be frightened. The blind monk used wards to pull away, but was still frightened because the distance was not enough!"

Wawa continued, "Nightmare is catching up and continuing to attack. Lee Sin can't hold on any longer. He doesn't have flash either. He has used his wards and is trying to fight back but can't win. Isn't he going to use his ultimate? Still not using it?"

"Yiku!" There was really no other choice, so Lee Sin used his ultimate skill.

However, an embarrassing thing happened. Nightmare didn't use W at first. As soon as Lee Sin used his ultimate, Nightmare activated W to counteract it, and then used two basic attacks to get the kill!

Chen Yi Qiu completed a solo kill in the jungle!

Guan Zeyuan couldn't accept it: "No, is this okay? I feel like Lee Sin is already very good. He didn't use his ultimate because he wanted to trick Nightmare's W, but Nightmare didn't use it until the very end."

"Is this based on reaction? No way, Lee Sin's ultimate is quite fast, how can this be based on reaction?"

Miller explained: "If it was anyone else, I think it was probably luck, but he is Chen Sheng. If you say he relies on reaction, I don't think there is any problem."

After Chen Yi Qiu killed Lee Sin alone, he also took the red buff and returned to the top lane to continue laning.

Ning's mentality exploded: "Fuck, this nightmare is so disgusting, it's specifically targeting me, do you want to play with it or not?"

Baolan asked directly: "Can Gao Zhenning help?"

After hearing this, Ning's wavering mentality was immediately annihilated:
"You're almost there. I haven't seen your effectiveness yet. Can you come up with something?"

Ten minutes into the game, after Chen Yi Qiu killed Ning in the jungle, Ning became obedient and began to frantically build vision and clear vision.

Nightmare's ultimate requires vision to fly over, so Ning only needs to ensure that the vision of the jungle area is clear.

Chen Yiqiu didn't plan to waste time on Ning, he chose to take the Rift Herald, then go back to push the line, and then cut off another wave of soldiers. Now Riven didn't dare to fight him at all, if she didn't kill him in one wave, she would be killed by him, and Galio had a big move, he could fly over to support at any time.

Chen Yi Qiu returned to the city for supplies, and then went straight to the bottom lane.

"Wanghu, go to the bottom lane and attack two with five." Chen Yi Qiu gave the signal to the bottom lane.

So Xiaohuasheng moved to the bottom lane, and Li Xianghe also came over after pushing the middle lane.

However, IG's bottom lane was quite alert. Two players chose to retreat all the way, leaving the bottom lane tower behind and retreating to a position between the first and second towers.

Peanut muttered, "The other side is so cautious? They don't give us any chance?"

Chen Yiqiu commanded: "Go to this location and take a look. It's definitely here."

Chen Yi Qiu gave a signal to the bush in front of the second tower, so Xiao Huasheng started scanning and went deep into the opposite jungle area.

Sure enough, Varus and Minotaur appeared!
The two men walked out from the bushes and wanted to return to the second tower.


After hearing what Chen Yi Qiu said, the prince used his EQ 2 ultimate move.

Baolan's Minotaur used his W to push up, trying to push the Prince away.

However, the Prince's ultimate skill had already been used, and the invincibility effect was out of control, so Minotaur's W had no effect.

Varus was controlled by the Prince, "The bomb flies away." The bomber threw a big move from the first tower and hit Varus in the center, causing Varus to lose a lot of health.

There was no choice but for Varus to use his flash and run away, while Minotaur activated his ultimate and took it.

Seeing that he couldn't kill it, Peanut decided to give up for the time being.

Wawa explained: "This is really brutal. They leave no room for survival and have come all the way to this point."

"Nightmare released the Rift Herald and directly pushed down the bottom lane tower. Ziggs and Jewel took the Rift Herald and pushed down the second tower."

Miller: "Wait a minute, haven't the nightmares left yet? They seem to be planning to continue causing trouble."

At this time on the IG side, Ning had already rushed to the bottom lane, and Rookie's Tsar was still circling. He didn't dare to come from the jungle area, and could only go around a long circle on the high ground to reach the bottom lane.

The Rift Herald crashed into IG's second tower in the bottom lane, and the Ziggs went forward to attack the tower.

Varus and Alistar came up to clear the minion line.

"Lift the curtain!" Suddenly, Nightmare used his ultimate move!
Chen Yiqiu's nightmare flew directly from the jungle to the face of Varus on the opposite side!

Jackeylove was shocked: "No, buddy, you guys are doing this too?"

Nightmare uses W to block Minotaur's two-hit combo, and Galio's ultimate is about to land!
"I'm here!" Ning's Lee Sin had arrived and kicked Nightmare away.

However, when Galio's ultimate landed, Lee Sin, Varus and Alistar were knocked away at the same time!

“I’ve been to the top of the mountain and I’ve been to the bottom of the mountain, and I’ve benefited from both.”

The Gem Knight activates his ultimate skill, and cosmic light will bathe the five players of Top Esports!
Galio's W controlled three opponents, Varus was killed instantly, and the Minotaur without his ultimate was not spared. Lee Sin flashed away, and Prince flashed EQ to follow up.

"Help!" Lee Sin wanted to struggle, but was killed by Nightmare's Q skill.

Relying on the gem's ultimate move, Chen Yi Qiu's Nightmare survived and was not killed by the defense tower!

In the official live broadcast room, the barrage exploded:
[Fuck, so angry? He started to go after the bottom lane second tower after just ten minutes?]

[So cool! This is how you play the game. ]

[These five people from Top Esports really feel like terrorists, they are too radical. ]

[We pushed down the second tower in the bottom lane in eleven minutes. This is like playing as an AI. 】

[Top Esports is getting stronger with each game. I’m scared! I’m really scared.]

After taking down IG's second tower in the bottom lane, Top Esports dispersed and returned to the city for supplies, fought the little dragon, and returned to the middle lane, all in an orderly manner.

Wawa commented: "Then I feel like the game is over. This wave directly disconnected IG's bottom lane, leaving them with nowhere to grow."

"Top Esports used this lineup to create a rhythm in the early and mid-game. Once you let them really create a rhythm, no one can withstand it."

Miller agreed: "Yes, now Top Esports can play all kinds of systems, solo, team, early, late, it depends on what they want to play."

Guan Zeyuan seems to have a different opinion: "I don't think so. Nightmare and Galio seem to be very strong because they can cause a local situation where more people are fighting fewer people."

"If it's really 5v5, with all ten people present, these two heroes won't be able to perform well in teamfights, especially Nightmare, who can easily be killed when he enters the field."

Fifteen minutes into the game, Chen Yi Qiu took a tower in the top lane. At this moment, a fight broke out near the little dragon!
Guan Zeyuan became excited: "Riven and Nightmare both have TP. This wave was initiated by IG. If they TP over and fight five against five, Top Esports may not win!"

As soon as Guan Zeyuan finished speaking, something outrageous happened!
"Darkness..." Nightmare suddenly used his ultimate move.

But the key point is that Nightmare was still in the top lane, and he used his ultimate skill directly after pushing the tower!
Guan Zeyuan became excited: "What a mistake! Nightmare made a mistake! He wasted his ultimate this time. It's useless even if he TPs down! If Riven TPs down, it will be five against four. This is an opportunity!"

After Chen Yi Qiu's Nightmare activated his ultimate skill, he immediately TPed to the bottom lane.

However, Riven was slow to give TP.

Wawa suddenly understood something: "Wait a minute! Nightmare activated his ultimate, Riven has no vision, he can't use TP! Nightmare's move was not a mistake, he did it on purpose. After he activated his ultimate, Riven couldn't get through, but he could!"

Nightmare TPs to the ground and uses his ultimate to fly directly to Varus' face!

"Nightmare!" Jackeylove wanted his teammates to protect him, but now his teammates had no skills.

Nightmare's E can be given to Varus, and then he can go and do A to block the position.

Varus gave up his flash, but was still feared. Nightmare used his W to cancel Minotaur's W, got close to Varus and took him away with two basic attacks.

"No, where is our top laner?" Jackeylove was dumbfounded. Why was it four against five?

The shy explained: "He activated his ultimate and I couldn't TP, there was nothing I could do."

The team battle that IG originally had the advantage in suddenly became one-sided. Chen Yi Qiu's Nightmare went to find the Tsar, and the Tsar had no choice but to run away.

The remaining jungler and support of IG became sandbags, and this wave was a one-for-three exchange.

Miller explained: "Yes, that's right! Nightmare uses his ultimate to block vision first, preventing Riven from TPing over, and then he TPs over himself. Nightmare's ultimate lasts for 6 seconds, and he can fly within six seconds after it is activated. The TP time is 4.5 seconds, which is enough time for him to TP down and then fly!"

Wawa agreed: "This is Chen Sheng's detail and understanding of the game. Now IG is at a greater disadvantage. I feel that even if it is a 5V5 match, they will not be able to win."

Guan Zeyuan was desperate: "Is this Chen Sheng? Why does Chen Sheng exist? How can other teams survive?" (End of this chapter)

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