Chen Yiqiu's Nightmare cleaned up the battlefield and helped his teammates win a small team wipe. Only Riven was left alive in IG.

Twenty minutes into the game, Chen Yiqiu's Nightmare used his ultimate to catch Rookie's Tsar, and used his W skill to block Tsar's ultimate, finally completing the solo kill! By the way, he took the bottom lane tower.

IG was completely suppressed, and while they were unable to get out, the Top Esports players began to arrange vision for the Baron pit.

Chen Yi Qiu continued to push the line in the bottom lane and headed straight for the opposite bottom lane second tower.

Twenty-one minutes into the game, IG suddenly attacked in the middle lane, using Riven's TP support to fight with more people against fewer people. Chen Yi Qiu's ultimate skill did not reach far enough, so he chose to continue pushing the tower. Three Top Esports players were killed head-on, and the middle lane tower was pushed down.

Chen Yi Qiu calmly took the second tower in the bottom lane. Although he had TP, he did not have TP to go over for support. The hero Nightmare is good at taking the initiative, but his counterattack ability is very poor.

Guan Zeyuan commented: "IG is still looking for opportunities! Although Tsar was killed once, IG took the initiative in the middle lane while Nightmare didn't have his ultimate."

"To be honest, it's only IG. Facing this kind of advantage, other teams wouldn't dare to go out, let alone kill by tower diving."

Wawa agreed: "IG is really good in this regard. No matter what the situation is, they dare to take the initiative to attack. The worst that can happen is that they lose, which is better than lying down and waiting to die."

While Chen Yiqiu was returning to the city for supplies, he gave the order: "Set up vision for the Baron pit. We'll pretend to attack the Baron, lure the opponent in, and start a teamfight."

Little Peanut is eager to try: "Let me start the team fight. I'll bring Brother Xianghe in."

After Chen Yi Qiu arrived at the front, five people attacked the dragon together, and the dragon's health dropped rapidly.

Wawa commented: "It seems that Top Esports is planning to end the game. They used the Baron to force a teamfight. IG had to rush over. In terms of economy, IG was 5,000 behind. It felt a bit difficult to play."

Guan Zeyuan has a different opinion: "I still think that in a head-on 5V5 match, IG definitely has a chance."

A blue trinket eye fell into the Baron pit, and the positions of the five Top Esports players were seen.

Seeing that Top Esports was really going after the Baron, the five IG players gathered together to fight for the Baron.

"Here they come." Liu Qingsong reminded his teammates that through the vision arranged in advance, they could see the positions of the five IG players.

The shy's Riven separated from his teammates. He went directly to the dragon pit while his teammates walked from the bottom.

"The bomber will use his strength to consume the opponent's energy, and we will continue to fight the big dragon." Chen Yi Qiu commanded.

So when the opponent approached, Chen Wei's bomber used skills to consume the opponent's blood volume and threw all kinds of skills at him.

Alistar and Lee Sin were moving around frantically in the front, but they still took damage. Alistar placed a ward through the wall and saw that the dragon still had 3,000 health points!
"Cover me, Princess Blue." Ning shouted.

He was worried that if he went over first, the opponent would attack him and kill him instantly.

So Baolan's Minotaur cleared the way in front, and Lee Sin used a Sonic Wave to kill the Baron!

Wawa explained: "The Baron still has 2,000 health points! Top Esports stopped. Lee Sin's Sound Wave is on the Baron. If he continues to attack, he might be robbed."

Suddenly, Gem Knight uses his ultimate move!
"Lift the curtain!" Chen Yi Qiu's nightmare activates his ultimate move!
Miller passionately explained: "The team fight has begun! Nightmare uses his ultimate to enter the field and goes straight to Tsar! Varus on the side uses his ultimate, but Nightmare flashes behind Tsar, and Tsar's ultimate is in vain. Galio appears on the field, and the positions of Tsar and Varus are very awkward!"

Wawa continued, "Varus flashed to the side, and the Tsar flashed back, but he was still frightened by Nightmare. Nightmare came up to attack, and the Tsar's small body couldn't bear it, and he was killed instantly!"

"This Nightmare is invincible now. He chooses to chase Varus. Galio uses W to flash control Varus, and Ziggs follows up with his ultimate. Varus is also going to be gone!"

However, just when everyone thought that IG had lost the team battle, suddenly, a Riven rushed out from the dragon pit!

"The day the broken sword is reforged, the day the knight returns!"

Guan Zeyuan exclaimed, "Here it comes! The shy's Riven flashes in, uses W to step on Ziggs, and uses QA at lightning speed to follow up with the ultimate. What a fast hand speed! Ziggs is killed instantly without even being able to use Flash!"

After instantly killing the Ziggs, Riven continued to rush forward and joined forces with Ning's Lee Sin to counterattack.

Wawa continued to explain: "Both sides' back row was gone, and both chose to target the back row. Riven was attacking Gem, and Gem couldn't hold on and got a double kill!"

"Although Riven's development was very poor in this game, his penetration was perfect, both in terms of the angle and timing."

However, just when everyone thought that Riven was really going to start reaping the rewards, Chen Yi Qiu's nightmare came back. At this time, the three mid, bottom and support players of IG had been dealt with.

Nightmare went straight to find Riven, hit her with his Q skill, and after getting close, he used his E skill. Riven's next Q skill was on CD, and just when she was about to counterattack, Nightmare's fear effect was triggered and she rushed forward to deal damage, and the damage was explosive!
Xiaohuasheng's Prince followed up with a two-combo EQ, while Li Xianghe's Galio also controlled the blind monk next to him.

After Nightmare killed Riven, he got Galio's head with the cooperation of his teammates.


IG was wiped out!

Wawa explained: "Although Riven tried her best, there was nothing she could do. She was one big item away from Nightmare and was no match for him. Nightmare and Galio TPed to the bottom lane. Are they planning a wave?"

Miller became excited: "If it's a one-shot deal, then we have to congratulate Top Esports! They won the Spring Split championship in their first season in the LPL, and they won all the way. They even beat the rising IG 3-0 in the final!"

At this time, Peanuts on the Top Entertainment side turned into cheerleaders, cheering crazily: "Come on, Yiqiu! Come on, Xianghe! One wave! One wave!"

While saying this, Xiaohuasheng has already gone to the opponent's jungle to counter-jungle. It is obvious that he is not sure that he can win this time and is already making plans for the future.

IG's bottom lane high ground was quickly taken, followed by the front tower.

The two had a clear division of labor. Li Xianghe took the initiative to wait in front of the opposite fountain. Minotaur and Varus were resurrected. The two wanted to come out to find Nightmare, but Galio chose to stay.

One turret fell, then the second.

Galio was pushed away by the Minotaur, and Varus and Minotaur continued to chase Nightmare.

Chen Yi Qiu's nightmare walked around the base crystal and approached Galio.

The fans of Topbo at the scene became excited: "Topbo! Topbo! Qiu Shen! Qiu Shen!"

The health of the IG base crystal was getting lower and lower. The opposing Tsar and Lee Sin were resurrected. They rushed out together and double-teamed from the other side.

Guan Zeyuan became excited: "We can't push it. If we can't push it this time, Nightmare and Galio will die! IG can go for the Baron. I feel there is still hope!"

At this moment, Chen Yi Qiu used his ultimate move!
The CD of his ultimate skill is very short now. The moment the opposite Tsar approaches Minotaur and uses WQ, Chen Yi Qiu uses his ultimate skill to fly to Varus!

Miller exclaimed: "Nightmare's ultimate has a domineering effect, and it cannot be interrupted during flight! Minotaur's control didn't work, Nightmare's W skill blocked Varus' Q, it's over! Nightmare must get an attack speed bonus, Varus is assisting Nightmare!"

The moment IG rushed up again, the screen suddenly froze and everyone lost control of the heroes!

Miller passionately commented: "With the explosion of the crystal in the IG base, let us congratulate Top Esports for winning this game! It was really thrilling! They almost lost a wave, but fortunately Nightmare played well and fooled everyone in IG!"

Wawa continued, "That's right, congratulations to Top Esports for winning the 2018 League of Legends Professional League Spring Season Championship, and congratulations to Qiu Shen for winning the FMVP of this Spring Season!"

In the official live broadcast room, the comments were boiling:
[This is Qiu Shen's judgment. If he thinks he can win in one wave, then he can win in one wave! ]

[The new king has arrived! LPL tremble! ]

[Shouldn't LCK be the one that should be trembling now? With Top Esports still here, how can LCK still show off its power? ]

[The hybrid division is in a mess, do you think Top Esports is invincible?] [You probably don’t know how awesome KZ is right now.]

[We in LPL also have our own invincible team! ]

Most LPL fans will consciously support Top Esports from now on.

Because MSI is about to begin, which is an international war, and unity is definitely required in international wars.

On the field, everyone on the Top Esports team who won the game stood up to celebrate.

Peanut cheered, "Nice! We won! We won!"

Chen Wei and Liu Qingsong also joined the celebration, and the five of them gathered together and hugged each other.

Chen Wei was extremely happy: "Thank you all for helping me win the championship without any effort."

Chen Yiqiu patted Chen Wei on the shoulder and said, "It's not a matter of winning or losing. You guys are making rapid progress in the bottom lane. Keep it up."

Chen Wei found Liu Qingsong again and said, "Brother Song, I'm sorry for holding you back."

Liu Qingsong responded: "If you really feel that you are holding me back and feel guilty, then win the MSI championship."

Chen Wei was full of confidence: "Okay! Let's go all out! For the MSI championship!"

Guo Hao and Hong Mi also rushed over from the lounge, and they began to comfort the players:
"Thank you for your hard work, everyone! You are the pride of the Top Esports Club!"

"Thank you all for your contribution. This is an honor that belongs to each and every one of us."

After the celebration, everyone from Top Esports lined up and came to IG to shake hands.

Chen Yi Qiu met The shy. At this time, The shy seemed to be relatively optimistic and did not have any extreme reaction.

The next one was Ning. Ning was more optimistic. He kept talking to The shy, chatting and laughing.

Chen Yi Qiu was not surprised at all, as that was just the character of these two people.

Then it was Rookie's turn. Rookie's reaction was different. Chen Yiqiu came over and sat on the chair. Ning reminded him, "Old Song, someone else is coming to shake hands."

Rookie finally came to his senses and stood up to shake hands with Chen Yi Qiu.

Chen Yi Qiu noticed that Rookie's eyes were red and he seemed to be feeling very upset.

Finally, there is the bottom lane duo, Jackeylove and Baolan.

Jackeylove looked a little helpless. While shaking hands with Chen Yiqiu, he didn't forget to say, "You played well, God Qiu. But can you please stop targeting me in teamfights?"

Chen Yiqiu smiled and said, "You are easier to kill, there is nothing I can do about it."

Baolan, who was standing next to him, laughed out loud, while Jackeylove pulled his hair helplessly.

After shaking hands with everyone on IG, Chen Yi Qiu and his team members came to the center of the stage.

At this time, the cloth on the trophy has been lifted, revealing its true appearance.

It shines brightly under the spotlight.

The Topbo people stood around the trophy, and Guo Hao said: "1, 2, 3!"

Everyone worked together and helped to lift the trophy up!

"Tao Bo! Tao Bo! Tao Bo!" The fans at the scene cheered in unison, so overwhelming that no other voices could be heard.

The cheers lasted for a minute before the host Yu Shuang said, "Once again, congratulations to Top Esports for winning the Spring Split championship. It was not easy. At the beginning of the season, they had some bumps and bruises, and the bottom lane didn't work well together. Now, the five of them have worked together to sweep IG 3-0..."

The Topsports team put down their trophies and lined up in the middle of the stage.

After Yu Can finished his opening remarks, he came to the group of Top Esports and continued, "Now, let's interview this team of champions! First, the starting top laner, our No. 1 top laner in history, double FMVP in the S League, single kill king in the spring season, damage king, regular season MVP, FMVP, Reaper, Qiu Shen!"

Chen Yiqiu took the microphone and said, "Hello everyone, I am Top Esports' starting top laner, Reaper."

Yu Shuang read out a series of honors, and the passion of the audience was ignited:

"Autumn God! Autumn God! Autumn God!"

"Hubby, I want to give birth to babies for you! Lots of them!"

"We in LPL have our own husbands too!"

When Chen Yi Qiu was standing on the stage, he could actually hear the voices of the audience in the front row, and of course, his teammates could hear them too.

So, everyone was a little overwhelmed, and the most important thing was that many boys also joined in and called her husband.

Yu Shuang began to ask questions: "First question, in the first game, Qiu Shen, you used the hero Lucian but chose to go to the middle lane to fight against Jayce. Was this a strategy you thought of in advance? Why did you change the lane like this?"

Chen Yiqiu explained: "Jayce is a hero that is very strong in laning, whether in the top lane or the mid lane. As long as the operation is in place, Jayce can beat most heroes, but Jayce cannot beat Lucian in laning. If you see someone playing Jayce, you can choose Lucian without thinking. You will not lose in laning or in teamfights."

After hearing this, many audience members took out their mobile phones and wrote this down for future use when they want to gain points.

Yu Shuang pressed the issue: "Qiu Shen, are you responsible for what you say? What if everyone listens to your advice, but in the end not only do they not gain points, but they lose points instead?"

Chen Yiqiu responded: "Blame your teammates. If you lose points, it must be the teammates' problem. Just blame your teammates and that's it."

The audience was amused.

In the official live broadcast room, the comments were boiling instantly:
[Akira seems to be more humorous than before. 】

[Qiu Shen knows how to pass on the blame. 】

[What's the problem? Losing points is not your fault. It's definitely because you didn't choose the right hero or your teammates are not good enough. ]

[Qiu Shen said, what does it mean to lose points? I haven't experienced it, so I don't know. 】

[Qiu Shen has a positive outlook on life. How can he find fault with himself?]

Yu Shuang continued to ask: "Second question, in the second game, Qiu Shen, you got Anivia, a very unpopular hero, to play in the top lane, and in the end it worked out pretty well."

"Why did you choose Anivia as the hero to go to the top lane? Did the coach let you choose it, or was it your own idea?"

Chen Yiqiu replied: "I discussed the hero selection with my coach, and he thought it was okay, so I chose it. I chose Anivia mainly because this hero is very good at countering Vampire, whether in laning or in teamfights."

Yu Shuang asked, "If Ice Bird is so powerful, why didn't anyone pick it to fight against Vampire before? Logically, it shouldn't be so unpopular."

Chen Yiqiu glanced at Peanut and said, "Maybe it's because they can't find the reason to let the first blue go to the jungle. If Ice Bird wants to suppress the enemy, the blue buff is very important." (End of this chapter)

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