Chapter 10
On the path in front of the Chen Mansion, a luxurious sedan stopped under the tree.

"Your Highness, the quasi-consort stopped him from taking the child away, and he fainted during the argument."

Hong Shao opened the thick curtain and told the noble woman inside what had just happened.

Shen Yuluo leaned out half of his body anxiously: "What do you care about his life and death? Just take the child over here!"

In his previous life, he ignored his children. How could he pretend to be a father and son now?
No matter what he did, he could no longer arouse any sympathy from Shen Yuluo.

"Originally, I wanted to bring him over directly, but there was a maid who held the baby tightly and refused to let go. Your Highness, you told me not to hurt the baby, so we didn't dare to take it by force."

In fact, in this case, the guard could have wiped the maid's neck. As long as he was ruthless, there would always be a way.

But Hong Shao was also a maid, and knew how difficult their situation was, so they tried their best to uphold and carry out their master's instructions. If they were not careful, they would still be punished or even lose their lives.

Just like this, she stood here, fearfully preparing to bear the wrath of her master.

She didn't hear the eldest princess's response, so she looked up and saw those beautiful hands holding a copper stove and about to smash it down...

"It's all because of my fault in doing things. I know that I'm guilty. Please punish me, Your Highness!"

Hongshao closed her eyes and knelt down on the cold, sharp gravel road with a plop, preparing to bear the pain of the hand stove being smashed down.

But after waiting for a long time, the pain he imagined did not come.

Something warm was handed to her hand.

It's the hand warmer that the eldest princess held just now.

As soon as his frozen fingers touched the furnace body, he shrank from the heat, and then the warmth spread through his fingers to his limbs.My whole body felt warm.

She raised her head and looked at the eldest princess in shock and confusion, but the other party used her newly freed hand to help her up: "Isn't it cold? Why do you keep kneeling all the time? If you do this again, I will really punish you! Let's go. , I will go with you to the Chen Mansion to have a look."

Ever since she was a child, Hong Shao had never been treated like this by anyone. The only person in the world who cared about whether she was cold or hungry was her mother who died early.

After being sold to the princess's house, she was finally able to have enough food and clothing. The only thing she had to deal with was the unstable temper of her master, who often got angry and beat them.

It's just that these days are much better than before.

She became more meticulous and steady in her work, and did not complain even when she was angered, beaten, scolded, or punished. She finally climbed to the position of the maid in charge of the Princess Mansion.

It was indeed her failure to handle tonight's matter. Not only did the princess not blame her, she was even worried about whether she was cold or not...

Hong Shao couldn't help but feel sore in her eyes, and raised her smile gratefully: "I thank Your Highness for your concern, but His Highness and Chen Liang are not married after all. Going to the house in the middle of the night might cause gossip, so I'd better leave it to this servant. .”

Even if she died today, she would bring her child back safely.

"I have long been notorious, so what does it matter if there is one more or less? Let's go and bring this child over, then Mrs. Shen Liu can work for me with peace of mind."

Shen Yuluo's explanation came out of his mouth, and upon hearing it, it made sense, but it just couldn't stand up to scrutiny.

Thanks to her identity and Jiang Yin Yue's previous violent and capricious personality, no one dared to speculate on her methods of doing things.

They hurriedly rushed to the door of Chen's mansion, where they were still arguing and turned into a mess.

Upon hearing the sound, a woman with her head covered with jewelry came over. Her face had a grooved look, which seemed to be caused by years of working in the fields, which was extremely inconsistent with her noble dress.In addition, the miserable son who sat on the ground, patted his thighs and cried that his husband had died early, called all the neighbors over with a loud voice, and she was like a shrew in the city.

If Chen Liang was awake, he would definitely come over and stop him, but after a whole day of torment, he was already unconscious due to the high fever that persisted.

"Everyone, come and see, my unmarried daughter-in-law, relying on her status as a royal noble, wants to force her unmarried husband to death, and now she won't even spare my infant grandson!"

"Is there any justice in the Qi Dynasty? Tomorrow my old lady will be hanged at the root of the imperial city, so that the people all over the world can see how the one on the dragon throne allowed my sister to commit crimes and oppress the people..."

This person is none other than Shen Yuluo's former mother-in-law, Sun Changgui.

She has no other skills. She can cry or sing, arouse the emotions of people around her, and can argue even if she is unreasonable. What's more, at this time, it seems that something is wrong with the princess's house.

The people at the bottom must have believed in those who were closer to them, and they suddenly became angry.

"That is, can the royal family take human life lightly? We protest!"

"Protest! Protest!"

Hong Shao didn't expect that things would become such a big deal just after she left for a while.

At a small scale, this matter may be due to the family's selfishness, but at a larger scale, it may affect government affairs.

She glanced at the eldest princess worriedly, but found that the other party was not panic at all.

Shen Yuluo took a step forward, her manners were full of nobility, and the guards took the initiative to protect her.Those people were silent for a while when they saw the rightful master coming, and even Mr. Sun, who was sitting on the ground, forgot to cry.

"Dear fellow villagers, I heard that the potential consort was drunk in a brothel and lying on the bed of some woman. For the sake of his official reputation, I wanted to send him back. It was just a splash of water. How could he be harmed? Life?"

"As for the young master in the house, it is said that he was born with a weak disease from his mother's womb. He often cries and refuses to nurse, which disturbs his mother-in-law's rest. I specially brought him to the house to take care of him."

"I think we will all be a family in the future. I have done everything for their sake. How can it be considered a crime?"

Shen Yuluo spoke sincerely, with a little tears in her eyes. She looked so pitiful that it made people forget her usual reputation for a moment.

The servants in the princess's house were also stunned for a moment.His Highness has always had a rebellious temper, which is why he was criticized verbally and written by historians and officials, but he did not expect to have such a face!

Little did they know that her ability to confuse right and wrong to show weakness was learned from Sun Changgui.

It can be said that she talks nonsense to people and lies to ghosts. She really has to use her method to deal with Sun Changgui.

"So that's it. It seems that the No. [-] scholar is not behaving well after he has climbed up to others. No wonder."

"That's right. If your wife dies, you will have to be someone else's consort. It shows that you are not a peaceful person."

"Let's all disperse. Damn, let's not worry about which horse goes with which saddle!"

The common people who were watching the excitement also realized that they had just been used as a weapon by the old woman. Besides, there was no good in offending the eldest princess. They immediately panicked when the real owner arrived, so they hurried back to their houses.

Sun Changgui did not expect that this future daughter-in-law would not be as easy to handle as she imagined, unlike the previous one, who was coaxed and beaten by her until she gave up all her family wealth to the Chen family.

She simply rolled her eyes, fell to the ground again, yelled "ouch ouch" a few times, and lay there straight.

(End of this chapter)

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