Chapter 9 Hit me hard
"Eldest princess, who is she? There's a bastard before we even get married! Which man in the world dares to marry her!"

"She is unruly and unreasonable, and her behavior is wanton. If I hadn't been reincarnated into a good family, do you think I, Chen Liang, would be able to like someone like her? Disgusting!"

"When one day I, Chen Liang, show my respect to others, I will kick this slut out of the house. Let's see how she begs me..."

Chen Liang drank one jar of wine after another, making himself extremely drunk. He tore off his elegant coat, exposed his ugly and ferocious fangs, and revealed all the resentment in his heart for the past few days.

After drinking too much, he forgot about it. Just after he and Jiang Yin Yue set a wedding date, there were more informants arranged by her around him.

He is usually very cautious in doing things, but these two days have been really frustrating. In addition, the success of the past 20 years or so has made him so complacent that he thinks he is truly the chosen one and can achieve anything.

But he didn't know that behind those glorious glory, behind that broad road, was the support of an infatuated woman for more than ten years.

Otherwise, based on his own abilities, he would not be where he is today even if he has to endure a hundred times a thousand times more hardships.

"Oh, Mr. Chen, you are right. We sisters all admire you very much. You are the new champion. What kind of woman in the world is not worthy of you?"

"That's right, if I can marry Mr. Chen, I will definitely be obedient and not make you angry."

"Come on, let's have a good drink with Mr. Chen!"

Several brothel girls in gauze dresses clung to him and rubbed against him with their exposed arms, which made Chen Liang feel uneasy for a while.

"Hehe, it's better for you guys, unlike that jealous woman Shen Yuluo or that shrew Jiang Yinyue..."

Chen Liang drank the drink according to the other party's hand, and his behavior became more and more irregular.

Since his late wife became pregnant, he has been busy seducing the eldest princess, and has drawn clear boundaries with other women overtly and covertly, not to mention coming to this land of fireworks, for fear of ruining his good deeds.

Now that the wedding date has been set, he has become a little more unrestrained. A few days ago, he even invited some singing and dancing girls to his house to admire their graceful figures, but he did not dare to do it openly.

It had been a long time since he had touched a woman. When his head got hot, he threw the money on the table and pulled the woman closest to him into the side room.

When Hongshao, the maid in the eldest princess's house, threw wine on Chen Liang's face, he finally regained consciousness.

The naked woman next to her was so frightened that she grabbed the quilt and shrank aside. Seeing that it was not for her, she hurriedly picked up her clothes and ran away.

"Come here, Her Royal Highness the Princess ordered, hold me down and beat me hard!"

As soon as she finished speaking, several palace servants behind her rushed up and held down Chen Liang's shoulders. The sap fell like raindrops. The pain made him grimace and gasp, but he held back his face and did not scream out. .

Once he was admitted to the imperial examination, he was so proud. He had never suffered so much.

Even though his family was poor when he was young, no one ever hit or scolded him. After receiving help from the Shen family, no one messed with him.

I have become accustomed to living a comfortable life, and I have long forgotten the taste of pain.

"You slaves who rely on human power, I will also be half the master of the princess's house from now on, how dare you...ah!"

Chen Liang was beaten so hard that he couldn't speak. He could only look at them with trembling lips and full of hatred.

Hongshao ignored him at all and stood by with her eyes closed, counting the sticks.

These servants are used to being arrogant and domineering with Jiang Yin Yue. They have beaten officials bigger than him. Even if they want to control the mouth of the empress in the palace, no one dares to resist. How can they be afraid of him, a small Hanlin bachelor?

As for the male master he was talking about, haha, he was punished by the palace gate to kneel down because he offended the princess. They can still tell who is the real master.

After the beating here, the palace official dragged the person to the door of the brothel, where a large vat was placed.

"Throw it in!"

Hong Shao continued to give orders with a cold face.

The tank was full of salt water. As soon as Chen Liang touched the water, he couldn't help but scream. The palace servants had controlled the force just now, deliberately not hurting the bones but breaking the flesh.After all, if you really break someone's bones and muscles, how can you marry the eldest princess in a month?
"His Highness said that the consort must be contaminated with dirt here and needs to be cleaned properly, otherwise the engagement will be voided."

Hong Shao spoke coldly to Chen Liang, who had just raised his head and wanted to crawl out.

Ordinary people, not to mention princesses, would have to back down if they were like this.

But Chen Liang can't.

He killed his wife and sent his ex-father-in-law to prison. Now there is no way out.

Even if he and the eldest princess were at odds with each other, his status as consort would be enough to ensure that he would be prosperous and wealthy for the rest of his life.

Breaking off the engagement at this time would not only completely offend the eldest princess, but would also end up with nothing in the future.

Chen Liang can still see clearly when it comes to gains and losses.

"Okay, now that you're clean, let's go back. The eldest princess said that my husband's virtue has fallen short, so he should stay in confinement in the house to think about his mistakes during this period."

"In addition, the prince-in-law has been misbehaving many times recently, and I am afraid that he cannot take care of the young master in his residence. His Highness has already ordered someone to take him to the princess's house in advance. He will be taken care of well. Please don't worry, prince-in-law."

"I hope that during this period, the would-be Prince Consort will not cause any more trouble."

After Hong Shao finished speaking, she took the palace servants and left without caring about Chen Liang's reaction.

People were coming and going on the street, and the humiliation at this time was even worse than the palace gate.

The eunuchs and maids there are controlled by palace regulations and will not talk loudly at will, but in this market place, the people watching the excitement can't control that much.

Every word they spoke and every laugh pierced him like sharp arrows.

It was so glorious when he was first in high school and paraded through the streets on horseback, but now he has fallen into the quagmire and been stepped on like shit.

Chen Liang crawled out of the water tank in embarrassment. The people he brought with him didn't know where they were now. The cold wind was biting in the winter night, and his body was almost covered with ice.

There were many of his colleagues in the brothel, but because they all looked down upon his usual style of clinging to the powerful, no one extended a helping hand.

No fool would do anything to offend the eldest princess for someone like him.

He was walking in the alley with no money and one shoe. He suddenly remembered the winter when he was young. The lively and kind little girl held his frostbitten hand and blew it carefully, her eyes bright——

"Your shoes are worn out. I'll take you to the shop to buy a new pair."

But what did he do?
Chen Liang suddenly felt uncomfortable in his heart, and he bent down and gasped for air.

Don't blame him.

If you want to climb up, you have to do whatever it takes. If there is an afterlife, he will make up for it.

But once the emotion of sadness breaks out, it can no longer be stopped.

His whereabouts, I haven't even seen him for the last time...

When Chen Liang stumbled back to his mansion, he happened to encounter someone from the princess's mansion trying to take his infant son away.

This is to use his son as a hostage.

Out of guilt for Shen Yuluo, he had a strong will to resist for the first time: "It will not harm the children. Even if your princess palace covers the sky with one hand, you can't do such a robbery!"

(End of this chapter)

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