Chapter 264 Sitting on the sidelines
Fang Xiaocao gave the order, and Tom, Taotie and Hummingbird immediately took action.

Tom led the way, Fang Xiaocao and Hummingbird were in the middle, and Taotie was still at the rear.

The four people formed a tactical formation and retreated quickly.

What treasure or no treasure? Just go and have fun!
No treasure is more important than life!
All four of them used all their strength to suck milk.

He was afraid that if he ran too slowly, he would be surrounded by the army of man-eating rats.

The four of them ran panting for less than a thousand meters when they heard a loud explosion in front of them. In an instant, flames shot up into the sky, accompanied by human screams, and spread along the cave.

Hearing the explosion, the four were shocked.

Tom made a stop sign.

Tom squatted on the ground and looked at Fang Xiaocao.

Fang Xiaocao and the other two were all looking at Tom.

Among the four, only Tom likes playing with bombs.

If not him, who should we look at?

"Your Highness, this is the trap I set. It was triggered manually and someone else came in."

Tom explained in a deep voice.

"What should I do?"

"There are wolves in front and tigers behind?"

"How about we rush forward and give it a try?"

Taotie scratched his head and said in a deep voice.


Fang Xiaocao shook her head and refused decisively.

Taotie is a tough guy who only knows how to fight and kill when encountering problems, and is never willing to use his brain.

The glutton is wild and unrestrained, but the little grass is not wild and unrestrained.

Even if you use your toes to think about it, you will know that this is a bad idea.

Fighting desperately at this moment, attacked from both sides, none of the four of them could escape.

"Tom, think of a way. Let's avoid them."

"It would be best if we could let the pursuers and the pack of man-eating rats fight each other, and we can reap the benefits!"

Fang Xiaocao blinked and said with a wicked smile.

Tom was stunned when he heard Fang Xiaocao's words.

Then he smiled and took out the terminal.

Click on the treasure map and start studying the terrain.


"Old Tom, you better hurry up."

"The distance between us is less than one kilometer. We will be there in no time."

Seeing Tom looking at the map, the impatient Taotie urged him in a low voice.

Fang Xiaocao glared at Taotie and told him to shut up.

When Fang Xiaocao glared at him, Taotie laughed playfully but turned off the microphone.

Tom held the map and studied it for a minute.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up.

Tom put away the terminal and whispered, "Your Highness, follow me. Let's go this way."

Tom led Fang Xiaocao and the other two and turned into a small path hidden behind a crevice in the rocks.

The four of them walked along the path for two hundred meters.

There is a dead end ahead.

"Your Highness, let's hide here for a while."

"This place is extremely secretive. Without a detailed map, the mercenaries probably won't be able to find it. We're just worried that the man-eating rats will smell the scent and come here. Now we just hope that the man-eating rats encounter the mercenaries first."

Tom whispered.

"Yeah, it's really hidden!"

"The man-eating rats are easy to deal with. I have my treasure with me."

Fang Xiaocao said with a smile.

As he spoke, Fang Xiaocao took off his backpack and took out a small spray bottle from it.

Seeing Fang Xiaocao's actions, Tom and the other two were stunned. They looked at Fang Xiaocao in confusion at the small bottle without a label in her hand.

"what is this?"

Taotie asked curiously.

"Synthetic beast scent!"

Fang Xiaocao said with a smile.

"I bought it specially because we were going into the mountains. The liquid inside is a synthetic tiger smell, and tiger urine is added. When it is sprayed, it will leave the tiger's body odor all around. Those man-eating rats dare to attack humans, but not necessarily tigers."

"And according to what you said, those man-eating rats feed on human flesh. If they can't find a way to eliminate them, between those mercenaries and tigers, they will most likely choose the mercenaries."

Fang Xiaocao explained with a smile. After hearing Fang Xiaocao's explanation, Tom and the other two showed expressions of sudden enlightenment.

"Good stuff!"

Taotie praised with a smile.

"It's a must~"

Fang Xiaocao said proudly.

As he spoke, Fang Xiaocao sprayed spray towards the cracks in the rocks.

Afraid that the smell was not concealed enough, Fang Xiaocao also sprayed some on Taotie's body.

“It stinks…”

Taotie said, pinching his nose.

"Bear it!"

"Better than being eaten by man-eating rats!"

Fang Xiaocao said with a smile.


Outside the crevice, there was a rustling sound caused by countless animals moving quickly.

There is no need to guess, it is a group of man-eating rats!
Fang Xiaocao and the other three immediately held their breath and dared not breathe heavily, for fear that the sound of their breathing would attract man-eating rats.

"Captain, there's movement ahead!"

At the same time, voices were heard from the other side.

"The mercenaries are coming!"

Tom whispered.

Fang Xiaocao nodded: "You came just in time!"

Fang Xiaocao gave a devilish smile.

next second!
"What the hell?"

"What the hell is this?"


So many mice!


"They bite..."

"Shoot, shoot quickly, kill these beasts..."

There were noisy shouts coming from outside the crevice, some people were screaming, some were screaming, there were also the squeaking sounds of man-eating rats and the "bang bang" sounds of gunfire.

Obviously, the mercenaries and the group of man-eating rats encountered each other in the cave. The man-eating rats, which were greedy for human flesh, immediately regarded the mercenaries as prey the moment they encountered them and launched a crazy hunt on them.

The battle was about to break out, and the mercenaries and the man-eating rats engaged in a fierce fight.

The fight between the mercenaries and the pack of man-eating rats was extremely fierce. The sound of gunfire and screams came through the cracks in the rocks and reached the ears of Fang Xiaocao and the other three all the time.

"The fight was so intense..."

Fang Xiaocao muttered.


“I’m so excited just hearing that!”

"It seems like they're going to rush out and fight for a while!"

Taotie on the side said as he rubbed his hands ready to fight.

"be honest!"

"If you dare to move, I'll break all three of your legs!"

Fang Xiaocao raised her hand and gave Taotie his favorite head, and scolded him.

After being scolded by Fang Xiaocao, Taotie instantly became obedient.

He squatted aside whining and looking so aggrieved, just like an emo golden retriever.

The fierce fighting is destined not to last long.

Ten minutes later!
The sounds of fighting coming from outside the crevice began to fade, and the gunshots that originally sounded like frying beans also became increasingly sparse.

Taotie listened attentively for a while, then looked at Fang Xiaocao and said, "Princess, it seems the fight is over. There is no movement outside."

Fang Xiaocao blinked and looked at Tom.

Tom understood and nodded.

He stood up and walked quietly out of the crevice.

"Be careful!"

Fang Xiaocao reminded Tom.

Tom nodded and pulled a Poké Ball bomb out of his pocket, holding the gun in his other hand.

Tom squeezed out through the crack in the rock.

He didn't dare to come out of the crevice, but instead stayed in the crevice, peeking outside.

There was blood everywhere outside, and there were corpses of mercenaries and man-eating rats. A few mercenaries were not yet dead and were lying on the ground twitching. A dozen man-eating rats were surrounding them, feasting on them.

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